Who's Driving
Who's Driving with Wesley Turner & Steven Merck is all about the entertaining stories we share and brainstorming topics we discuss as two best friends would on a long road trip. Come along for the ride as we check in with friends & offer a wide range of informative topics centered around running small businesses, social media, and all things Home and Garden.
Who's Driving
Who's Driving - Thanksgiving Shenanigans S2E42
Join us for a special Thanksgiving ride alongside Wesley's hubby Daniel, as we unpack the plans, emotions, and quirky traditions of the season. From Daniel's journey to Indiana for a family reunion to Wesley's contemplation of a catered feast, we explore the unique feelings of holiday solitude and the art of making the best of any situation.
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I'm here. It's time to giddy up. Girlfriend, let's do it. Can I come with you? If you? Can we have?
Speaker 2:a rider today, a little hitchhiker. Get in the back seat, sit down, be quiet, buckle up, shut up.
Speaker 1:It's time for another episode of who's Driving. Welcome to who's Driving. I'm Wesley Turner.
Speaker 2:And I'm Stephen.
Speaker 1:Merck. We're two best friends and entrepreneurs who's Driving is an entertaining look into the behind the scenes of our lives, friendship and business.
Speaker 2:These are the stories we share and topics we discuss, as two best friends would on a long road trip.
Speaker 1:Along the way, we'll check in with friends and offer a wide range of informative topics centered around running small businesses, social media and all things home and garden.
Speaker 2:Buckle up and enjoy the ride.
Speaker 1:You never know who's driving or where we're headed. All we know is it's always a fun ride and we have Daniel riding along with us this week.
Speaker 3:I thought I'd tag along for the holidays.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's Thanksgiving week and it's been a while since you've been on. Like maybe since you went to Amsterdam in the spring, like April, I think so. Have you joined us since then?
Speaker 2:I don't know. Are y'all cooking anything for Thanksgiving?
Speaker 3:I can't remember what I ate for breakfast, I know right.
Speaker 2:Are you cooking anything for Thanksgiving? No Wait, you're going out of town, Daniel, right.
Speaker 3:I'm headed to Indiana to spend time with my family. Normally Wesley would join us and we'd have our family back where I'm from, rock Hill. But we're going to see some extended family this year for a week and Wesley and you have a lot of work to do while I'm gone.
Speaker 1:Yay, we're so lucky You're not going for a week. You're going for Thanksgiving, but not the whole week.
Speaker 3:You're leaving on.
Speaker 1:Tuesday and coming back on Saturday.
Speaker 3:That's almost whole week. You're leaving on Tuesday and coming back on Saturday. That's almost the week. That's the whole week. Where have you been?
Speaker 1:I was thinking in my head.
Speaker 2:A week is seven days. He's gone for five.
Speaker 1:So it is like the week I thought in my head. I have like three days two days, you've got five.
Speaker 2:You've got a vacation.
Speaker 1:I told him. I was like I think I'm going to call someone tomorrow and have a whole Thanksgiving catered just for myself.
Speaker 2:I invited you to go with us.
Speaker 1:I know, but you could not be the Luce invited. You too, I cannot be the like sympathy, yeah, you could be the sympathy.
Speaker 2:I don't have any family, Honestly I mean I don't have any family.
Speaker 1:Honestly, I mean I don't mind.
Speaker 2:But Honestly like if my family wasn't here and Dylan's family wasn't here and I was by myself. I'm not the kind, I'm not going to go barge in with some other family.
Speaker 1:I wouldn't be comfortable. I don't want to have that like small chit chat talk.
Speaker 2:I mean, you know what I'm saying In my head.
Speaker 3:I always feel like having time to myself completely for like a few days sounds amazing, and normally it is, and I just end up working too much or cleaning something up. But whenever it's a national holiday and you know everyone's doing something but you, it does get a little depressing.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it can be tough. So if you're alone out there this holiday, there's always next time, maybe next year. Come hang out with us, come hang out with me. The address is Speaking of Thanksgiving, though and we can ask Daniel, everyone can participate in this because someone asked me on Instagram and it made me think of it. I don't know, just think about it. I guess they were asking because I had our table set a tablescape, you know.
Speaker 3:I'll do that.
Speaker 1:I'll get the question all the time, but actually today I got it is where do you put the food when you are having, when you're eating there? And I was responding like, first of of all, no one's gonna be eating here, no, we're at our house yeah, on our table that there's a tablescape. But I was also like when I anywhere, if I were gonna have people over or at my parents house, we always serve the food in the kitchen or on a buffet.
Speaker 2:We never put the food on the center of the table. I don't like. That kind of grosses me. I don't like it. That kind of grosses me out. I don't like it on the table.
Speaker 3:We always have too many people. Wherever I go to Thanksgiving, like my family, it's always like 30 people or so. It's not enough to just have in a dining table.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so that's what made me think, because I was like I would set our table that same way. There's still enough room for your plate, your glasses, your silverware napkin and all that. I don't like the food sitting in front of me on the table.
Speaker 3:I would if it was small and intimate. It's a nice presentation.
Speaker 2:But not for a Thanksgiving. It's too much food.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't know. But even growing up, my mom cooked dinner every every night and we all sat down as a family, but she always served it in the kitchen. We'd fix our plate, fix your plate, go to the table and then sit down.
Speaker 3:Yeah, do y'all ever have it where it's catered or bought from the grocery store all the sides and stuff? No, my family's always a hundred percent like home cooked.
Speaker 1:Yeah, no, that's just wrong okay, I will say one year. My mom was like I'm not doing all this and the whole family went to cracker barrel and had thanksgiving and not the chinese restaurant.
Speaker 2:It would be it would be listen if I had to cook it nice yeah I mean I was a kid, but it was.
Speaker 1:I mean, as a kid I was like, but you know, she didn't want to have to do all the work. I don't know why it came down to it was just going to be her cooking.
Speaker 2:She was in a mood.
Speaker 1:And she's like I'm not doing this, If y'all want to join me for.
Speaker 3:Thanksgiving. Someone pissed her off, probably.
Speaker 1:You know that's, you know how family is, but it just made me from because I don't think I would like it sitting out in front of me.
Speaker 2:I mean like years ago when I was a kid like Sunday dinner at my grandparents' house. Sometimes, depending on how many there were, the food would be on the table.
Speaker 1:So let us know on our hotline 864-982-5029. Text us Well.
Speaker 2:I wasn't finished, or hold on or call us See how he?
Speaker 1:interrupts. Text us or call us.
Speaker 3:We're going to talk about that in a second. He was not listening to you.
Speaker 2:Yes, he interrupts, he stops. No, I wasn't finished speaking Text or call us and let us know.
Speaker 1:Okay, here's the thing, because I've got this is a good time to bring this up and we're going to do this in an episode, but I've gotten comments that I talk over, Stephen, sometimes.
Speaker 2:And you interrupt, you do.
Speaker 1:And interrupt. I do, but what you don't know is Stephen stops and thinks about what he's going to say and if I don't continue talking, it is a very drawn out long that's your perception, but see our listeners perceive you as being rude and interrupting, and you do.
Speaker 1:That's fine. So what we're going to do after, we'll let you get back to your dinner here in a second, but after maybe the next one or after the new year, I'm going to record one in its natural form. We'll talk how we talk. When you pause, I'll pause. And we'll see if they want to text us how they fell asleep during the podcast or turned it off.
Speaker 2:I think you tell yourself that to make you feel better.
Speaker 1:Okay here's the thing Steven doesn't listen back to a podcast. He's never listened to one of our podcasts Not gonna, or had to, listen to the edit of it, so that's why you don't know what you're talking about, but go back to your Thanksgiving? Well, it's.
Speaker 2:that's why you don't know what you're talking about, but go back to your thanksgiving. Well, it's interesting, though, how many people say you interrupt though, and I think that's very telling. Yeah, it is so back in the day also. See just kidding. Back in the day, everybody in my family smoked. In the 70s Weed no. In the 70s, everybody smoked cigarettes. It was just it was bizarre. I mean even at McDonald's everywhere you went, everyone smoked and I can remember my grandparents had ashtrays that sat on the dining room table. They were like crystal literally crystal and silver ashtrays.
Speaker 2:And I remember one time picking up the tray of deviled eggs and you know how those things can be. Those can be some slippery suckers and some devililed egg. I picked it up and barely turned it. The deviled eggs just kind of went crazy and all of a sudden a deviled egg went flying across the table and landed in the ashtray.
Speaker 1:Perfect. I know you remember they used to have the ashtrays on stands.
Speaker 2:Yes, we my. My home was fancy. My family had all of that. It was crazy. On my mother's side, everyone smoked yeah my dad's side, no one smoked what about your family?
Speaker 3:smokers not really no, I don't remember anything like that, but you're so I do remember going to restaurants and it just smelling like cigarettes.
Speaker 2:But you're like 14 years younger than me, like if you were my age you're. It's crazy like how many people smoked yeah so and I'm not listen. You do you when?
Speaker 1:yeah, I mean I'm not judging when daniel and I, when we were first together, you could still smoke in restaurants in Greenville.
Speaker 2:Really that?
Speaker 1:was a thing. Yeah, throughout.
Speaker 2:It was very controversial. Yes, it was a big deal when certain restaurants would say when I started in McDonald's, you could smoke in McDonald's in the whole restaurant and I can remember the managers having ashtrays at the end of the front counter and they would smoke their cigarette in the middle when they weren't busy. And I can remember when McDonald's went to no smoking how controversial that was and we lost business. And you know in North Carolina and South Carolina where there's a lot of tobacco farmers, there was a. It was a big deal.
Speaker 1:It hurt business for a while and then they came back once. They couldn't go anywhere else.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean whatever.
Speaker 3:Well, do y'all do anything fun at your families for Thanksgiving, Like play games or like? What do you do after everyone's eaten lunch or dinner? Sit around and fart. Yeah, after everyone's eaten lunch or dinner, sit around and fart. Our family always watches football and then we play the dice game. Oh yeah.
Speaker 2:What is that?
Speaker 3:Someone buys lottery tickets and also like cheap gifts, usually from CVS or something. It's like candy or just random stuff that's been collected, stocking stuff or type gifts yeah, and then we all get in a circle around the table and roll a dice and if you get a six you get to grab one. But it's like a time limit and there's only a set number of gifts. So once it runs out of the middle of the table, then you can steal it from someone else.
Speaker 3:But, I will say we have done lottery tickets forever, years and years and years, and no one's ever won anything More than $20.
Speaker 2:Yeah, other than like $2.
Speaker 3:It's a total waste.
Speaker 2:I have never, you know, and I love to gamble. Y'all gamble too. I am not a lottery ticket person.
Speaker 3:No, you just can't win really. My cousin won $500 one time.
Speaker 1:Not like a scratch-off.
Speaker 3:On a scratch-off. Oh really, but that's like the only person I've ever heard. No.
Speaker 2:I have a few relatives. I've got to be careful on here because you know people listen to this. And that are addicted, like it blows my mind, like I don't really know what to think about it. I mean, they are seriously addicted to buying lottery tickets. It just seems so bizarre to me, is it, susan? No? No, I figured she listens no it isn't, but it is crazy to me. I could see going and maybe taking $20 or $30.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:But when you go and you take hundreds of dollars or thousands of dollars, that could be a problem.
Speaker 1:It is a problem.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no, I mean, it seriously is crazy Did your family ever drink at Thanksgiving?
Speaker 3:No, ours really doesn't either, which is surprising because you just always hear a lot of people are drinking In the later years in the later years, on my mother's side, yes, my dad's side of the family.
Speaker 2:Lord, no, no, no, no.
Speaker 3:Jesus doesn't approve.
Speaker 2:My dad's side of the family is a lot more religious and conservative, and my mother's side of the family, you know, we've always gone to church, gone to the same church my whole life. But we dance and drink at that church. So it's just different. Yeah, it's different Different sides, yeah. You know, there's always difference on each side of the family.
Speaker 1:Well, moving on, Instagram has been very giving this week. And I know you've got something he has been complaining about something for two weeks now have you seen on Instagram. This crap is what he'll call me. He's like I saw another one.
Speaker 2:Tell him okay if y'all are doing this, don't get it down. So I know if you're on instagram you've had to see the giant bows people are doing or trying to do in the top of their tree. I'm not talking about the bows we've all done since 1995. I mean a giant, human-sized bow at the top of the tree, and they do it with a pillow.
Speaker 3:Not a tree topper.
Speaker 2:It's a bed pillow and they make it look like a bow and it looks like you've tied a pillow on top of your tree, it is wrong.
Speaker 1:I haven't seen it. So they're using the pillow to make it stand fluff up? Yeah, you're too, but then it's too small for what they're trying to. I mean, the loop of it looks too small and it's closed.
Speaker 2:It looks like oh, you've got a pillow on the top of your tree. Yeah, it doesn't even look like a bow.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And they're like oh and look, look, how good. I'm like no, why.
Speaker 3:You know what I always love.
Speaker 1:What's that the?
Speaker 3:viral videos for Thanksgiving is when they're cooking the turkey and they have their kids and they're like reach in there and pull the stuff out Trying to teach them how to cook the turkey and they have put. Is it Cornish hens?
Speaker 2:Is that what it?
Speaker 1:is yeah.
Speaker 3:Inside the turkey.
Speaker 2:It's called a. What is it called?
Speaker 1:Well, there's a turkin, turducken.
Speaker 2:Turducken.
Speaker 3:It's like a baby bird.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the one you're talking about. They put the small Cornish hen in there and then they try to act like it's a baby, like it was pregnant.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I love that.
Speaker 1:That is so wrong to do, though, to your kid. They'll never want to make a turkey for Thanksgiving.
Speaker 3:I've never had to cook a turkey or help my mom. We always do Honey Baked Ham we cheat.
Speaker 1:Do they.
Speaker 2:I'm showing Daniel the pillow you can turn the volume down please. Well, it's festive Look at that though you can tell it, volume down, please. Well, it's festive. Look at that, though you can tell it's a pillow.
Speaker 3:Oh, that was pretty. Hold on, let me see it, we had it turned.
Speaker 1:Oh goodness, yeah, don't say who it is.
Speaker 3:I don't know. I kind of like that one example, but it's in a huge house and it's a a huge house and it's a huge tree, so it makes a huge bow.
Speaker 1:Doesn't look like a bow See it just doesn't look like a bow. Out of scale. They just wrap it in fabric. Here's another one.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that's ugly.
Speaker 1:Let me see that's a shorter tree.
Speaker 3:Is this like viral? Everyone's doing it.
Speaker 1:Only influencers. Yeah, trying to make something happen.
Speaker 3:That ain't gonna happen.
Speaker 2:Bored.
Speaker 3:You know what that would look like if someone that didn't have any talent tried to do Like this one that I'm looking at.
Speaker 2:I just I don't get it. Yeah, and this isn't the.
Speaker 1:There's also the trend to make very big bows out of fabric. This isn't that this is literally out of pillows. They take a pillow and just no a real bow would be cool.
Speaker 2:And if you made a bow? But that's not a bow, it's a bed pillow.
Speaker 1:Yes, this is just a bed pillow and they taught in the middle to make the loop.
Speaker 2:If I walked in here and you had a damn pillow on the top of the tree, I would be like why? Do you have a pillow.
Speaker 3:Like it doesn't.
Speaker 2:I look at it and I'm like that's a pillow. It's a pillow with streamers.
Speaker 1:That's what it looks like. That's too funny.
Speaker 2:No. So talking about switching back to Thanksgiving, no, we don't play games or anything. I feel a little cheated.
Speaker 3:Y'all just go eat, mm-hmm. Never play the game Dessert.
Speaker 2:Mm-mm, never play the game. Never Think we might do the movies this year.
Speaker 3:You want to go see Wicked? No, I could care less about that Me and Wes are going to go, yeah.
Speaker 1:I want to see it and my family may want to go.
Speaker 3:We used to go to the movies after Thanksgiving.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think that's a good thing. A long time ago I think that's a good thing to do.
Speaker 1:We've never gone to the movies for Thanksgiving, but I know a lot of people do.
Speaker 2:But see we long way in the country. It is after you eat all that food.
Speaker 3:Y'all probably went deer hunting or something that we just lounged around, got out there.
Speaker 2:That's when we started christmas decorating that's when everybody said I'm stuffed yeah that's right, we just got out the tree and started that dress and tore me up.
Speaker 1:Or we would go cut a tree when I was younger and then we got into artificial. Later we moved into my parents' current house now and I was in eighth grade and it was a big house for us. It was a big upgrade for us, so that first year we went and got us a big old, real christmas tree, two of them two of them, but I mean her. The ceilings are like 12 feet tall, so you know, we had at least a 10 foot probably 12 foot tree.
Speaker 1:Y'all were walking in high cotton well, by the time that thing dried out and those limbs settled, we couldn't get the tree out of the house because it was so, it was so big, it was so wide by then, and then it had dried out by the time we took it. You couldn't bend the branches back up, so after that it went to an artificial tree.
Speaker 2:We had one year in there.
Speaker 1:That was it Because we went out and cut our own.
Speaker 2:Well, that seemed like a mansion.
Speaker 1:You know the upgrade.
Speaker 2:Yeah, house, yes, you know in the 90s.
Speaker 1:Yes, that was a. It was Mm-hmm.
Speaker 2:Well, I mean we've talked about it. You had that Waverly wallpaper and.
Speaker 1:Waverly fabric Decked out, ooh, berber carpet, decked out berber carpet. Every knob and light fixture and door knob and door hinge was brass, polished brass, cabbage floral wallpaper, which is practically the same things back now it's all coming back it's all coming back. It's all tracks back you know how we have the um pumpkin back to instagram.
Speaker 3:We're gonna flip back and forth here you know how we have the pumpkins in the sink floating around.
Speaker 1:We have a new one for christmas. Yeah, we are now washing down our christmas trees.
Speaker 3:I know who you've been watching, carmen, no.
Speaker 1:Did she do it?
Speaker 3:Uh-huh she hosed down her Christmas tree before she brought it inside.
Speaker 2:Why.
Speaker 1:Sprayed it with the hose, and then did she air dry it with the blower, probably.
Speaker 2:Yeah, why are they doing that?
Speaker 1:I don't know.
Speaker 2:We're hosing them down.
Speaker 1:Just have the need to wash something down.
Speaker 3:I guess my family had a fresh tree every year and I don't ever remember no Bugs. I mean maybe they could say one time there was and I just don't remember, but I never remember.
Speaker 2:We had real I don't remember Bugs or birds or squirrels, Well it would have made for a fun.
Speaker 1:Christmas. But no, the water hose isn't going to stop any of that. If there's anything in there like butt, water hose ain't going to that, ain't going to just wash off in there. I mean it ain't going to get out the squirrel.
Speaker 3:It's just going to. I just remember we always had ladybugs inside our house around Christmas, but that's everywhere in the South. Oh, okay, we get them here. A lot of people, we get them in our house here too Not as bad.
Speaker 1:My parents get them bad.
Speaker 2:Knock on wood. I never have, but my grandparents live in Clemson.
Speaker 3:Mm-hmm were always like, infested with ladybugs. It's always one side of the house yes, it's like a back wall or something.
Speaker 2:It's crazy that warmer side or something that it does weird.
Speaker 1:So they're washing trees, yeah, so wash down your tree now. Wash down your tree now. And then you, you dry it with your leaf blower. You can't make this shit up, you dry it with your leaf blower.
Speaker 2:This sounds like something made up.
Speaker 1:So we've gone from washing pumpkins to washing trees now.
Speaker 3:And it's not going to get anything out.
Speaker 1:The best thing you can do is shake your tree out, bang it on the ground, get the loose we'll just bring it inside.
Speaker 3:It's always like a pain anyways. Yeah, it shakes out. I'm gonna wash mine.
Speaker 2:I think I'm gonna get a pressure washer and just blow the hell out of it.
Speaker 1:Every single needle will be off. We.
Speaker 2:We're going to get that thing cleaned up.
Speaker 1:You should do a reel and stitch it with someone.
Speaker 2:Just blow it apart.
Speaker 1:Stitch it with someone who's like this is how I wash my tree and then go to you with the pressure washer and no needles on the tree, just blow the hell out of it, say it's clean, we got it.
Speaker 2:No mess here, that's funny. Oh my no mess here, that's funny. Oh my word. I wonder. Okay, seriously I wonder. And if anybody out there is listening and this has happened to you, I have to hear this story. You have to call in and we're going to call you because I have to hear this. Do you know anyone that's ever like carried a live tree in and had in and had a squirrel or something like Christmas?
Speaker 1:vacation. No A squirrel or a snake. That would be hysterical. The one thing I have heard of is someone on their tree brought in praying mantis. It had a nest cone and then, when it warmed up, they hatched. There's hundreds of those, oh God. But then again, washing it down would not have done anything. You wouldn't have gotten that nest off of that?
Speaker 2:No, because they're made.
Speaker 1:It's rained on. Yeah, I just thought you would love that one.
Speaker 2:Yeah, washing the tree.
Speaker 1:If you need to bring your tree out here to wash it, you can do it here, where you take it home to your loft.
Speaker 2:I have never. If I saw somebody doing that, I would be just in awe.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:What are you doing? Yeah, but you know we had a person that married into our family from up north. This just all blew my mind when I was a kid From Pennsylvania.
Speaker 1:That's not that up north, yeah, but Well, that's pretty up north they.
Speaker 2:Planted a garden, mm-hmm, and planted okra and she was going to fry okra. We went to have the okra. She had cut the blooms off of the okra and cooked the blooms not, oh, not the pod there was no pod in the mix. She didn't know no.
Speaker 1:That's funny.
Speaker 3:I think they may be edible, though I think okra blooms might be like squash blooms. Yeah but it just falls apart.
Speaker 2:No, who wants that? I mean, that's just enough, Like if you're expecting fried okra and you get that.
Speaker 3:Did they fry it? So it was battered and everything.
Speaker 2:I mean it was just awkward, what?
Speaker 1:was it like dust when you bit into it. Just a mess, Just a damn mess.
Speaker 2:That's too funny yeah, yeah, oh my goodness, that's hilarious. So Prey and Mantis, Was that around here?
Speaker 1:I can't remember where it was, I just remember Winston. I cut Leland.
Speaker 3:Cypress the other day and it had a praying mantis thing on it.
Speaker 2:Oh no eucalyptus.
Speaker 3:They always make them on the eucalyptus trees, for some reason.
Speaker 2:There's certain bugs that will be in certain Christmas trees, I think. Right, I don't know Insects, sure I don't know, I don't know.
Speaker 1:You know, at the farm, though, they're spraying those down with something and no telling what. Oh, yeah. And the thing is which you don't realize, because we've been in the industry of getting fresh wreaths and fresh garlands. I have gone and picked them up at the farm. I have gone and picked them up everywhere. They started cutting those trees way before Halloween.
Speaker 3:And they've been in a cooler, but I feel like they start with the box stores that want them really early. Oh yeah, that's who gets cut first and all. Make sure they have that order. Those are the oldest ones, so I haven't bought a live tree in a long time.
Speaker 1:A long time. A long time because I guess 20 years.
Speaker 2:Um, because I didn't do trees at all, I didn't decorate for a lot of years. I used to decorate every room that I did none, and then I'm back to it, but I did not realize how expensive they are now what are like?
Speaker 3:let me guess, because we haven't bought one either. I haven't bought one, I'm not going to call out where they are.
Speaker 2:At a boutique place here in Greenville right now today $295.
Speaker 1:For what size tree?
Speaker 2:Nine foot.
Speaker 1:I'm going to go to a tree lot. Is that a?
Speaker 3:Fraser fir, or is it one of those like norwegian something?
Speaker 1:fraser fur I'm gonna go to a um tree lot and I want to look and see what they are at a tree lot they're um, oh, I can tell you.
Speaker 2:Uh, they're 200 at the, at the lots and at, like, the boutique garden centers. There are three.
Speaker 1:Okay, but here is the thing there are grade differences in trees, like what you get at your box stores. Absolutely Is because I saw it all when I would do it.
Speaker 3:When we would order them, we'd always. When we got the wreaths, we'd always order us a fresh tree, yeah, and we get a grade A and they were perfect Grade A premium.
Speaker 1:Like we didn't even see the tree.
Speaker 3:Well, I think it was like grade D yeah it is so they have holes in their trees and you gotta like right. And they have look at them.
Speaker 1:They have crooked stems on the center.
Speaker 3:Well, I will say um, we used to get it wholesale, and that was only like seven years ago or something that yeah, eight years ago, and they were like what?
Speaker 2:50 bucks, 45, I think, the premium ones like wholesale was like 79 well I didn't see the 300 tree, but I did see the 200 tree and it it was stellar. It was beautiful, yeah, and rich, rich, rich, deep, deep green, very fresh.
Speaker 1:I would have paid, but I mean I was like I know that still seems like a lot, even the 200 and so I've questioned, I've been asking people and they said it's like three, it's like the past three years they've gone up yeah well, there may also be. You know we're getting into that range. There's probably a shortage. Will happen somewhere along the way with COVID, because that catches up and they couldn't plant as many and that sort of thing, so there might be a little.
Speaker 2:Could be.
Speaker 1:Little supply chain.
Speaker 2:But hell, take advantage of A nice artificial is a fortune, it's true, I mean nice artificial is a fortune, it's true, I mean it is a fort like the one the are the trees we use. I'm embarrassed for people to when people ask me how much, what kind of tree that is, and they look it up oh, at the store or what we have in our homes yeah, oh yeah I'm embarrassed he doesn't know how much that tree is. That tree, that tree.
Speaker 1:Oh, downstairs, yeah that tree.
Speaker 2:That tree retails $4,000. That's a lot of damn money.
Speaker 3:Well, it ain't the king of Christmas tree, that's for sure.
Speaker 1:I see everyone doing those Because it looks so much better than that.
Speaker 3:I know.
Speaker 1:What is it? King of Christmas tree.
Speaker 2:What is it, king of Christmas?
Speaker 1:tree. What is that? A basic? I mean it's a premium, but Is it cheap? I don't know the prices of it.
Speaker 3:I don't either.
Speaker 1:I don't. Ever I haven't needed a tree but King of Christmas tree.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm going to look at it.
Speaker 1:It's kind of you know, one grade cheaper. I'm not sure. I'm actually not sure. I mean it's just all.
Speaker 3:Oh, do y'all remember that was last year? I saw on social media the trees that packed themselves into a box. No, it was like mechanical, like you hit a button and it like comes out.
Speaker 1:I need that. I saw that at market.
Speaker 3:And then it goes back in by hitting the button.
Speaker 1:We saw that at market like five years ago.
Speaker 3:It looked pretty good.
Speaker 1:It starts very compact and looks like a tree, like maybe a five-foot tree but very full, and then you hit a button and it folds out and then it's like nine and a half feet tall or something like that we need that.
Speaker 2:It was just a regular.
Speaker 1:It gets stuck halfway and it was a regular just like cone shape. Not a lot of our trees have a lot of natural look to them. You know branch differences and not that just perfect cone shape.
Speaker 2:I love this king of Christmas tree.
Speaker 1:Do you? But they're not bad price. You want me to see if I can work with them.
Speaker 2:They're not a bad price, but they're not bad price you want me to see if I can work with them. They're not a bad price, but they're not oh.
Speaker 3:I feel like they look a little cheaper.
Speaker 2:Oh, the price isn't bad. You can get a nine foot for $799.
Speaker 1:That's a deal. Yeah, I'll reach out to them next year. Maybe we can get some free trees.
Speaker 2:Hell yeah, I love how the branches are apart. Let me see that one looks good, that's almost like the tree I ordered.
Speaker 1:That didn't come for me this year.
Speaker 2:I like that Well there's your free plug. Tell them who's driving since you, we needed some trees, that's funny.
Speaker 1:I saw another. This is another irritating thing that I saw on Instagram, other than the tree washing there is I guess this is this season's I don't know if it's this season's viral item, holiday item, but it's sure being pushed like everywhere. I look someone is promoting this. You can get a vacuum for your mattress. Now why? It's fine to vacuum off your mattress, but why do you need a separate vacuum for it?
Speaker 2:They're selling a vacuum just for your mattress Mm-hmm.
Speaker 1:It's all over my Instagram I hadn't heard of that, mm-hmm.
Speaker 2:What in the world? I didn't know. I needed that.
Speaker 1:It looks like a regular vacuum for your floor, but it's just short. It's like a handheld, but for your mattress, but it looks like a full-size vacuum, but short. It has a beater bar and everything. I'm like why not just throw your vacuum up there? That's weird.
Speaker 2:Throw your Roomba up on top and then, yeah, just let it go to town but that's my new. I'm like I don't understand why we need one just I, I want this tree that you just push a button and it says poof.
Speaker 1:I do not recall seeing that it was in the hallway at market and we watched, did it look good yes, but it's not textured like our trees, it's a traditional triangle cone yeah, I don't want that.
Speaker 2:I want one that looks like you went out into the forest, chopped it down, maybe even some lichen on it, maybe some moss but I want to be able to push a button and it just poof up.
Speaker 3:Well, that hadn't happened yet well, when we started getting our artificial tree, um, so that you were selling them at the stores and everything, I always loved having a fresh wreath on the door, yeah, so that way when you walk in every day it smells like christmas and you still have something fresh. And a lot of flower farmers this time of year are selling them or at your farmer's market we're getting them in this friday oh yeah we should fit garden I should do two fresh ones on my mirrors in the foyer, so that would smell good.
Speaker 1:It would. Yeah, smells just like a tree.
Speaker 2:Who knew?
Speaker 1:Or just get you a Tom's candle. Yeah, those are coming this week too, yeah.
Speaker 3:Did you get the wrapping paper this year that smells? Yes, did we?
Speaker 1:Yes, we did. You were going to remove it from the order, but you did. No, we got the tissue paper. We have the tissue paper.
Speaker 2:We have the tissue paper coming and the wrapping paper. I said remove it, but that's as far as we got. I loved it, I loved it too, You'll have to talk about that People love it. Yeah, and it is nice because so many people do have artificial trees and there's so many options. Though, because you've got puras, you've got candles, you've got scented wrapping paper, scented tissue paper, I mean hell, you don't have to have a real tree for it to smell like it.
Speaker 1:It'll all be available later this week at thenestedfigcom, so get it Times.
Speaker 2:We've got way more than we need.
Speaker 1:It hasn't arrived yet, but it's running behind and we were supposed. Someone was supposed to cut the order back, but they didn't well, I showed you the message.
Speaker 2:But that set that sales rep said I need my commissions, you're getting the whole thing the whole.
Speaker 1:Thing it's all right, we always sell out it is. It's fine, it is, oh, so you're going to be gone the rest of this week. It's Tuesday.
Speaker 2:Are you excited to get away?
Speaker 3:Yeah, I am looking forward to spending time with my family.
Speaker 1:It was nice last year when I went.
Speaker 3:I didn't know about it last year. I was like, hmm, and then it was nice, but my mom didn't get to go last year, so I'll try again this year. Last year, so we'll try again this year. Yeah, well, maybe she'll get to go, your aunt fell.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, that's right, she was taken care of.
Speaker 1:I remember that.
Speaker 3:And then your dad threw out his back, or something oh yeah, I was eating breakfast, I think, um at the hotel lobby and my dad sneezed and it pulled a muscle in his back and he was listen he's one of those people. He's not going to let you know he's in pain or whatever, and he sneezed and was like ow oh. And he made a grimace on his face and listen.
Speaker 2:The older you get, you can fart in and throw something out.
Speaker 3:Well he did. We had to take him to the ER later that day.
Speaker 2:I remember because when you guys came back, when you drove back in, you stopped at the warehouse. He dropped you off at the warehouse and I felt so bad for him. Because he had to drive two hours back home and he looked miserable and you know I have a bad back.
Speaker 3:Because he couldn't take painkillers and drive.
Speaker 2:I felt terrible for back Because he couldn't take painkillers and drive. I felt terrible for him.
Speaker 3:Yeah, he was a mess. I don't know, it was just a freak thing. He was fine later, but it ended up bruising his entire back and everything it was rough.
Speaker 2:I messed mine up in August and I've never been in such a predicament. I couldn't drive, I couldn't put my right leg all the way down on the floor.
Speaker 3:From lifting the fiddle. Fig, yeah, and it was fun.
Speaker 2:I mean, I just think, and you went and did acupressure, acupressure, not puncture, not puncture. I'm not going to puncture anything, but I did acupressure and now I go once a month and he beats the hell out of me and I think I'm going to be, you know, in serious, you know, maybe hospitalized after he's through with me. But then I feel great the next day. Well, that's good. Yeah, it's bizarre, but I believe in the next day. Well, that's good. Yeah, it's bizarre, but I believe in it.
Speaker 3:That natural medicine too. That helps yeah.
Speaker 1:Well, hopefully your back stays good for the rest of the year it was terrible.
Speaker 2:It was awful Like. I know what your dad went through. That's the first time I've really been incapacitated by it. I've had two ruptured discs. That was miserable, but this last time because it was muscular. I've never dealt with anything like that. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't roll over and pee.
Speaker 1:I couldn't do anything. We were somewhere when that happened Because we were gone for part of the time. I can't roll over and pee. I couldn't do anything. We were somewhere when that happened Because we were gone for part of the time. I can't remember where we were. I don't remember Maybe we were in Florida. Was it at the end of the summer? Yeah, it was in August, Because you were calling and it's like it is just miserable.
Speaker 2:I can't do anything. Yeah, I would go to work and try to sit there, and then I'd have to stand up, sit down, stand up. Everything is just.
Speaker 1:Oh, just a hot mess. Age, old age. It's time to wrap this baby up. Everyone's got to have a great Thanksgiving. Yes, I hope you have a great Thanksgiving if you're listening to us.
Speaker 3:If you're by yourself.
Speaker 1:text Wesley Text me on the hotline 864-982-5029. I'll be around, just I don't know what I'm going to. I need to schedule a meal or something.
Speaker 2:Drop by and see him.
Speaker 1:I need to schedule a meal for that day. Last year I did do Cracker Barrel, but I waited a little late for the pickup. I think I might go in and eat this time. They gave me these little tubs, these little. I mean, it was just a little bite.
Speaker 2:That is so. That makes me so sad A little star.
Speaker 1:Why don't you?
Speaker 2:just come over. If you don't want to go with us, why don't you just come over Thursday night? We'll bring you a plate and just.
Speaker 1:Well, here's the other thing I don't. Also don't want to eat, not against anyone's family, but like y'all will bring me back something. The next thing, you know, I'm going to have stomach virus or COVID or something from you know how it goes. Yeah, I don't like that whole community thing, unless I'm in it.
Speaker 2:Okay, well, go on the Cracker cracker barrel I'm sure nobody there has the covid no, I don't know what I'll do.
Speaker 1:Or you can bring me a meal, but see, you won't bring it until it'll be like midnight thanksgiving to be very convenient for me when you get it you'll bring me it on fr Friday to the warehouse or something here and you'll have eaten several bites out. There was some of this real good something.
Speaker 2:I got hungry about three this morning.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and it's gone. I don't know. Well, we're going to pull this baby over. Thanks for joining us, Daniel. Yeah, I hope you have a great trip. Thank you.
Speaker 2:Are you driving? Nope, you're riding with your parents. Well, that's nice, you can take turns driving.
Speaker 1:Is this like a 12-hour? Yeah, we're splitting it up on the way up there 12-hour and then driving straight back.
Speaker 2:There's some great, great antique stores on that route.
Speaker 1:They ain't going anywhere. Steven and I have done them before.
Speaker 2:Good, good deals to be had up that-a-way it is.
Speaker 1:I know there are antiques and junk stores in Ohio. Yes, yes, ohio and Indiana Mm-hmm. To Cornfields.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm and good deals to be had out that way for sure all right, we'll see you next thanksgiving everybody giving bye.