Who's Driving
Who's Driving with Wesley Turner & Steven Merck is all about the entertaining stories we share and brainstorming topics we discuss as two best friends would on a long road trip. Come along for the ride as we check in with friends & offer a wide range of informative topics centered around running small businesses, social media, and all things Home and Garden.
Who's Driving
Who's Driving- Everyday Quirks and Holiday Sparks S2E41
Join Wesley and Steven as they navigate the festive chaos, sharing insights from their online store, The Nested Fig. From home decoration tips to the amusing dilemmas of gifting your own products, we explore the delightful and sometimes stressful nuances of holiday preparations. Get ready for a heartwarming blend of business insights and personal anecdotes that promise to enrich your holiday spirit.
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We mentioned The Nested Fig App in this episode. You can Tap Here to get our app and join our live sales on Sundays and Thursdays at 8pm est.
Follow Steven on Instagram at @Keepinupwithstevenand follow Wesley on Instagram at @Farmshenanigans. Shop our online store at TheNestedFig.Com Find The Nested Fig on Instagram at @TheNestedFig
Oh, I'm here, girl, you ready.
Speaker 2:I'm ready to go. I need to drive, though. Can we switch seats? Hell, I always drive what's new about that.
Speaker 1:It's time for another episode of who's Driving. Welcome to who's Driving. I'm Wesley Turner.
Speaker 2:And I'm Stephen Merck. We're two best friends and entrepreneurs.
Speaker 1:Who's Driving is an entertaining look into the behind-the-scenes of our lives, friendship and business.
Speaker 2:These are the stories we share and topics we discuss, as two best friends would on a long road trip.
Speaker 1:Along the way, we'll check in with friends and offer a wide range of informative topics centered around running small businesses, social media and all things home and garden.
Speaker 2:Buckle up and enjoy the ride.
Speaker 1:You never know who's driving or where we're headed. All we know is it's always a fun ride. So here we are. Another day, another week, one week closer to the holidays. How do you feel?
Speaker 2:because you got your house decorated that I'm a little jealous, relieved okay, relieved, so like the next really big thing is just actually getting some presents bought. Oh. You know what I'm saying, like that's like the big Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, that'll be when the wait is over and I'm not going crazy this year. I mean, a lot of people and I usually don't do this are going to get gift cards, but you know.
Speaker 1:Well, you know, we have some amazing things at this um store that we have called the nested pig well, obviously that I mean I'm gonna do that.
Speaker 2:I'm just talking the things that I can't get from us, and, um, then I obsess about rapping you're just from one thing to the next, from one but one thing is over.
Speaker 1:yes, you is over, so we did the live sale from your house last night, Sunday the 17th, I think it was and you can go back and watch the replay. Everyone talked about how gorgeous your home is, how amazing, it is very sweet and your house is so gorgeous. It was hard to do but I how amazing it is very sweet.
Speaker 2:And your house is so gorgeous it is, but you know what? It was hard to do, but I feel like I really achieved to make it cozy and it's super cozy at Christmas.
Speaker 1:It really is. It just looks magical.
Speaker 2:Because you know 16-foot ceilings.
Speaker 1:It's hard.
Speaker 2:It's hard, yeah, it's challenging.
Speaker 1:It's hard to make it feel the way that you want it to. Speaking of our store, now's a good time to mention our online store, the Nested Fig, great place to get your holiday gifts. Let's give ourselves a plug in holiday decor if you haven't checked us out in a while. But as this podcast comes out on Tuesday, we're having a fig day, our first fig day. So that's going to be is that the 19th Will be Tuesday, the 19th. All day inside the Nested Fig app we're having fig day. So if you hear this on Tuesday, tune in or you can go back and watch the replays, but you need the Nested Fig app. If you don't have our app yet, just go to your app store for your phone, tablet, android or Apple and search the Nested Fig, and I'll also have it down in the show notes below where you can tap the link and get it.
Speaker 1:But we're doing three big days this year. It seems like we're increasing a fig day a year because we started out with one big, big day. It was hugely successful and we got bigger and more items to offer more gifts. So we did two fig days and now we're doing three. So Tuesday the 19th is our first one. Then we'll do one on Thursday, so that'll be the 21st, and then the following Tuesday as well for that. So come join us in the app. It's a lot of fun. We do games, we do discounts, we do giveaways. I mean, where else can you go shop and have as much fun as we have?
Speaker 2:Exactly and get everything pretty much you need I know Exactly.
Speaker 1:You know the only reason. We don't get everything from there.
Speaker 2:Because we sell it all.
Speaker 1:Is we sell it all. And also I feel like people judge us if we give them Our product, our product, I do too, I feel like they think well, you didn't really have to buy this or something like that.
Speaker 2:First of all, let me say we love our merchandise because we are the ones that buy it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we pick it out and we're like, oh, this is an amazing gift, this is perfect.
Speaker 2:I feel like people number one if we give something from one of our stores, either feel like we really we just got it because it was convenient, which is not true, because we've we spend a lot more time shopping for our stores than anybody ever shops for anything, right? So that's not true. Second, I feel like they think, oh, they're giving me this.
Speaker 1:It was cost, or it was cost, they didn't have to pay for it. I mean, there's so many things. Maybe, only we feel that way about giving it. I wonder how they really perceive getting it. You know.
Speaker 2:I don't know, I do feel weird about it, and unless the only time I don't really feel weird at all is like, if you know, like, oh my gosh, this is perfect, for yeah, they, I know they've been wanting this, or they, they collect this, or whatever but, yeah, but then and you've caught me on this several times I feel like when I give it, rather I should be giving it as retail value.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, you load it up because Well, I feel like well, it really, I got it wholesale, so I've got to double or triple? I overcompensate, so it ends up they come out with the really. Yeah, I mean. But don't you feel like most people with business, like retail stores, feel that way?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean, maybe I don't know it's you know, I think I would I always have. So I don't know, maybe it's just us, but we both feel that way, so I don't know.
Speaker 2:Who knows? And even like sometimes I give people gift cards for our business and I'm just bad about this. I'm like, well, I'm giving whatever. I'm giving them a $250 gift card, right, but it really is not costing us $250. So let me just knock it up to $500. Isn't that so stupid?
Speaker 1:Yes, it is, it really is.
Speaker 2:I mean, it is a mental thing. I don't know how to get out of it. I don't either. I don't know. But you know I do, I do. And here's the thing I give our merchandise every year. Every year, somebody gets something from one of our stores online.
Speaker 1:Oh well, I mean as much as I say about feeling like that that's the only place I get. I'm like, okay, christmas is on in five days, let me go see what I can find no, I give it and people love it.
Speaker 2:They do love it so it.
Speaker 1:So, it's all in our head. It is, I mean, the only time I don't get something from our way like I will get, maybe like my parents, something that we don't have, like an electronic or something.
Speaker 2:Well, yeah, that's what I mean, and you can't give Daniel something, because he can get whatever he wants from our stores and I can't give Dylan.
Speaker 1:That's why I'm not giving him anything.
Speaker 2:Well, we're not doing. Well, I said.
Speaker 1:We're not doing gifts, but.
Speaker 2:But I say that, and then I'm like Well, I need to. I'm not, I am not good with not giving, and it's just I don't know.
Speaker 1:Daniel and I. Actually some years we do gifts and some years we don't. I mean, we always do at least a little something.
Speaker 2:But we're very fortunate in you know, being able to get what we want.
Speaker 1:And so we will talk about things like and I like, oh, go ahead and get it. You know, we don't have um crazy things that we want, I guess we would say, and most things pertain to something work related. You know, I don't know.
Speaker 1:So well, I have wants but we always do something like that and so some years we do gifts and then some years we really don't, because I don't want you to. We talk about this every year. In my style of gift giving, if I don't find a gift that I think the receiver it just matches them up, then I just don't get you anything Like. Some years you get a gift for me and that's good, and some years you don't, and that's good, like even my mom and that's good.
Speaker 1:In some years you don't, and that's good Like even my mom and that's good, like if I think, oh, my mom really needs this and I think of something, then I will get it for her, and then, if not, I'll get her a little something, but I'm not going to force a gift.
Speaker 2:Well, if I can't think of first of all, I have to give someone something I either know they want or they need. Yeah, and if I can't figure that out, it's going to be a gift card. You know, because I've given you gift cards to hotels.
Speaker 1:Right, you've given me gift cards for a dishwasher. You can't go wrong with those, right? But what I'm saying is I feel like some people would just say, oh, I need to get them something, so I'll put together like. Here's some socks or a gift basket of just miscellaneous stuff which is sweet. It is, but I don't do that because I don't have time to round it up Like I don't have time to put that much effort into it.
Speaker 2:So I had told I don't know. I told Dylan I was like because we're going somewhere in January and February.
Speaker 1:Oh, you are Mm-hmm. Where are you going?
Speaker 2:I don't know, probably somewhere we can drive in January.
Speaker 1:Well, you know we have the beach house if you want to come down.
Speaker 2:I know, but it's, yeah, I know, I mean we'll be there.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't know, we'll try not to get COVID this year. It was last year.
Speaker 2:So I had said let's just not do Christmas and we can buy something on our trips that we really want. But then I was like that's not very Christmas-like. And when we were at Market, tina and I you know I got up early with them we went to, we shopped a lot of antiques at market. Well, that heifer found these hundred year old leather dining chairs that are delicious and you want them now. I want them, I want them bad, I want them really bad and honestly they're not right for her house I mean, I'm not, no, no, no, no.
Speaker 2:They're not perfect for your house, they are but I'm being serious, they're very dark pubbish, yeah, um, and they're too uh, they're just wrong for her table is the main thing. But she found them, so you know, and she had forgotten to order them and I said oh my gosh, call, because they're in a different state. They're up in Virginia now with this dealer. And she called and she got them.
Speaker 2:For herself. Well, she's saying now that she thinks I'm going to get them, the price is insane, Good, insane, good Cheap, okay, okay. I mean it's crazy, like you couldn't go to Ikea and buy these and I mean they're really nice. So I told Dylan, I said, well, just that would be our Christmas present to each other, do dining chairs. He said hell, no he said that is no, I do not want dining chairs. That is not for me, that is for you, that is funny and I said they will be beautiful.
Speaker 2:So hopefully I'm hoping she's going to let me have the chairs and I told her she can have my current chairs, which will actually be really pretty, with her table on loan until she gets them. You know the right chair. Yeah, and then I'll sell them Okay At the outlet store. But yeah, I mean, I'm a little bitter.
Speaker 1:I need new dining chairs too. I'm in this phase where I want to switch out things, but I'll get over it.
Speaker 2:I don't know what you would do, because here's the problem. The problem is, the table is so narrow. It poses a problem with enough chairs, unless you just go to less seating which doesn't matter.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it doesn't matter. No, I wouldn't mind a similar thin chair, but maybe an upholstered one or something Like more.
Speaker 2:I don't know you don't need a as nasty as you are with those dogs. The dogs aren't sitting at the dining room table. The chickens running through here, that is not true?
Speaker 1:You're an asshole. What are y'all doing for Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving's coming up? What's?
Speaker 2:the plan. We are going to Dylan's grandmother's.
Speaker 1:Okay, I'm going to need you to get me some dishes and bring home some side dishes.
Speaker 2:You know that food's good, it is good. You know, listen, those good Southern Christian women can put a scald on something ain't like nobody else. And so I prepared this year and remembered and ordered me a sweet potato cake from brick street. So I'm taking, we're taking that and I am going to make um a corn casserole, which I love.
Speaker 2:I won't do two of those because I know dylan will not. He won't want them to eat it. Yeah, so I will make one to keep at home and I'll bring you part of that and I think I I'm going to make not just for that but for the season I'm going to make a huge batch of sausage cheese balls. They're just good for breakfast, just to have on hand, put them in the freezer.
Speaker 1:Okay, I need to make you one of our, or you need to make our pecan pie in a jar that I brought home. A jar today I need to do that I brought home.
Speaker 2:I should do that too.
Speaker 1:You should, Because it's so simple, that's easy peasy Add eggs and pour it in. Yeah, eggs and butter and pour it in. It's so good.
Speaker 2:They will be impressed.
Speaker 1:They'll think tell them, it's your grandmother's recipe.
Speaker 2:You know I will, and they'll be like goodness.
Speaker 1:I must have this recipe, the funny thing is.
Speaker 2:and listen, I come from a long line of great cooks. My great grandmother could make an amazing pecan pie, but my two grandmothers, that is one thing. That wasn't a big thing in my family, pecan pies.
Speaker 1:My grandmother made a mean pecan pie in a chocolate pie.
Speaker 2:My favorite, favorite, favorite cake in the world is very, very, very hard to make and I need to try it, but I know you've got to seriously to make like 12 before you get one that works. It's a lot of work is an orange slice cake. That is my. I don't even know what that is. Oh, my Lord, I need to bring you a piece.
Speaker 2:I have one cousin, yeah, that can do it. One person in my family that can do it, and it's a man. Oh, and he makes my family that can do it Mm-hmm, and it's a man. Oh, and he makes my grandmother's cake Mm-hmm, and it has, you know, the orange sliced candy that I don't even like. Yeah, I love that. Well, you cut that up.
Speaker 1:Mm-hmm.
Speaker 2:And then I think you put that in sugar because you know so it doesn't stick together. Yeah, I think you put that in sugar because you know so it doesn't stick together. Yeah, and you do dates and nuts and brown sugar. All this just deliciousness in this cake. It is the most moist, ooey-gooey-est. Think of a fruitcake with just deliciousness, that's pretty good, that would be good.
Speaker 1:It is so good. My cousin Kim, you've met her and she listens Shout out.
Speaker 2:Kim, yeah, I love.
Speaker 1:Kim, her husband makes the best cheesecake, like good.
Speaker 2:Baked real cheesecake so if you're listening. Kim, if your husband makes, if he's a good cheesecake baker, he needs to make a German. Nobody, no one makes. He makes good cheesecake.
Speaker 1:But you can't find German.
Speaker 2:You can't find German cheesecake.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:No one.
Speaker 1:I don't know what German cheesecake is.
Speaker 2:It's a, the crust is a very. It would remind you it's not, but it would remind you of a shortbread pastry if you will. It isn't real sweet but it's a pastry crust. And no, I haven't been to a. Maybe a German restaurant would have it. But my mother made German cheesecake every year and I just love it Because you know you have your favorite. Your Italian cheesecakes are not my favorite because they're mostly ricotta and they're a little fluffier. I like a more dense Good, just cheesy.
Speaker 1:Yes, absolutely Okay, so you're going to. We got off on, so you're going to Dylan's grandmother's for Thanksgiving. Is that it? That's the day.
Speaker 2:I think that's it, and then I think we're going to do movies. Go to the movies at night. Would you like to attend?
Speaker 1:I doubt it. I haven't gone to a movie in forever.
Speaker 2:I think we're doing movies like with Mark and Tina. What are y'all going to see? Probably something shitty. I don't think there's any good ones out. Wicked is coming out the movie.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I want to see that. So Daniel's going to be out of town for Thanksgiving, will you go with us he was last year. They're going to his aunt's in Indiana. But see I can't get off work to go.
Speaker 2:So I'm going to be here by myself. Yeah, but you can go with us, you can be our charity guest.
Speaker 1:Where At the movie or Thanksgiving Both.
Speaker 2:Everybody has a charity guest. He didn't have anywhere to go. Can he? Can he?
Speaker 1:come. Yeah, no, I mean I would for the food, but you know, last year I got in line at cracker barrel. I got cracker barrel to go. I invited you last year too.
Speaker 2:I know they would be. They would love to have you. I'm know they would love to have you.
Speaker 1:Who wouldn't love to have me? That's funny, no, and I know, but I don't. You know, there are those charity guests. I don't want to be that person and I'm fine. Listen, I'm fine being by myself on a holiday.
Speaker 2:Okay for me personally. I'm not going to strangers' houses for holidays.
Speaker 1:I know and listen. I'm not, I don't do well with the small talk and that sort of thing anyway.
Speaker 2:I got to know everybody, yeah, oh it's so true.
Speaker 1:So I'll be alone for Thanksgiving. So if you're alone on Thanksgiving, just remember it's not the end of the world, it's fine. It's you know, it's fine.
Speaker 2:Um, no, when feels bad for me. No, I don't want them to.
Speaker 1:I have a riddle for you.
Speaker 2:Oh God, I don't have one for you.
Speaker 1:Oh good, this one's super simple, but let's see, I'm going to get it. Let's see how your head works today. What building has the most stories? What building has the most stories? This one, see. I would have thought you would have gotten this one just like that. What building has the most stories?
Speaker 2:Well, it's not levels, it's stories behind it. An old building.
Speaker 1:No a library oh.
Speaker 2:I thought that was funny.
Speaker 1:But you were on the right track. So yeah, like an old building has stories to tell but a library was it. What do you got over?
Speaker 2:there, I'm an idiot.
Speaker 1:Oh, yeah, tell us about being an idiot.
Speaker 2:Well, so last night, since we were having, you know, the live sale at my home, I thought, well, you'll probably do a house tour, right?
Speaker 1:So I thought, well, I thought well, let me leave something no, no, no, no, no, no.
Speaker 2:Inappropriate. No, no, no, no, no. But you know, my fat lady, that I got from england the sketch of the fat lady with the big butt, which I love, and I have an art bike over her. Well, I went to turn it on last night and it's battery operated because there's no electrical on that wall. Yeah, and it didn't come on. So I said, well, and I mean, it's been up there for three years and I used it during the hurricane.
Speaker 1:So you're like I need to recharge.
Speaker 2:I need to put new batteries. I guess every three or four years it's got to have new batteries. So I was up there, you know, and I popped the thing to take the batteries out I got a chair and it was d battery. Yeah, d battery. The big daddy, big daddies, and it's four. In this light it takes up the whole space, right, well, you could have seen me up there I was and I thought what is wrong with me. All I had to do was take the picture down.
Speaker 1:Just take the picture off the wall, the lights attached to the artwork.
Speaker 2:Take it right out simple. Don't you hate when you do things?
Speaker 1:like that I'm an idiot. And you're like why did I just make that? I?
Speaker 2:was not on camera doing this.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you're like, why did I just make this 10 times harder?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I pulled it down, changed the batteries, hung it up.
Speaker 1:Easy. That art light is amazing. You need to link that, didn't you get? It on Amazon or you can get it on Amazon. I didn't get it on Amazon. You got yours from a local, yeah.
Speaker 2:I paid retail and then some.
Speaker 2:Yeah get it on amazon, yours from a local. Yeah, I paid retail and then some. Yeah, but you can get it on amazon. I love these lights. I do need to link those because if you have a wall that does not have power, we all have the weird space and you need a light. Even if you're hanging a mirror, a picture, light sometimes will change the whole space, even if you don't have any art. Sometimes it's nice just to use those above a window, or I have you. Those are the perfect thing to use. Yeah, because they're on a remote, they're dimmable, they look nice.
Speaker 1:Yeah, there you can get all the finishes, so I will do that yeah, you were telling me earlier and I said save this for the podcast. You started telling me your new ick from instagram yes, is this an ick. Is that what it is?
Speaker 2:I have an ick and and something. I think that's just stupid.
Speaker 1:So an idiocracy.
Speaker 2:An idiocracy and an ick. Tell me about it. And the ick is well, there's several icks in one. But first of all, you know, y'all know those Little Debbie Christmas tree cakes that come out every year with the waxy icing.
Speaker 1:Yes, yes, yes, I've seen this too, because you didn't tell me what it was and I was like before you tell me it's wax.
Speaker 2:It's the waxy icing, and then it's those cakes that are like 98% sugar.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:They're so sweet. They make your teeth hurt.
Speaker 1:They're gross and I'm a sugar.
Speaker 2:Me too I'm a sugar person.
Speaker 1:But you can buy.
Speaker 2:See, I don't, I can't knock a brand but I don't like any prepackaged like that, like those cakes.
Speaker 1:Little Debbie ain't listening. Little Debbie's, I don't. They it's, and I love sweets.
Speaker 2:I like the Nutty Buddies. Now, I do like those, but see, that's different, because I got the crunch. It's not the cake. I don't like the cake, it's all of those cake-based ones.
Speaker 1:It's like you can taste, you can feel the grain sugar in there.
Speaker 2:So these are. Several influencers have had this on, so they're ruining the Christmas trifle. Ruining the christmas trifle. We, you, y'all know the trifle that you know that you layer like the cool whip mixed with um the powdered sugar and cream cheese, angel food, cake and strawberries. It's your typical trifle delicious, pretty great, tastes great no so these dummies are taking those cakes, those sugary waxy cakes, and mashing them up and then making the trifle instead of angel food.
Speaker 1:Yes, I've seen this and I know exactly what you're talking about and if you've been on Instagram, you've seen someone do this, because it's all over there. First of all, how sugary they are. When I see it, that grosses me out. But what really grosses me out is them mashing that stuff up in the edges and then they're putting those on top. I'm like no one wants that. We all know it's giving desperate. It's giving desperate. Content is what it is. You know that shit is not good. There is no way you are crushing up those, those little debbie trees that don't taste any different than the little debbies that you can get the rest of the year.
Speaker 2:you know what I'm saying, but you're putting that in there with, like when you could have just used an angel food cake that you bought at the supermarket for two dollars.
Speaker 1:You cut it up.
Speaker 2:Probably 10 now, but you cut it up, you layer it and it soaks up that strawberry juice. It's just it's right, it's not too sweet, right, it's the way it was meant to be. And then they're gonna take those cakes and then they set cakes. They set one on top like right advertising. I use this. I crush these up in here. Yeah, I wouldn't eat that it is.
Speaker 1:I saw it too and I was like this is so gross, the process is gross. But then that waxy icing in there and all those unnecessary preservatives, I mean you know, I got the donuts that have been in the jar for five or six, seven years now Like no, why. But why? Because why go? Those things don't taste like anything special.
Speaker 2:And I'm all about adding some kind of crazy flavor. And I'm all about a shortcut. You know the shortcut is going to get the prepared angel food cake. Right, there's your shortcut. Your shortcut is getting the frozen strawberries at the supermarket. Right, that's your shortcut. Let's face it, a trifle. You're not making some fancy dessert that is going to take you three days, right, it's a shortcut. Great, pretty dessert, right? But there's no need to ruin it with those Christmas tree little debbies.
Speaker 1:That is too funny.
Speaker 2:It. Just every time I look at it I'm like are you really taking that somewhere? Yeah, because I would. If you brought that over to my house, I would say why did you do that? Yeah.
Speaker 1:You would too. Yeah, you would be talking about it. Why?
Speaker 2:didn't you just go by, swing by the bakery and pick up a chocolate pie or cake?
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:Rather than waste that time and money on that mess. See, that's what my mother would call that. My mother made everything from scratch. She would have said that's just a mess. That is a mess.
Speaker 1:It's true, hold on. There's a wasp right here that I'm going to kill, so y'all just hold on. A second Success, I believe. Oh my gosh, it was right here about to get me. I almost picked up this ink pen and there was a wasp on it. Or as we used to call them waspers, Waspers.
Speaker 2:I've never heard that.
Speaker 1:The waspers are out, okay.
Speaker 2:He's off the desk, okay, we can move on now.
Speaker 1:I would hate to pull over for emergency.
Speaker 2:So the other thing I saw on Instagram this was an idiocracy.
Speaker 1:Oh good.
Speaker 2:And listen, I am all about pretty packaging Presence.
Speaker 1:I listen.
Speaker 2:My mother always said you can give somebody a pile of you know what. Always said you can give somebody a pile of you know what, but if you wrap it right and present it well, it's it looks like a million bucks. Right, it's true. And so I'm I'm down with going to some trouble with the packaging you are but fancy paper, nice love and tie an ornament on there.
Speaker 1:Love it, all the things love it.
Speaker 2:But this fool was on instagram and she, I mean it's, it was cute but it was stupid. She was taking little branches of fir trees like real fur.
Speaker 1:Real fur like your christ tree, yeah.
Speaker 2:Christmas tree, the little bitty branches you know, maybe six inches long, and then she was pulling the needles off the bottom so it looked like a little mini tree. And then she took a hot glue gun and glued it on the middle of the present. So which means when you give it to the person it's going to have a stick glued on the present.
Speaker 1:That means when you give it to the person.
Speaker 2:It's going to have a stick glued on the present.
Speaker 1:Well, I guess, if you're a last-minute procrastinator, but then you wouldn't have the time to put that on there.
Speaker 2:No, if you're doing it the day before, you ain't going to have time.
Speaker 1:You're going to have those awful bows you get from CVS that you peel and stick and it falls off in the car on the way over. You're like, oh damn, stick that back on there, the ones that your cheap aunt goes around grabbing and saves them yeah.
Speaker 2:Or you can keep that bow, if not.
Speaker 1:I'll take the bow.
Speaker 2:There's always that person in your family that says okay, listen, if you're not going to keep your boxes, I'll take those and your bows.
Speaker 1:Why do you have to add a Southern accent to it?
Speaker 2:Because that's how they sound.
Speaker 1:But you know, there's some Yankees that do the same thing. Oh yeah yeah, they're a little more abrasive about it though.
Speaker 2:Come on, guys, I want the bows. I want the bows in the boxes. Well, I mean and listen, if you are, if you're tacky and you're using those bows, you might as well save them, because it's you know, I'm all about not wasting, it's true. If somebody gives me that, first of all, well, I'm not going to say that.
Speaker 1:Go ahead and say it, because you just go ahead and put it out there, you're going to get it anyway.
Speaker 2:First of all, I probably don't want the president. I'm kidding, that sounds very mean. You're that sounds mean, I don't. I'm very appreciative that sounds mean, but take the bow funny. Take, it was funny, you're being funny, but take the bow. Yeah, take the bow and just give it to me again.
Speaker 1:I like when you get the recycled gift bags and it has the name from the person before. We all do it. We all do it and we all have those people. You sound very judgy.
Speaker 2:Listen, I put a lot of effort in my, even when I had no money. I put a lot. They looked good. One year. What I did was I did a real rustic. Look, you get some craft paper.
Speaker 1:I got craft paper and wrapped it and I drew on there like Holly, I couldn't draw, so I went and got rubber stamps and stamped mine that was a cute idea.
Speaker 2:Big rubber stamp, that was a very Okay. Y'all, if you're listening, I'm being serious and you want a money-saving Get your craft paper. Your thick round craft paper.
Speaker 1:And then stamp it. Get some oversize People love it.
Speaker 2:Yes, Use raffia to tie around it. People love it and it looks great. Another thing you can do is newspaper and then do real pretty ribbon when the hell you can't even get newspaper.
Speaker 1:Where do you get newspaper from? I don't know where you get that, do they?
Speaker 2:make newspaper, but my point is is you can still make it cute.
Speaker 1:You newspaper. But my point is is you can still make it cute. You can still make it cute, okay. Well, I have something kind of talking about, because you were being a little judgy there, but it was funny I am not. Yeah, I know, I am literally not a very judgy person. You're not, I'm really not like I don't.
Speaker 1:I don't really don't about anything. For, yeah, for your politics, I don't judge you for what you have, how you decorate like. I've had people like oh, I don't want you to come to my house because you're going to judge how it's decorated. I don't. I honestly, most of the time don't notice, like I don't care, I don't judge you no, I could care less how you decorate yours, yeah I care about how I do mine. Yeah, yeah, I don't care.
Speaker 2:Let's get that, let's get one thing straight and two things gay. I do not care how you decorate your house or your family decorates their houses. What I care about is how I do it. Now, if you're paying me to care for you, that's different Right, exactly so, anyway.
Speaker 1:But I found something that I immediately judge people on, and it's kind of off the wall kind of. And I'm not joking, I judge, I'm telling you up front, oops sorry, that was my Instagram.
Speaker 1:Oh, you looking for some content over there. I'm telling you, I judge you on this. If you make a statement like this, or if you ever have made a statement like this to me, I judged you. So just fair warning, and it's really. This is off the wall. But you know, what drives me crazy and I think your IQ is lower when you do this is when someone messages me or says to me in person because it's happened, like okay, so somewhat okay. A couple of people actually just two that I saw said this to me over the weekend. This is what really made me think about it. So I'm going to give the example and they're probably listening, and if you are, I judged you. Okay, I'm just going to come forth with it. But when someone says something for example, I put up the big Santa Claus on my mantle- which I love.
Speaker 2:We've got to get that promoted, because people are blowing me up.
Speaker 1:Well, he's online now he is, you can grab him, but two people message oh, I mean, he's just scary, that would scare me at night. Yeah, you're an idiot If you tell me that an innate object is that the word? That's a little big word for me, like? If you tell me like a Santa.
Speaker 2:Is it innate or is it inanimate?
Speaker 1:Inanimate, probably, I don't know. I don't know. But if you tell me like a Santa Claus figurine scares you, or you know, know, like I have the scarecrow figurine, that's like life size and when I put that out, that's from like Glitterville, it's so scary. Or when in the past you remember, probably about 10 years ago. Wait, 10 years ago would have been 2014. Yeah, it's probably about 10 years ago. At Christmas, all the elves were a big, not in eight. Well, whatever, it is what, but do you remember when the elves were big?
Speaker 1:yeah you know we had them all at the retail go in the tree and they were the collector ones from. I forget that brand, that christmas brand. It's someone's name, I forget it, anyway, it's inanimate. Inanimate, whatever Inanimate, inanimate.
Speaker 2:Whatever?
Speaker 1:Okay, well, I'm the dumb one, but I'm judging you for being the dumb one, so that's fine too. But they would be like oh, those elves are so scary that drives me crazy. I think you're dumb.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you're not a child. I can see it from a child. Yeah, a small child, that's like telling me that chair scares me.
Speaker 1:What's the difference? It's a Santa print or a witch print or a scarecrow or a snowman. What the hell scares you about that?
Speaker 2:I don't know. And I was. You know, I've never been that person, because my first movie I ever went to see at the theater was Amityville Horror and the manager made a big production with my mother because she was taking me to see that. But I was a weird kid, but it's not real.
Speaker 1:Like I don't get why people are afraid of things like and I don't like.
Speaker 2:I personally don't like scary movies because I don't like the jump scare part of it you know, like that I don't like because that gets my adrenaline going.
Speaker 1:You know it gets, it releases the adrenaline. So that's why I don't like it. But I don't not like it because I'm like oh my, my God, you don't get scared.
Speaker 2:they're going to come in your house.
Speaker 1:No, it's so weird to me, though, that the Santa was just this weekend. It happens every season with something.
Speaker 2:It's like people with clowns. Now, if I were walking through the woods and a clown shows up, I'm going to be a little concerned. But it's not the clown, it's the freak wearing the clown suit in the woods. If I'm on a hike, that would be a little concerning. It might scare me. But if I see a clown at the mall or at McDonald's or somewhere else, I'm not going to be like I don't get it. Yeah, I don't get it either.
Speaker 1:I just don't. I don't understand it. And when someone says, oh, that Santa, but that would be so scary, it would scare me at night, I'm like you're dumb, I think you're dumb, I don't know how else to say it. So there we go, so we can move on from that that's my little, I uh, and you, you brought something up.
Speaker 2:You said you're not judgy and I am. But let me clarify that I'm judgy just on a few things I really don't say you were judged. No, I did I did, yeah, but I'm not judgy like I don't care where you work, what you do, what you have what you decorate, you know how you vote.
Speaker 2:I don't really care about those things. I was sitting here thinking like, how am like when am I judgy? Yeah, I'm judgy about two things. Oh, detail. I do not like lazy people. No, I'm not talking about if you have, if you're elderly and not able to work or if you have a physical challenge. I'm not talking about that.
Speaker 1:I have that trigger to judgy thing that I'll talk about.
Speaker 2:I'm judgy about that, like I am a firm believer. If you are able-minded and embodied, you need to have your ass at work Right, doing something productive.
Speaker 1:Whatever it is, yeah.
Speaker 2:I don't like that and I don't like. I'm judgy about people that are just mean to be mean.
Speaker 1:I don't like that. There's some people that it seems like they put effort into, like that's their thing To be just mean to people.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and that's really the only things I'm like really judgy about.
Speaker 1:The other thing I'm judgy about and this is just on to a singular person is men who come in to our retail stores, and this used to happen at the garden store all the time. Like that, men would come in to the garden store and buy a big container flower pot and then get one of our like women, cashiers or employees to take it out to the car or like load it for them well, you know what that's lazy?
Speaker 1:that falls into that lazy, or like we would watch. You know someone load up a big box of plants and then their wife is toting it out and they're just walking behind nothing now I will say this like the past year, I've had some, you know, major back issues.
Speaker 2:That is one thing, because I hate anybody perceiving I'm lazy. Yeah, I'm like.
Speaker 1:That is one thing why I kept re-injuring myself, because I just I don't't want to depend on, I don't want to ask anything, yeah, but when we've had people like that in retail stores in the past, they will say I'm so sorry, I've hurt my back and I can't lift anything right now. Do you have other people that can help? Or something like that. That is perfectly acceptable. But no, we watch men. We've watched them at the home store where one of our girls or women or whoever female employees and you know I'm all about equality or whatever, and women do it Whatever, but throw on my hand, we've watched. They have watched two of our female employees load a sofa.
Speaker 2:Oh, it's true, and I'm like can you at least that ain't no man, yeah, like unless you've got a physical impairment and that's what I said earlier are entitled no, or lazy or whatever, and I can only imagine how they are at home and in bed.
Speaker 1:You know it ain't good. They are too lazy. They are too lazy to get anything going.
Speaker 2:Lazy, she's faking it and she's doing all the work, lazy. But yeah, I hate lazy and I hate just mean people.
Speaker 1:Well, moving on. So I saw something else. This is a wide variety. This is a variety show today. I guess it always is, but when I saw this on TikTok, I think when do you charge your cell phone, like, do you charge it every night? Yeah, yeah, me too. Okay, so they were doing it it's the easiest yeah, and, but they were doing a thing.
Speaker 1:Actually it was some a clip from someone else's podcast, don't remember who it was, but they were talking about. The one person said I charge mine every night and the other person said they don't, they just charge theirs whenever, like low, and I'm like no, like I have to charge mine, I can't wake up and have a phone.
Speaker 1:That's like 25 I would technically what you should do I don't think it matters anymore on the you don't like used to. I don't think it matters about the battery running down or not, but mine is pretty dead by the end of the day anyway. I mean mine's already out because I'm videoing and stuff. Yeah, mine's dead.
Speaker 2:I mean it's usually to like seven or ten percent. You know, with old, older batteries you were supposed to wait till they were out before you charge them, or you would shorten the life right.
Speaker 1:So I need to know. On our hotline 864-982-5029, I need you to text me and tell me do you charge yours? Like every night when you go to bed you charge your phone, or do you just charge it as needed, like oh it's the middle of the day, my phone's going, dad, let me put it on the charger, or like plug it in?
Speaker 2:well, and if you don't work like if you're retired or whatever, you could do that, but if you're working, no, it really has to be charged phone because I don't know what the day is going to bring. I know, because we work. I'm saying, if you don't, if you're just around the house, I guess you could do it whenever I don't know.
Speaker 1:But that gives me. That would give me anxiety. I can't do that. I have another little. This is more of a public service announcement Because you know we recently got back from Amsterdam. Not to bring it up or rub it in, we're moving on. But well, first of all I got something to throw. I put up a box on Instagram and I got asked several times if we went to the coffee shops there, which you know are the weed shops, and we did not. To answer your question, not that I'm against it, but it just didn't present itself to be able to partake in that kind of activity. But no, did not do that. But my PSA is because it's the holiday season and there's a lot of traveling going on and getting on an airplane and, like getting on an airplane, mm-hmm, sit when you get, when you are on the airplane and the airplane pulls up you about to get off, sit your ass down. Why does everyone jump up like they're running somewhere?
Speaker 2:You ain't getting off the plane any quicker. The only time I get in a real hurry is if I'm about to pee myself.
Speaker 1:Yeah, or you're going to miss your flight or something, yeah. But, I mean it like the brakes, you know, you jerk a little bit and then everyone was up.
Speaker 2:They act like where are they going and they act like they're going to like.
Speaker 1:This one person was acting like, stood right beside me, from behind me, like they were going to. I just put my skinny little ass right out in front of that aisle, put my elbow in his face with my armpit to get my bag from above.
Speaker 2:I thought where are you going, buddy?
Speaker 1:Sit your ass down, that is a pet peeve of mine, Like where are you going in such a?
Speaker 2:hurry and if there's somebody that's going to miss their connection, sit your ass down. Let them go Right, because we've been in that position several times. And you've got Nancy up there that's getting her purse and her carry-on and her bag of goodies. She's got all this shit up in the way. No one. She does not have anywhere to go.
Speaker 1:No, she's got a six-hour layover because it's going to take her four to get to the next gate.
Speaker 2:I'm about to pee my pants and going to miss a flight when there's no connection. Sit down, yes, just sit down.
Speaker 1:I mean you can get up a few rows at a time. All you're going to do is get up few rows at a time. There isn't. All you're gonna do is get up, get your things and get off.
Speaker 2:I don't know where they thought they were, I would love to hit them in the head and then they're standing there.
Speaker 1:You know, it's some of those they do it like I said yeah, and they're like, and you know some of the planes, when you stand up, you they got their heads leaned over sideways anyway, because it's not a big plane, but but they, you know they'll do it when they are hitting the brakes and it stops and then they just get up. I wish they would fall. And then it's 10 minutes before they open the door and I'm like and I don't want your ass in my face either.
Speaker 2:No, let's talk about that yes, Like sit down.
Speaker 1:Sit down, and when you're getting on the plane, get in your seat and sit down too. People are behind you.
Speaker 2:Yes, that really drives me crazy. They're getting in bags and getting this out and that out you got plenty of time.
Speaker 1:You got plenty of time, once everyone sits down, to adjust and whatever, do whatever you need to do. It's funny, but I just noticed that and I was like why can they not just sit down and stay there? Well, speaking of sitting down and staying there, I don't know if y'all can hear it, but the dogs are barking in the background. Oh, my word, we got to pull this thing over and see what the hell's going on here.
Speaker 2:We're going to shoot them in the head.
Speaker 1:Shoot them in the head, wardell, all right, so we're pulling this baby over. We're out of time this week. Remember to leave us a review wherever you're listening to this podcast and share us with your friends. You know it's coming up. I can't wait. I hope we get our end of year report soon. It's sometime in December.
Speaker 2:We were in the top 10% last year.
Speaker 1:I wonder if they only do it by like 10 to 5. Like will they say, like top 7%? You know what I'm saying?
Speaker 2:I don't know what if we slip to like top 20? Yeah, I don't know. That will disappoint me.
Speaker 1:I don't think we have. We'll see. Who knows, who knows? I mean, we don't really pay attention to what the there may not even be anyone listening to us. That's very true. No, people message us all the time. Yeah, all right, we're going to sign off and we'll see you next week.
Speaker 2:Thanks guys.
Speaker 1:Bye.