Who's Driving
Who's Driving with Wesley Turner & Steven Merck is all about the entertaining stories we share and brainstorming topics we discuss as two best friends would on a long road trip. Come along for the ride as we check in with friends & offer a wide range of informative topics centered around running small businesses, social media, and all things Home and Garden.
Who's Driving
Who's Driving - Laughs & Loofahs S2E38
Ever found yourself in a van, lounging on a sofa, only to realize it’s the worst decision for car sickness? Stephen did, and loofahs are not just for showers but are colorful signals of social interactions. We want to know your loofah color
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Buckle up buttercup. I'm here, it's fall, it is fall and it's time for another episode of who's Driving. Welcome to who's Driving.
Speaker 2:I'm Wesley Turner and I'm Stephen Merck we're two best friends and entrepreneurs.
Speaker 1:Who's Driving is an entertaining look into the behind the scenes of our lives, friendship and business.
Speaker 2:These are the stories we share and topics we discuss, as two best friends would on a long road trip.
Speaker 1:Along the way, we'll check in with friends and offer a wide range of informative topics centered around running small businesses, social media and all things home and garden.
Speaker 2:Buckle up and enjoy the ride.
Speaker 1:You never know who's driving or where we're headed. All we know is it's always a fun ride. First of all, I'm here, but we're pulling this baby over. You gotta drive. I am tired.
Speaker 2:You are more slack. I need a nap.
Speaker 1:I'm just gonna lay over here and take a little nap. I'm gonna be a passenger princess today.
Speaker 2:Well, that's all you ever are when we're on a railroad trip.
Speaker 1:You got this Talk to someone, like you normally do, on the phone.
Speaker 2:It is funny, you know y'all, when we go on a real road trip. He never, ever drives, which it works out because I'm a control freak.
Speaker 1:It's not that I don't drive, it's you won't let me drive I like it most of the time. You will not let me drive.
Speaker 2:If I do ask him to drive, it is like you would think he just climbed a mountain.
Speaker 1:You are making up lies.
Speaker 2:I drove all the way from Atlanta.
Speaker 1:That is not true. Because, I don't mind driving and I don't mind road trips. Like I drive home to Tennessee, it's nine hours by myself.
Speaker 2:Well, we're going to market Thursday night so you can drive, I'll ride. Okay, we never do that.
Speaker 1:Okay, I'm kidding, I will drive. It's not that big of a deal. I don't mind driving, but see I. Okay, here's the thing about driving.
Speaker 2:I get bored.
Speaker 1:That's my problem. If you're not driving, yeah, um, I used to never not drive back in the day until you know, even with you in the beginning, I used to, would not let anyone drop me. I did not like that. Like I have to know you very well for you to drop me, oh I, you know what I'm saying so I used to never let anyone else drive.
Speaker 1:But then you are more control freak than me and you know where it really started is truly leaving the Atlanta market, and I would be so exhausted I couldn't drive. I'd be like I can't drive, you're going to have to drive and the other.
Speaker 2:thing let's face it the reason you like me driving is I have a little bit of a lead foot, so we do get there a little faster.
Speaker 1:That's true, and I usually like work or Instagram messages. I'm productive, I just get bored. But then Daniel started driving, like if we go somewhere. As well I used to drive, but he now, the older he's gotten, he gets car sick, like even riding in the front seat passenger, really, and that helps. So him driving, he doesn't get car sick. So now he drives pretty much everywhere we go, like if we're going on you know a road, like driving to Florida or something like that, and so and he gets car sick.
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh, I got car sick that one time with you. We talked about that on here. So we won't rehash that that's the only time in my life I've been car sick. If that ever starts like just right, that is the worst.
Speaker 1:I know, oh my gosh. So, stephen, one time, I guess did we talk about it on here. One time we were moving a sofa from my parents' cabin.
Speaker 2:We had the old one in the van we had driven separately.
Speaker 1:I guess it was me and you and Daniel, and I guess we drove separately because we were in a cargo van that just had the two seats.
Speaker 2:And I had driven up by myself, but I was in my little two-seater car. So we couldn't all three ride in it yes. So we were switching out sofas and we were having to take one to the recycling center, whatever you call it, the dump, the landfill but we were on our way that day to go whitewater rafting yes, Should have driven. Should have driven.
Speaker 1:So Stephen rode in the van on a sofa In the van. Which is not safe at all. Anyway, we weren't even going that far, which?
Speaker 2:doesn't matter. No, we were going like 10 minutes.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but you rode on the sofa in the van and you got. So you were like, oh my gosh.
Speaker 2:And it lasted for hours and I was. It was worse because I had never been car sick. So then I got a huge amount of anxiety and upset out of fear that it was a virus.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you're like oh my gosh, am I getting sick?
Speaker 2:If I had just like, if it happens again and I'm in that situation, I'll be more calm Because, like, if I think I'm getting a virus, I'm like oh, I can't even talk about it, I go into a panic.
Speaker 1:We've talked about that before. If someone says that they've had a stomach virus like if I just hear it, my mom's like this too. If someone like, if you called me tomorrow and said I have a stomach virus, I would instantly just feel sick. You would have the dysentery immediately and I'm not like that, about anything else but the stomach virus.
Speaker 2:Me too. But if someone tells me, I can almost watch it on TV and I'm like, oh.
Speaker 1:I'm not feeling it. Yes, it's true.
Speaker 2:I never get that you know I had that last year and I had not had that in I guess 10 or 12 years.
Speaker 1:It's bad, it's so bad. Well, there's probably other people listening that do that same thing, so we're not going to talk about that. But going back to car sick, I also do not get motion sickness or anything or car sick like that, but I only one time, to just like you, came very close and it is the worst feeling. So you and I were in New York City close and it is the worst feeling. So you and I were in new york city, we were leaving the airport and we were taking a taxi to our hotel in new york city and the traffic was bad and we got in a taxi and he would stomp on the gas and go like 10 feet and then stomp on the brake slam the brake and just just it was out of the thousands of cab drivers in the city, we got the worst one, yeah and it was that motion.
Speaker 1:It would jerk your neck, your neck and even your stomach inside would hit like that. And I didn't think anything about it at first because I had never been carsick and never been carsick and and we were getting closer off the highway and all of a sudden it came over me and I was like Stephen, I got to get out of this car. I was like I have got to get out. I was like let's just get out here, we can call it Uber, we can walk somewhere. And like we were literally still on the highway, like we were about to go through the tunnel or something, and Stephen was like you can't get out here, you can't get out here. And I was like roll the window down, I'm going to get sick.
Speaker 2:And then, when you said it, I said I'm getting sick too, Just be quiet.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:And we had the windows down and tried to get some cool air, but it was bad. That was about 10 more minutes and he would have had a major mess.
Speaker 1:Oh, five more. I was about swallowing it, oh my gosh. That is the worst, though.
Speaker 2:I hope In Knock on Wood. I have never, you know, I've gone out on catamarans.
Speaker 1:Oh, I did get.
Speaker 2:Sick on a catamaran, but I did it.
Speaker 1:Yes, oh, that was in college. I didn't puke, but you were just, I was so close though we went out, we were in college, we went on a cruise and we went snorkeling or whatever on a catamaran, um, as an excursion, and it was started out fun sitting on the front, and then when we oh my gosh, it was choppy. And I was like, oh my, I got in the water, we stopped and I was like, was like, oh my, I got in the water. We stopped and I was like, oh, I'll be fine. So I got in the water and I was just like shaking like you know, just like cold, shaking, the nervous, yes, and I was like, and I was like, you're going to, if you can't stop shaking, you're going to have to go back to the boat or whatever. And I was like I'm going back, I'm going back, I'm going back. And I just laid on it and I was like but then you're in the water floating.
Speaker 2:It wasn't a good time oh yeah, because now I mentioned when we were in hawaii going on a catamaran and you were like hell no, I will never put myself in that situation again, and it could have been a one-off thing and it could have been.
Speaker 1:If you did dramamine it would probably be fine yeah, and I don't get motion sickness like on a cruise, but you know how I don't.
Speaker 2:I do Dramamine before I get on the ship. One dose, yeah, and then I'm acclimated and I'm fine. Yeah, but the catamaran for whatever reason, and we were in Hawaii and maybe the water wasn't as choppy yeah I don't know, it was just. I mean, that was a whole other ordeal for me, but the boat wasn't the ordeal but.
Speaker 2:I had never been snorkeling, and I don't know if I told this on here, but it's. It's a hilarious steven story. So we're snorkeling. I had never been. Of course, I go way out where you're not supposed to be. I'm sure you're probably blowing whistles calling me back and you're not supposed to stand on the coral reef.
Speaker 1:I stood straight up on it, cut my leg then I mean this is you did all the things that they had a full meeting about and talked about. Before you get off of this boat, here's a few things to know Don't go beyond this point. Don't stand up on the river.
Speaker 2:I can hear it.
Speaker 1:I know they told you all these things and you went and did it.
Speaker 2:You went ahead and did it. Here's what happened.
Speaker 1:No, you do this in life. What I?
Speaker 2:was snorkeling and I saw a shark.
Speaker 1:Oh, what you decided to follow it.
Speaker 2:No one told me that there were hammerheads and sand sharks and they were completely fine and not dangerous, so I thought I was in danger. That's when I stood up on the coral reef and. I was screaming SHARK.
Speaker 1:No, you didn't.
Speaker 2:Yes. I was like 24 years old, and I was. You know my country ass had never been anywhere. I didn't know. Bless it, you know.
Speaker 1:I mean, but I know they had a meeting telling you all of these things I did.
Speaker 2:But then it was so embarrassing too after I screamed Like I was screaming bloody murder, shark.
Speaker 1:Shark, shark, shark.
Speaker 2:And standing on the coral reef. Everybody was worried more about me on the coral reef than the damn great white shark getting ready to kill all of us.
Speaker 1:Except for it was a sand shark, probably about what? Two feet long.
Speaker 2:No, it was big. I mean it looked big to me. It looked like it was about six feet, but that to me was like 28 feet. So they were kind of mad at me. I had to get on the boat, but I was like over it.
Speaker 1:Then, tom out, I was over it. They were like get your ass on that boat.
Speaker 2:And my ex bless his heart, you know, because he was very worldly and well-traveled and then he spent 12 years of his life with me. That's some kind of punishment he did. He did something to deserve that. I know he was so embarrassed. He was like why are you? I was like it was so embarrassed. He was like what are you? I was like it was a shock. He was like, oh my God, you know, and I'm like, just calm down, I'll embarrass you again later and you'll forget all about this, that is too funny.
Speaker 2:Everything happens to me, though On a trip. It does not matter where we go go. It does not matter what country I'm in, it does not matter where I go.
Speaker 1:If there's something to happen, it will it just but I feel like 90 of it is your fault, like you don't listen or you're oblivious, or you just whatever, or I get lost.
Speaker 2:I mean I got lost in London and this was pre, like cell phones and everything. And when you were lost I mean I had never been to London and I was. You know, I was in my 20s. I got totally lost and I mean lost for hours. But everything in that damn city, every little intersection and the tube station, it all looks the same.
Speaker 1:Well, that's the problem. There's a couple of problems with you in directions and everything. Well, first of all, we'll start with driving.
Speaker 2:And I had my mother with me. I lost my mother and that sent me into a panic.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so first of all, with you in general and driving in directions, he doesn't pay attention. He gets on the highway and drives. As long as there's a road in front of him, he keeps going.
Speaker 2:And a gas pedal.
Speaker 1:He doesn't look at the signs that say you know, it can be a big sign Atlanta this way.
Speaker 2:Well, I'm better than I was, and he doesn't read them.
Speaker 1:And then it can be the big flashing road signs Lane ends in one mile. Right lane ends merge, left. It can be 20 of those signs and we will pass those. And then the lane runs out and he's like oh my God, the lane's running out. But here's, and but here's like you didn't see the last 20 blinking signs here's the bat.
Speaker 2:Here's the reason, if you've noticed has gotten significantly better in the past year, because I can see okay, you can't.
Speaker 1:Nobody missed those big blinking orange signs. I couldn't read them. Yeah, you didn't even pay attention to them the one that has the arrow, if I tried the one that has the arrow pointing that's flashing. You wouldn't even pay attention to that but even the ones at night. It's a he. He's oblivious is what he does. It's like he didn't listen to any of the scuba diving instruction or snorkeling instructions and just drives on. You could at least say, hey, there's a big flashing sign. What does that say? I do.
Speaker 2:I read a lot more now. I had it in my mind. I've been wearing contacts now for 37, 38 years and I get in my mind. I thought I was an ophthalmologist and I thought, if I did not change, let them change my prescription. My eyes would not change. And because I'd had that same prescription for years and years and years. So I just kept saying, no, I'm good, I just want the same. Couldn't see.
Speaker 1:But then I got to where I couldn't see anything.
Speaker 2:so then I went and you know, I failed my eye test. I told that story getting my license renewed. So I said shit, I got to go get my eyes examined. And I told her you, you know, I failed my IT, I really had to do it. So then they fixed my eyes and I got in the car and I said I can't read my damn phone. So that just, you know, 51 really just has slapped the hell out of me. I mean, it was like readers. And now it's so funny, so we're going to start selling readers at our home store. We're selling them in Savannah and you're right behind me, so you'll get there when you hit the point and all you folks listening out there, if you're over 50, you know what I'm talking about. When you have to have readers, you you don't go get two pair, you get 200, you got them everywhere you have them, which I, I have to say, I'm excited that you have finally done that, accepted it.
Speaker 1:Accepted it because you need the 200 pairs, because used to, it was like I need to start wearing. Okay, for a year and a half we talked about that, we needed, we used, talked about, you needed to get, I need to get readers. Well, I have a pair at home. I need to bring them to the warehouse so I can see the tag. And then one day it finally switched and now you have, you have, you have a pair with you, you have a pair on the desk, you have a pair in the car.
Speaker 2:You have a pair everywhere you have to have. If you have multiple cars, you have multiple readers in each car Because you have to put some, you know in the drink holder, because you're going to take it out with you. Yeah, and you have to have some in the glove box Because next, thing you know you don't have a pair in there, Right?
Speaker 1:Because?
Speaker 2:they've all migrated.
Speaker 1:It's like keeping up with ink pens or something.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I have my bed readers. They're big, they're big and black so.
Speaker 2:I can see them and like, if I take them off, I can find them in the white bed. Yeah, and yeah, it's a whole, it's a whole thing. And you've got readers for caps, readers for not when you're done if you don't wear a cap. And then you've got all the other kind and then I've got mine. You know, I have on my note, I have certain ones like I'm wearing some right here so I can look down and read, but then I can look at you and see your face.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and then I know people are going to message in and say well, you should get the bifocal contact lenses. I can't, because they make me nauseated like I'm car sick yeah, well, here we are, here we are.
Speaker 1:I mean, it's now like your new favorite accessory, honestly anytime you see a good set you're like oh, these, these are cute. Let me get those Back, though, to the other problem with you not driving and not following directions. Besides not reading signs, you're also very I think it goes back to you just don't pay attention. You're very directionally challenged, like we can get off the interstate on an exit, veer to the right, go to the right and we pull back out of a restaurant and you're like which way? How?
Speaker 2:did we get here? And the funny thing is my mother, bless her heart, she was horrible with directions but as a kid, like I, would ride in the car and I knew she was horrible, so I gave the directions as a kid. But I think the difference is I paid attention because I knew she would get us lost.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so you just now don't pay attention, and now I'm like I mean we get off the internet. We can get Dylan on the phone.
Speaker 2:I was showing houses Y'all. This is funny. I was showing houses last week and my clients are following me.
Speaker 1:Oh my gosh, I'm sure you took them around the block. Three different ways. It's so funny we met they were following you in the road yeah, and the funny thing was they were in two cars because they came from work.
Speaker 2:Yes, and so we were in three cars, but we all died laughing because we all used different maps. Yeah, and it took us all different ways. And then at one point we passed each other. We were like, how in the hell did we get here? Yeah, and sometimes you know, like using maps, like I'm like why in the world did it take me that way? Like they'll take you sometimes around your elbow to get to your ass, just when you could have cut right through that, cut through street. It doesn't hardly make sense.
Speaker 1:My mom is, if you ever ride with her I mean growing up as a kid and I would ride with her and she's great with direction. But she's also the type your mom may have been like this, I don't know. But you know we lived in a small town outside of Memphis. She worked in Memphis, lived part. You know we lived in a small town outside of Memphis. She worked in Memphis, lived part in Memphis. You know we always went to Memphis. But so what I'm saying is we traveled a lot of ground. You know we would be going somewhere. Oh, I think this road you know this was before cell phones, before anything I know this road, it looks familiar. I think we can take this and it will cut us over to here and there. We would go on the most long random road trip. She would just make up a new way.
Speaker 2:Yeah, my mother did. Well, every day we would get there Everywhere we went was like that.
Speaker 1:The interstates backed up. But you know what? Now? I know this road and I think it crosses this one somewhere. We're just going to go this way. Three hours later, we get there.
Speaker 2:I love your mother. She's like an aunt to me and she is a mess. She's hilarious we were in. We were in Sevierville one time and we were determined we were going to see Dolly.
Speaker 1:Oh shit, Both of you love some Dolly. And y'all going to find her house, her sister's house, her uncle's house.
Speaker 2:We did.
Speaker 1:I'm sure the hell you did?
Speaker 2:We have been.
Speaker 1:Look, that's her bus out there.
Speaker 2:We've been to her house. We've been to her brother's house.
Speaker 1:And y'all are peas in a pod. When it comes to that, y'all will just ride around.
Speaker 2:We didn't have anything major to do. We were just and see, we were there for a Dolly concert.
Speaker 1:So y'all knew she's here somewhere. We're going to find her Now. I heard on the show that she lived out this way, so we're going to drive out that way.
Speaker 2:Well, they thought they had fooled somebody. They went out. She was in a black SUV and she went out the back like we wouldn't want to go the back way. But um, I have to say, you know, and I do, I love dolly. She's just everything um celebrities should be um. And the homes her, her, her home there, her home in Sevierville and her brother's house, they're just so modest. I mean, I am sure, her home in what's it called?
Speaker 1:Franklin, tennessee. I'm sure it's.
Speaker 2:I know it's a huge place, but all of our homes aren't like that. They're just quaint, warm, cozy, smaller homes, yeah, and I thought that was. I mean, I wasn't surprised.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I wonder if some of those have been like in the family or something.
Speaker 2:Her home in Sevierville.
Speaker 1:I think was her parents, so yeah, it's crazy, but yeah, my mom will end up just driving all over the place. We can go through this way, go that way.
Speaker 2:But she's fine At least it's fine One time.
Speaker 1:So in Memphis there's this area I forget what it's called Like Shelby Forest or something like that, and it's all this wooded. It's a nicer neighborhood. There was a garden center we discovered out there. I swear well, we can cut through this way and it's going to put us back down here. You know like we're going to come out way down here. We drove for three hours and ended up coming out like a mile from where we started, because we had just driven through this whole area, made a loop, made a round, I mean.
Speaker 2:And we would me and my mom would do this my mom's laughing right now. Yeah, she knows, it's true and me and my mom would do. I don't know if y'all did this, but we would be driving and we'd be like, oh, I mean, they are building. We heard they are building some beautiful houses down this road we got a to turn.
Speaker 2:We got to go look, you know you'd been down that road eight years ago but you hadn't been in eight years and they're building these mansion-sized houses. We're going to go look at them. We would go in a Pinto down a red clay construction road with ruts two feet deep, and every time we would get stuck oh, that's hilarious.
Speaker 1:We didn't.
Speaker 2:We never got stuck, we always were like on an adventure like it was, and you know, we were going, we were going to go, we were going to see it, we were going to see it, we were going to be the first there.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:If they were putting a new bridge in. We got this. We'll go over the old one. It's still there.
Speaker 1:Yeah, oh yeah, what, what, what were we thinking? I don't know, my mom and I speaking of a funny. We still talk about this and she'll call me up and she'll go ding, ding, ding, ding ding. So one time, when I was in, so my mom, we need to have my mom on here. My mom, you know, this is where I get my ADD or ADHD or whatever hot mess, you know not focused everything. We're always running late. We always got to get it done, but we put it off. So we got to do it today because we waited to the last moment, type people.
Speaker 1:So one time I was in high school and my mom was going to drop me off at school. Well, it started snowing, but it was one. You know how we are here too. It's kind of the same there, where they'll say it's going to snow, but then it doesn't, or it'll start, you know, just barely spitting snow and they'll let school out. So my mom, it kind of started snowing and so she dropped me off, but they hadn't canceled school. And then she was like, well, I'm going to sit here because they might let school out, whatever. But I got to go to the bank and the bank was in Memphis. It wasn't all the way in Memphis, it was a good 40 minutes instead of an hour away. Anyway, I got out of school, went in, had the first 30 minutes and they let school out. So my mom waited on me and picked me up and we got in the car and she's like I've waited to the last minute. It's supposed to snow, but I think we have time, or?
Speaker 1:whatever, but I got to go to the bank. I got to get this deposit in for the office. You know, like one of those is like today's the day I think it was probably a Friday, you know, just gotta get it done, sort of thing. She was in her volvo, whatever.
Speaker 2:So when you start, which is a heavy car yeah, so we start down to the bank again.
Speaker 1:It's like, however, 40 minutes away, because she probably and I'm I I know I know, I know your mom well.
Speaker 2:I I guarantee you Payroll's coming out tomorrow.
Speaker 1:It's probably something like that. You know it was like.
Speaker 2:Payroll's coming out tomorrow. I got to get this money.
Speaker 1:Yeah, something like I was supposed to do it three days ago.
Speaker 1:Yeah, exactly how I would be Like, oh, I didn't do it yesterday. I got to drive down there, you know whatever, and I guess she was planning on dropping me off at school, going to work like a normal day, but the snowstorm blew in. So and from where I grew up in Tennessee to Memphis, it's like rolling hills nothing bad, but rolling hills. So we go down the highway and the closer we get, the more it starts snowing To Memphis, To Memphis or whatever. And we're like, oh my God, Well, we're almost there, so we keep going.
Speaker 2:And Memphis gets some bad snowstorms, though it can be bad.
Speaker 1:And then we're north of Memphis so it gets even worse. So we get to the bank and we're starting back. Well, by this time, I mean, it is snowing and there things cover up quick because you don't have the road. Well, something in her visor, on the passenger side, I think, is what it ended up being. We figured out the visor, you know, has a light or whatever. There was a short that developed in this visor and it made the dinging sound of like your car door was open. Does it? Does they still do that when you open it? Like ding, ding, ding, ding.
Speaker 1:yeah different ways well, that thing shorted out and started dinging and we couldn't get it to stop dinging. And we're in this snowstorm, driving like five miles an hour. There's cars that have run off the road, but we're still going. The Volvo is still going and so that you know, like 40 minute trip probably turned into like two and a half hour trip on the way back, and the whole time we're driving back is going ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. The whole way back. We were like going nuts, but we couldn't stop and investigate it.
Speaker 1:No, we couldn't stop, and it was doing it. Oh my gosh, so we still laughed, any if something crazy happened did you get it called? Yeah, thank you, of course she got it fixed but.
Speaker 1:I mean not, not that day, like no, that sucker dinged the whole dang way, wow. So my mom's always like you know, when I'm gone I'm gonna cut. When you hear those dinging noises, that's gonna be me. She'll call. If something crazy happens, she'll call me and say ding, ding, ding, ding, ding ding. And we just bust out laughing. I was like what's happened now? Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding ding. Oh my gosh, it was. We laughed because you know how unnerving driving in snow is anyway, and there were wrecks because there are these little rolling hills and these cars would just run off in the snow.
Speaker 2:And I feel like Memphis always, like every ice is quick.
Speaker 1:It does, it does, it does, and I couldn't live there oh my goodness, I would be in the ditch. So this past weekend we need to catch up. This is why I'm so tired, I think. Actually, I just didn't sleep good last night because we didn't even this weekend wasn't that hard. It was fun, we with our teams of people.
Speaker 2:More team than we.
Speaker 1:Yeah, got the retail stores reset for the holiday season, so here in Greenville it's Christmas.
Speaker 2:It's Christmas. The home store, the garden store is all set for holiday season.
Speaker 1:So if you are holiday season or semi-local, you need to come see us, be among the first to come see the holiday decor this year. So we did that all weekend long and, like I said, it really went very smooth. We've got good employees in place and it went smooth. And I also feel like having the warehouse. Now we've gotten that system under some kind. Having the warehouse helps because we can send what we need to the stores and not, whereas in past years it all just piled up at each store and it was just so much shifting because we didn't have the space to store it all and it was just a hot mess.
Speaker 2:And now we can just take it every week and we can layer in things.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so anyway, we did that. But then this week on Thursday you and I are headed down to the High Point Furniture Market, so that's also coming up. I'm excited.
Speaker 2:I'm excited too.
Speaker 1:This is my favorite.
Speaker 2:This is my personal favorite market.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so we have a lot going on there, it's the antiques and the pretties. I like the antiques. Is that antiques, antiques? It took me a second, yeah, but I like Atlanta market because there's so much more there yeah, I just love the art and yeah, you love the interior design I do, I do.
Speaker 2:I love both of them. I really do so.
Speaker 1:we put out christmas this past weekend. This coming weekend we're gonna be at the High Point Furniture Market. The next weekend, daniel and I are going to Amsterdam During our holiday season. I know I can't believe I'm doing this to you and I can't believe which you'll be fine, but I can't believe I'm doing that.
Speaker 2:If I did? I just want to point out something. If I did this before you did this to me, you would have killed me. Yes, isn't it?
Speaker 1:It depends on what it was for, like, if you were just like, hey, I decided I booked a vacation, you would have killed me, I would have killed you, it's true. But, this is such an opportunity because this is with the flower farming group, or whatever.
Speaker 2:See, I really don't care, because now I've got a bill you have something to hold over my head. Not hold over your head. If one of those special things comes available and I have an opportunity, I'm going to be like.
Speaker 1:well, remember, Remember when you left me high and dry during the holiday season. I know I feel I really do feel bad.
Speaker 2:The only time and I left you high and dry in the past 15 years one season, one market, one season and that's when my mother was sick and I couldn't go.
Speaker 1:Remember that. So you found out, it was like Halloween.
Speaker 2:Halloween. I missed one setup the whole season.
Speaker 1:You missed the setups of the stores and market and market and thank.
Speaker 2:God I didn't go because my sweet mother, being who she was, she was like go to market with Wesley. And I was like go to market with wesley. And I was like no, yeah, and thank god I didn't because my mom passed that week, so it was meant, I know, for me to be there. But you know you, sometimes you just do what you gotta do? We got through that it'll be fine, yeah so I do feel bad, but it's not a bad week that you're gone, like it of all of the holiday weeks.
Speaker 1:That's what I told daniel. This is really the only. It worked out perfectly because this week is the perfect week for the holiday season to be gone, because we've gotten the store set, market's going to be done and we're not to like um fig days and thanksgiving and all of that yet.
Speaker 2:But I mean the worst that I will do to you. The worst I will do to you is take off a weekend and go to new york shopping or something and that's not even.
Speaker 1:That's not even that bad. So yeah, so we're going to amsterdam. Well, first of all, I have never been to europe, I have never owned or had I guess you don't own it had a passport until this year.
Speaker 2:This is going. Here's the good thing. First of all, it's a great thing. Yes, the bad thing is after you go to Europe because I used to travel a lot before I got boring, because I used to travel a lot before I got boring and you're just not going to believe, when you leave this country and you go to Europe, how new this country is.
Speaker 1:That's going to be staggering to you.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that was what was. Like holy cow, Like we're so new Right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I can't wait to see it. So I have been out of the country like on a cruise.
Speaker 2:But that's different, like to the Caribbean, and stuff like that, but I've never been. They're all kind of the same though, you know, in a way.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but I'm just saying I've never been. To Europe, flown out of the country, never had a passport or anything.
Speaker 2:Which is which is so shocking. It's going to be one of the um, and that's one reason I'm not uh killing you, because it's going to be one of the best experiences ever. It's up there. It's not hawaii, but the european version.
Speaker 1:Yeah and I'm excited because so this is organized through one of daniel's um suppliers for um, I don't want to say because I don't know exactly, but like cuttings, I know he gets cuttings plugs and stuff like that, but it's going to be a learning experience too.
Speaker 1:Yes, so they have arranged this tour, but we're getting to go see. Like you know, daniel went this spring with a different supplier, which was a bulb and corn supplier, and they paid for him to come, and that's why I didn't go with him, because everyone was bent that I didn't go with him and how could he go somewhere? And I didn't get to go, and it was like it's a work trip. I didn't get to go with him. This one is a similar thing, but they're not paying. They've organized a tour and you pay a fee. You know one, you know, and it includes all of this stuff which we did. This with the same supplier here in the US when we went to. Where did we even go? I can't even remember now, but it was in the Northeast and we went to, like Colorado.
Speaker 2:No no.
Speaker 1:Oh, no, no.
Speaker 2:We went up to?
Speaker 1:oh my gosh, it has just escaped my brain, but we went to the Chelsea Flower Show.
Speaker 2:Yes, wherever that is Chicago.
Speaker 1:No, it's not.
Speaker 1:It wasn't it's like northeast, oh my gosh. Anyway, we went to the Chelsea Flower Show and all of these. Is that what the flower show is called? It all sounds foreign now, but anyway, we've been on a tour with them before is my point, and it was really good. Been on a tour with them before is my point, and it was really good. So they are now doing this one in amsterdam and we're going to see like the flower auctions and some of the greenhouses and like a lot of tour things. So it it'd be good because, with the timing being the worst, we haven't planned or anything, which is good because we don't have to like they have it all organized. There's tours each day, there's free time, but daniel's like it's not. We don't have to Like they have it all organized. There's tours each day, there's free time, but Daniel's like it's not. We don't have like whole days of free time. So we're like we'll just find something to do when we need to.
Speaker 1:There's plenty to do, or whatever.
Speaker 2:And it's good and bad. Like I don't do tours personally.
Speaker 1:I know.
Speaker 2:But here's the thing You've never been there. So we'll get it, we'll keep you right on track.
Speaker 1:Right. That is why I'm glad for my first time, because I'll be entertained with the tour part and getting to see these glimpses and we'll have a little bit of free time. So, and then when we go back we'll be like, oh yeah, remember this area, you know whatever.
Speaker 2:I have never been to Amsterdam. So and be like oh yeah, remember this area, you know whatever. I have never been to Amsterdam. So that is on my list, yes, but you're just going to love it.
Speaker 1:I can't wait to go. So the good thing is, with it being a tour, we paid our money, we booked our hotel and booked our flight. We're good to go Like we haven't had to figure out any of the other pieces.
Speaker 2:That is the good thing, what you're in um. The only reason I know anything about the whole tour thing is, um in my mcdonald's days, a lot of mcdonald's owners went on trips together.
Speaker 2:Yes, I did not go on those for this reason yes but, um, I mean, it just wouldn't work for me and and I love mcdon McDonald's and I love the McDonald's owners and I had so much fun. That's the main thing I miss from McDonald's. Were all the owners that my colleagues. Yes, I didn't want to go on vacation with them. Right, most of them, a few of them, yes, but there are some stories I mean when those that when they roll out, they're rolling out and if you're ass sitting ready, you're left.
Speaker 1:They don't play. No, yeah, they are on a schedule and you got to go.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:I know, like a couple of years ago, deb and Danelle you know our friends over at Deb and Danelle here on Instagram they went you know how there's the tours like you're talking about. Well, they were kind of the hosts with the company and you could go on the tour. They went to Alaska or whatever, and I would like to do something with that. That would be fun for us to get a whole group together. But, like you said, there's such an itinerary. You are on their itinerary said there's such an itinerary.
Speaker 2:You are on their itinerary. I don't do well with schedules. Yes, and like that would not be. That would be an exhausting trip for me, but at the same time I do want to see things, so it would be very good for me. Yes, and and I do well with schedules I do well with getting up. Even at market, you know, I can get up and go to breakfast, like having mark and tina train you know, I can do well with that.
Speaker 2:Uh, I would just have to really think through it. I would need, I could do that. Okay, I could do a tour program yes but I would need like two days of tour. A day off Right A day of tour. A day off, right Two days of tour. I would need.
Speaker 1:Damn, this is a long tour. Yeah, you're going up.
Speaker 1:But I would need breaks. We did that when we went to Hawaii. We would do okay, we're going to spend one day exploring and it's you know what we're touring, and then one day we're by the pool and that was the best, because we had like one day where we were active, one day where we were just lounging. I have to go back because it's the Philadelphia flower show, not the Chelsea flower show, which is in, like England, something my brain was not working at the moment.
Speaker 2:I was like Chelsea is in New York and in London. Yes, my brain was not working. I was like what is in New York and?
Speaker 1:in London. Yes, my brain was not working.
Speaker 2:I was like what am I talking about?
Speaker 1:Philadelphia Flower Show. We did a tour with them and we toured, you know, we went to like Terrain, the garden center and stuff like that. So I just I was having a moment, I was like where the hell did we go? So we went to Philadelphia and it was a lot of fun. Um, on this tour. But yeah, I've gotten the like itinerary thing and it's like bus leaves at 8 am sharp. Daniel's like oh, and I was like well, the time difference, um, there is kind of on my um, it's kind of on my normal no, pookie, it's not gonna feel that way, but you know what?
Speaker 2:and let me tell myself my mcdonald's mom went always on those trips and she's like us, she's wired. Like us, she doesn't do schedules you know, right you know her and she really struggled with it, getting up and getting ready and being there. I think it was very exhausting for her. You know if you're ADD and you don't do well with schedules and being on time, it's a little hairy?
Speaker 1:Yeah, because that's what we do, because they're six hours ahead of us.
Speaker 2:Just like Hawaii. Hawaii is the other way yeah so they're six hours ahead. But I'm just telling you 8 am their time.
Speaker 2:It's like it don't work that way I know, no, but anyway, it's 2 pm, so I'm just telling you it's going to change your life. Well, I'm excited because when you see it. And the other thing is you come back and listen. I love, I love greenville, I love the united states, I love it all. But you come back here and you're like, you feel like you're in a new subdivision and you've just been in an old castle that's the way it feels like it's so new.
Speaker 1:I'm super excited and you're gonna hold down the fort while I'm gone, while I'm gone on november 7th if you're local or similar tinnies and mistletoe we have martinis and mistletoe at the garden store. So the nested fig garden here in greenville. That is an event we've done since we've opened. Every year. It's our kickoff to the holiday season. It's called Martinis and Mistletoe.
Speaker 1:It's the holiday season we have martinis and refreshments, and I can't believe I'm missing that no-transcript. So mark your calendars, if you're local, and come see Stephen and Dylan at the Garden Store and see all the pretties there for martinis and mistletoe, which is November 7th. I love love 5 to 8 pm.
Speaker 2:Yeah, 5 to 8. I love Christmas 2024.
Speaker 1:It is very classy, elegant.
Speaker 2:Very Ralph Lauren.
Speaker 1:It's really pretty Everything we have. We did such a good job picking out things.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And then the next one, I think is November 14th, is the home store. We have candy canes and cocktails, so martinis and mistletoe at one and candy canes and cocktails at the other. Same time, five to eight. So mark your calendars.
Speaker 2:And then that whole weekend, that is kicking off our holiday open house for both stores all weekend.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Friday.
Speaker 2:Saturday, Sunday.
Speaker 1:We got so many events and fun things coming up.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's exhausting, but it's fun.
Speaker 1:And then when I'm back from Amsterdam it is just full on. I mean we're into holiday season, gift season, big days and we have to decorate our homes. I know I'm going to try to get a little bit done between now and leaving. I would love to get the majority of it done.
Speaker 2:I know I was thinking like when you're gone, like what day can I carve out? And I'm thinking I may do Saturday.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and start decorating.
Speaker 2:You need to get it done while I'm gone so we can do it live from your house. Well, I realize that, but I have a lot to do that week.
Speaker 1:I know, but you can get on it.
Speaker 2:I'm just saying in the past we've done my house first and this year we might have to do your house first if I don't get done decorating and I figure I can carve it like maybe two days, maybe a Monday and a Saturday, and work on you know, not do lives those two days and work on the. No, you better do some lives I'm doing lives, but I'm not doing them every single day. You need to Well.
Speaker 1:People want to see the stuff they want to buy. It's the season they got to get their decorating done too, but I have a riddle for you.
Speaker 2:Oh, I've got one for you.
Speaker 1:Oh, you do. Let's do a little riddle, are you ready? Yeah, I'll go first.
Speaker 1:Oh you're going first. No, you can listen to me. Okay, you can hold me without using your hands or your arms. Who am I? You can hold me without using your hands or your arms. Who am I? I hold you without using your hands. You can hold me without using your hands or your arms. Who am I? Y'all who are listening need to start sending me some fun riddles too, on our hotline 864-982-5029. Maybe you should send me riddles to stump Steven with. I need some good ones. I don't know you can hold me without using your hands or your arms. Who am I? I don't know your breath.
Speaker 2:That was total bad.
Speaker 1:No, that's a riddle. That's how they all are. Let's see what you got, okay.
Speaker 2:A tree doubles in height each year until it reaches its maximum height over the course of 10 years. How many years did it take for the tree to reach half its maximum height? Do you mean to read it again?
Speaker 1:is this like? Is this a riddle or is this just a math equation?
Speaker 2:it's a riddle, okay but it's, but you can, it's factual too, okay.
Speaker 1:Read that baby again.
Speaker 2:A tree doubles in height each year until it reaches its maximum height over the course of 10 years. How many years did it take for the tree to reach half of its maximum height?
Speaker 1:Like 2.5. I don't know. Okay, I'm so lost.
Speaker 2:Okay, a tree. Here's where it gives it away. Doubles in height each year.
Speaker 1:Right, it doubles in height each year.
Speaker 2:Yes, and it reaches its maximum height in 10 years. So half of its maximum height was in year nine, because it doubles its height each year.
Speaker 1:I'm not, my brain is not OK. Half of its maximum? Ok yeah, because it doubles.
Speaker 2:It doubles, and so it doubled from year nine to 10, and it reaches its maximum height in year 10.
Speaker 1:Yeah, because it doubles, but it seems like it would get there a lot quicker. Is what I was thinking from the. You know what I'm saying, but I guess there's not a height.
Speaker 2:It doesn't give you a height number, so it's just doubling. It doesn't give you the yes Each year and it reaches its maximum height year 10.
Speaker 1:So year nine? That was stupid.
Speaker 2:It wasn't too stupid.
Speaker 1:You couldn't get it. I know that's why I said 2.5, because I was like it's something, because it's doubling. But I did it the opposite direction. It should have been yes, I get it. Okay, whatever, that was dumb.
Speaker 2:Oh, you think that was dumb Okay.
Speaker 1:I have to talk about something that is probably not age appropriate, so we're going to give a disclaimer. We can muff it. We don't have to give the details.
Speaker 2:Gosh, we're going to muff it.
Speaker 1:I don't know what we can censor.
Speaker 2:No, we're going to muff it.
Speaker 1:Y'all Don't worry, we're going to muff it 'all don't worry, we're gonna muff it, disguise it, or whatever no, we've got it muffed oh my gosh. Y'all know this is how my brain. I did not get enough sleep last night. I told you that. But did you know? There's a thing with loofahs. Have you heard the loofah?
Speaker 2:I use a loofah.
Speaker 1:Oh, you do.
Speaker 2:In the shower.
Speaker 1:Mm-mm, this isn't for cleaning your body. Oh, so I was talking about this with my aunt. You know she is moving to a what is it? 55 and older, 55 and older neighborhood. So I was joking because I had just seen this that in these older, I think it's retirement communities. It may not be specific to retirement communities, but I think it is, and I think it started in the one. What's the big one in Florida?
Speaker 2:The villages, the villages.
Speaker 1:I think is where this started.
Speaker 2:Put a loofah on your car to signify to other community members, um, that you're willing to, you know, have sexy time and what you prefer have you know no, it's kind of like the you know the upside down pineapple it's like no, it sounds like like in the 70s, the gay people in like castro district in san francisco, where you wore a different color handkerchief in your back pocket to say what you were into and I was. That was before my time I'm just before my time.
Speaker 1:I'm just going by history they're doing that with lufas, and there's different meanings per the color lufa maybe, hey, if you're listening, because we ain't judging. You know you got to text or call and leave us a voicemail and let us know Are you in the loofah community?
Speaker 2:Here's my issue with it I don't have it. I don't Listen. Those people down in the villages can do whatever the hell they want to do.
Speaker 1:I was telling my aunt you know she's single and I was saying this is a good way you can meet some new people.
Speaker 2:So are you going to get her a box of loofahs and send her?
Speaker 1:Well, I don't know what color preference she's going to have to do that on her own.
Speaker 2:But I think we need to go through the colors.
Speaker 1:I think we should go through the colors and I think maybe we should, you know, drive by her new house and just cover her lawn in whatever color we think we want to assign to her.
Speaker 2:I mean, can you imagine your grandmother living in the villages and you reading that and you going there and seeing like a big pink loofah hanging on her car antenna?
Speaker 1:or something.
Speaker 2:It would wreck me.
Speaker 1:Maybe they take it down. But see, they probably thought they were being sneaky and now people are going. That's why Nana had that loofah on her car. We may have just ruined it for people, I don't know. You know you visited Nana in the villages and you're like, oh, they're cute, they're doing little decorations with loofahs, yeah.
Speaker 2:Oh, they loofahed my car last night.
Speaker 1:We'll let you look up what the loofah colors mean.
Speaker 2:No, I want to, we're going through them.
Speaker 1:Oh, you want me to tell you yes, oh okay, I'm going to look them up for you, but you know you've been born and your aunt, I mean, she is a grandma. Well, she's, she's a grandma. Yeah, so she is. She has one grandchild and one on the way.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean grandma might get her groove back.
Speaker 1:So, okay, I just pulled it up and this is on Reddit. There's a color chart and this is from the villages, florida's friendliest hometown. So so it is from the villages. This one is welcome. Guide to the lufa code. It's a little chart here, um, but I think it may have started there and it has ventured out to these retirement communities.
Speaker 2:They're like the trendsetter.
Speaker 1:This is a good idea and let's see. So here's the color guide if you need to know. Maybe you're listening to us on your walmart run or dollar general and you're like I need to get my loofah color. So here you go. So a white loofah is for novice and beginners so I guess, that's where you start get your white, so we'll get. We'll get your aunt a white loofah well then there's purple, so that's for voyeur and people who like to watch.
Speaker 2:That'd be a good, maybe place for her to start.
Speaker 1:Yes, so white and purple, yeah, okay.
Speaker 2:I'm making notes on what we need to order from Amazon.
Speaker 1:Okay. Okay, there is pink. So this is for soft swap, which means people who like to do it with others in the room.
Speaker 2:Oh, that soft swapping.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but see you'd already have to have a partner with that. So like I guess, two couples in the same room.
Speaker 2:She can probably find somebody to do that with. I don't know, we might hold off on that.
Speaker 1:Probably not pink yet.
Speaker 2:Yeah, okay, we'll hold off on that. Lufa, okay, we'll hold off on that loofah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, We'll have that one as backup once she gets in there. Blue is the lowest level of a full swap, so that is, those who can play well with others Plays well Steven is shaking his head over here, my goodness. So plays well with others, though. So again, I don't know if you must already have a partner for that one that's in question, so we're going to stick. Still, I think she needs the white and purple. Yellow is mid-level swap. So for those who want to have fun but are still nervous, Okay. So maybe if you're like, oh, we at least know this person is down but must not be experienced, you know what I'm saying. So I don't know. Now my question is if you are in the community with your loofah, I would really love you can anonymously be on our podcast.
Speaker 2:Yes, we'll even change your voice.
Speaker 1:yeah, I want to ask questions I want to ask questions too, because, okay, if you see someone with a loofah on their car, because you're, you know you're at the grocery store and you're like, oh look, betty has yellow on her car, how do you get in touch? Or approach is what I want to know, like, how are you, are you waiting by their car when they come out of the you know public's grocery store and say, oh beverly, I see you got yellow and we're looking for someone with the yellow loofah. Would you like to change numbers?
Speaker 2:and let me just say this you know, I know you see me over here. I mean, I'm in judgment of no one, right. I'm nobody to judge you do you? You people out there in the villages, you do you? Here is what wrecks me personally. Okay, what wrecks you Is because I think of my grandmothers and they were godly women and they would I mean my grandmothers were with my grandfathers and that was it Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. And I just cannot imagine if Ruby and Frances lived in the villages.
Speaker 1:Well, maybe they weren't. It's not like everybody's participating.
Speaker 2:I'm not saying that but I'm just saying, if I had driven up to the villages and I'm visiting Ruby and I saw I had read through this and I saw a big, blue or pink or whatever loofah hanging from her Buick antenna, it would have wrecked me, I mean no, but that's like people saying it wrecks them that the thought of their parents or whatever. You just don't think about it.
Speaker 1:But there are people just like you, Like. I can picture you, Mr Freak, being 70. Well, you're too bougie to end up in the villages anyway.
Speaker 2:The villages are bougie.
Speaker 1:They are bougie. But no, I'm not going there, I can see you having a whole wad of these on your car and being like whatever, I'm 70. Let the freak flag fly I.
Speaker 2:I wouldn't at 51, but who the hell knows if I make it to 70 but we're not done with all the colors oh my goodness, so there's black. That just means you just pure trash so black is full.
Speaker 1:swap those who say what the hell, Let it all go down.
Speaker 2:Like I said.
Speaker 1:And then there's teal, which means you're bi. For those who want to increase their dating chances, I guess you got a bigger pool to choose from. Now my question for you you had Ruby and you had Francis, your grandparents, your grandmothers, and we have very similar family dynamics, right? Um, I had both of my grandmothers have passed away too. I had joyce and I had bobby, so my mom's side was the more um she was. Should we be talking about? I don don't even know, but anyway I don't know. Anyway, of your two grandparents, which one do you think was more likely to participate in the Lupa community? Oh, my goodness.
Speaker 2:Was it Ruby or Francis? First of all, I will say this I don't think either. I know Okay.
Speaker 1:I don't think either. I know, okay, I don't think either of mine.
Speaker 2:It would 1000% not have been Ruby, it wouldn't have. No, no, no, no, no. My grandma Merck was I mean seriously, she was salt of the earth, godly woman. She wouldn't have even remotely understood what any of that was. My other grandmother, which was also a very good woman, and I miss her. I love her too. She would be more likely to have known what that stuff was but she would not have participated in it. She would have said I went by Lucille's house and I saw a loofah on there.
Speaker 1:She would be gossiping about it.
Speaker 2:Yes, she would be telling me what person had what loofah on their car but she would not participate.
Speaker 1:But she would know what the colors wereofah on their car, but she would not participate. But she would know what the colors she might want to, but she ain't going to she wouldn't admit it yeah, exactly, oh, that she was.
Speaker 2:She was hysterical, my she was. So this sums up my, this sums her up. So, she was in hospice care and my grandmother never wore colored nail polish or anything like that. She wore clear or pale pink, something very nude and neutral. She would never have put red or hot pink or anything this is francis.
Speaker 2:This is francis and um, francis was a little, just by nature, just a little bitchier than ruby and uh, you know, that's what made her funny. I laughed all the time, not because she was telling jokes, just because her bitchiness was just her normal way.
Speaker 1:And it was funny to me Is Frances the one that would pinch you on the side and say do you really need to eat that?
Speaker 2:Yes, Frances was very much into how we looked. Okay, appearances were very important to her, and so this sweet, sweet, sweet angel of a nurse. Okay, appearances were very important to her, and so this sweet, sweet, sweet angel of a nurse at the hospice house. I mean, she couldn't have been sweeter, she and my grandma. My grandmother was still a very attractive woman to be 90 years old, and you know they're not really busy there, you know people are on their way out, and so that little girl took a liking to Frances and she would go in and put makeup on her and do her nails, which I thought was so sweet, and my grandmother was all about her hair and nails.
Speaker 1:So it made her feel good.
Speaker 2:It did make her feel good.
Speaker 2:And so our minister was visiting. This is important. And I go bebopping in and they're standing outside the door and that nurse comes up and she does not know who the minister is a minister. She wasn't wearing her robe or anything like that wearing her robe or anything like that. So we're standing there talking and I said thank you so much Cause she had text, a photo to me. I said thank you so much for taking the time pampering my grandmother like that. It was really sweet and, um, you know she loved that.
Speaker 2:Yada yada, yeah, you know she loved that, yada, yada, and the nurse started laughing and my grandmother told her that she looked at her nails and the girl had painted them hot pink I mean Barbie pink and my grandmother just looked at them and smiled and she said do you like them? And she said you like them, and she said not particularly no. And she said, oh you, you wouldn't have wore that color. And my grandmother told her that she wasn't a whore that's hilarious and then. So I laughed at that. That was just funny I was like okay and and listen, my mother.
Speaker 2:My mother was all about her some color, so I don't know what message she was sending my mom. And then this little nurse was just a short little round girl and keep in mind y'all, my grandmother had dementia, so she really didn't have a filter at this point.
Speaker 2:And the little girl was cute, bouncy little, you know, just so sweet. But she was short and round and my grandmother told her that she was, uh, such a pretty girl. She would really look good if she'd lose some weight. Oh my god, I was like oh my gosh I you know, I said I am so sorry and the little nurse laughs.
Speaker 1:She's like well, she wasn't lying, I was like, oh my goodness.
Speaker 2:So yeah, she was hilarious and she would, especially once she had dementia. She would say kind of whatever she thought. But no, neither of my grandmothers would have had the lufus hanging on there, and Miss Bobby wouldn't either. I didn't know your grandmother, joyce but, Miss Bobby would not have had a loofah hanging.
Speaker 1:No, but she would be like Frances. She would have known about it and she would have known. I mean, I don't know, Maybe she would have had a loofah hanging from her.
Speaker 2:No, no, no, I don't know. I think she was a little freaky, she would have been out of state.
Speaker 1:Good for her, good for them, good for everybody. Life's short, have fun, live it up.
Speaker 2:No, Miss Bobby was class act she was.
Speaker 1:But you know, I always say let it go, let them have fun, let them do what they want to do.
Speaker 2:Well you know, stds run rampant in nursing facilities.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they do. They get in there and get pregnant Now.
Speaker 2:I have said, if my father and listen, I completely expect my father to live to be 100, and I hope he does as long as he's happy and healthy, my dad will be a problem If he ends up in a nursing home. I will be called into meetings.
Speaker 1:But you know, if they're both consenting and you're up in a retirement home or nursing home, just go for it. I mean, what else? Just drop the diaper and go for it. I mean, you're getting to the end.
Speaker 2:My mother was a little prudish and I remember one time we were my great grandmother had Alzheimer's and she was in a facility and we were there to visit her. And we walked down the hallway and this old lady, bless her heart, she was in a in a wheelchair. She didn't know what planet she was on and this old man was over there playing with her boob. Oh my gosh but to make it worse, my mother went over there and she said you stop that, Don't you do that to her.
Speaker 1:and I was like mom well, that's gotta be consenting on both parties well, I mean in that I don't know if y'all, if y'all, have any loofah stories, I would love to hear it. I mean, I'm interested and I would love to talk to someone seriously, just like I said I have, I'm not, I don't want all the details of the details. No, I want to know how do you approach someone? Do you really do this is?
Speaker 2:it really a thing? Is it a thing or is it just a good story they've made up? Yeah, because you know they've taught that the villages and I've never been to the villages in florida and I'm sure it's a lovely place, but they always catch anything going on with older retired people they get all the stories well, you know there's so many of them there.
Speaker 1:But you know, you see, on it's kind of similar like the upside down pineapple, and I've seen on like tick tock and stuff, where people will go on a cruise and they'll just have that on their door and I'm like, okay, well, do you just walk by like down hallways looking for that and then you just knock like hello, I'm here, there's gotta be something there. I wanna know the, I wanna know so text or call us 864-982-5029. But we gotta pull this baby over.
Speaker 2:We got to get out of here.
Speaker 1:We got work to do. Remember to share us with your friends. Leave us a review Although I don't know if today's the day to ask for a review, but leave us a review, whether it's a story review or a written review. It really helps us out and get discovered. And buy your loofah. Get your loofah. Let us know what your loofah color is.
Speaker 2:That's what you can text us.
Speaker 1:Let us know what your loofah color would be Mine's gray, leave me alone. Anyway, we'll see you next week. Bye y'all.
Speaker 2:Bye, Thanks guys.