Who's Driving
Who's Driving with Wesley Turner & Steven Merck is all about the entertaining stories we share and brainstorming topics we discuss as two best friends would on a long road trip. Come along for the ride as we check in with friends & offer a wide range of informative topics centered around running small businesses, social media, and all things Home and Garden.
Who's Driving
Who's Driving -The Gang Is Here! Vacay Is Over S2E31
Curious about the highs and lows of our recent vacation adventures? We also talk the return of FigFest and the unique "Dinner in the Dahlias" event, promising a weekend filled with fun and floral wonders. Tune in for a packed episode filled with laughter, knowledge, and friendship!
Grab your tickets to Dinner In The Dahlias Here At Petalpickers.com
You find tickets to Fig Fest Here At TheNestedFig.com
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Follow Steven on Instagram at @Keepinupwithstevenand follow Wesley on Instagram at @Farmshenanigans. Shop our online store at TheNestedFig.Com Find The Nested Fig on Instagram at @TheNestedFig
I'm here to pick you up and we got a passenger princess today. No car jokes, please.
Speaker 2:I see that. I see that there's a crispness in the air. There is Like I've got my jeans on.
Speaker 1:A little fake fall feel today yes.
Speaker 3:Yeah, they call it false fall.
Speaker 1:There we go. It's time for another episode of who's Driving. Welcome to who's Driving. I'm Wesley Turner.
Speaker 2:And I'm Stephen Merck. We're two best friends and entrepreneurs.
Speaker 1:Who's Driving is an entertaining look into the behind the scenes of our lives, friendship and business.
Speaker 2:These are the stories we share and topics we discuss, as two best friends would on a long road trip.
Speaker 1:Along the way, we'll check in with friends and offer a wide range of informative topics centered around running small businesses, social media and all things home and garden.
Speaker 2:Buckle up and enjoy the ride. You never know who's driving or where we're headed.
Speaker 1:All we know is it's always a fun ride and on this week's episode we have a passenger princess my hubby, mr Pedal Pickers himself. Hey everyone, daniel's in the house. I'm happy to be back. It's been a while since you've been on. Yep, probably since spring, Dahlia Daniel's here, yes, and of course, Stephen's here as well. So this is the first time we've been together. Since our vacations, Daniel and I, we got, I'd say, a really good vacation in. We went for almost two weeks to the Florida house. Oh it was perfect for me.
Speaker 3:It was the best weather, we were able to go to the beach every single day. Well.
Speaker 2:I'm happy for y'all Right.
Speaker 1:The weather was great, we did work while we were there too. I know you didn't get a, you know.
Speaker 2:I was cheated, my damn back, runked my time. But you know, here's the other good thing. At least it wasn't during Christmas.
Speaker 3:A big, you know a really busy time. That's the bright side.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Because I was able to go twice a day and you know, get therapy. And yesterday I got a twinge in it. I was like, oh, my God, you got a what? A little tightening, a little tinge in my back and I was like, oh God, I mean I go into a panic now. I feel something I'm like no.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean I go into a panic now Like I feel something. I'm like no, yeah. So Stephen threw out his back, if you don't know, a couple of weeks ago and you sounded when I called you. You sounded just horrible.
Speaker 3:Well, he ripped some muscles right. I don't know what he did. He doesn't know what he did.
Speaker 2:You didn't see me trying to walk First of all, when I would get out of my bed. There was not a good way. So I sleep. If you're facing the end of the bed, I sleep on the right side. Well, my right side was my issue. I should have probably switched sides, but for the way I sleep, there was no way to get out of the damn bed, and so I would try to hold the nightstand, the bed, and then I'm like having much. So I just end up like screaming yeah. I'm like, oh my gosh, it was. And then I walked like Been over.
Speaker 2:A gimp, like my right leg, at times couldn't touch the floor. It was not funny, but it was.
Speaker 1:You went, though and did acupressure not some puncture, something needles?
Speaker 3:yeah, this is interesting.
Speaker 2:I couldn't believe it worked out for you well, you know, I'm a skeptic and I, you know, I do believe in chiropractors, so that was my first thing. And then we have mutual friends that go to this person and they were like we really think you should go to him and I'm like you know what, I would have gone to anybody at that point. I mean, it was just like I am in pain, I don't care, so I couldn't, was just like I am in pain, I don't care, so I couldn't even drive.
Speaker 2:Dylan had to drive me, and so he's a Japanese man from Hawaii, and I can't say enough good things about the man, but it was so different than anything I had experienced. Right, I was like you know that there's that one part of you. I'm in pain, but, you know, is this shit gonna work?
Speaker 2:right there's that country part of me. I'm like you're not even touching remotely where I'm hurting, yeah and um. But you know, I bought into it and one of the pressure points that was my issue was the I don't know what it is tendon ligament whatever, something behind my right knee in that joint, yeah, and he pushed on it. I didn't think I was going to have a leg. Didn't think I was gonna have a leg.
Speaker 3:I thought the leg was gonna atrophy off the way he put, like his thumbs and all of his weight on it. Were you screaming like ow at?
Speaker 2:times I was like tears, you know. I mean, it was never where the pain was. I'm like does he know what he's doing Right? And then he would say you know he would do all this. And then he did hot and cold therapy. Mm-hmm, I'm like, you know, I am. Part of me is open to anything. Part of me is like is this shit going to work Right? Just putting it bluntly. And he would say when you get up from the table, you're going to be very dizzy, so be careful. And he would make me walk like 10 times, you know, to the door and back and door. You know, and I was dizzy when I got up. I wonder why, I don't know.
Speaker 3:And then he said Did he give you a glass of water when you walked in? No, Nope. Poison.
Speaker 2:Nope. And so I went to him one time and he said I think you need to do this little regimen I have, and it's it was an interesting regimen.
Speaker 3:Yeah, or maybe the things you couldn't do.
Speaker 2:It was interesting, so he said so I had to go to him. I think it's six times in three days, yeah, so like twice a day, morning and night. Yeah, and I like going at night because you know I would go at like 10 because then I could rest a little better. Yeah, because then I could rest a little better, because then I felt everything was starting to work.
Speaker 3:So the first time he said no, no sex, Not even by yourself, no, not even alone.
Speaker 2:Which is most of the time for for me, and that's the truth. None of that, and no drinking and no dairy product yeah so and it worked, and I was like you know, I'm a why person. Yeah, yeah, like, I just like.
Speaker 1:Daniel's a why person I'm not.
Speaker 2:Like I wasn't immediately, why I wasn't Daniel why?
Speaker 3:That's my favorite word, but why but?
Speaker 2:why, but why, yeah no?
Speaker 1:But why, you know, I'll tell Wes.
Speaker 3:I'll say, okay, I heard what you said, but why, but, why, but, why yeah?
Speaker 2:Okay, I did not do the irritating Daniel way, but why I waited like a day or two and I said, just curious, you know what is the thing with the dairy? Yeah, and he explained to me that the Western people Western world. People always want to know why. He said sometimes it's just because it is. He said why is the letter A in A? It just is that was his answer.
Speaker 2:So he didn't give you a definitive like because it causes this. No, but I Googled. It causes inflammation, right, it does. It does In dairy, yeah, in some people it causes a lot of inflammation.
Speaker 3:Wes and I have cut out a lot of dairy in the past couple years and now I've noticed if I eat cheese it'll make me break out within a day or two. No, but I love cheese.
Speaker 1:That was the whole problem Right, but it was just three days.
Speaker 2:No, no, no, no, no, or six days, eleven days.
Speaker 1:Oh, you had to follow the regimen for 11 days 11 days, do you know?
Speaker 2:that's like three lifetimes when you can't have cheese or sex. That's funny. I mean the alcohol wasn't a problem because I never drink, yeah, but no, he was amazing. I'll go to him once a month just to maintain so you're all better now.
Speaker 1:So, yeah, so it ended up.
Speaker 2:You followed it through and it ended up working its way out did I mean, I thought this is not gonna end like I didn't even know if I was gonna be able to ride in the car to savannah yeah I gave up driving but I was like I don't even know if I can ride, yeah, Well, but it. You know I am a believer in acupressure.
Speaker 1:Well, I hate, your back's been jacked up and you haven't been to Florida with us, or the cottage this year, since last July.
Speaker 2:Not since last year, so it's been a whole.
Speaker 1:July. We missed you there.
Speaker 2:Oh, I'm sure you did. You better be so glad I wasn't there with this, just but we had fun. It would have been so bad for you if I'd been here, I know I will say one of the things you know with airbnbs.
Speaker 1:You know we rent, we've talked on here. We rent our cottage as an airbnb and you always have to do a little bit of maintenance when you go on these trips. That's why we have started going for like 12 days because it gives us a little time to do little cottage work.
Speaker 1:Decompress, we get in a little actual business work and we have vacation while we're there. But this time we had to get a new refrigerator and I was kind of stressed about this process of getting the refrigerator but it ended up being so easy. We got it from Lowe's Shout out.
Speaker 2:Lowe's, you didn't send me a picture. Oh, I didn't.
Speaker 1:I thought I did.
Speaker 2:I saw it come out of the bank account.
Speaker 1:It's great, but we, literally you, didn't spend a lot of money. We literally walked in. It's perfect too. Yeah, we walked in, found the fridge, checked out they could have had it there in like two days, but we picked like three or four days later. They brought it on time, got it there. It was smooth. I hadn't had anything delivered like that in a while and I was like oh, how is this going to go? Are they going to show up on time? Is it going to arrive?
Speaker 2:You know that whole thing, but it did it up on time. Is it going to arrive? You know that whole thing, but it did. It was easy Well. I'm glad y'all had a nice vacation, thank you. Did you detect any bitterness? No, I'm glad y'all did.
Speaker 1:While we were there, you did try to get in a little. The goal was to try to get in a little vacation and go to Hilton, but it ended up being more of a work event, but it ended up being more of a work event.
Speaker 2:But we had a nice time. We didn't know how any of this was going to work going in because of my back but there's several funny stories so we were going to Hilton Head. The idea was to stay in our condo but it booked Right, so we couldn't stay there. We couldn't even go there because it was booked the whole time. So I got this wild idea that I booked with the Marriott. And then I wanted to look into timeshares. Right, I had four. I bought four in the 90s Four weeks is when they did it a little different. I bought four weeks at three different resorts in Hawaii, kauai and Maui. So, needless to say, my ex had those and blah, blah, blah, forged my signature, sold those. We used to throw that little tidbit in there, which was fine, because those were very expensive properties and I didn't want those. So you know, then I talked to you about it. I was like and we have mutual friends that are invested in the points program- and you went down there.
Speaker 1:Let me just sum this up he went down there and got sucked right in. I was, I was.
Speaker 2:I had told Dylan. I was like I'm not buying anything. I said, but I'm going in with an open mind. They got you down there.
Speaker 3:And then I left it up. Wes was hounding you for days.
Speaker 2:I ended up leaving it up to Dylan.
Speaker 2:I said you get to call Do you want this or do you not? And then how I came about? Points, because they'll sell you on points and it's a lot of money, you know, it's tens of thousands of dollars. And I was like, well, I don't need in your president's club, you know. So what we did was we looked up, okay, what would we most likely use realistically? And we were like we would go to Spain and stay at a resort in a two-bedroom condo. How many points is that for? Nine or ten days.
Speaker 2:And in Hawaii we looked at nine or ten days in Maui for a two-bedroom condo and and then so I just rounded up, the next room is for us, yeah. I just rounded up to the next, you know, and so I went down I was like, okay, that's, if we do this, that's what we'll do. And then it was their 40th anniversary.
Speaker 1:So they give you something free.
Speaker 2:Well then, I looked at where the points.
Speaker 3:Looked it up to see when they were incorporated.
Speaker 2:I looked at the points where they started, when they first started selling, how much it was per point Right, and then what it is now, and then what I bought at To see how it's going to go down in value. Yeah, it actually has went way up, so our friends that bought them could make a lot of money, even if they just sold it back to Marriott.
Speaker 1:So it really he got sucked in the scheme, but that's fine. You a lot of money, even if they just sold it back to Marriott.
Speaker 2:So it really he got sucked in the scheme but that's fine.
Speaker 1:You know, it is a good thing, you can go on some vacations. And they gave us that is what it's for.
Speaker 2:They gave us a bonus of 6,000 points, so we have two free European or Hawaii trips on top of that, so in the next year we could go on three vacations.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we can't even make it to Greece. We've been talking about going to Greece for two years now. You're going to be 60 by the time we make it to Greece, and now you have all these other vacations that we can go on.
Speaker 2:Okay, well, dylan's point was he was like I wanted that because I know he knows me and he knows that I will go on vacation at least once every two years. Because you have to go at once every two years. He's like now. I know we're going on vacation.
Speaker 1:That's true. That is true. That's true for a workaholic. Yeah, it will make you guys.
Speaker 2:All you're doing is prepaying for vacation.
Speaker 1:You're prepaying for your vacation and I'm glad you could do that and did it, and I can't wait to join you on the trip. So, also, while you were there, let's see what else my favorite part of the trip.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, okay. So here was another thing, because we talked about Airbnbs a lot. So you and I have been talking because it's time to remodel both of our units. Yeah, and we were like do?
Speaker 1:we got to do some upgrades yeah.
Speaker 2:Do we buy another unit? My thought was I'll just sell that one, because I know I can sell it for close to $400,000. So I was like, well, if I can buy something for $500,000. That's already renovated, ready to go yeah, then that makes financial sense to me yeah, well, just let me tell you for 500 000 you're not getting anything. No, nothing.
Speaker 3:I want nothing better than what you have.
Speaker 2:No, no it's almost impossible to be that close to the beach unless, like if you spend 500 000, you are walking down streets like 20 minutes to get to the beach well on hilton head.
Speaker 1:Most of it's developed yes or protected yeah, and I think that's what it is. On hilton head there's no really new construction going on because it's all been developed or protected, like you said, and a lot of the places on Hilton Head aren't actually close to the beach.
Speaker 2:You know you got to walk.
Speaker 1:And our resort sits back from the beach because of a little marsh but we own to the beach and it's right there.
Speaker 2:I just didn't realize this was eye-opening to me because we looked at three different properties. This was eye-opening to me because we looked at three different properties and it was the first time I was like we have a little gem. We liked that. I don't know how we liked that.
Speaker 3:on that we did because the other one that was $600,000, I wouldn't have paid $300,000 for Well. I remember showing my parents our condo when we first decided to buy it and they didn't have much to say about it because that place needed a little of work.
Speaker 1:Yeah Well, we bought right when it was coming back up.
Speaker 2:Should have bought more.
Speaker 1:We should have oh yeah, Our resort was, you know, it's still the building itself you can tell was built in the 80s, but it kind of went through a down period and it was being used right before it was coming out of it that previously for people long-term rentals, long-term rentals and rental programs for um hospitality employees and um european kids coming yeah, coming over for the summer.
Speaker 1:It was like a housing complex and then people found the value in it and they started I guess it was just time for it to turn like generationally and so they started selling them off and it's turned around like crazy. I mean it's such a gem now it is. We went into and the deal we got off.
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh, it's crazy. We went into one and dylan and I, we walked through it and we really liked it, like you would you, you two would love it where was it?
Speaker 1:was this in the complex or a different place?
Speaker 2:palmetto dune, okay, and we were both, like you know, whispering oh, we like maybe we will, because it had two suites, had two living room, dining room, kitchen, all open a laundry room, an outdoor shower and a patio that backed up to a lagoon.
Speaker 4:I was like love it, love it, it was like 700.
Speaker 2:I'm like, well, this is a little over, but this is like we could live there, right. So I was like, okay, maybe we'll do this, but I put my realtor hat on then because this is a good point.
Speaker 1:If you're looking for you, tell me this if you're looking for second homes or vacation homes the other aspect or you know something to have on an airbnb to do your homework, go ahead so I, you know, I went into it with, oh, my little house shopper hat on.
Speaker 3:Is it going to be their monthly fee?
Speaker 2:I'm like I want to buy it and then so I look at the HOA and I'm like, oh, it's $800 a month. Okay, that's not horrible. Yeah we're good, you know, and there's a shuttle that's complimentary that takes you everywhere, even to Shelter Cove, I mean everywhere you want to go and you would keep renting it too right, I would yeah. So I'm like this is good, yeah, I can do this. Well then I said okay, stephen, put your realtor hat on. What's the?
Speaker 2:And I looked at the building itself, all the buildings. It was townhomes, so I was only connected to one. I was on the end, but then they're very lovely place. But it was that.
Speaker 2:I don't know what it's called. It's an exterior, it's like press board. You see that on 80s buildings. And then I look and there's like a lot of rot around the edges. I could put my finger through it. I mean this is a beautiful, beautiful property. But I'm like finger through it. I mean this is a beautiful, beautiful property but I'm like, damn, that's a lot of money. And then I look up and I'm like, wait, each unit, you know all these roofs and you've got all these spread out. So that's a lot of roofing. And then I'm like this siding is on every home in here and see, I had thatcdonald's and it was a nightmare. So, my, really. So I said, okay, does the hoa cover all of this? Yeah, yes. But I'm like, okay, what's the? But they just do straight assessments for like all the big stuff. So when all that siding has to be replaced, painting a new roof, all of of that, you're getting one big bill divided up, yeah.
Speaker 2:And you know how much the bill was for this year. How much $20,000. Dang, I'm like get me back to my rickety one, because we're going to fix her up, I mean from an investment standpoint.
Speaker 1:So they don't have a reserve there, because that's a big resort.
Speaker 2:I'm sure they have a reserve, but I don't know that you know, yeah, and it you know when, when properties get older, if you have not built that reserve up, it's almost impossible to get it built back up. And like, while I was there they were dredging some of the lagoons. Well, that's a fortune. You know what it costs to get a pond dredged? I mean, I'm like no, no.
Speaker 2:It looks like they're about to be doing a lot of work in the next 10 years, or so it was really good for me because I got to see what is out there and, like we are, have a much better property than we realized yeah, yeah so it made me feel good. And then we spent some time in savannah at the new savannah, so tina and mark came down yeah, and because savannah is only like 45 minutes from from.
Speaker 2:There so we spent a lot of time in the new store and it is so, I mean it's just's just coming yeah. It's coming along so well. I mean, I walk in and now I feel I feel like, oh yeah, this is going to be a home store.
Speaker 3:Beautiful store downtown Savannah.
Speaker 2:It's just feeling like the sign and the awning and everything is just all coming together and the best part is, is we're not there doing the work Right?
Speaker 1:I know. But I've told you. I know what's happening. You're getting a little jealous that this is a fresh new store and all these things. I am.
Speaker 2:I'm getting a little chilly.
Speaker 1:We are retail addicts. We want to have 300 retail stores and we just love creating a new store. And I'm like, mm-hmm, you're going to be a little jelly. I'm going to have to hear it for two months, yeah, because each time we've done the home store and the garden store.
Speaker 2:I mean, I can remember us sitting out in our cars just looking and going oh, it's so pretty, it looks so good, and now I'm going to be doing that there and it's not mine, but it is a little tiny bit right.
Speaker 1:It's a little bit of ours. You get to enjoy it for sure.
Speaker 2:But I'm so happy for them. I'm happy, I'm excited for them and I just feel like it's a great market. The more I go down there, I'm happy, I'm excited for them and I just feel like it's a great market. The more I go down there, I'm like this is good, yeah. Yeah, there's a need, yeah, there's a need for us there, and I feel like there's a need for our garden store there too. So maybe that's next. I think so I love it.
Speaker 1:I can't wait and their own on track to open.
Speaker 2:So far it's going pretty smooth and the guy doing all the, the construction guy doing all the work. I was like you know, mike, what kind of person is he? So I met him and he was like, so smart, like I'm like he just gets it, yeah. And I'm like, oh my god, I it yeah. And I'm like, oh my God, I mean. I literally said, thank God, you're not a dumbass.
Speaker 1:And he can do things Because it is in retail. You're creating a facade, You're not building your custom home To live in To live in. So you know, you get some people contractors that go way too in deep for no reason and you're like, no, we are talking this, like come on now. So it is good when you find someone and y'all just happen to randomly find this person Like.
Speaker 2:One of the questions was like, can we just paint over this wallpaper? I'm like hell, yeah, spray it, we'll put shells right over that. It doesn't matter when. You wouldn't do that in your home, you know. But I mean retail. Like you said, it is all facade and you're going to it's. You know there's a much shorter life on it in a retail store, right?
Speaker 1:Because you're going to have to redo Right and you're always changing and putting holes and things and all of that. So I'm excited so they're on track to open around the first of october so we're. You know. We'll definitely keep you posted.
Speaker 3:I can't wait to get down there myself and see it and I was there for the first shipment too, which was exciting yeah, it was fun I know they said things are rolling in and you had the excuse that your back was hurting, so you didn't have to do anything.
Speaker 2:I know that was a lot. I'm glad, though, that it was hurt before then, because I know me, you would have hurt it. I would have been like helping the guy, yeah, and there we would have been in a mess. So no, I just stood there and I was like. At one point I was like I gotta walk to the antique store. I feel stupid, I'm not, I can't stand here, you're not a supervisor. Just standing there watching, I felt like such a puss, you know when you can't help.
Speaker 1:Right, just standing there watching. Well that's all exciting, and now we're back to reality. Reality is here, so we have some exciting fall things coming up that we have to talk about. First off, we just announced FigFest. Figfest is back for our second year, our second annual FigFest.
Speaker 2:And if you're a new listener, it is not as weird as it sounds.
Speaker 1:It's a two-day open house for everyone. We invite everyone from across the country and you listening to come join us. So if you weren't here last year, don't know about Fig Fest. It's a two-day event. It's happening September 27th and 28th that's a Friday and a Saturday and it starts at our garden store and you can find more details on our website. It's not on our app. You have to buy a ticket on our website so that we can have a head count and find all the details there. But FigFest is a two-day event. It starts at our garden store. We're going to have a meet and greet. You can make your own bouquet to take with you, hang out and of course, we're going to have giveaways and shopping discounts and all that. Then, friday evening, we're going to continue over to the home store where we're going to have cocktails and refreshments and, again, giveaways and shopping discounts and you'll get to hang out with us and it's a lot of fun. Last year it was so much fun.
Speaker 2:It was a good time.
Speaker 1:And then on Saturday it continues. On the 28th of September, we're going to venture over to the warehouse the Nested Fig Warehouse so you'll get to see a preview of some of our Christmas collection for 2024. You'll get to shop the outlet store the Nested Fig outlet store where we have bang out deals. And you'll get to shop the outlet store the Nested Fig outlet store where we have bang out deals. And you'll get to shop the regular warehouse too. And if you're coming from out of town, you can either take things with you or we can ship them to you, just like we normally would. So you can still shop even if you're coming from out of town, because we already have people that are like flying in and stuff. So that's really exciting and that will be Saturday afternoon. So you have to join us for Fig Fest. If you're local, semi-local or you need a good little getaway, it can be a couple little long weekend getaway.
Speaker 1:But make sure if you do want to come, you go to our website. The tickets are only $25. That's helping us cover the drinks and food and really get a good head count for how many people to expect and that sort of thing. But it's on our website at thenestedfigcom. But that's not it. So this year we're also teaming up for a separate event with Daniel over here at Pedal Pickers so exciting, yes. So we're going to have you invited. You have to buy a separate ticket. It's a separate event to our flower farm for dinner in the Dahlias. That's right.
Speaker 3:So September 28th, from 4.30 pm to 7. We are going to have dinner in the Dahlias, wesley and I are going to give everyone a farm tour and we're going to have some drinks and hors d'oeuvres and then at the end of the evening we are going to be able to cut our own flowers.
Speaker 2:Does it include?
Speaker 1:a house tour. It does not include a house tour.
Speaker 3:It's a farm tour, maybe make appearance.
Speaker 1:Yes, romeo, the goats will be around the emus. Yes, but not a farm tour. Maybe make appearance. Yes, romeo, the goats will be around the emus. Yes, but not a house tour. I can't handle everyone tromping through the house, but we're excited. But yes.
Speaker 3:Because we've had people ever since we bought the farm. We want to come see the farm and there was even history with the farm A lot of people in town had been out here before when it was kind of a mess, but looking for some treasures from the old business that used to be here. Yeah, and now that we've cleaned it up and ever since everyone's wanted to come to the farm and we're finally opening the gates, yeah, it is so exciting.
Speaker 1:So, like Daniel mentioned, this is going to be from 430 to 7 on the 28th. You're going to arrive, you're going to get to make flower accessories if you want, you're going to have cocktails and hors d'oeuvres and we're going to hang out. Then we're going to do an interactive farm tour where you can see how he grows things and what's growing and that sort of thing. Then we're going to gather for a dinner and it's a full dinner.
Speaker 1:We're using one of our favorite restaurants that specializes in like farm to table style meals they source from other local farmers yeah, for their food. So it will be really good and it's a full dinner, um, and you know, we'll have drinks and that sort of thing, and then you get to cut flowers if you want, and take home with you. So it's, it's going to be so much fun I can, can't wait, I'm really excited and I'm excited we're finally getting to do this because, like you said, we get asked all the time.
Speaker 3:Can we come see the flower farm, and Wes has been wanting to do a dinner like this since the beginning, yes, and I've always pushed it off because it just gets so busy, but now the business has built itself up to a point where we're ready.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we've gotten a little more settled. I was probably ahead of the game trying to get it, but for like four or five years I've been like we need to do dinner in the flower field.
Speaker 2:You're serving like frog legs and chitlins.
Speaker 1:No no. That's going to be a really good meal. Frog legs and chitlins, that is be good.
Speaker 3:That is not good. Yeah, maybe in Six Mile, where you come from.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so if you want to join us for Dinner in the Dahlias, this is a separate event and you need to go to PetalPickerscom and I'll put the website down in the show notes as well. But it's PetalPickerscom and grab your ticket. Tickets are selling quickly.
Speaker 3:We've already sold half of the tickets in 21 hours. Yes, wow, so that's crazy. So thank you everyone who's coming.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's amazing, it's going to be fun, I mean it's going to be interesting.
Speaker 3:We're going to have music and friends and hang out with us. It's going to be nice, but also it's a farm setting, so it's going to be casual, it's very casual. We're hanging out, we're talking.
Speaker 1:We're having fun In the flower field. So you know, wear your tennis shoes. Don't come out here in high heel because you're on a flower farm. It's going to be casual farm.
Speaker 3:We'll be sending out an email to everyone who buys tickets to kind of remind them of the details.
Speaker 2:Oh, I wanted to dress up, so we would love to have you the chai heels on girl.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we would love to have you come join us for dinner and you know this is our first one and hopefully we get to do it again, you know, seasonally or something.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I've been a little stressed about this because it's just the first time and we're trying to line everything up and it's all coming together, though, so it is exciting, and once we get this one under our belts, we do hope to do more events and activities here on the farm.
Speaker 1:Right, yeah, I'm just so excited about the whole weekend coming together and having the fig fest and the dinner in the dahlias. Yeah, it's going to be so much fun. So grab your tickets to both. We can't wait to see you. We're going to make it fun all weekend long.
Speaker 3:And after the dinner in the dahlias later into October, we are wanting to do some you picks to have people come out, yeah. So that's going to be a different event. It's not going to have the nice meal, they're going to be shorter, it's basically come and cut some dahlias, but we are also excited to announce that, because yeah you're announcing you haven't really well, that would be so fun to do with your kids too.
Speaker 3:This is really the first place I've announced that. I've teased it on Instagram that we're doing it, but I didn't know for sure, 100%, if we were going to be able to do it or not, because this summer has been really hard on our dahlias. Now they are pulling through and it looks like we're gonna have a nice fall and we still have thousands and thousands of dahlia plants yeah, blooming but so the you pick will be later.
Speaker 1:You'll announce dates later on that and that will be. You can just pay a price, you'll get a bucket and you come out and um, cut your own flowers to take with you. There won't really be like farm tours or anything, it'll just be a stripped down.
Speaker 2:Come harvest flowers um, take with you.
Speaker 3:There won't really be like farm tours or anything.
Speaker 1:It'll just be a stripped down. Come harvest flowers with this on the farm. And you're going to have those on your website as well. You have a new little section for upcoming events on the petalpickerscom and you can see the dates for that, and you'll be announcing those soon. Yep, okay, what you got over there, sir.
Speaker 2:Oh, I've got the riddle. I forgot to ask a riddle, so both of you are going to get a chance to answer this. Oh, let's do it. I say Daniel will get it Okay.
Speaker 3:I don't know. I listen to all these riddles all the time and most of them are so stupid I would never even be able to figure them out. There is some that I pick up quickly.
Speaker 1:He doesn't really think that way, that method. His brain doesn't work that way.
Speaker 2:What question can you never say yes to?
Speaker 1:What question can you never say yes to Dum?
Speaker 2:dum, dum dum. How are you? Dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum dum.
Speaker 3:What question can you never say yes to? I just said it.
Speaker 1:How are you?
Speaker 3:He ignored you because that was wrong.
Speaker 1:It's wrong. But you can't say yet how are you? Yes, you can.
Speaker 2:It might be stupid, but you can, so I got to think deeper.
Speaker 1:What question can you never say yes to?
Speaker 2:Well, I mean that's easy. Like I mean that would make sense. Like what's your favorite color? Yes, it's easy. Like I mean that wouldn't make sense. Like what's your favorite color? Yes, yeah, you can say that. But what question can you never say yes to the one that's not asked?
Speaker 3:Oh, that's a good one, that's true.
Speaker 2:That's not it.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I don't know, I'm not good at this.
Speaker 2:Are you asleep, oh?
Speaker 3:are you asleep? Are you deceased?
Speaker 1:Oh that, are you deceased? Oh, that's true. So there's more than one answer.
Speaker 2:Yeah, there are I mean seriously okay, you know some of them are.
Speaker 3:You could ask a baby yeah, like still in the womb.
Speaker 1:They can't one that can't even speak. Yet I went through the bank. Maybe your dog.
Speaker 2:I went through the bank the other day and I forget what it was, but it was lame, lame. I went through the bank the other day and I forget what it was, but it was lame, lame, lame.
Speaker 1:Y'all are running out of good ones, I'm sure they just have a calendar that they, we need a calendar. That's, you know, the riddle of the day. You can get those that you peel off.
Speaker 2:I don't know how they keep up with that at the bank, but you know there's other people like me. That's like is it, this Is it that.
Speaker 3:Oh my God, there are people like me that's like is it this, is it that? Yeah, oh my god. If I was an employee at the bank, I know I would throw something at them.
Speaker 1:They ask me oh my god, these dumbasses ask us, oh they give me tit, they give me hints.
Speaker 2:Oh really, yeah, they kind of I think it probably gets them out of the mundane. Yeah, how are you? Thank you, you know it's a conversation.
Speaker 3:Well, you're fun, anywhere you go, I try to make it fun.
Speaker 2:I'm not like that stupid, but like some people I might laugh.
Speaker 1:That's funny. So tell us, daniel, back to you, what else do you have coming up on the farm this fall season? What are you up to?
Speaker 3:So right now we have our fall bulb sale. Oh yeah, the fall bulb sale that up. To. So right now we have our fall bulb sale. Oh yeah, the fall bulb sale. That's on our website now it's open. At petalpickerscom we are selling ranunculus, anemone, corms, tulip bulbs and peony roots. So they have been selling really well. So I'm glad this year everyone's really excited about that.
Speaker 3:yeah, and I think part of it is remember I went to italy and then amsterdam and the netherlands this spring I think that's the last time you were on oh, probably after your trip yeah after your trip, and so I got to see all that, and I've just become really close to one of the suppliers that supplies the entire United States. He's the only person that can get the bulbs from Italy for the Italian ranunculus and the Italian anemones and I saw the facilities. I met the owner. I had dinner at the owner's vineyard, on the side of a mountain of the Mediterranean. Yes, it was pretty crazy, but now I do feel like I've seen it and it's amazing.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 3:And I've seen other farms in Italy growing it and stuff. So I'm trying to help spread that out for other people to be able to have the experience of growing it there. For in the ranunculus there's many different types. You can grow Right, and from what I've grown here on our farm and what I've seen from other farms across the country, the Italian ranunculus is the best. So we're excited, and everyone else seems to be too, so we're also getting ready to start our ranunculus here on the farm. We're still a few weeks out.
Speaker 1:And I think it's worth mentioning a couple of things about your bulb cell. Well, first of all, I feel like, if you're a homeowner, it always kind of throws people off when you say, like the fall bulb sale, because these are actually things, you buy them in the fall but you're going to get blooms in the spring. Yes, this is going to be.
Speaker 3:So these are stuff that you plant in the fall. That's why we're selling it in our fall bulb sale, right. But until you say that, you may not know. And then they will bloom in spring. Now there are certain things. If you're up in the northern part of the country, you may want to plant your ranunculus and anemones in early spring, right, and then it'll bloom when the weather starts to warm up there, right. But if you planted it in fall, say in Minnesota, they would freeze.
Speaker 1:Right, so you get too cold, yeah, and you send out a planting tips with everything that you ship out.
Speaker 3:Everything we sell.
Speaker 1:I think the other thing worth mentioning is you did something really cool on the website and it's really. It doesn't matter if you're a homeowner and just want to grow a few ranunculus and try it, or if you have a flower farm or whatever and you want to buy in bigger quantity. You broke it up this year so you can get everything sort of in like.
Speaker 3:Yeah, we have a discounted pricing structure. So just the more you buy, the more you save.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so you can buy things in like 10 packs.
Speaker 3:We used to always sell everything in 10 packs, and now this year we're offering a 10 pack, a 20 pack and a 50 pack.
Speaker 1:So it's worth checking out.
Speaker 3:We have all kinds of people that have been ordering, whether you're a flower farmer or you have a couple of feet in a raised bed, or if you want to put some ranunculus corms in a big pot on your patio we have you covered.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and that's really good. And you have tulips on there, as well as the ranunculus, the anemones, you even have peony roots, and these are all things that you grow on the farm and you're going to be growing these same varieties Like these are one you order for the farm, yes, but we've ordered additional quantities to be able to share and resell to anyone who wants it, because you can't go to your local garden center or a box store and get these varieties Right right.
Speaker 3:I don't really know that. You know, ranunculus is not even that common. A lot of people don't even know what it is until they see our flowers blooming in spring, and then that's everyone's favorite flower, right? I don't think they realize that you can grow them at home and they do great, and we give you the instructions on how to do that.
Speaker 1:And they'll be growing the same plants right along with you Now yours, on how to do that, and they'll be growing the same plants right along with you, now yours, depending on where they are in the country. Yours may bloom before theirs because we're further in the south, you know that sort of thing, but you're going to be growing the exact same thing that you grow on the flower farm.
Speaker 2:So I have a question because I feel like our listeners probably are asking this because I don't know it. Okay, it's not a tuber.
Speaker 3:It's not a bulb, it's a corm. Ranunculus is a corm and so are anemones.
Speaker 1:But explain what that is. It's like a tuber, it's just different. Yeah, it's just a different structure than a tuber or a bulb.
Speaker 3:Okay, you know, you've heard of like rhizomes yes, another one, it's just different, but it's basically an energy source root, like a seed, like a root, like a root, but more like a root.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 3:But it has enough energy that it'll sprout.
Speaker 2:Okay, the plant in the spring. So it's a bulb, it's like Wesley, has a horticulture.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I should know the difference between these.
Speaker 3:I honestly should this is taught.
Speaker 1:Definition A bulb is more like an onion. Yes, like layers yes. Corms have different structures, but it's the same thing.
Speaker 3:See a ranunculus corm almost looks like a little octopus, yeah. And then an anemone corm looks like an acorn, yeah, so they're. They don't look anything alike.
Speaker 2:So it really is hard to explain okay, what a corm is okay, but I just feel like people would would what you're saying Corms are usually smaller.
Speaker 3:Gladiolus are corms Right. Oh, are they yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, okay, so I've dug those up, so they're just a. It's a different shape of a tuber basically Right or a bulb.
Speaker 3:You can pass it off by saying bulb, no one would know the difference.
Speaker 4:Pass it off by saying bulb, but no one would know the difference. It's just, that's technically accurate?
Speaker 1:okay, yeah, and I think it has to do with what is like stored in in the source the corn or the bulb um, sort of thing like a.
Speaker 1:Um, like tulips and daffodils, those are bulbs. They develop their flower in the bulb. Really, yeah, if you refrigerate a, it's really easy to see on, like paper whites or daffodils. If you refrigerate one, and before you plant it, if you cut it in half, you can see the tiny flower bud in the bulb and I think, like corm, send up a plant and then bloom. It's just the different makeup of the structure.
Speaker 3:Here's the definition from the dictionary A corm is a rounded underground storage organ present in plants such as crocus, gladiola and cyclamens, consisting of a swollen stem base covered with scale leaves. I don't know about that last part how do you spell it C-O-R-M, c-o-r-m. Corm, but every time I say it on Instagram, it autocorrects Shaped corn.
Speaker 2:Corm.
Speaker 1:That's funny.
Speaker 2:I've just, I honestly have never heard the terminology corm. I mean tubers of course, bulbs of course Right, so it's just a different.
Speaker 3:Here's another definition. What's the distinct difference between a rhizome and corm? The main distinction between bulbs, corms, tubers and rhizomes is that bulbs are modified leaves that store nutrients, whereas corms are swollen stem bases. There you go, which that does make sense, because on ranunculus and anemones like the, stem goes straight down and like attaches to the corm, whereas bulbs are leafier things.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they come out Leafs.
Speaker 2:Yeah, the leaves come out. Yeah, that makes sense. That makes sense.
Speaker 3:Yeah, but all of them have leaves that come out first before the flower. Yeah, but it's.
Speaker 2:But it probably turns into the stem.
Speaker 1:Okay, but yeah, there you go.
Speaker 2:It appears to be a leaf, but it turns into the stem.
Speaker 3:Well, you, you know, like an autumn fern in the spring Sends up. But, that's not a stem, that's a leaf.
Speaker 1:It just looks like a stem until it unfurls Nevermind, so anyway.
Speaker 2:We went down that path. But, somebody you know.
Speaker 3:Someone learned something new, because they didn't know what that was, and we still don't, but at least we've heard of it.
Speaker 2:But somebody out there was confused too.
Speaker 1:Corm sprout stems from the top and buds form on the stem. So it's like that kind of structure where a bulb sends up the bloom from within the bulb. So there you go, all right Moving on. Anyway, I'm jumping out now. That was interesting. That was some food for thought, so okay. So you have your fall bulb sale going on. You can find that also at PetalPickerscom. There and grab your fall bulbs. They'll start shipping in October, peonies in November and who doesn't want those gorgeous peonies? I mean, oh my gosh.
Speaker 3:I will say I get a lot of questions about people who have condos and stuff and they want to plant. They want to order from us, but they want to plant it on a patio in a container, Right. And so peonies are the one thing that we just don't recommend you planting in a pot or container. It's not, it's never going to thrive there. It would have to be a huge pot. It wants to be in the ground. But you can definitely grow anemones, ranunculus and tulips in a large terracotta pot or glazed container.
Speaker 3:They're going to do fine, as long as they have great drainage.
Speaker 2:Peonies are super in, in my opinion, because I've always grown when I had a house, when you had a yard. A yard, they um, they're easy.
Speaker 3:As long as they're in the right soil, you know the right place, they're easy, you don't want peonies to get to stay wet all winter, like you want the water to be able to drain. So if you notice after a rain you have a wet spot in the yard, that is not where you want to plant a peony It'll never be happy but somewhere else that's a little raised up, drain's good Full sun. All of our bulbs for our fall bulb sale want full sun.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they want to get warmed up in the early spring, and that'll make them thrive. So, think Italy yeah, get your ranunculus. So then what else is going on on the farm? So it's, we're going into dahlia season, so you're going to be in that. You're growing some other things too, like mums, right, we're growing heirloom mums this year.
Speaker 3:So everyone can see that right now they're just green plants.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 3:We are still growing them, but that is something we're really excited about. We did a trial last year and kind of selected some of our favorite varieties of heirloom mums and now we've grown an entire tunnel full of them and I can't wait to show everyone, because mumsums, especially like these heirloom mums, are just different and that's what's cool about them they're. They have different flower structures. Some are big, some are small.
Speaker 3:it just kind of covers like that's a big family of plants but, we've selected some that are going to look really great in fall arrangements, like bronze ones, chocolate ones. How big are they? The flowers?
Speaker 1:They're large.
Speaker 3:They're pretty large, some of ours yeah.
Speaker 1:It's not like the mums you get from box stores or your garden center for fall display.
Speaker 4:These are big that's what's different, that's with ours being heirloom mums.
Speaker 2:They're more of a show flower.
Speaker 3:More of a showy flower.
Speaker 1:yeah, I mean they're like the size of a sunflower that you would have in an arrangement.
Speaker 3:There's certain practices you can do to make them get even larger. They love fertilizers, so the more you fertilize them, the bigger they're going to get. And then you can disbud so it'll send up like a spray. It's going to want to branch on all the stems, but if you disbud it where you just leave the center, one bloom on the whole stem, that's going to make that flower actually be a lot larger than if you allowed it to have multiple flowers on one stem.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I feel like it's all the energy into one flower instead of like seven or eight, I feel like moms, especially like those that are showy.
Speaker 3:I feel like they're probably, when you see that written, they're probably discounted by the moms that you get at like a box store you know that you, you know the yellow, the typical mom right yeah, when you see these flowers, it's more like one you've never seen before, and some of them are so cool and distinct and different you wouldn't even know it's a mum just by looking at it. You'd be like what flower?
Speaker 1:what is that? And that's what's really cool about specialty flower farming coming back as an industry in the US, because it really has since you started eight years ago.
Speaker 3:It is coming back in a big way and it's making all these different flowers available across the country that people have never seen before.
Speaker 1:They don't even know what it is Because for so long and still is today, but for so long all the flowers came, were imported mainly. And so they're growing your standard flowers that they know will ship so well. They have to go through the supply chain, and it can be days and days, and days over a week before it makes it from the field to the store and then to the end consumer.
Speaker 2:And some just get a bad rap.
Speaker 1:And so that eliminated a lot of cool flowers that are really awesome, because maybe they don't travel well.
Speaker 3:Yeah, they're breeding more for them to last in a box and to last two weeks after it's gone through the transportation system. And so I know people get roses for Valentine's Day and they say, oh, I just love the smell of roses. Yeah, you're not smelling.
Speaker 3:what a rose is supposed to smell like You're smelling flower petals. Yeah, that's the scent. You could go to any flower anywhere and it just smells like plant. But people associate it. You know the roses that I just love that smell. A real, true garden rose smells like perfume, it's sweet, it's overpowering. And all of that has been bred out of the flowers that are imported into the country. Right, because for them to get the genetics for that flower to last three weeks, they had to let go of other genes Just during the breeding process.
Speaker 1:It's crazy. So it's so fun to see you know, with us having the garden store and stuff, it's so fun to see these flowers coming back, these heirloom flowers, and well, I have a great example.
Speaker 2:yes, I've hated hated lilies for so long because that is a great example. It is a great example, I think, because it's funeral flower, it's that's what you like. I do not want a lily anywhere near me. This is the way I've been for years, because that is what they were used for Casket sprays, funeral flowers, right, and your lilies, oh my word, amazing.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and double pollenless lilies oh my gosh.
Speaker 2:It is one of the most exotic, beautiful looking flowers I've ever seen.
Speaker 3:I'm trying to get my hands on some bulbs so that we can sell them in our spring bulb sale. But they're honestly, they've become so popular so quick. They're not old, they're only like. I don't. I'm making up a number, but they haven't been around that long. I haven't even had access to them except just a few years For these double lilies, and it takes a long time to multiply the bulbs to be able to supply demand. All the flower farmers across the country are trying to get their hands on these lilies, so we'll see if I'm in a gap.
Speaker 1:They're a wow. I mean, I have my bulb supplier's cell phone number.
Speaker 2:They're a wow, we're buddies. I mean, that takes lilies from funeral flower to a beautiful wedding flower.
Speaker 3:I sell them for weddings here and the wedding florist liked them. Yeah, that blows my mind.
Speaker 1:I wish you could almost name some of these flowers, like give them a different name, like drop the lily part, drop the part it is a lily they would. You know, there is the stigma with some of these flowers.
Speaker 3:Like you're talking about same with gladiolus oh my gosh, but I just posted on my instagram I love it we're ordering it. I do actually love gladiolus oh, I love. I have nothing really against them, but a lot of people scream funeral flower Right To me when someone says that I get it, but also I'm like you're thinking a funeral arrangement from a regular tourist.
Speaker 2:Glads don't really make me think of that. Glads make me think of my grandmother Right.
Speaker 1:They grew them.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that's true, it is so true but they've come out with all new colors and creams and peaches and, like it, changes the way you think about irises too in our glads that we're bringing in.
Speaker 2:Some of them have double peddled, so it did they do different and I and I guess the glads last longer. Yeah, they're coming fresh. Yeah, the glads last longer becoming fresh.
Speaker 3:Yeah, the glads, the lilies they do. They have a long base life, so there's a lot of value in that and they're perennial here in the south. It kind of depends on where you live if it'll come back every year. If the bulb can freeze in the ground.
Speaker 1:But here they come back. Glads do very well here, very well. I'm so glad you're growing those. I forgot.
Speaker 2:I know I forgot to mention the lily. This is the first time we've talked about the lilies, but I was at the store and I saw the lilies and I said, oh my gosh.
Speaker 3:I only got compliments because we ship some. We had a few weeks where we had enough extra that we weren't selling to wedding florists and so we offered them on our website and I got compliments from those because people said they lasted forever. They were stunning.
Speaker 2:And they're exotic looking. They're not. They don't look like anything you saw at your grandmother's funeral. They're completely different, right? So we have to change our mindset on the old school. You know, mom lilies all that, it's not the same right, especially with the.
Speaker 1:You know the specially cut flowers and you gotta. And when you arrange it gorgeous in your house, you're not gonna think you know flower but I feel like now we have to scream that because so many people Things get bad rap. Yeah, yeah, for sure. I'm excited about that. So I think that's going to wrap up this week's episode. Did you have anything else going on on the farm you wanted to share with us before we kick you out of this?
Speaker 3:We got a lot going on at the farm, but I'm ready to get back to it.
Speaker 1:Okay, so you can keep up with Daniel on Instagram at Petal Pickers I'll put his handle down in the comments below as well, if you're not already following him and he shows you, like day to day, what he's doing on the farm, what's being planted, what's you know being harvested, which I think is really cool, because if you follow Daniel regularly on the Instagram, you can see like, oh, he's planting this now and then, depending on what it is, it might be months later. You can see him harvesting it and you can go oh, I remember when he was planting that and it was just, you know, not even a sprout yet, or whatever.
Speaker 3:And I try to be relatable because stuff happens all the time on the farm. I tell people all the time when they say I don't have a green thumb, I say, well, who does? I kill just as many plants as I grow beautiful flowers with, like that's gardening is part of it. So I'm here to show everyone like, hey, I kill plants too. You just keep doing it Right, then you can have.
Speaker 2:Some things just don't like us. Yeah, that's true. The next one will Well you have to learn what grows really well In your home and in your yard, and even if you move up the street it's going to be different.
Speaker 3:And it should be fun. That's part of it.
Speaker 1:Trial and error, trial and error. Watch you and see what you do. You, you can talk to people.
Speaker 3:If you find someone else that loves to garden, kind of have like a little connection going on and say oh, you know, what do you like growing you?
Speaker 2:started out with your whole gardening love of gardening, I mean. I distinctly remember it propagating.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:That's where it all started. It started with the donkey's ear Right.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, At our old house that's where it started and then it went to clivia.
Speaker 2:Clivia's Plants we still grow those from seed.
Speaker 1:That's when we were at our old little bungalow.
Speaker 3:And it only takes like five years for it to bloom, yeah, yeah, he would be like oh.
Speaker 1:I'm going to plant these. It only takes five years to bloom.
Speaker 2:And I'm like I ain't waiting five years for nothing, but he does no, I I get my clivius when they're ready with their blooming for day. I'm like, oh, I want one now yeah.
Speaker 1:So yeah, do you have any new ones out there?
Speaker 3:no, um, I do have some plants, if you need one I do it's time for a new yeah, all right. Oh yeah, you killed the last one. That's okay. It lasted years. It's a really hearty plant.
Speaker 1:You should just keep it and then bring it. Once it's done blooming, bring it back out here, to throw it in the green house.
Speaker 2:Throw it in the green house and get it out, yeah that's true.
Speaker 1:That's true, we're out of town. We're going to wrap this up today. Thanks for listening. Remember to leave us a review wherever you're listening to your podcast it really helps us get discovered and remember to share us with your friends. Go grab your tickets to dinner in the Dahlia's and you can join us on the farm and hang out with us.
Speaker 1:Yes, and you can see all this that we're talking about. Join us for Fig Fest. All of that is the last weekend in September Friday the 27th and Saturday the 28th. We would love to see you there and we'll see you next week. Thanks, guys.