Who's Driving
Who's Driving with Wesley Turner & Steven Merck is all about the entertaining stories we share and brainstorming topics we discuss as two best friends would on a long road trip. Come along for the ride as we check in with friends & offer a wide range of informative topics centered around running small businesses, social media, and all things Home and Garden.
Who's Driving
Who's Driving - Let's (Not) Do The Newberry Shuffle S2E35
Join us as we kick off this episode lamenting the unseasonable temperatures our stories will have you laughing and reminiscing about the joy and pain of fall activities. Discover the amusing "Newberry Shuffle" and the pet peeve it represents. Buckle up for a ride full of laughter, memories, and practical insights!
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I'm pulling in and my bestie's waiting on me. You ready.
Speaker 2:It is hot as hell and it's supposed to be fall.
Speaker 1:What happened? We had a little teaser.
Speaker 2:I don't know, but I can't take it.
Speaker 1:It's time for another episode of who's Driving. Welcome to who's Driving. I'm Wesley Turner.
Speaker 2:And I'm Stephen Merck. We're two best friends and entrepreneurs.
Speaker 1:Who's Driving is an entertaining look into the behind the scenes of our lives, friendship and businesses.
Speaker 2:These are the stories we share and topics we discuss, as two best friends would on a long road trip.
Speaker 1:Along the way, we'll check in with friends and offer a wide range of informative topics centered around running small businesses, social media and all things home and garden.
Speaker 2:Buckle up and enjoy the ride. You never know who's driving or where we're headed.
Speaker 1:All we know is it's always a fun ride. Yeah, it was nice and fallish for a little like a week or so, and now it's like 90.
Speaker 2:I know I was done with the self-tanning. I was done with the shorts, done with shaving your legs yeah. Everything Done, it is definitely not sweater weather no, I need sweater weather I love me some sweater weather, I know you do love me some sweater weather it is not.
Speaker 1:Hopefully it's gonna come back pretty soon.
Speaker 2:I always saw something on instagram and it made me die laughing. It was like girls in their cute fall outfits in this weather and they were like trying to not have a heat stroke they want to show off their new fall clothes, but sweat but it doesn't. And I know, you know there's all these faux pas. You know, can you? You know, wear this, wear that and I'm like in south carolina it has to just go out the window because it's hot in October sometimes.
Speaker 1:Yeah. Just depends on the year.
Speaker 2:I say we just get fall-colored summer clothes.
Speaker 1:Yeah, just wear them Exactly. You know, yesterday I went and picked up pumpkins and I called you on the way because you know we used to sell tons of pumpkins at our old garden shop and because we had an outdoor area and we've kind of narrowed that down and we don't get near as many as we did.
Speaker 2:We still get a nice little selection I think that was the start of my back problem seriously probably.
Speaker 1:but I called you and I was like I'm on the way and I kind of have a little little, because it used to. I would rent a U-Haul and I would go get like eight bins of pumpkins or more no, sometimes more than that, like 10 bins of pumpkins at a time, and bring them backwards.
Speaker 2:And we unloaded them.
Speaker 1:I want everybody to know that One pumpkin at a time.
Speaker 2:And every time we had helpers. But every time it was Wesley and I Right, we would have helpers.
Speaker 1:Well, we had helpers that would carry them off the truck, but you and I lifted every pumpkin out of the bin, priced it and handed it to someone.
Speaker 2:You don't know gross. I'm just going to tell you, folks, you do not know gross, and I'm sure y'all changed some bad diapers and you have not even slid up in a cow pop. You have not experienced disgusting until you stick your hand inside of a rotten ass pumpkin it is the worst, smell it has to be up there with the the. It has to be up there with the smell of a dead decaying body. Has to be, it has to be. I agree with the smell of a dead decaying body.
Speaker 1:It has to be. It has to be. I agree with you on that, and I'm not really sensitive to things like that as much, but it is the worst smell. And you can't hardly get it If you get it on you, you cannot get it off it is so gross it is awful, but it reminded me.
Speaker 1:You know we would unload pumpkins this time of year. Yesterday I went and got two bins and we're going to unload some today. It would always be, it would be like 90. We were like these are going to be pumpkin pie by the time, so it's always my point is it? Always gets hot this time of year in South Carolina Were pumpkins expensive.
Speaker 2:this time they're not as cheap as.
Speaker 1:They're not as cheap as they were 10 years ago.
Speaker 2:But they're not Like they were the past couple years. They were expensive.
Speaker 1:They might be a little cheaper than the last couple of years. He said they had a really good crop and they looked really good.
Speaker 2:Well, guys, if you go to a garden center or a garden boutique and you buy pumpkins and you think, damn, these are expensive, that's because they are. Yeah.
Speaker 1:They are expensive.
Speaker 2:They used to be like five, six years ago. They were so much cheaper.
Speaker 1:There was a lot of money to be made. Well, I think it's probably less farmers and that sort of thing doing it and that whole. Thing.
Speaker 2:But yeah, you know everything. It used to be great money.
Speaker 1:Gone up yeah.
Speaker 2:Now.
Speaker 1:It's not as because they'd be $30. Nobody's going to pay that. You know? What's funny is, even at the like at the farmer, with the farmer. Their prices used to be so cheap, and now their prices because they're direct is yeah, retail.
Speaker 1:It's gone up so much. Yeah, but yeah. So anyway, going and picking up the pumpkins just room every time. I do that Now the last few years since we downsized the garden shop without the outdoor area and we just get like a bin or two, um at a time. I always just I can remember like that is a core memory in my brain now is unloading all the pumpkins, the smell of them and being so hot do you remember last year when we went because you know, all these years I've gone with you.
Speaker 2:Yeah, up there, I mean we just bought tons of pumpkins, right, and we didn't want as many last year. And I was like, well, I'm just going to have them, you know, give me a few of this and that. And you were like you can't do that. And I'm like, but why? I mean because I'm used to going to market Right, same with plants and everything. And you're like, no, when you buy pumpkins wholesale, you're getting a whole huge bin.
Speaker 1:Yes, yeah, we're not just getting four or five or something.
Speaker 2:It's a shame.
Speaker 1:Well, I got us two big bins, so, more than last year, it's going to be nice and pretty, and they're so pretty this year, which is your friendly reminder. I know we've said it over and over Do not wash your pumpkins in the sink. Do not put them in a bathtub. If you need to clean off your pumpkin, just use a little spray on a paper towel or a cloth and wipe them down. Do not soak the pumpkins in the sink or bathtub.
Speaker 2:That's all we're going to say about it. You know, it's always been my standard.
Speaker 1:Always since.
Speaker 2:I've been on instagram. I've never, ever left a negative comment.
Speaker 1:I know, I think I'm gonna make it's very hard. I think I should make a real, a new reel about it and then you could just send it to people when they post it yeah, directly to my reel, because it it's about to make a reel.
Speaker 2:It's hard, not, you know, when they're just giving false information.
Speaker 1:I know We've talked about it. We're not going back into the pumpkin thing.
Speaker 2:Oh, I'll go back. I will go into the damn pumpkin patch.
Speaker 1:What irritates me and I have to say I might be in a little bit of a mood today because I got in an argument in the shower with the body wash bottle. It pissed me off this body wash bottle. I don't even know what it is. When I close the cap, I can't get it back open. I cannot flip. It's like a flip top and I cannot get it open, especially if I get any of the soap on my hand. I was so pissed at that bottle, this morning.
Speaker 1:I was like I'm going to rip the top off is what I'm going to do in a minute.
Speaker 2:So don't get me irritated. Well, I had to go do my annual blood work for my annual doctor's visit and I hate it. And I think she listens to this podcast, so I can't say too much. I love my doctor, she's a great customer and a great friend, but I hate going to doctors. Yeah, you do too.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, you just don't go. Well, I mean, if I need to go, I'll go, I know, oh yeah, you just don't go.
Speaker 2:Well, I mean, if I need to go, I know, but you just don't give you. You get like blood work done once every decade yeah not once a year, and I think I'm going to go to that it's probably time for me to do a little little blood work something I think I'll do the one you can do them you know and do it at home for most of the stuff I would screw it up and I would be like, was it really mine?
Speaker 1:You know how I think I do need to go get a physical.
Speaker 2:So I have a riddle for you, but I feel good.
Speaker 1:Oh, we're going into the riddle already, I feel good too.
Speaker 2:I feel the best I've felt in a long time.
Speaker 1:And.
Speaker 2:I swear, I think it was acupressure.
Speaker 1:Maybe, I.
Speaker 2:Maybe I need to continue on with it. I'm a believer, I am. We're going right into a riddle. Yeah, I've got a good one. You will never get it. I'll give you $5,000 if you get it.
Speaker 1:Y'all heard that right here.
Speaker 2:You heard it what five-letter word, typed in all capital letters, can be read the same upside down.
Speaker 1:Sometimes, I don't know, I didn't even what.
Speaker 2:say it again what five letter word five letter word typed in all capital letters. That makes a difference. Yeah, can be read the same upside down. I mean I've given you a tip upside down, upside so down?
Speaker 1:I don't know. I mean I can't even process that at the moment. I can't even first, I can't even process five letter words letter there's five letters in the word.
Speaker 2:Well, letters got six okay um I Okay. I'm going to give you a hint. I'm not paying you to get it now, but it begins with S and ends with S.
Speaker 1:Five-letter word I don't know.
Speaker 2:Swims Write it.
Speaker 1:Swims. Oh yeah, you can do that.
Speaker 2:I can picture it now. Yeah, I mean, I would have never got it either.
Speaker 1:Where was the hint in there? You said S and it begins with s, it ends with s. No, before that, when you were reading it, you're like I've already given you a hint oh that capital letters matter because, if it, was lowercase, it wouldn't be the same.
Speaker 2:Okay, that's why I was trying to yeah, I wouldn't have gotten that either.
Speaker 1:I'm gonna be honest with you so so. I Hold on. We got to talk about. We got a busy week coming up. We do. I mean we're in the middle of our busy week.
Speaker 2:We have.
Speaker 1:Fig Fest. I know You're trying to block it out. We have Fig Fest on Friday and Saturday. We got friends coming from out of town that we got to entertain.
Speaker 2:And I'm so ill-prepared town that we got to entertain and I'm so ill prepared and it's supposed to be sweater weather and it's not.
Speaker 1:I'm like, what am I gonna wear?
Speaker 2:you're gonna wear your your sensible lulu lemon pants and your black t-shirt oh my gosh, so since I've been working in savannah, I have to have work clothes, because I'm actually I've actually been doing physical labor there, yeah, and so I found Lulu Works. So, I ordered me a new pair last night, oh wow, I got me a pair of black ones.
Speaker 1:That's even bougie-ass work clothes.
Speaker 2:Lulu Lemon. They're very durable. I see, I don't think it's bougie, I think it's $100 for a pair of pants that never wears out.
Speaker 1:That's a lot. You could go on Amazon and get the same thing. Oh hell, no Amazon clothes, you crazy. But okay, we have Fig Fest this weekend, a two-day event.
Speaker 2:I wish it were going to be cool.
Speaker 1:It might cool off, and then we have dinner in the Dahlias here at the farm on Saturday, and between now and then a tropical storm is blowing through. Yeah, so we need good vibes and prayers that it's cleared off by Saturday, because Daniel may just have a complete meltdown out in the flower field.
Speaker 2:It might be floating in the dahlias Right.
Speaker 1:We do have the barn cleared out almost so we can set up tables. If it's not like torrential downpour, you know, if it's just a light rain or something, but hopefully it all clears up right now it looks like it's supposed to clear out by the afternoon on saturday, so hopefully that's um a thing. We just got back from the Atlanta market. You were gone. We were talking about this in a live sale. You were gone from your house for two weeks, other than one night.
Speaker 2:I have never been gone from home that long ever. Isn't that a damn shame.
Speaker 1:Even when we went to Hawaii no, it wasn't for two weeks, no, and I know I wasn't working like we work sometimes.
Speaker 2:I wasn't working that hard, that hard, that manual yeah, I wasn't working. Trust me, I've worked way harder putting down floors in the retail stores. It was not that kind of work, right, but it was work and it was mental work and I was exhausted. That's why I slept for 18 hours when we came hours.
Speaker 1:I know you said when you got back so he was in Savannah helping get the new store set up, our franchise store, this opening in Savannah. Then you came back literally on Sunday afternoon, showed up for the live sale, went home, went to bed packed. We got up on Monday and we went to the Atlanta market.
Speaker 2:We were there for the mini market.
Speaker 1:I was so damn tired this weekend and you said you slept for 18 hours straight.
Speaker 2:That is crazy.
Speaker 1:I went to bed.
Speaker 2:I went to bed on Thursday night. I did not get out, I got up to pee, of course.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I did not leave my bedroom, get out of bed until Friday night. Yeah, I went, I got up. Basically it was almost 24 hours yeah.
Speaker 1:That's insane. And then this week, like I just mentioned, we have Big Fest and then Dinner in the Dahlias. Then we're doing a live sale on Sunday. And you're going back to Savannah on Monday.
Speaker 2:Sunday.
Speaker 1:Sunday after the. I'm going Sunday After the live sale.
Speaker 2:I can do the live sale with you, but we got to be there because everything's showing up on Monday.
Speaker 1:It's going to be fun.
Speaker 2:The countdown is on we're down to that wire where all these little things it's like okay, is this going to make it, Is this going to make it, Is this going to make it Right? And I'm like you know, our goal was to be open October 1st. That is our goal, that's what we want. But, you know, if it's the 5th, it's just what it's got to. You know it's found this out in Savannah has a negative connotation I did not know that.
Speaker 2:So what we have to say is we're expanding and the new owner, the owner operators of that location, are Mark and Tina Van Vick.
Speaker 1:Yes, well, we can say that, but we franchised our business and you got to kind of put that out there to know. Tina Van Vick yes, well, we can say that, but we franchised our business and you got to kind of put that out there to know you do you do, but when I'm down there, I'm trying. When you're in that market In that market.
Speaker 2:I'm trying to say, when we have franchised and we're in the market, we're already there.
Speaker 1:We have expanded. We have expanded into the Savannah market. It's funny how people have perceived different things.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because I'm like, yeah, it's a franchise, but it is a gnat of a franchise compared to McDonald's Right, you know, you can't even compare, it's still very boutique, territorial and that sort of thing.
Speaker 1:I was scrolling through Instagram right before this and I saw on Tina, our friend to Mimi's house. We go on her stories. She was saying I learned today, at 63 years old I think is what she said this saying and I learned it today from her at 43.
Speaker 2:Well, ask me and see if I know.
Speaker 1:So I got to see what you say. So you know the common phrase um, if you think, if you think I'm gonna do x, you've got another thing coming. You know that phrase. So like if you think I'm gonna go up those stairs, you got another damn thing coming.
Speaker 2:That's the way I heard it, right? If you think I'm taking you up there, you got another damn thing coming. That's the way I heard it, right? If you think I'm taking you up there, you got another damn thing coming. That's the way I got it when I was a kid.
Speaker 1:Well, it is actually. If you think I'm doing X, you've got another think coming. Like you're gonna have to think again. It's not another thing coming, you got another think coming. Well, hell.
Speaker 2:And see, I've always said it as thing, but see, in my mind you know Pickens County here. Yeah, when I heard you got another thing coming, I thought it was ass whipping. Right, that's what I thought. I thought, you got another thing coming Other than you thinking I'm going to do something.
Speaker 1:That's what I mean. Right, right, right. See, I thought you got another thing coming, was an ass whipping. Yeah, other than you thinking I'm going to do something.
Speaker 2:you got something else coming and it's going to be a yeah, I thought it was like an ass whipping kind of thing.
Speaker 1:If you think I'm going to do blah, blah, blah, you got another thing coming.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and that phrase was usually followed up by an ass whipping. So that is. You know, that is the way I perceive that. I think it's correct.
Speaker 1:You've got another thing coming. Yeah Well, evidently it's another think coming.
Speaker 2:That doesn't even make, that don't even make sense If you if you think I'm going to do whatever.
Speaker 1:You got another thing coming Doesn't work in my vocabulary because I am right there with you it's another thing coming and it's usually not something good. So I thought that was very interesting because I had just never heard of that. So I had something else that came up, and I think I also have a riddle for you. But we never heard of that. So I had something else that came up, and I think I also have a riddle for you.
Speaker 1:But we'll get to that in a minute since I started this topic, I think you need I can't remember where this came up, but I put it in my notes to talk about, because you are hilarious when you talk about this what and you kind of have to see it demonstrated. That makes it even better, but we're going to talk about it and I guess it was maybe at market or something where it came up. But we got to talk about what you have terms the newberry shuffle oh, the newberry shuffle.
Speaker 1:Let me tell you even has a pet peeve that's one of my biggest pet peeves. Cause you said Dylan will do it to you and he does it at the warehouse.
Speaker 2:He does it at two places. Well, three the warehouse, which is good because I can really let loose on him, and the grocery store, the supermarket, and sometimes I can't cause if you're at the teeter on Augusta Road, I can't be yelling out.
Speaker 1:Pick up your MF feet.
Speaker 2:Because all of our customers are around us.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:Or he'll do it at Target or somewhere Every time, like y'all. If you're listening and if you wear flip-flop, I don't give a damn what you wear when you're walking. Pick your feet up like you're going somewhere. That is the laziest Let me. My perception of that is they're lazy, good for nothing, worthless, awful people, and that may not be the case.
Speaker 1:So let's just clarify what we're talking about. That Stephen, and we'll talk about why he calls it the Newberry Shuffle in a minute.
Speaker 2:But what his ear that ran my blood pressure.
Speaker 1:I know it gets him going. His big irritation is not picking up your feet. Shuffling your feet Is that what you'd?
Speaker 2:call it.
Speaker 1:It's different when you don't pick them up and they drag, or whatever If you have a medical condition, obviously if you're elderly. But if you're just normal walking, I'm talking a young person. Well, I can remember as a kid getting yelled at pick up your damn feet.
Speaker 2:Me too.
Speaker 1:I never did that.
Speaker 2:I mean, I probably only did it once, but I feel like I can remember that Well and the other thing my mother always said, which is true, she's like you never want to drag your feet around like that. You'll ruin your shoes.
Speaker 1:Right, but some people do, and nothing since Stephen over the head. So it became called the Newberry Shuffle because Stephen bought his second and third McDonald's was in Newberry, South Carolina.
Speaker 2:And if you're from Newberry, it is a thing in Newberry. Yeah, you go to the Walmart, go to the Lowe's, you will hear the Newberry shuffle.
Speaker 1:That is so funny.
Speaker 2:Everybody shuffle, it was like. And I said to the previous owner, which was a great man, yeah, he's passed away now. But I said to him I said, ken, I do not understand why no one here can pick their feet up, right, it's like they have cement in their shoes. Yeah, and he said I know, it's the damnedest thing, yeah, so when I bought the restaurants, yeah, you bought them and you had them and you were getting it going.
Speaker 1:And I remember you came, you like we were talking on the phone or we were in conversation. You were like it is the damnedest thing and I don't know what I'm going to do, but it drives me crazy. But every employee drags their feet. And they're like slugs going across the floor, it was like cold molasses. Yeah. And I said so he was like having this meltdown. So then, a few days later, how did you fix the problem?
Speaker 2:Well, it was never completely fixed, but it had to be known and let me tell you it was much improved. I did training sessions, I did training classes in each restaurant On how to walk.
Speaker 1:He said no, we had training session I pulled everyone out to the lobby and I said this is how we're gonna walk, and you demonstrated how to walk and then each person had to show me, yeah, how they walk and I would go.
Speaker 2:Nope, come back, start over. Yeah, I said walk with purpose, walk like you're going somewhere. Yes, you do not drag your damn feet across the floor, I mean I go I go into a mcdonald's and I'm like, so he just leaves me. So saturday, dylan and I went into one of my former restaurants and had not been in there in a long time. But they did a remodel. I was like you know. Nobody will know me Right, it's going to be okay, Mm-hmm. First of all, let me show you the pictures.
Speaker 1:Oh, we have pictures. We have pictures and this wasn take pictures.
Speaker 2:We have pictures, and this wasn't planned y'all. We have photographs.
Speaker 1:This is when we need a website just for who's driving, so that they can have it Brand new, uh-huh.
Speaker 2:It's pretty. You crazy as hell. The floor is pretty, but look at this ceiling. That's new. Oh, what is that? But look at this ceiling. Look how that's new. Oh, what is that? It is acoustical ceiling. It looks like the backside of it. It looks like the backside. It looks old as hell. It's brand new. They ruined my store.
Speaker 1:Oh my God, the ceiling does literally look like the backside of a ceiling tile.
Speaker 2:It looks dirty, yeah, it looks dirty. And look at that toilet it looks like the.
Speaker 1:It looks like it's been. The ceiling looks like grease residue from the fryer it does, and every employee in there you know.
Speaker 2:I had to sit there and analyze the whole time I was like I thought I was cured, but Dylan was like we got to quit this. There was only one employee one in the whole restaurant that I would have kept.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And she had fire engine red hair. But she was so great and she knew how to walk and every time she walked by me she did not know who I was. I had never seen this woman before she spoke hello, how are you, how's your food?
Speaker 1:Yeah. Just that extra little touch that's not even extra, but these days it is.
Speaker 2:It was like they were glued to the floor. I just do not. I think that is a parenting thing, right, because I'm telling you my mother would have never put up with that, right? And if you have children out there, don't let them drag their feet. And if you can't wear flip-flops, don't.
Speaker 2:Yeah, still pick up your feet, don't shuffle it seems so uncomfortable to me, I know, but I will be at the warehouse working, uh-huh, and I will be in thought, yeah, and I'll hear dylan come but just for the record he's doing it to, to annoy me, irritate you. Yeah, that's not how he walks no, you would have murdered him I would have murdered. But he does that like and he'll do it in situations a lot where I can't like if we're on a live or we're uh live on instagram or doing, you know doing something and I'm like, oh my I mean.
Speaker 1:I just thought that was the funniest thing though, though, when you're like, I literally had to teach them Today. I taught them how to walk.
Speaker 2:I wonder if any of those people remember that. I don't know, I bet they're like that was one crazy ass owner. But you know they did do better.
Speaker 1:I don't think they knew, maybe not the Newberry Shuffle.
Speaker 2:I still call it the Newberry Shuffle.
Speaker 1:He's like oh my gosh, someone's doing the Newberry Shuffle. I'm like, oh God.
Speaker 2:And he built up static electricity. I wish they'd just electrocute themselves when they do that Touch something metal. And you know, their shoes are just worn slap out, probably on one side too.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean it's just bare. Yeah, gotta be. Okay, I have a riddle for you, okay.
Speaker 2:This one should be kind of easy, but may not. It is when you look at the answer.
Speaker 1:I make two people out of one. What am I? Two people out of one. What am I? I make two people out of one. What am I? I make two people out of one. What am I? I make two people out of one. What am I? I don't know A mirror.
Speaker 2:Hey, it's so simple when you know the answer it's true, it really is.
Speaker 1:Oh, someone, by the way, asked uh on our hotline a while back and we're just now getting to it what the cards were. I have them right here. The game that we brought the cards they said they would like to get it, and it's called delve deck d-e-l-v-E, I guess, like delve into something. Uh-huh, delve Deck. Delve Deck is the game that Steven bought.
Speaker 2:I ordered it on Instagram and it was not a scam and it's actually a very nice set. Okay, yeah, so I know a lot of people are, you know, iffy on ordering from Instagram, but I did. It's very nice, well-constructed.
Speaker 1:And the website on the bottom of the box is BoardWalkcom.
Speaker 2:Yes, BoardWalkcom, if you wanted to go direct. I want to say it's like $30, $35 for the set.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:And it is worth it it is great.
Speaker 1:We might have to pull some cards out of there. Maybe on the next ones We'll see.
Speaker 2:So Dylan and I were talking this morning actually Mm-hmm, and you know I have fleeting.
Speaker 1:I'm glad y'all are talking yeah.
Speaker 2:I have fleeting thoughts of, you know, building or renovate more renovating a house. You know a single family house.
Speaker 1:He's starting to get the house itch. I see it coming and you're like no, I don't know, but I love my loft. Within the next two years, you'll be in a house. You think, yeah, I do.
Speaker 2:Well, anyway, you know refrigeration. I've been around that almost my entire life of some sort. Well, true, the company T-R-U-E, very, very good refrigeration company. They just came out with a new refrigerator and I was like, and you know I'm a Sub-Zero person, I love Sub-Zero, so I don't know that I would go away from that, but this one is really nice looking and it's probably the same price as a Sub-Zero, but I like it just the way it's made, because you can pull the compressor out anyway.
Speaker 2:But I want, well, two things I'm going to do in our next home whatever that is is I'm going to do one big, upright freezer.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you said this, and one refrigerator.
Speaker 2:And I want the refrigerator glass.
Speaker 1:Yes, because we talked about Fridgescapes.
Speaker 2:Yes, I told Dylan that this morning and he said oh hell, no, I cannot. No, I cannot take this. It will be. You can't put that in there. That doesn't look good. Right, get that out of there and put that in this glass container and I'm like it's probably true, yeah, you can't do a glass front refrigerator Because I would want everything poured into glass bottles.
Speaker 1:You would be like it's the first thing that you see, and then you would be like having them put it in the different bottles, but then the bottle's not in the right spot because it's next to one that's taller than that looks gross.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you can't have that in there. Don't put that half eaten.
Speaker 1:Right, because you couldn't have a bottle half empty. You'd be like no don't.
Speaker 2:He said this is will be a disaster start to finish. Yeah, he said it will just drive you crazy. We cannot have a glass. I agree with Dylan Absolutely I have to say I think y'all are right.
Speaker 1:I think if you're going to do that, you need to plan on having a full-time house manager go to that level I'm not paying for that. Okay, then don't get a clear glass refrigerator.
Speaker 2:That ain't happening.
Speaker 1:You need a house manager that's going to refill those and organize them like twice a week.
Speaker 2:May does. I have told May, if I ever do go, may is our housekeeper and has been for what? 12? No, a long time. 12, 14 years, and so I promised her, if we ever do that, that that's her job. To keep the refrigerator, no, no, to come work five days a week.
Speaker 1:Oh, if you ever have a house manager, she can do it. Yeah, she can do it.
Speaker 2:And it's not listen. It is not that she is, I love her. She's like family to me, literally like family. I love her more than some of my family. I'm going to go ahead and put that out there. Bryce, I'm not talking about you because I know you're listening, you know you're my fave, but she, she just gets me yeah, and not everybody groove of who gets you in that sort of like certain things she never does, but that's not important to me, right and certain things I don't want her to do ever.
Speaker 1:Right yeah.
Speaker 2:She knows you do not touch my artwork, yeah.
Speaker 1:Don't, don't even dust it, don't even look at it, I got it, I got it, you're so crazy, but I don't want to put that on somebody Right.
Speaker 2:You know there's certain things. You don't want to put that on somebody Right. You know there's certain things you don't want.
Speaker 1:Do not ever touch my plants. Yeah, don't water them, don't touch them.
Speaker 2:And that's a big. That is a big thing. A lot of you guys out there that are listening. You need to take that advice because some of our saddest plants that come into the garden store are from housekeepers.
Speaker 1:Thankfully, it's not their fault. It's not their fault. It's not their fault. Yeah, but the homeowners are watering and then the housekeepers is watering and it's just drowned and it smells like cow manure when it comes in.
Speaker 2:And weighs 80 pounds.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it does, because they both have watered it and it's just. It's a swamp by the time it gets back to us.
Speaker 2:It's a swamp.
Speaker 1:And it's just, it's a swamp by the time it gets back to us. It's a swamp and the employees love cleaning those containers out.
Speaker 2:Oh, it smells, it smells so bad. It is true. How does it not?
Speaker 1:it doesn't smell in your house. I guess it's just sitting there and you're not up in it.
Speaker 2:You break that seal.
Speaker 1:It is gross. I saw, I've been seeing and you know it's probably something I watched a video on. This is from TikTok and if you, you know, on TikTok, if you watch one video, it's going to feed you a ton of those videos. That same topic. I feel, like it just gets going, but it reminded me and I don't know if we talked- about this and you need to go to church because I've seen your feed.
Speaker 1:No, I'm kidding, that's not true, but I've been seeing in and it's usually from Gatlinburg or Pigeon Forge, which you know my parents have a cabin there we have the Airbnb that I manage there, whatever, but bears getting in people's cars, like it's that time of year.
Speaker 2:I saw one today.
Speaker 1:And it is just a video of you know they'll be videoing them from their cabin or whatever and the bear literally walks up to the car, stands on its back feet like a person and opens the car. Obviously it's not logged, but they pull on the doorknob and open and get in the car. And it made me think and I don't know if we've've talked about this before but didn't you have a friend or someone? Who a bear got in their car a friend of mine.
Speaker 2:Yes, well, um, they have a house up in in cashers yeah, in the mountains, in the mountains um, and went up to the house for, you know, just to do some work, like, but ended up staying overnight. You know how if we, if our places were closer, we would do that all the time, I'm sure. Right, um, because it's like within an hour yeah, they're close, tahoe and was snacking yeah, on some doritos which you know. You know that could be us.
Speaker 1:Yeah, forgot and left the sunroof open so it didn't open the door, it went through the sunro it went through the sunroof, went into the sunroof.
Speaker 2:I have never it totaled, totaled the car.
Speaker 1:Oh my gosh. I remember this. You talk about this.
Speaker 2:I would not have wanted to run into that bear.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it sliced.
Speaker 2:It was like knives, I mean the leather was just just so it just demolished. And even the hard, the, the tight leather like on the dash, yeah, it looked like it was chocolate pie. I mean just went right through it like butter, that's crazy.
Speaker 1:I mean, it was total. So if you're going to the mountains, lock your car and don't leave food in it.
Speaker 2:Lock it because they can't open the door.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's what I'm so impressed is how they can, just, they just know how to open the door, like they grab the handle and just open it and walk right in.
Speaker 2:Well, they couldn't on my Range Rover, because it's got the door handles that pop out.
Speaker 1:That is a good thing, that is true. So the only good thing about that they would just climb all over it and just Just run it Just. Scratch it from right to back.
Speaker 2:Not total it. Of course it could be totaled.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:Can't get a new one, just gonna get it fixed, yeah, just.
Speaker 1:Which you would just have to sell it. We got to talking about that on the end of the live sale last night. Sunday night's live sale. How Stephen has only child and if something gets damaged, it's just it wrecks me.
Speaker 2:I just take, I try to take. I didn't tell you this, it's just done. I didn't tell you this. So Confession time. This is funny, you're gonna laugh. I mean I had to laugh because it was throw up or laugh, so I was getting something out of the Mercedes. And you know it's a coupe, so it's got really long doors. And I forget, because I don't drive that car that much.
Speaker 2:No, you don't bang the hell out of it. Knocked the living hell out of the Range Rover. Put a big dent right up in the door.
Speaker 1:Oh, now you got oh my, I'm like. When'd you do that?
Speaker 2:I did that a few months ago. I'm like, well, you know it was going to happen. I'm just glad I did it.
Speaker 1:Made me feel a little.
Speaker 2:It made me less mad that I know how it happened.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And luckily I didn't slam it, I barely. I mean it barely touched, I mean it is just one of those little pings. So I know I mean it'll pop out, but I'm like see, that's just aggravating, I know.
Speaker 1:Because we talked about it. You have a ding a rock or something. It's not a ding. A rock or something hit his Mercedes.
Speaker 2:It's not a ding. A rock or something hit his Mercedes. It was a stray bullet.
Speaker 1:It was not a stray bullet, it was a rock. I'm telling you From the landscapers Hit a rock. It hit the back of your car. Could have been that, yeah, and it put a ding. Well, it's not really a chip. It put a chip in you, chip In the. It put a chip in the paint and that car is a piece of shit.
Speaker 2:Now, it's not true. It is true you admitted to it last night on the live sale how?
Speaker 1:that just hurt you.
Speaker 2:I did almost take a black Sharpie and color, just so I wouldn't have to look at it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but he hadn't driven that car but twice since, scott, that isn't true. Four times in six months, and now it's being fixed, but he's going to know it damaged and it will drive him crazy forever.
Speaker 2:No, no, yes, you know it, I'm over it. No, here's the thing. I am not spending any more money on cars. I'm not doing it telling yourself that well, dylan, we're gonna have to get him a new car in the next few years, but you know, I love that car too, um, and they're just so expensive. Like I was driving along and I said, oh, I like that car, dylan, pull up that car. How much is that that car?
Speaker 1:And I'm like hell, no, I know every year about once a year I want a brand new car. Or it doesn't have to be brand new or it can be used, but you know they're crazy.
Speaker 2:New to me.
Speaker 1:And then I'm like, oh, I'm going to go get this car, why not? And then I'm like, mine's fine, that is the. But see, we're not car people either, and I'm like I'll treat myself one day that is out of my entire life.
Speaker 2:I've always been very frugal, conservative and very good with my money. You know that. But in my life that is my. That is the number one thing I wish I could have changed about myself that personality. I love old cars, I love vintage cars.
Speaker 1:I could have. You love trading cars. I would love to have 50 cars.
Speaker 2:I could have 50 cars and I would be so happy. And it doesn't have to be all luxury. I would love to have a volkswagen bus. I would like to have a convertible vw like an old one, like a 68. I could have 50 cars and I would just be in heaven. But I wish that was one thing I didn't love. Yeah, because it's such a waste. Yeah, I mean, it's a waste unless you're buying speaking.
Speaker 1:Speaking of cars and I am not a car person and we're not going to get into the side of this. You know, electric versus gas. We're not going there Because those aren't real cars, but anyway, go ahead Stop. We're not going there.
Speaker 2:I'm just aggravating you.
Speaker 1:But we are going to talk about this. Just reminded me and, like I said, I'm not a real car person, I don't whatever, but I was driving yesterday and a new. It still had the drive out tags on it, but it wasn't like they got it that day because it was already dirty as hell. Is one of my points Cyber truck. Have you seen a cyber truck on the?
Speaker 2:road Ugly as hell.
Speaker 1:I do not, and if you? You drive one, I would love to know what the appeal is like. What is the appeal for you? Because I was looking, I was driving behind it. First of all, you know, art is in the eye of the beholder, it is. I think they're ugly as hell, just like you just said. Second of all, I was looking at it from a you know quote truck standpoint. It's not practical. The bed part's not practical.
Speaker 2:None of it.
Speaker 1:It's got the cover on it. The slope of the back, the slope of the back. None of it is practical. And then you know they're stainless steel. You could see Every handprint on it.
Speaker 2:And it had the drive-out tags on it.
Speaker 1:You could see every bug. Mark splatter.
Speaker 2:You look like you're going to war too.
Speaker 1:It just looks like a military vehicle, yeah, and I was just driving by and I was behind it. Then I was beside it and then I got in front of it and I was just like what was the appeal? And then I was thinking, well, maybe if you got one, does anyone have one Let us know. Like, did you pre-order it? Because I think you had to pre-order them back in the day? Did you pre-order it thinking, oh my God, this is going to be something? And now you have it and you're like this isn't what I thought it was going to be, or do you feel very safe in it?
Speaker 1:Or does it make you feel safe or do you just feel like it is badass and that is, you know how you feeling it? That's okay too, I'm just. I just didn't get it from, like I said, the practical standpoint, because you've gotten this quote truck, but it's not functional really because of the slope and the bed and the this and well, and I am a car person and I'll say this you know I'm a car fanatic, yeah, and I love the cars, the three cars we have now.
Speaker 2:I really love all three, mm-hmm, but. But Cars do not have the style and the beauty and the class that they did Like if you go back to like the 70s and the 80s, oh yeah, I feel like that's when. Like if you go back to like the 70s and the 80s, I feel like that's when, like if you look at, even like a BMW in the 80s, that was a distinctive look Back in the good old days. I know, but even all the cars just had more shape.
Speaker 1:Well as things become more, you know. It becomes melded into more generic, the more popular, and things Like back then it becomes melded into more generic, the more popular, and things Like back then it was you either wanted a Chevrolet or you wanted a Mercedes, and they didn't compete Right. But now I feel like they all compete. Yeah, the gap narrows, it becomes more generic, and technology I mean technology.
Speaker 2:And you know and I'll give a shout out to a car I never thought I would say this, but I'm going to say it Kia, they have done an amazing job. You know, when they came out, they did the whole buy one, get one free deal and it was like, oh my gosh, those must be the crappiest, worst cars. And if you look at a new Kia, I'm just going to tell you it is a sharp car and the way they have redesigned their logo and the whole car and the technology of it, it is pretty amazing and I think they're going to do what Hyundai did. Hyundai, I remember, in the 80s, was a crappy car. It was a Kia of the 80s was a crappy car, it was a Kia of the 80s, and now you know it is one of the top cars. Yeah, I mean they have. Now you can get a Genesis. That's $80,000, which is you know.
Speaker 1:I talked about I don't know if we've ever talked about it on here. My mom had a Hyundai and she got it. You know, back in the day we talked, talked about you know struggle three kids growing up, single mom working hard, no child support, nothing like that. You know she got a free TV when she bought her car?
Speaker 2:Did she really? Yes, you told me that one.
Speaker 1:And she had, like Hyundai's were new, it was the thing back then. It was like you know a promo. It was their free car that Kia did yeah.
Speaker 2:You got a promo. It was their free car. That kia did. Yeah, you got a free tv. And were y'all just all excited because you got it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you got a free tv with the car I can't remember the name, but it was a six shift and then later on my brothers, you know I got old enough to drive, and then people would be like tell my mom later, like you know she had gotten she was in her vol and Mercedes by then.
Speaker 1:Yes, by then she had worked her way up and they were like, yeah, that Hyundai, it used to go mudding. My brothers would take the car and go mudding with other friends who had trucks in her Hyundai and they were like that car could go through anything. My mom's like, oh my gosh, but it was a great car yeah I mean, you know she rode that thing until the.
Speaker 1:I think she literally I had to ask her, but I'm pretty sure she literally pulled up in the driveway one day and the clutch went out and like a tire went flat one thing I love about your mother.
Speaker 2:I mean, there's a lot of the things I love about your mother, but one of my favorite things about her is well, they've, first of all, they've had to keep their cars because they drove one hour, one way to work yeah, it was like 60 miles a day and they had to drive separately because your mom ran the office and then you had to make hospital rounds, right?
Speaker 1:So they couldn't carpool.
Speaker 2:Right, so they had to keep their cars.
Speaker 1:They put too many miles on it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you couldn't lease it. She drives a car, oh honey, until there is nothing left. I mean, do you remember the old Mercedes? She had To open the hood, she had a coat hanger.
Speaker 1:But it looked good on the road. Yeah, no one would know.
Speaker 2:Oh, it looked like a great looking Mercedes. I mean the car held up. It had over 300,000 miles.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:But the air conditioning had gone. You had to use a bent coat hanger to open the hood. And she laughed. She took it to. It was sitting like out in their yard just sitting there and she took it to carmax she took it like in the winter time because the ac was out and they said they slid the key.
Speaker 2:The guys slid the key over to your mother and said miss over street, we can't give you 1500 for it. And she took the key and slid it back to him and said I'll take it. And her friend took her. She was like hurry, let's get to the bank before they chased her by. Yeah, because that car was worn out. Yeah, yeah, but it was a great car.
Speaker 1:It was great, it was still running.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it was a silver.
Speaker 1:C-class. It was a great car. Yes, it is so true. Oh, she can wear a car out.
Speaker 2:That is true, but she gets her money out of it. Oh yeah, hell yeah, she does. That's the way you're supposed to do it. Oh yeah, hell yeah, she does. That's the way you're supposed to do it. Uh-huh, not like me? Yeah, and it's got to change. I'm getting help. You're not going to change.
Speaker 1:Why change? You're 51.
Speaker 2:It's my one, why change?
Speaker 1:now.
Speaker 2:It's my one little vice. Yeah, you got it. It's better than smoking. It's true, you, it's better than smoking. It's true, you got it.
Speaker 1:You can do it Well, speaking of cars, I think it's time to pull this baby over. We're out of time for this week's episode. I don't know.
Speaker 2:I don't want to get out of the air conditioning.
Speaker 1:It's 100 damn degrees out there. We got work to do. We really do. You better get ready, Get heated up. So remember to leave us a review wherever you're listening to our podcast we highly appreciate it and share us with your friends. And guess what? We'll see you next week. We'll be here. Bye y'all.