Who's Driving
Who's Driving with Wesley Turner & Steven Merck is all about the entertaining stories we share and brainstorming topics we discuss as two best friends would on a long road trip. Come along for the ride as we check in with friends & offer a wide range of informative topics centered around running small businesses, social media, and all things Home and Garden.
Who's Driving
Who's Driving - Fridescaping & Wesley Is Sprouting Feathers S2E34
What happens when you combine business expansion, a humorous debate on painkillers, and the quirky practice of "fridge scaping"? This episode promises laughter, insights, and a touch of whimsy. Who's along for the ride?
We want to hear from you give our hotline a call at 864-982-5029. Happy listening! And remember to leave us a rating and review.
We mentioned The Nested Fig App in this episode. You can Tap Here to get our app and join our live sales on Sundays and Thursdays at 8pm est.
Follow Steven on Instagram at @Keepinupwithstevenand follow Wesley on Instagram at @Farmshenanigans. Shop our online store at TheNestedFig.Com Find The Nested Fig on Instagram at @TheNestedFig
Is that my bestie out there? I'm here, let's go. Let's get in, girl and let's go. I'm ready for a good ride-along. We need to have a little chat.
Speaker 2:Oh, what are we chatting about today?
Speaker 1:Well, you know, it's time for another episode of who's Driving. Welcome to who's Driving. I'm Wesley Turner.
Speaker 2:And I'm Stephen Merck. We're two best friends and entrepreneurs.
Speaker 1:Who's Driving is an entertaining look into the behind the scenes of our lives friendship and business. These are the stories we share and topics we discuss, as two best friends would on a long road trip. Along the way, we'll check in with friends and offer a wide range of informative topics centered around running small businesses, social media and all things home and garden.
Speaker 2:Buckle up and enjoy the ride. You never know who's driving or where we're headed.
Speaker 1:All we know is it's always a fun ride and I don't know what we're going to chat about. I have a few things for you, though. Well, first of all, I think we need to talk about Savannah. It's been a minute it has. We're getting closer and closer to the Nesty Fig Home Savannah opening. So if you are new here, we're franchising our business and we're recording this a little early.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so you're about to head down.
Speaker 1:I'm heading down Check on things. I am coming down for a couple of days and it's so fun, though, to see it coming together. So, if you missed it, we're franchising our business, our home store, in our first locations in Savannah Georgia, and it is on schedule right now to open around the first week of October. So, hopefully, everything you know you never know what will happen at the end, where delays can happen with like a permit or, you know, like a license or something but hopefully everything's on schedule. Uh, so it's coming together. It's so fun to see and I can't wait to go down there. I'm gonna bring down the register system and set all that up and train, but you're headed down and hopefully going to start working on some displays I'm hoping.
Speaker 2:Um know, I really don't know what to expect. It may just be unpacking Right, but whatever.
Speaker 1:Whatever You're going to help work on, whatever for a few days.
Speaker 2:I'm excited.
Speaker 1:And then we're also about to head back to Atlanta. So I guess when this airs we'll be in Atlanta. Is that correct? Yes, so the Tuesday that this airs, we'll be in Atlanta.
Speaker 2:We'll be in Atlanta. Is that correct? Yes, yes.
Speaker 1:So the Tuesday that this drops we'll be in Atlanta. We're headed back for a little mini market. We're going to do some live sales. We got some other things we want to order and that sort of thing. But, Savannah, if you're in the area, be on the lookout. We'll let you know the opening date.
Speaker 2:I'm just so excited it's going to be a pretty store it really is. And I'm a little jelly.
Speaker 1:I know you're going to be jelly until the newness wears off, it will. I mean, it's just the way it is. It's the way it is and the way we are with retail stores, you know anytime we see a building for rent, we're like what can we put in there?
Speaker 2:what can? What kind of new store. It is just like when they're even when a new mcdonald's opens to this day and I've been out of the business for seven years wait, yeah, seven or almost no seven seven years and I'm like they got a new store yeah, because you you know that was something I always. I wanted my stores to be the best and the prettiest, and you know you always want the new and the fresh and all that, yeah.
Speaker 1:So yeah, I guess it's just when you really love what you do, you want it, you want it and you want what they have, and you're like, oh, it's so pretty's so I know I can't wait to see it pretty styled, ready to open and you know, and tina is just so particular and so um yeah, yeah, which is a great quality for our business, um great addition for our business.
Speaker 1:So every little detail is taken care of, which I love me too, and it's so fun seeing the pictures because I just had her send me some pictures. We were, um, texting about something and I was like, send me some pictures and it looks like our store being replicated there. So it's you know, it's fun to see what we envision coming to life.
Speaker 2:Same floor, same color paint which?
Speaker 1:is what we wanted, and it's just so fun to see it translate and happening. So that's so fun. I can't wait to see it open. Okay, I am 43 years old.
Speaker 2:And you don't look a day over 47. Thank you.
Speaker 1:That's cool. Don't look a day over 47. Thank you, um. I um just realized recently and I know you will know this, because you always say like, oh, I have to have. I think you have to have tylenol, or you call it tylen oil, oil, tylen oil tyol.
Speaker 1:Not Advil or whatever? And I've asked you before like, oh, why don't you take Advil or whatever? And you're like, oh, it messes up something. I can't remember what your reasoning is, or whatever. I just recently learned from Daniel that those are actually. They do two different things, so maybe someone needs to hear this out there. Well, people did, because I I talked about it on Instagram.
Speaker 2:You thought it was the same thing.
Speaker 1:I thought Tylenol and Advil. I knew they're different active ingredients. I knew that Like one is, I still can't pronounce it Ibuprofen and acetaminophen. And acetaminophen. I knew those were two different active ingredients, but I thought it was like Coke and Pepsi, like two different brands, and they all did the same thing. You need Tylenol.
Speaker 2:So Tylenol is for fever, pain and fever and that sort of thing, and Advil will do inflammation and it also has fever as well.
Speaker 1:They kind of have some overlap but they do different things and I had no idea. Like I literally always just thought they were two different brands of the same thing. Again, I knew they were different active ingredients and that sort of thing, but if you didn't know that maybe you don't.
Speaker 2:And your body. Everybody else knows that.
Speaker 1:No, not everybody did.
Speaker 2:I did a little poll on Instagram, but the other thing is is your body metabolizes them differently too.
Speaker 1:Yeah, one is metabolized through the kidneys and one is through the liver, so they do get absorbed different ways I just didn't know this.
Speaker 2:Tylenol is metabolized through the liver right and acetaminophen well, I don't I'm saying right like I don't know which one does which, but I just thought they were the same interchangeable.
Speaker 1:I mean, they did the because daniel was like I need advil and I was like, well, just take tylenol. He's like that's not not going to help with whatever. I can't remember why he needed it. Yeah, if you have. I was like what.
Speaker 2:Like with my back issues, when my back was out I had to take Advil. Yeah. I will say you know, we get some of the know-it-alls that had to be in my comments. Well, you've been taking it and then whatever and I'm like.
Speaker 1:No, I like I take advil or tylenol like once or twice a year, yeah, max, yeah, that's it, yeah, so I hadn't been. I try not to take thing up. It's just not good for your body to take anything yeah, well, you know, I try not to take anything and there's no real reason, I'm just just like, uh, it's fine.
Speaker 2:Are you taking your Singulair?
Speaker 1:I took my Singulair for a whole 30 days. It did help. I've been out about a week and I can tell the difference. I've got to call and get a.
Speaker 2:You're going to get another infection.
Speaker 1:I need to get a refill.
Speaker 2:Ragweed season is starting to happen and the other thing with allergies Starting to happen, and the other thing with allergies, and I've got to start on mine. I go off of mine for the summer because I don't really have summer allergies, but I really need to start on mine again, because you get a lot of mold and mildew with leaves and that will really mess your allergies up too, along with rackweed. Oh. So they'll start kicking up in the next few weeks, hmm.
Speaker 1:That is interesting. Well, I do feel like it has helped. You know I've been snotty for years, but different things. Okay again, I hate taking something.
Speaker 2:You had no symptoms when you were taking the Singlet yeah.
Speaker 1:I hate taking things, but I had tried allergy medicines what the hell is it called Allergy medicines before. But certain ones do different things to me. One messed up my vision, my depth perception. You think I'm lying, it did it messed it up. And then one, the nasal one. I'm not going to call brands or whatever it's. One of the nasal ones made me have I don't want to call it a brain spasm, but like lightning go through my head, like boom, and it was. I looked it up. You're looking at me like I'm full of whatever.
Speaker 2:Yes, I am.
Speaker 1:It's a. Thing.
Speaker 3:Is it and I it up? You're looking at me like I'm foolish.
Speaker 1:Yes, whatever it's a thing is, I had it. Yes, it was like little brain shocks that would go through so different things, and then one I tried and made me tired, you know, so you got but I told you like singular I didn't the first day I did notice and then after that, it didn't, you know, I said, I'm gonna try it, I will try to, I like singular, because I can't tell I take it and I mean it's safe enough for children with asthma.
Speaker 2:So I feel like it's you know good enough for me. If it's good enough for the children, it's good enough for me Well there you go, so I have to talk.
Speaker 1:You know, I'm the friend we got to talk about technology. I'm the friend that tries to keep you over here up to date with things.
Speaker 2:And you do a good job, man, very smart.
Speaker 1:And it is a struggle to keep you up to date. You do it. You will give about three years after. I've been trying to get you on to something, whatever it may be, I think it was the Nest thermostat. One time I was like you need this. No, I don't, no, I don't. Finally you got one.
Speaker 2:Love it.
Speaker 1:And you're like, oh, my God Game changer.
Speaker 2:I love it. The other thing that helps are my cars.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they keep you in. Well, the newest thing and I haven't kept up with as much, but you know everything now is AI. I don't know in your world, but it's all you know AI technology, ai, this chat GPT, this chat GPT, that, whatever. And I haven't paid as much attention to that whole thing thing. But really in the last few weeks I have started using chat GPT more for fun, but just like to see what it says or whatever. It kind of started. There was a trend a few weeks ago where you put in your Instagram to chat GPT, like you screenshot your page and you put it in there and it tells you. It was like you could ask it to roast your Instagram, so it would tell you about your Instagram. So I did mine. I had to pull mine up, I just did yours and I haven't even read it yet.
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh.
Speaker 1:But I want to talk about. We're going to talk about this, but how smart this chat GPpt crap is a little scary. Yeah, it's very scary, so we're gonna read yours. So I put in literally I just did it while what did you do? I put in a screenshot of your instagram. I'm showing it to you your instagram. I want to see the screen it's just your, your home page of your instagram, of all your your posts that you've posted recently. It's like 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 squares.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I was just wondering which ones.
Speaker 1:it was Just from the top and I said can you roast my IG account? Is what I said and this is what it came back with. I'm going to read it with you. Your Instagram feed is serving up some serious HGTV meets aesthetic overload vibes From Ralph Lauren decor dreams to OCD approved. How does it know? How does it know Arrangements you're practically living in a luxury catalog. So it was saying I cut off that sentence From Ralph Lauren decor dreams to OCD approved arrangements, you're practically living in a luxury catalog. If that catalog included surprised deer heads and a sneaky obsession with houseplants. Also, can we talk about the milk jug If you're spending more on home decor than groceries? I need to see why that fridge scene hits different, because you had a fridge one in there. It's clear You've got that. I grow plants better than your mom energy. But that chandelier looks like it's trapped in a cage of its own aspirations. Maybe let it live a little like the tropical forest you've got inside.
Speaker 2:Well, that was pretty good, Isn't that funny? That was, but it's crazy.
Speaker 1:So last night I was it's so crazy because that's just from putting in a screenshot of your Instagram account. What's scary is a computer did that Instagram account? What's scary is a computer did that Right? So last night I was playing around with it because I had put in one of a picture I'd taken of a fall arrangement and I said can you tell me about this picture? And it, like identifies the details. So last night I did one in of your house because I was like I needed a room like the one I had done and I can go back to. It was of a scene like a pumpkin styled scene. So I was like, let me see what it does of like a room view. So I just took a screenshot of your den off of your Instagram and I said what can you tell me about this picture? That's what I said to. And it says this image showcases a stylish industrial loft living space. And I'm like, how does it know that it's a loft in industrial Like? How can a computer generate that?
Speaker 2:Which picture was it? This one? Just a general one of your den.
Speaker 1:And so it says. This image showcases a stylish industrial loft living space. The room features exposed brick walls and wooden beams which give it a rusted yet urban charm. A large vintage style chandelier adds an elegant touch, hanging from the wooden ceiling. Vintage style chandelier adds an elegant touch hanging from the wooden ceiling Like how does it know to identify that?
Speaker 1:that because your chandelier does have a vintage style to it Like it's all correct and I'm like how does it know that it's not just a light, like I could see if it says has an oversized light hanging from the ceiling. But it knows the style of it, which is so crazy to me. The furniture consists of white couches. They need to update that because they should be sofas, white couches arranged around. And it said, a glass coffee table filled with decor books. It picked up on the books. The leather armchair that contributes to the cozy atmosphere, armchair that contributes to the cozy atmosphere. There is a mix of modern and eclectic pieces, including large leafy plants that bring in a fresh natural element. A decorative bus sits on a tall cabinet in the background and a large tripod floor lamp adds a contemporary accent. Overall, the space blends industrial, modern and classic styles with a warm and inviting ambiance. Would you like a caption or more details about this setting? And so then I said, and.
Speaker 2:I'm not it's a little scary.
Speaker 1:It is so. Then I said and I'm not going to read it because it's long I said, can you write me a blog post on this? And it wrote a full. Like you could copy this and paste it as a blog post.
Speaker 2:Now, where do you go? Okay, so y'all. This is real life. This is how we are.
Speaker 1:We're riding down the road and you're like now how?
Speaker 2:does this work how?
Speaker 1:does that work? Is there an app? There is an app, chatgpt. You can also go to a website, but I think the app has more feet, chatgpt, and it does all of that, which is crazy to me. So the one I did, which is equally as crazy, I did you know, if you've been on my Instagram I did that pumpkin centerpiece, the twisted I took a wreath, put it down set a wire pumpkin in it and filled it with pumpkins.
Speaker 1:And that's the picture I put in and said what can you tell me about this photo? And it knows. This photo features a cozy fall home decor setup. The central focus is a table centerpiece with an open metal pumpkin frame filled with soft-colored artificial pumpkins and muted white and sage tones. These pumpkins rest on a bed of dried florals, which could be white and beige, autumn grasses or wheat like stems, adding texture and warmth to the piece. And then it talks about the background. I'm like that is scary. That is so scary that it knows it. It's funny to me that it can literally put together sentences and scenarios and all of this it likes it's really things right?
Speaker 1:that's what is weird. I mean it's very cool, but it can get out of hand.
Speaker 2:Is the also the scary and the thing is is you're not going to know when you're talking to a person or AI?
Speaker 1:Right, that's exactly right. You can already use some of these things like in chats on your website.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you can incorporate, make you sound so much smarter, I know right. Because I need a dictionary for some of those words you know. If you're Southern, you don't even know some of those Right?
Speaker 1:And I was like, dang, this is so crazy Let me see if I can find mine that it roasted me on. Oh, here's my when I put in my Instagram or whatever, which I'm not offended, and it was pretty good Farm shenanigans, more like Martha Stewart's undercover hobby farm. Hobby farm.
Speaker 1:You've got more greenery and DIY decor than an entire Pinterest board dedicated to how to pretend you're a rustic cottage dweller. Your posts are the perfect blend of HGTV aesthetic and I spent way too much time at the craft store. Those plants look so well cared for. I'm starting to think you're in a secret competition with Mother Nature herself. And what's with those perfectly placed donuts? We see you're trying to balance your inner health nut with your inner sugar addict. Oh, and that controversial post question mark. It's probably something like does this fern make my kitchen look good? I was like, oh my hobby farm yeah, um on.
Speaker 1:Oh, my goodness, it keeps on. Honestly, your page looks like the love child of joanna gains in a hipster farmer who has more who's more concerned about their plants instagram presence than their own. Keep up the good work, though. This is the kind of cozy, aspirational content we all secretly wish our lives look like.
Speaker 2:Like thanks, girl, I mean it's, I don't know.
Speaker 1:It's just amazing when I think about technology for like. Amazing when I think about technology for like when I started in business to now, which has not been that long. Like, where are we going to be in 15 years? Where are we going to be with this sort?
Speaker 2:of thing Replaced.
Speaker 1:I know I'm like I'm going to have some icon doing our live sales for us. Well, no that would be.
Speaker 2:Can I stay home?
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:That would be nice.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:Tell us what you guys think of AI in this stuff. How do you feel about it? Yes, Call us, message us or leave us a message on our hotline. It's 864-982-5029. I love being able to read that number over there now.
Speaker 1:I know.
Speaker 2:Since I got my contacts updated.
Speaker 1:I know I'm impressed Before.
Speaker 2:I couldn't see that number.
Speaker 1:We have our hotline number because we don't remember it Written on a sticky note stuck to the computer across the room.
Speaker 2:And I couldn't see it before I know.
Speaker 1:But the whole AI thing. I think there's a lot of things that we need to do or will need to do as business owners so that we don't get left behind. I feel like there's going to be a lot with AI that can help your business as far as getting it discovered, say on advertising online. I think there's going to be some things.
Speaker 2:Yeah Well, I can see it as a good thing for marketing people Right and just doing things like that. But when you back up and think about it I mean damn, that's scary that a computer can think like that like a human and it's like instant when you put it in.
Speaker 1:I mean it comes up like I mean that would have taken me two days to come up with.
Speaker 2:I mean, I could have roasted it so much better. But I love the Martha Stewart in the hobby farm. I mean, that was that was it?
Speaker 1:That's cute, yeah. So anyway, I just think it's so interesting and I think, as much as I want to secretly resist AI because I think it is scary and that sort of thing, I think you're going to have to buckle up Buttercup over there and get with some AI things.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean I can see it where some of it is a good thing, like that can be used really good for marketing and a lot of other Right. But then I can see how it could be used not so good, right.
Speaker 1:And how are you going to have people that you know maybe aren't I don't want to say not as smart, maybe they're not as qualified for something, a position with a job, or they're not qualified for whatever, but they're using ai to get their source and that sort of thing. So I don't know, it's gonna be. It's gonna be funny to see where this ai thing um goes, and I feel like it's getting more and more already, even just in the last year and that sort of thing, and it's crazy, like what I was noticing on social media are the AI photographs and people.
Speaker 1:That's the.
Speaker 2:You can't tell, like you have to study it and like sometimes, if you didn't know, you wouldn't know.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you're like I don't know what there's going to. There's surely going to have to be something to regulate, like how this is presented, because you could really you know falsely, present stuff incorrectly, like you can manipulate it to be you could and like you can you know people work real hard at not working and real hard at doing negative things, yeah, and so I'm like.
Speaker 2:You know people are going to get creative and make it do things that are different and see certain states every state's different, like with real estate law, and that's a great example. Think about what you could do Like in South Carolina. There's a lot of regulations with real estate photos and everything that you can and can't do, but, shockingly, you can go to North Carolina and Georgia and those laws are different.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Can you imagine what people could do with AI in like real estate?
Speaker 1:Yeah, Make things look so much better or bigger or Could be a serious legal issue, like it you know. I mean this representation.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and if you're buying it from you know states away, sight unseen could be an issue. Oh my gosh, I wish you know.
Speaker 1:I'm hoping it can be beneficial. Like marketing wise, like you said, I would love to be able to say, hey, I need a newsletter about these topics and for it to professionally.
Speaker 2:And then you could read through it and go well, no, that's not quite accurate, or that's not what I want to say, and you could ad lib to it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, because you're using it as a tool, an accessory. You can't let it do everything.
Speaker 1:I think using it as a tool for newsletter for a blog is fantastic see, and I could also see it in the future I don't know, I'm just making up in my mind being beneficial to us, like um, on our websites and apps and things like if a customer buys something like it, I could see where it could get to putting together a whole scene around what they're buying. Like you could pair, like I think you know websites can already recommend like hey, you bought this. This goes well with that, based off of buying habits, like people who buy this usually buy this, and it will pop up and recommend that.
Speaker 2:But I could see it getting like hey, we put together this whole room for you and here's the high base and it could be very useful for doing mood boards and stuff that's what you know. We sort of like we pay for, like design files for our designers to use in the store. Can you imagine if they could just say, here's the room dimensions.
Speaker 1:We're looking for these core colors and we're looking for to use these specific items. Build it it around this, yeah, and then it designs a room, I don't know, but then it takes out the creativity part from the designer and that sort of thing. I don't know, it gets real. I can see it going so many different, different ways and you know, hopefully we can?
Speaker 2:I mean, we can all take design a little too far at times, right? No, you don't have why you're saying, right?
Speaker 1:Well, we can take design too far.
Speaker 2:But I'm talking about something that you sent me, oh. And this one was. I literally want to slap these people.
Speaker 1:I have to say I know where you're going and if you're doing this, listen, I promise you If you're doing, if Listen, I promise you If you're doing, if any of our listeners there is not one of our listeners are doing. This is so.
Speaker 2:Bizarre.
Speaker 1:Well, if you're our listener and you're doing this, not only do I want you to text or call us, I want to have you on our podcast.
Speaker 4:You got to send me pictures. You got to send me pictures, you gotta send me video.
Speaker 1:We are going to invite you on.
Speaker 2:We may fly to visit you and do our podcast from your kitchen.
Speaker 1:Yes, I just know none of our people are doing this, but if you are, I want to talk to you. You need help. That's beside the point. I want to talk to you first, so I sent this to steven and this is on.
Speaker 2:This was from inside edition inside edition had this and it is basically I'm gonna play this. I'm gonna play this for you guys, but it is basically these insane people that decorate the inside of their refrigerators.
Speaker 1:And not like with pretty canisters.
Speaker 2:Not like with things to hold, like canisters and containers to hold food and make it look pretty, because, hey, I'd be all about that if somebody wanted to come do mine. No, this is like taking household items and candles and flowers and wallpaper and decorating your refrigerator.
Speaker 1:It's basically like a dollhouse but a refrigerator. And it kind of grosses me out they have, yeah, like wallpaper, which I'm assuming with the humidity they're having to use like a plastic, like a, you know, like a sticker or whatever, but and they have like vases in like everything is arranged and there's usually a theme. So it can be any kind of like theme that they want and if you put in on Instagram like Fridgescaping, it comes up with other ones. But play them this clip. This is from Inside Edition. I won't play it.
Speaker 4:Viral trend sweeping the nation. I'm going to line these up tallest to shortest. It's called Fridgescaping. Creative types organize and decorate the inside of their refrigerators with all sorts of things you wouldn't normally find in a fridge, like tulips, picture frames, even sculptures. In this one, the butter has its own little awning, surrounded by flowers. This one looks like an enchanted forest, complete with mood lighting. I'm going to cut some of this for the refrigerator. Lindsay Judish is a popular fridge scaper. She says she spent about three hours creating her Bridgerton themed arrangement called what else? Fridgerton? I thought it was just so beautiful.
Speaker 4:Such a fun way to romanticize your kitchen. She places berries and porcelain and grapes in a lovely glass bowl. Lindsay showed us how she needs professional rich every two weeks.
Speaker 3:So I think we're going to fill in some of the blanks with some candles.
Speaker 4:Yep, lindsay puts LED candles in her fridge. And check out that bust of a woman in a turkey. Milk gets poured into pretty glass vases, and edible flowers go into vases that look like books. So along with your groceries, you may want to pick up some fridge decorations too.
Speaker 1:I mean If you see me on Instagram giving you a demo on how to fridge skate. If that has to come into my abilities, commit me.
Speaker 2:She's a nut, I mean.
Speaker 1:Look at this one on Instagram though. If you put in hashtag FridgeScaping, this one is very pretty. I mean, they put in a lot of work. Look at this though, I know, but it's the insanity that goes behind it this one isn't the one with wallpaper, but she does have a picture frame in there and look how everything is arranged and just I mean I want to walk into your house and see it arranged with all kinds of things.
Speaker 2:I mean she's got a piece of artwork in there. Uh-huh, she's got flowers.
Speaker 1:It's all. It's very pretty, you know, and flowers in the fridge isn't a bad idea. Keeps them cool and fresh, but I mean, these are over the top. It's like decorating a dollhouse.
Speaker 2:You know I could deal with flowers in the fridge, you know, if you wanted to have them. When you open and it's pretty and you have all your food in pretty containers, I'm. Opening is pretty and you have all your food in pretty containers, I'm, that's fine. It's the. It's hauling all this other crap from all over your house and putting it in there.
Speaker 1:It's, and I think it's the fact of having a theme, like some of them have. They all have kind of like tied together themes and stuff. I don't know it's oh you, though. If that makes you tick, then you just style away. But seriously, if any of you are into this, this is your jam and you have perfected it. Let us know on our hotline, because I seriously want to interview you. We want to give you the spotlight, we want to hear how you got into it, how you discovered it. I want to know everything. I wonder if we could get one of these people on we need a message instead.
Speaker 2:I would love to talk to them, but what?
Speaker 1:you can't say you need help. What are you going to say to them? You would embarrass. You would say, girl, first of all you need to be committed, but tell us how you got here.
Speaker 2:I wouldn't. I can interview people without saying that. I would just say well, tell us about you and how you got there what do you do for a living? Are you on any?
Speaker 1:medication. I'm assuming you're single, yeah.
Speaker 2:You don't like guns and knives, do you? Because I don't think it's probably safe for you to be around. I mean, you have to admit and maybe somebody could tell me, explain to me, how it makes sense for them. Maybe I just told you this so you know, if I ever build a new house, or, you know, I'm looking at remodeling our current kitchen, I have always wanted the Sub-Zero refrigerator with the glass doors.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Well that's nice, but in that see, I would want my food in complete containers, but you're not going to have it. I'm not going to have my mother's picture sitting in there.
Speaker 1:Right or will you?
Speaker 2:Or I won't, If I do get me to a.
Speaker 1:Well, I have to say, kind of transitioning away from that, but same thing I saw. I saw something that I kind of want myself now. I think I told you about this. I know I told daniel I saw on here social media I can't remember which one, doesn't matter, they're all the same. This lady and now I've seen it in multiple times has a salad bar in her house.
Speaker 1:So she has the case the prep bar that has all the compartments in there and the lid closes over the top or whatever. It's fully refrigerated and she keeps it. She has kids and she keeps it stocked like a salad bar, like fresh vegetables, lettuce, ready to go, and then underneath are the cabinet, you know the refrigerator cabinet, and she keeps any of the sauces and all of that in there. And I'm like that is genius.
Speaker 2:But I want that. The problem is, I feel like you would have to have more than two people in a household to keep it rotate, like to go through it? Yeah, I think. But I think if you had like a husband and wife or husband and husband insurance, whatever, or wife and wife or wife and whatever your, thing is or grandparents. If you had at least four people in the household, it would be very beneficial.
Speaker 1:Well, a couple of things to that. I did look up. They make tabletop or countertop versions of those refrigerators so it wouldn't be so many compartments, so you could do smaller compartments and you would keep it all cold. But I saw another person after this. They were inspired by this trim. Our refrigerator doesn't have this, but maybe yours does Not. Yours but listening, and you want to do something like this. So you know how some refrigerators have the refrigerator up top and then it has a crisper drawer and then the freezer. So she went and got those. You know the containers that like fit on a salad bar, those acrylic, and they're not acrylic, but those I don't know plastic.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you get them at the restaurant supply. Or Amazon these days for new age people not having to go to restaurant supply. But she got those and got ones that all fit in her drawer and so now when you pull out her drawer, it's like a mini salad bar in the drawer.
Speaker 2:See, that's a good way to do it.
Speaker 1:And that was a good way. I have to agree.
Speaker 2:But you know here's the negative side I'll tell you is when McDonald's. The negative side I'll tell you is when McDonald's. When I started with McDonald's in the 80s is when they started the very first salads. Mm-hmm. I don't know if you remember the chicken oriental salad.
Speaker 1:I don't remember that.
Speaker 2:Well, no, oh God, no, you would have been little, you would have been a little kid. Yeah, the stuff doesn't stay as fresh. I would have to cover it.
Speaker 1:Well, you do, it has the lids and you cover it. And, yeah, you're right, it's not going to stay, they're not airtight?
Speaker 2:Yeah, you bet you, but it is cool. I like that way better than the other.
Speaker 1:Yeah, this one here that I'm looking at on Instagram. It looks gorgeous and it just makes me want to eat a salad. I actually like salads, but maybe we should just get all the containers and have everything prepped and then you just you know airtight containers stack them up in your fridge.
Speaker 2:That might be the more sensible and cheaper. And then when you get, tired of it two weeks you can throw it all away.
Speaker 1:Ours be rotting in there, have to go toss it over the fence to the goats and donkeys and emus. But that's, you know, the way, the way we do.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's just the way it goes.
Speaker 1:But I mean, I love the idea, but now, if you think for a family of four and if you had kids, yeah, because she said you know she keeps it stocked and, like her kids, can go there, they can eat anything they want off the salad bar at any time. So they can, you know, eat anything they want off the salad bar at any time. So they can, you know, whatever. If they want a snack, go get it off they're eating healthy. Yeah, because you know you can get some salad sticks or carrots, peppers, whatever you want, but I thought that was interesting.
Speaker 1:I can get down with that. I can't get down with the fridge scapes where it looks like a no.
Speaker 2:Well, that's just I just think it's silly and I mean, can you imagine trying to make something and all that crap in your way?
Speaker 1:I would throw it away can you imagine trying to find what's stinking in there, like what's stinking up in here, and you gotta move around the picture frame.
Speaker 2:It looks stupid because you know it's going to like.
Speaker 1:First of all, there's not enough room in our fridge for accessories like that. Uh-uh, I'm always trying to.
Speaker 2:I barely can make room for something I take home.
Speaker 1:Yeah, our refrigerator is not, because we got the counter depth and I like that, the style, but it just doesn't hold that much. But it's perfect for just two. Hold that much, but it's perfect for it's just two of us, so it's perfect for us.
Speaker 2:but and you know, and all you have to do is add one in a garage. Yeah, I mean, and you know we used to have.
Speaker 1:At one time we had like five refrigerators in this property because we had one in our garage, one in our um kitchen. We have one, you know. We have a kitchen upstairs, a kitchenette in a bedroom and it still has a fridge, so we have two fridges.
Speaker 2:You ever use that refrigerator.
Speaker 1:I do sometimes like if I need to put something extra in there or whatever, um, but not regularly. I mean, we just don't keep like extra drinks and stuff and like when I had guests coming, like my mom came and aunt came and my niece came I went and got them like their own treats and stuff and I put it in that fridge and I love having it.
Speaker 2:That's the room I decided you and I are going to think how many refrigerators she has. So there's two regular in the garage plus like a big Trouson which is the size of like three refrigerators.
Speaker 1:What is she doing with all these refrigerators?
Speaker 2:Then there's a big refrigerator in the main kitchen and then there's a bar refrigerator. A bar refrigerator. Yeah, there's a bar refrigerator A bar refrigerator. Yeah, there's a bar fridge, and then when you go downstairs, then there's another big fridge, so there's six refrigerators.
Speaker 1:You're not using that much food quick enough to need six refrigerators.
Speaker 2:Because we have our big Sub-Zero refrigerator and then we have a bar fridge and I like having the bar fridge because it does. You can put run over items like drinks and stuff especially in the bar fridge, yeah, and it makes a difference. Having that little, just that little space for extra something, yeah, yeah, or extra something, something. Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:But yeah, I mean, if I go back to a house, house I will have, I'll have at least, or I'll have a bar fridge. Yeah, I will have a big refrigerator. And the thing is, if I do go back to a house, I'm going to do a separate one refrigerator, one and then a separate freezer. Oh yeah, have the two. I like that.
Speaker 1:I feel like you'll go back to a house eventually, I feel like it's coming.
Speaker 2:I think it probably is, I don't know.
Speaker 1:I feel like you've mentioned if I go back to a house I'm like he's thinking about going back to a house.
Speaker 2:I have. We've looked at a few, but it's just so, like everything we've looked at, like everything that I like is like $3 million and up, like I mean in this, like the city of Greenville it is crazy.
Speaker 1:The pricing has just gone up on everything.
Speaker 2:So I mean, I mean we could sell our place for a lot of money, but I feel like then you're you're not, even though it's a lot of money.
Speaker 1:It feel like, then you're, you're not, even though it's a lot of money. It's not buying you that much more because everything is gone right, it's true. Um what?
Speaker 4:I'm.
Speaker 1:I got out the cards okay I got out the cards and I'm just gonna ask you some questions. Okay, okay, um, did we do this one? What is in style right now that you can't stand? Is there a fashion something or a home decor, something in style, right? Macrame, macrame. Oh, you don't like macrame, I don't like it, I don't have anything macrame, but I don't.
Speaker 2:Here's my thing. I think it's great for a hobby, but I had an aunt growing up. Is this the one you disowned? Mm-mm. Mm-mm. No, this was a great, a great aunt. Mm-hmm. And she was obsessed with macrame and she made, she did macrame and crocheting. Mm-hmm. And that just Mm-mm, just too much, too much, I think it scarred me.
Speaker 1:So no macrame. I'm trying to think. I know, there was something the other day. I was like I'll be glad when that goes away. It was a decor trend and I can't remember what it was. I guess I blocked it out. What instantly puts you in a good mood? What puts you in a good mood instantly'll hate to say this great sales.
Speaker 2:That's what I was gonna say when I wear stores like when we have a really good day all the way around it just puts that extra pep, and I shouldn't.
Speaker 1:I don't want to say money it's not money.
Speaker 2:it's, it's not money. It's not that it is not money.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's the game of like oh, we did it today. Yes, so great sales. It's not money.
Speaker 2:And that goes back to McDonald's. Yeah, Because if your sales when you love what you do and you're really into it, your sales, you take personally.
Speaker 1:It's a reflection of your work. The sales are is how we perceive it as business owners, because it's not the money.
Speaker 2:It's not like it's going in our personal checking accounts, right. It's just like our business is doing. Well, yeah, my work paid off or whatever.
Speaker 1:Anytime we have like a really good sales day I mean thankfully we have them often so it keeps us in a good mood but good sales or good live sales and we're like, oh but it always is and I hate to say that that can put me instantly in a bad mood.
Speaker 2:I know that's not always. I try to monitor that?
Speaker 1:Yeah, it depends on. You know we get sales at the end of the day from our stores and stuff, so it depends on if I've already had a you know a fractious day, a you know difficult day. It's just the icing on the cake and then you get that as the icing on the cake. Is that bad day? It just yeah. But if it's really good after having a bad day, it can bring me out of a bad mood. What was the least useful class you ever took in school?
Speaker 2:Calculus. Without a doubt, I think calculus should be banned. I think it makes no sense. You know what?
Speaker 1:here's the thing with some of the classes in school. We need to replace a few of them, For example calculus, because you know what AI is going to handle that for us. Let's replace those with some more day-to-day things like how to manage your credit score and what your credit score means.
Speaker 2:I think every high school should be teaching credit scores how to manage your personal finance right budgeting kids don't know how to do that anymore and like um people, you know and I know I'm, I'm old school, I have. How many checkbooks do I have? I have two business checkbooks my personal, you know yeah, but my personal right main one, my run over my find a condo account, um, beach house account?
Speaker 2:yeah, so there's six checkbooks I have at my desk at home, but and I've been very old school about it but kids still need to know how to write a checkbook. Yeah, I mean how to write a check and use it and balance a checkbook.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they don't know how to write a check, which is a shame because at some point, if you are in business like we have employed, we've had employees because in business you still need check. We try not to because we hate dealing with them too, but sometimes you just have to write the check. Like the vendor will come there and you got to write them a check and they don't know how to write a check. They didn't know how to.
Speaker 1:What do I do here? Well, how do I do that? I'm like I got, I could not wait. I remember getting my checking account.
Speaker 2:I mean, I was probably like 10.
Speaker 1:I was 12, when I up my few hundred dollars, went and opened up a checking account. I was probably maybe 12. I don't know. Is there a legal age? That you can do it.
Speaker 2:No, it had just my name on it. My mom took me into the bank, Mine too yeah. And so she put and I swear, I think this is why I've always managed money well, I've always managed money well. She, when I was 12, she gave me X amount of dollars per month. I think, $100 a month, so 12,. That would have been in 1985. That's a lot of money, but that was a lot of money then. Yeah.
Speaker 2:But I paid for my school lunches and I bought my clothes whatever I wanted, like what she basically set that up to take care of whatever budget. Yeah, that was my little budget on what and when I graduated from high school. So she did that through high school. When I graduated high school, and I too on top of that. So when I graduated from high school, I'll never forget I had a brand new car that I worked and paid for, and I had $8,000 cash in the bank.
Speaker 1:That was good.
Speaker 2:That was a lot back then, for sure.
Speaker 1:But there's a bad thing about checks too.
Speaker 1:But I also feel like nowadays people don't use cash as much. I feel like you should if you have kids and I'm not telling anybody how to parent their kids, because Lord knows but I feel like you should be giving your kids cash. I feel like there's this disconnect and I know by the time your kids are grown, at this age, there probably won't even be cash, but there is still that tangible when you're dealing with cash. Even if it does transition to cashless eventually Starting with cash, there is that tangibleness to it that can help a kid learn how to budget. I have a hundred dollar bill. It's now. I spent money, it's now a 50 and you know it helps you mentally prepare what is actual budget. I feel like there's so much disconnect now because it's not tangible. They don't really know what those numbers mean going into, you know adult.
Speaker 2:And, in all fairness, you know, back when McDonald's went to cashless and you know before we were just a complete cash business and we started taking credit cards and debit cards and so on and so forth, our sales, our average check, went up significantly.
Speaker 2:Well, it does anywhere yeah there's such a disconnect, yeah, spend it, but even with myself I'll hit oh, on this app or whatever. You go on wherever, wherever Gilt or wherever, and you're like, oh, that's on sale for this, I'll have it. And you just hit that button. Wherever, guilt or wherever, and you're like, oh, that's on sale for this, I'll have it, and you just hit that button. Yeah, Now if you had that cash in your hand, would you really spend that much? Right Like if you?
Speaker 1:go to the store and you have cash. Are you willing to give it over as easy as you are?
Speaker 2:And the answer's no, you're not.
Speaker 1:That, that's been proven. What is the least useful skill you possess? Do you have a skill that is just really not useful, but you're good at it?
Speaker 2:Hmm, I don't know. When.
Speaker 1:I was in high school this girl. I went to high school. I don't know where you're going with this. It was a good story.
Speaker 2:She could lay on her back and throw her legs up over her head and she could suck air in her butt and then pass gas on command. Oh my gosh. That's a true story. What is wrong with you? That's true. Okay, I've never been able to do that. Make you need a little practice. I can't think of any.
Speaker 1:Oh my god, that is hilarious. And I was wondering what happened to her, because I was oh my God, that is hilarious.
Speaker 2:And I was wondering what happened to her, Because I was, listen, I grew up with a mother. Listen, my mother was a Southern lady. She didn't pass gas, she didn't do any of that. So for a girl you know that age to do that, I thought that was just, you know, wild.
Speaker 4:She's just crazy.
Speaker 2:So I looked her up one day because I was like I'm just curious what she's doing these days. And you know she's doing very well, she's married. She has children and I'm like I wonder if her kids know she can do that. That's funny.
Speaker 1:Probably not. You think she remembers doing that. You think she forgot along the way I? Don't think so.
Speaker 1:What is the weirdest thing that's ever happened? Do you have anything that stands out? That's just weird. Gosh, I've had some crazy, weird. I don't know why. This just popped in my head.
Speaker 1:I think I've told you this story. I don't even know if I should repeat it, because it does. Doesn't make sense to this day and I often think about this. That happened to me so one time, and this was with okay, so this would have been. I was already in greenville, I'm gonna say 2007, ish, so it's not like. I mean, I was an adult and I'm not making this up. So, okay, In my belly button, have I told you my belly button story? Yeah, so in my belly button, there was one day like a little blackhead in my belly button. There's like a pore in my belly button, you know, whatever. And occasionally I'm like, oh, there's a little blackhead in my belly button, there's like a pore in my belly button, you know, whatever. And occasionally I'm like, oh, there's a little black head in my belly button, whatever. And I might squeeze it and, little you know, a little black head pops out. This is so gross.
Speaker 1:This is so gross, but y'all, it gets worse. So one day it was hurting my belly button. I was like, oh, it must be, like I don't know is it gonna turn into like a cyst or a pimple or something like that in my belly button.
Speaker 2:It's because you're not washing it.
Speaker 1:No, I washed my belly button. Y'all you're going to think I'm lying when I tell you this. I wish if it would have been today I would have videoed it.
Speaker 2:I think this happened, since we've known each other no, but I told you about it because I can remember.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you've told me that I remember where I was. I was in my truck at lunch at the garden center and I was like this it was like hurting, like a poking hurting, so I'm like digging in my belly button and I squeeze it because it's like a little blackhead right there, a little poor, and it came out like, like, like a, like a core, like a, like a white head. Would Y'all can all gag if you want to at this point. And it was long, like long for a. Stephen is over here covering his face. Listen, we're telling it all, but this is so weird it gets weirder. It was long, like a. You know, I don't know how long, but like maybe an inch long, and I was like, oh my god, this came out in one piece. It was white, like you know, like if you pop a pimple on your face and it shoots out and you're like, oh, that is satisfying.
Speaker 1:It kind of spiraled out or whatever it was kind of like that, but it was long. So I was like my god, what? How could this have been in my belly button or whatever? And it was look like a core from a pimple, or whatever you want to call that, when it spirals out of your face and I was like touching it Y'all. It was a feather. It was a white feather that came out of my belly button, I am not kidding you. So I guess I always slept on a feather bed like a feather mattress, a down feather mattress. I guess a feather worked its way in my belly button one night. It's the only thing that I can make make sense. Either that or I ate a chicken and the feather came through my belly button. Or Please explain, or I'm not crazy.
Speaker 2:Or you're partly chicken.
Speaker 1:Maybe, so I've never had another feather sprout.
Speaker 2:Have you had any feathers come out anywhere else? I?
Speaker 1:have not had any feathers come out anywhere else.
Speaker 2:It was so gross getting to that point, though I know, I know you can see the visual.
Speaker 1:But you had to set it up Because I mean, if this long pimple thing came out of you, you know you would be like what is that? I was just like what is that? Because it was hard and so I was like kind of like picking it and it, because I guess it dried out or whatever it unfurled as a white feather Like that would come out of like a down pillow. I'm not lying, that's the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me to date. The weirdest. That's weird. I'm thinking I was sleeping on the. You know I always had a feather mattress and you know, sometimes feathers would poke out and I guess it slid into that pore you have me beat In my belly button.
Speaker 2:You have me beat. I've never had a feather fall out of me.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so that's, I guess, as weird as your girl, you know, poured on command, I don't know. With that note, we are out of time and we're gonna wind this up. How about this? Text us on our hotline or call and leave a voicemail? You sprout feather? No, not a sprout. Well, yeah, if you sprout feathers do that, what is the weirdest like odd thing that's happened to you in that kind of sense Like what is something the weirdest thing that's happened to you that you're just like I can't make sense of this, but it actually happened to me and no one would believe it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Like maybe you know you have a claw instead of a toe. Whatever it may be.
Speaker 1:Or do you have a tail? Call our hotline 864-982-5029. It's in the show notes below 864-582-5029. Now, it can't be like a tail, because some people do have tails. You know that, like they're, or like remember six finger. We talked about six finger.
Speaker 2:I want, want to know seriously. Maybe that is I'm being serious, Maybe that is a thing, since so many of us because I sleep on day on too yeah, Maybe that has happened.
Speaker 1:Maybe that's a thing when a feather gets wedged, Because you know they do.
Speaker 2:I mean I have been getting ready and I've had a feather fall out of my panties before and you know it's just from the bedding Right.
Speaker 1:But how would it have slid into my belly button like that?
Speaker 2:Means, you're not washing it.
Speaker 1:well, no, it was in there. Like it was in there.
Speaker 2:I guess it had worked its way in overnight.
Speaker 1:Yeah, oh, my gosh. Anyway, we're out of here. We got to wrap this up. Leave us a review wherever you're listening to our podcast. Maybe today is not the day to ask for a review, who knows? Maybe not Four-star rating. Don't judge us, but do share us with your friends, because we would love to have more listeners and, you know, everyone needs to be in on the craziness of who's driving. Thanks, and we'll see you next week. Bye y'all, bye. Have a good one.