Who's Driving
Who's Driving with Wesley Turner & Steven Merck is all about the entertaining stories we share and brainstorming topics we discuss as two best friends would on a long road trip. Come along for the ride as we check in with friends & offer a wide range of informative topics centered around running small businesses, social media, and all things Home and Garden.
Who's Driving
Who's Driving - Fire Up The Sleigh S2E43
Join Wesley Turner and Steven Merck on a festive December ride as they share holiday mishaps and triumphs in the latest episode of "Who's Driving." Wesley recounts his solo Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving isn't complete without a dose of family drama, and this episode delivers with stories straight from our listeners.
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It's December. It's time to buckle up. The sleigh is out of the garage. Stephen and I are driving separately today, so we're both driving.
Speaker 2:I'm here, I'm following in behind you.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's time for another episode of who's Driving. Welcome to who's Driving. I'm Wesley Turner.
Speaker 2:And I'm Stephen Merck.
Speaker 1:We're two best friends and entrepreneurs who's Driving is an entertaining look into the behind the scenes of our lives, friendship and business.
Speaker 2:These are the stories we share and topics we discuss, as two best friends would on a long road trip.
Speaker 1:Along the way, we'll check in with friends and offer a wide range of informative topics centered around running small businesses, social media and all things home and garden.
Speaker 2:Buckle up and enjoy the ride. You never know who's driving or where we're headed All we know is it's always a fun ride.
Speaker 1:So sleigh bells are ringing. It is December, sleigh bells ring.
Speaker 2:Are you?
Speaker 1:listening, so you're behind me, we're driving. Our schedules are just crazy right now, and so we're driving separately. We got our own things to do, but we have time for who's Driving. How was your Thanksgiving?
Speaker 2:It was good. How was yours? Yours was, you were solo.
Speaker 1:I was solo, so we talked about it. On last week's episode, daniel went out of town and it was fine. It was nice. I went to Whole Foods Well, whole Paycheck, as you call it. I even told that in my stories Got a bunch of you know, the prepared sides, not from the little cabinet, but like the section where it's like you can do a meal kit or whatever, so I got some sides there, and they didn't have everything I wanted, so then I went to the food line and got a couple more, so I ended up with like five sides and I made myself Thanksgiving lunch.
Speaker 2:You said it was really good, except for the green bean casserole. You said tasted like dog food.
Speaker 1:Yes, and I've never personally tasted dog food, but I'm curious.
Speaker 2:I want to ask something yes yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, have you tasted dog food? I have not, but I imagine it tasting like this green bean casserole did. I don't know. The texture wasn't right, the flavor wasn't right, it was not right. Start to finish.
Speaker 2:And you know what I don't think.
Speaker 1:Go ahead.
Speaker 2:There's a trick to green bean casserole that some people don't realize is for it to be right, you have to use French-style green beans. You cannot use regular green beans. Oh, will not turn out correctly. Who knew?
Speaker 1:It's a thing. I don't think I'm a huge green bean casserole fan anyway, but sometimes I get it, you know, at a family event, and I'm like, oh, that was good, you know it's good, but I love it if it's right. It just yeah, it was so wrong, it was not right at all, so well. So then Daniel got back, so I was just he left on Tuesday and you know, tuesday we did fig day, so that day was shot. I mean, we were busy and didn't get home until late. And then Wednesday, um, after we do a fig day where we're live all day long because we did six live sales and that equals around six hours of being live, uh, and maybe a little more than a 12-hour day, and it's a 12-hour work day and like fully working, like it is.
Speaker 1:Get off the live reset as fast as we can. Adrenaline rush okay, let's get live again, and it's that all day long. So wednesday, we talked about it, you and I did. It's kind we feel hung over after the day. You're're exhausted. You've done so much talking, you have the adrenaline rush all day long and you're just exhausted.
Speaker 1:So Wednesday flew by because he was gone and I literally was just like okay, I have a day to myself and I did have a lot of work to do computer-wise, like sending out emails and getting marketing things together, but I was able to just do that here. And then Thursday was Thanksgiving and I cooked for myself and that you know, that took up like a big part of my day. You know, I know bless all of those who cook regularly in Thanksgiving and put all that time into it, but I was like dang that kind of way. I mean I could have just gone to Crackerer barrel and taken like 45 minutes versus the three hours that took start to finish. And then Daniel got back on Friday, so it wasn't bad with him being gone.
Speaker 1:So what did you do, mister? Everyone was asking me on Instagram. You know not everyone listens to the podcast or catches it. You know, catches it in real time or whatever. Because we had Daniel on last week and we told the whole story about him being gone and they're like why are you alone? And you know I had to explain that nothing was going on. Our families like each other. You know the whole thing Blah blah blah.
Speaker 1:And then it was followed up. Well, where is Steven? Why are you not having Thanksgiving with Steven? And I was like damn people.
Speaker 2:Did you say you were?
Speaker 1:invited. No, I said Steven has his own thing to do, but they should have known.
Speaker 2:I was invited.
Speaker 1:I was invited. You even invited me on here and we talked about I wasn't going to do that. But what did you do?
Speaker 2:You said you were even more exhausted on thursday I, I'm, you know I'm a couple years older than you, um, even though I do not look at, but anyway at all. No, I was dead almost on wednesday, you know. It really truly like what I can remember. I have not been hung over in years, but it's what I remember of a hangover feels like. And the hard thing for you and I both is we feel like that, but mentally we're like let's go, yeah, yeah, let's go, and then I get mad at myself, which is crazy. So then I had the crazy idea that I was going to cook a few things for Thanksgiving.
Speaker 1:See, that's when you made the mistake, because what you did, you did this last week too, on two different fig days. The day after you made yourself get up and do like another you know crazy type thing work, yeah, yeah. And then it hits you even harder the next day. Yes, big mistake.
Speaker 2:So, um, I get up and I make, um and I was gonna put it on instagram. We even videoed it, but we're going to talk about that too. That's a whole nother. I made three corn puddings and I made a hundred sausage cheese balls. They turned out great. I do not. I look at recipes like I look at speed limit signs. You know it's just kind of there to look at.
Speaker 1:As you're passing them, you're like what did that say?
Speaker 2:But I have to Stevenize it and I always change my recipes. I make it mine and I think that's the fun thing when you do cook, to make it yours. I know you can't really do that when you're baking, necessarily, but when you're preparing other food you can, and so we videoed. We were going to put it on Instagram and I said, no, I'm not doing it Because, okay, here's the thing. Okay, I was in the restaurant business for 30 years, as everybody knows, and I taught food safety for many, many years. So I'm not you know, I know it very well.
Speaker 2:And at one time I was a biscuit maker as a teenager at McDonald's. I would go in on the weekends and make biscuits. Well, I'm just gonna tell you, I'm from the south and the only way to make good biscuits good sausage, cheese balls, good bread don't put any damn gloves on. You do it with your hands, right, right, and it isn't nasty. No, you scrub the hail out of your hands and you clean them, mm-hmm. And then you make it with your naked hands, right, and it just drives me crazy on Instagram when you'll see people doing that on Instagram and they are attacked. You're doing that with your hands and I'm like well, Hell yeah, and it's for me.
Speaker 2:Yes, and they're, and they need to be clean, you know anyway. And gloves people. So the new thing is, people are putting gloves on, and I know this because they don't want to be attacked on Instagram.
Speaker 1:Okay, we'll keep going, I'm not going to talk over or whatever going.
Speaker 2:I'm not going to talk over or whatever. Gloves are the nastiest thing. So for a while South Carolina DHEC made restaurants go to gloves for preparing food and I'm just going to tell you guys out there listening, worry when people use gloves. That was the worst decision South Carolina made and they retracted it. It took them a while and that's why I do not like gloves in my kitchen period.
Speaker 1:I do have to talk over you on this one. Surely no one is literally using gloves in their kitchen to make food. No one does that right Like I need audience feedback. If you are making food in your kitchen, such as biscuits you got to touch the dough or bread Do you put on gloves? Text us on our hotline 864-982-5029. Us on our hotline 864-982-5029. I need feedback if you think it's normal to wear gloves in your own home, because I feel like that is so not normal.
Speaker 2:I mean, I've been making bread for I don't know over 35 years. God, that sounds so old. Well, you are, and I have to feel the consistency. Yes, like I don't know how you do it with a glove. But, more importantly, gloves create a false sense of cleanliness and sanitation, and none of us like taking those damn things on and off. So what we do is we end up even the best of us, with the best of intentions and I'm speaking of myself like when I was in the restaurants you end up wearing the gloves longer than you should and you're not washing your hands. Washing your hands because I wash my hands constantly when I'm cooking or working in the restaurant, constantly because I don't like my hands dirty. So safety-wise it's way better, way better. So that's why we did not, but the day ended up being great there was no drama.
Speaker 1:But before you move on past this cooking, I think you should A still post it, because what does it matter? And B for all those people who comment and attack. That's engagement. That is engagement that is going to push out your content, and then there's going to be people that come to your defense and it's going to start an argument in the chat.
Speaker 2:Within them.
Speaker 1:Within them and then you are off and rolling and lots of followers rolling in. I say, post it. It'd be one thing if you watched it back and you're like I got dirt under my fingernails and you can see it. You know what I'm saying. That would be one thing.
Speaker 2:Or there was a cat scooting its ass across the camera.
Speaker 1:You just edit that out, you just cut that clip out. That's how you do that.
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh. But yeah, it ended up being and I'm going to circle back to that little story from a Facebook thing, but it ended up being a great day. But I was so tired, we had these great aspirations that we were going to go to the movies Thursday night and I'm telling you, I could barely drive home. I was so just tired and stuffed. And no, it was just, I was just wore, slap out. It was just, I was just wore, slap out. But I sent you something on Instagram of an influencer on Instagram and I get it, people are doing just what you said to just shock value.
Speaker 1:And people don't see. You know some people don't see. You know some people don't see through that. Yeah, sometimes it's. Sometimes things are created with the intent of it being content for shock value, to get comments and stuff, and I feel like sometimes viewers take it serious.
Speaker 2:It's almost satire, but yeah, it is it is, it is, it is, it is, but it grossed me out, so this one in particular. So she had bought a pumpkin pie from the supermarket and then she buys up another pie shell, a separate pie shell. She scoops this one out with her hands, the pie.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:First of all, you're not making anything. That's when you use a spoon or a spatula. Come on now, right, so she's scooping it out with her long fingernail and scooping it into this other pie shell, and then she empties this pie and it you know a messed up pie shell that's already been baked probably twice, and the nut starts making a pie in the, in the shell. That's a pet peeve of mine. Do not do that. Oh, making I do not like to make no, you do not. Yeah. To mix, no, you do not. Yeah, you mix it in a mixing bowl and you pour it into what you're going to bake it. But that's just a personal.
Speaker 1:Well, she was doing this whole thing, it sounds like. For that feedback.
Speaker 2:And it was. But then, but then, but then. That's what I thought. But then the recipe just sent me over the edge. The pie had mayonnaise in it, so and I know there are some, I know there are desserts that you do put mayonnaise in, and I get it. You know it's oil and egg, I get it. But for whatever reason, you know, she was cracking eggs in this, she was putting mayonnaise in spices, all this, and she baked it. I mean, it wasn't, it didn't look horrible, but then I could see where the eggs weren't completely messed up when she sliced it. I could see a little fried egg up in the eye. Oh, gross, just disgusted me, but okay, and I thought do people really do?
Speaker 1:that? No, no, absolutely not. I mean maybe they do Again, text us if you make your pie in your pie shell. That's dumb too, but you can text. We won't judge, we listen and we don't judge. We need to play that with our audience.
Speaker 2:We listen, I listen and I totally judge. There's certain things.
Speaker 1:I know that's been a huge trend on TikTok and I keep saying it to you we listen and we don't judge. I know that's been a huge trend on TikTok and I keep saying it to you we listen and we don't judge. But I've played this game in my head with you. I'm like I should do this with Steven and I'm like what would I tell him? And so I make up different things along the way. But we should do that sometime.
Speaker 1:Well, on Instagram I did ask about sending in your Thanksgiving drama. You know I was alone no drama there but we all have been there. We've been there for that family holiday event or maybe you haven't I mean my family, I know I have, but maybe other people's aren't like that. But I put up a little box and I said spill the tea. What was the holiday drama? And I got in some good things. So we need to talk about it Really. Yeah, but they're just nothing like too crazy. But I posted a bunch of them on my stories, just like clip after clip of the responses, and a couple people responded and said did you notice? Most of the drama, they said has something to do with the mother-in-law, and I was like it did, so I don't know how that goes. You know what I'm saying?
Speaker 2:Huh, yeah, so let's see Some people really do not like their mother-in-laws. I sincerely really love Dylan's. See, some people really do not like their mother-in-laws. I sincerely really love Dylan's mom. She's very good to me and I don't have any issues with that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't have any issues.
Speaker 2:But my personality I will say this my personality doesn't really welcome bullshit, because I will put you in your place with that. I mean, I just don't like that from anyone, right, right, and I'm not gonna put up with it and my.
Speaker 1:I have no issues with my in-laws whatsoever, but there's, like I feel like a level of respect there and maybe some in-laws or mother-in-laws or whatever try to overstep their boundaries. I feel like sometimes, and it's probably more with a female and a female- the wife. That's her son and you've married him, and then there's kind of like this passive-aggressive control thing.
Speaker 2:I think in some of it and you know they probably think they weren't good enough for their son Wasn't good enough thing. I think in some of it you know like the wife is and you know they probably think Go ahead. They probably think they weren't good enough for this Wasn't good enough. You know there's always that underline.
Speaker 1:I know. So, anyway, that's probably what it comes down to, but I'm going to read some. So this first one is and these could be listeners, I don't know, we're just going to talk about it, but this one kind of threw me off. This came in later, so it wasn't in my Instagram, but this one says my plate of food went into the trash. I chose to go to bed. Thanksgiving was over for me.
Speaker 2:Now why didn't you just, oh, wait, maybe I wouldn't went to my bedroom with the plate Right. If I was upset, but I ain't throwing my food away.
Speaker 1:Oh, you know what I think she was telling me. It was like a three-part series now that I'm reading this back Because they're kind of out of order. But it's the same person Says five minutes into dinner instantly I'm the bad mom for wanting to provide for my daughter's wedding. She tells next daughter to elope. Avoid me because I'm horrible. I saw another side to this mine. And then she said my plate of food went into the trash. I chose to go to bed. Thanksgiving was over for me, so maybe that's all one story. I thought someone's food had fallen into the trash can and they were just pissed and decided to go to bed because I was going to be like no, grab another plate.
Speaker 2:No, let's no, I didn't take it that way at all.
Speaker 1:I missed the whole thing. That's funny. Oh my gosh, See you try to help one kid, Little brat, I'd be like I ain't helping nothing. You can elope, is what I would say. This one says nephew said he smelled a skunk. It was just after I went outside to smoke weed. So I guess you weren't having really any drama. You were low key. The drama was the stuffing. It was tasteless and I was so disappointed. Did you make it yourself? Are you disappointed in yourself or someone else?
Speaker 2:Well, here's a good one. I saw on Instagram of Thanksgiving Day, the people. Somebody was smart enough to grab their phone and capture the moment. They are sitting in the dining room down to have their beautiful dinner. It's in a beautiful dining room with a crystal chandelier, Beautiful, beautiful tablescape and you know we preach tablescapes all the time. You know, add a little of this, add a little of that, put some candles on it. Well, they did.
Speaker 1:And the damn.
Speaker 2:Thing caught on fire. They had to use the water from the table to put out the fire and their dent their linen napkins oh my gosh, that is holy we're crying.
Speaker 1:People were running that is too funny, oh my gosh. This next one says brother is a dick found out the day before thanksgiving. He's trying to take my inheritance. Oh, that's called an ass. That, yeah, I would just my yeah, my sister wouldn't come because 98 year old mother voted for trump. You know, those politics gets everyone. Those politics get everyone hyped up. I'm not missing a meal for your politics. Vote for whoever you want. There were several that was like half the family didn't come because of voting one way or the other.
Speaker 2:You know, whatever, oh my lord I'm not letting that come between me and my food.
Speaker 1:No, For the fourth year in a row. My sister forgot to put something in the pumpkin pie, so I guess it was bad for four years. Sounds like someone else needs to make the pie. Yeah, mother-in-law, here we go. Mother-in-law cooked the turkey with bag of gizzards etc in it. Oh my gosh, you know that means she didn't wash it, or nothing.
Speaker 2:She threw that bird in the oven Just right out of the.
Speaker 1:This one said grandma either used soured milk slash cheese in her macaroni or missed a step because it was gross.
Speaker 2:Okay, I ran into this. Okay, I ran into this situation at Easter and I think somebody got overzealous. You know, somebody was trying a new recipe. Don't do it, don't, don't mess up the mac and cheese.
Speaker 1:Don't do it, especially in the South. You do not screw up the mac and cheese.
Speaker 2:No, and do not put your fancy cheese in there. It ain't right. You just put your cheddar in there. It ain't right. You just put your cheddar and if you really don't want it to be healthy, you throw in some of that plastic Velveeta that tastes so good but you do not put in funky feet smelling cheeses in there. It's a cute idea but it ain't good.
Speaker 1:I bet you that's what they did, because you know some cheese has that sour taste and I feel like when you heat it up like that and meld it with other things, it could taste even funkier, you know.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm.
Speaker 1:During dinner our three-year-old grandson said you have a big belly. To his uncle. Well that's normal, for nothing like a little kid to set you straight. The next one says they drop the turkey on the ground while trying Try the dang thing. Oh Lord, I mean a lot of. Those were ones I didn't get on my stories, but you know the drama. Just there were some funny ones on there. It makes you kind of feel normal because you know everyone has drama too, everybody gets like drunk and in a fight.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah. So someone said let me see if I can find it Something about their neighbors. Neighbors were drunk, they were puking and peeing. Wait, I think they said peeing. Yeah, Our neighbors were peeing in the front yard. They got so drunk and then they were puking on the concrete. But that was the neighbors. But I guess that was a show. Yeah, Mother-in-law put all of the food away before we got there. We let her know we'd be five minutes late. Five minutes late. She did that shit on purpose. She was like give me this. We're putting it back up. Wrap it up. They should have been here right at whatever time.
Speaker 2:That's early for me.
Speaker 1:I know. I wouldn't put up with her.
Speaker 2:There's the mother.
Speaker 1:See, I would have it at my house, yeah, and it would be my one, right, that's how you do that, and if she doesn't want to come, she doesn't want to come, right. Okay, so that was some Thanksgiving drama there. Before we move on, though, I have a little plug, because I want to ask our audience something, because this is going to be for a future podcast and we need audience participation on this. So, if you're listening, write down our hotline number 864-982-5029. I'll put it in the show notes below. You can text or call us, but I want to know we're going to talk about this on a future podcast. I want to know the best and or worst gifts you've received for Christmas, and by best I don't mean your kid's artwork or you got proposed to. I mean a tangible thing. You know the vacuum cleaner of your dreams, or maybe that's your worst. You know gift or whatever, and then worst gift is yeah and hold your phone up.
Speaker 1:You're muffled um, oh am I yeah, I'm good now, you're great now. So, uh, best and worst gifts and then worst gifts. You know again, not not. Your husband or wife told you you were getting a divorce on christmas, you know not, no and not not.
Speaker 2:I got a new mercedes because Mercedes, because ain't nobody else getting that.
Speaker 1:No, you can do that if that's your best gift, but I do want it to be. No, it needs to be a great spatula or a great bath product, yeah, or your worst was like you thought you were getting something good and it was just a lemon and I want to know what those gifts were, because I want to do and we'll talk about it some gifts and then we might call you and you might get a little. Something Is why you got to call or text us Participate 864-982-5029. So text or call 864-982-5029.
Speaker 2:So text or call it amazes me the men out there that buy their wives gifts like vacuum cleaners and I love my vacuum cleaner. I would actually be kind of excited about a vacuum cleaner.
Speaker 1:But women aren't. Most of them.
Speaker 2:No, and that's like they want a treat. You're buying them. They want a treat, and I mean your floors have to be vacuumed and cleaned, hopefully, so that's not a gift.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's like paying the electric bill or something. It's a given. It's a given that we're going to get a vacuum cleaner. So it's a treat. And it doesn't have to be a big. It can be whatever your budget is, but a little something.
Speaker 2:Right, it could be small.
Speaker 1:I was thinking of you when I saw this, or I thought you would like this, not a practical vacuum cleaner or an iron type thing. Get them a treat, yeah, and even if you have to go in and not something for you. Yeah, Even if y'all are going in. Oh honey, let's just, we need a new washer and dryer, so let's let that be our gift to each other. Do that and then go get just a little something, just a little.
Speaker 2:Well, I tried that Something. I tried that this year. I tried that with a beautiful set of leather antique dining room chairs which hopefully they're going to get here and I'm going to get them anyway. But I said to Dylan you know they weren't astronomically expensive, but they weren't cheap. They're, you know, 100 years old. And I said, well, that can just be our Christmas present to each other. Are the new dining chairs? He said hell, no, he's like nope. He said those dining room chairs right in there are just fine with me. So that is for you, right? Not for me. So that is for you, right, not for me.
Speaker 1:That's funny.
Speaker 2:Yeah, he wasn't standing for it, which you know. I kind of respect that, right. He was like no. He said I'm good with those dining room chairs, I don't think we need any more yeah.
Speaker 1:So you buy those for yourself, but you're going to get me something for Christmas, yeah, yeah. So you buy those for yourself, but you're going to get me something for Christmas, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:What was?
Speaker 1:it, daniel and I the other day. You know we're like we're not really doing gifts this year. We don't literally have anything that we need. Or, you know, because we'll be going. You know, we just went to Amsterdam and we do stuff like that and we just don't.
Speaker 1:You know it's different because we have worked and you'll get this in retail for so long and because you and I have now covered I mean, I don't know we have, you know, anything garden related, flower related, home decor related. We even get accessories and you know different things covered. We have access to so much with the markets and stuff. It has to be something really different for us to you know different things covered. We have access to so much with the markets and stuff. It has to be something really different for us to.
Speaker 1:You know, because we're not like you and Dylan, where you're into like nice shoes or watches or you know that sort of thing doesn't really, I don't know, we just don't. It's not our thing, you just don't like it, I don't. It's not that I don't like it, I appreciate it, but it doesn't do anything for me and if I want to go buy it, I'll just go buy it and that's not our thing. So anyway we're like oh, we're, probably we have some projects we want to do and stuff, and so we're probably not doing anything. Maybe a little something, I don't know, for Christmas. But then the other day he was scrolling through I think it was on TikTok or whatever and it was something for your iPhone like an external memory little thing that will magnetize the back of your phone and you can plug it in and you can save your videos and pictures and stuff onto that. And he's like you want to get. You want this for Christmas, or whatever.
Speaker 1:And I was like sure that would be handy, because my phone the other day said the memory was full so I was having to go back and delete photos, and so he ordered it right then, I guess. And then he came in. He's like, oh, our things arrived. And I was like, well, merry Christmas to us because he ordered himself one. And I was like that's how we do Christmas. We don't even wait until Christmas to you know, we just find little things along the way. So I'll get him a little something, something, though. But do you know what you're getting, dylan? I know you can't say, but do you have any ideas in mind?
Speaker 2:Lord, well, he's given ideas, oh. I'm sure he has which is good, but I've got mine.
Speaker 1:I wish Dean would give me some ideas.
Speaker 2:Oh, we're never short of any gift ideas around this hole.
Speaker 1:Oh you're not. No, no, that's good, you can just have a running list and just keep it going.
Speaker 2:And I don't really ever ask for anything because I typically just buy it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and that's how we are.
Speaker 2:You know you're the same way you and I are. Just buy it, yeah, and that's how we are.
Speaker 1:You know you're the same way. You and I are the same way. We buy different things, but we just see something and we're like, oh, that's handy or whatever, and I want it and we just buy it. We don't really wait out.
Speaker 2:But you know I am kind of weird and go through that where I want. You know that frugalness in me and I'm like, oh, I'm not going to buy that for myself. Which is just this weird way to torture yourself. I think I probably need to see a psychiatrist about it.
Speaker 1:I think so.
Speaker 2:But Dylan does take note of that mental note of the things that I don't buy and I want them and he always surprises me with something. So that's a good quality, that's a good quality.
Speaker 1:That is a good quality Things that Daniel does that way, though, I can't go back and get it. He'll be like oh, I saw these Dahlia tubers for sale, but I just didn't buy them. I was trying to save money. Well, I don't know which ones to go back and get.
Speaker 2:Wouldn't that be a great thing to get him? I know it, it would be. I mean that that's something that he would be really excited about. He'd be like oh my gosh, I know, uh, these down youtubers that cost five thousand dollars dollars no, not that expensive, not that expensive.
Speaker 1:So when daniel went um to his families for thanksgiving, so he went to indiana and he went and saw his aunt beth and uncle irv shout out they listen to the podcast, or I know aunt beth does oh yeah, they they're really nice. Yeah, they are very nice people so aunt beth sent back a she'd gotten this book somewhere. I mean, it's like a little workbook type thing and it has riddles in it. So she's like you don't have to look at the riddles. It's a few pages of riddles in here.
Speaker 2:So you know, I just like her even more now, right, she was. I really like you know, I really I kind of really fell in love with them when y'all got married in Vegas, right. I just thought they were the nicest people.
Speaker 1:Yes, they are. All of Daniel's family is so nice. They're really nice people. They are.
Speaker 2:And I don't make those comments very often about families, because there's usually somebody in there I don't like.
Speaker 1:They're all really nice. They are, they are. So I have a few riddles for you then.
Speaker 2:Or maybe a comment oh, my Lord, I won't be able to get this, but try, give me the first one.
Speaker 1:Some of them are funny, corny or whatever, but I'll see. If I stump you or anything, they fall into the dad joke. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. What word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly?
Speaker 2:Incorrectly yes.
Speaker 1:Wait what? That's the answer. Yeah. What word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly? Yeah, incorrectly, I mean that's all. Yeah, that is correct. Okay, what has a bottom and a top which? When I read that out loud, that doesn't make.
Speaker 2:I mean there's a lot.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that could be a lot of things. A bottom and a top could be like a coke bottle has a top on it and a bottom. Yeah, okay well we're striking our mayonnaise yeah, okay, well, I guess they call that what was the answer, though.
Speaker 1:Your legs has a bottom, that one is weak. Um, let me see, I haven't read this one, so I don't even know. I don't the answer and I don't know what I'm about to read you, so it could be really dumb. Spelled forwards I'm what you do every day. Spelled backwards I'm something you hate. What am I? Say it again. Spelled forwards I'm what you do every day. Spelled backwards I'm something you hate. What am I? I have to look up the answer on this.
Speaker 2:I did one of those with you.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:And I can't remember the word.
Speaker 1:Spell forwards. I did one. What you do every day spell backward something you hate. What am I? It's live, and then backwards, it's evil. Oh yeah, I never noticed that. Okay, that's a few riddles for you.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's a good one, aunt Beth, I know.
Speaker 1:There's a few. I mean there's a bunch more in here, I don't want to use them all up. This will get us through the rest of the year and then some. Yeah, the rest of the year and then some. I'm still anxiously waiting for our podcast review at the end of the year.
Speaker 2:I know what if we're no longer in the top 10? But maybe we're in the top seven.
Speaker 1:And I hope they do it again this year. You know, like I hope they send it out. It was just last year. It just came in my email one day. It was like you're a year in. What if?
Speaker 2:it came back.
Speaker 1:You're in the bottom 10.
Speaker 2:You really suck this year, but keep going. I know that would be. I'm just like we have listeners, um, like we we can pull up on the software map of the world, as you know, and it shows you where we have listeners and like we will have, and I can't I'm not looking at it, so I'm just gonna throw it out there. It may be we have two people in uruguay, yeah, that listen to us and I so want those people to tell us how, how and Are they military? You know, or do they have family? How are you in some other country that speaks a different language and you listen to our little podcast? It's very interesting to me.
Speaker 1:Well, speaking of that as soon as you said it. I pulled it up because I screenshot a message on Instagram and when we were in Amsterdam, someone messaged me Her name is Cheryl Cheryl H and she lives in Scotland. And she said, like she started off like saying so weird your story's coming up when you're in the same time zone as her and have a great day or whatever. And then I said, oh my gosh, do you live here? And she said I do in Scotland. She lives in Scotland and following all your businesses for ages and love everything you guys do. I really look forward to your podcast every week. Love the vibe between you and Steven. So shout out. I love Steven. So shout out, she, she. So shout out to Cheryl. She listens to our podcast in Scotland, isn't that crazy? Like that is. So shout out to Cheryl.
Speaker 2:And so if you lived in South Carolina, you'd be Cheryl.
Speaker 1:Yeah, cheryl, cheryl, yeah, cheryl, cheryl said Cheryl, it's Cheryl. But isn't that mind-boggling that we have like Cheryl is all the way over there in Scotland and listening to us. That's just. It blows my mind still when I think about that. That's even possible. But then, second of all, that little o us over here in south carolina and cheryl is listening, isn't that?
Speaker 1:crazy little country queens getting all over the world and then someone messaged me and I don't know if it happened or what and I don't have a screenshot or anything, um, so I cannot remember her name and shout out to her. She listens from Australia and she was wanting to send you and I some things I think some treats for us to try on the podcast. I think is what she said, that would be wonderful or something along those lines.
Speaker 1:So I gave her my address, so maybe one day I'm going to get some treats from Australia. That would be so fun, crazy. So Australia has been on my bucket list, but it's coming off.
Speaker 2:So if you live in Australia, message us and tell me I do need to visit, because that's been on my bucket list for a long time. But I'm deathly, deathly afraid of snakes and I started following a snake hunter on Instagram to kind of help me with that fear. I just didn't, and so he just visited Australia and didn't know they had so many damn snakes.
Speaker 1:Okay, well, here's the problem with this? If we were in the same car, I'd slap you in the back of the head because comments like that irritate me. That's like someone saying I don't want to come to South Carolina because there's alligators there, everywhere. There are in the low country of South Carolina, in the swampy section. They're not running out and attacking you. I mean, where are you?
Speaker 2:I know and I thought about that.
Speaker 1:You're just going to drop in Australia and walking down the sidewalk and the snake's going to slither out and bite the hell out of you.
Speaker 2:Well, it's just because I follow him and he's going out hunting them, right? But mentally it's like, oh my God, they're everywhere, but I know they're not. It's just like the huge spiders and the spider webs are in like one small area, from what I've read in Australia but see, that doesn't bother me like the reptiles.
Speaker 1:But I mean that's like saying you're not going to the ocean because there's sharks.
Speaker 2:But you know, I grew up in the woods, literally, and me and my cousin have talked about this because we played in the woods, I'm telling you, kept chiggers. I mean, we played in the creek, in the pond, in the woods, every day.
Speaker 1:Do you know all?
Speaker 2:those years we never saw a snake. How is that possible?
Speaker 1:Because they slither off when they know you're coming. They ain't worried about you.
Speaker 2:But I would have never stepped foot back in there.
Speaker 1:But they're not sitting there looking for little Steven to walk through to bite.
Speaker 2:I know, but that's how my when you're really terrified. I still think about it every time I go. So I'm like, even here, I'm like, oh, that looks snaky over there.
Speaker 1:You're crazy.
Speaker 2:That is so funny to me. I'm not as horrified of them as I once was just from watching that snake hunter. Well, that's good. The vast majority of them won't hurt you.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they're not worried about you. I mean, don't step on it, they're scared.
Speaker 2:They're scared. I mean, don't step on it, and they're scared. Yeah, they're scared. Okay, yeah, I wouldn't Go ahead. I would love to see Australia. I know they have some funky stuff like treats and stuff.
Speaker 1:I know it would be fun to go there, I mean because that's like I don't know, that's the furthest we can possibly get, I feel like before we start coming back around and I follow a couple of people in Australia on Instagram too. But I have something else for you, changing the subject. Okay, it's December we talked about it's officially the first of December. It's that time of year. Now it doesn't, or we don't get as many, but maybe we're just not as popular. I don't know. No, over the years it's dwindled. But when you get, my question is when you get Christmas card. You know someone sends you a Christmas card. It's that time of year they start. I love getting them. It's that time of year when they start rolling it. You know you have those overachievers. They come like the first day. We already got one today in the mail. I love getting cards when you get them. Okay, be honest now. Okay, what do you do with it?
Speaker 1:Like you get it in the mail you open it up and you love getting them. So we're not discounting the fact that you love getting them. I too love getting them. I'm like, oh my gosh, someone thought of me.
Speaker 2:I like their little family picture and I suck, I suck and I've never sent out Christmas cards. Yes, so I'm 51. I'm not going to start now. Yeah, so I do not save the envelopes. I know that's terrible, so I'm never going to send you another Christmas card back. But I get so excited getting it and I open them. I throw the envelope away, I take the Christmas card and that step back cupboard I have where I have all my family photos. I display all my cards on there.
Speaker 1:Oh, do you just like tape them up there, or just like?
Speaker 2:stand them up up or just like stand them up Stand them up up there or like on the shelf. Uh-huh, yeah, okay, so when I walk by I get to see them and look at them whenever. Yeah, I love them. I save all my cards.
Speaker 1:And then at the end of the year, you throw them away.
Speaker 2:You gather them up. Some of them I do. It depends on the note that was written. If it's just merry christmas, then there's not, but if there's some heartfelt message, I'll save it okay, so when? I say what do you do?
Speaker 1:I open up the card, I'm like, oh my god, someone thought of me. I love a card. I open it up. I read that was so cold. Now I do not Now I'm going to be honest.
Speaker 2:Go ahead. I'm going to be real honest about something. I get a card from my banks. Oh those immediately go in the trash and, like my financial person, those I just throw in the garbage because those just go out to everybody. That's not like, oh, I'm special. Now one bank is kind of special because I know they don't do that for everybody and I do know all the people there, so I keep that one. But the rest I'm like, oh, that's just generic. If they're stamped with the bank, I don't keep that.
Speaker 1:Now, the ones that I won't throw away immediately is, if it fits one of the photo cards Like it has the whole family or not even just anybody. It has a picture on it. I'm like, oh, that's their picture, Not even just anybody.
Speaker 2:It has a picture on it. I'm like, oh, that's their picture and all those are. I save all. If they have photos of friends and family, I save All of those. Yeah, you do. Yeah, I have a container, I save all those. So I will keep those for you and those are fun to look at over the year Not really. And you're like damn. You're like damn. Those kids have gotten tall. Ooh boy, she's gotten big. Ooh boy, they look rough.
Speaker 1:I don't go back and look, I just remember from year to year.
Speaker 1:So those I will typically either stick on our refrigerator. Luckily I don't think the front of our refrigerator is magnetized, so we do it on the side, so you don't notice it. Daniel tries to put some up there, sometimes I'm like it it on the side, so you don't notice it. Daniel tries to put some up there, sometimes I'm like it goes on the side. I can't have photos all up in up in my face on my refrigerator, um, but those I'll keep, they don't stick to mine, I'll keep for the month, and then I throw those away too.
Speaker 1:I'm not saving them. I'm not saving those, say you're up y'all do not send wesley christmas cards.
Speaker 2:Send them to me.
Speaker 1:I will appreciate it. Like I said, I get very excited when they come and I'm like, oh, so-and-so, thought of me. And I do have to say, kind of going back to what you were saying, I also like, every time I get one and open it, I'm like, oh, I should send cards. You know, that made me feel good, that they thought of me, I should send cards, but you're that person that doesn't, you don't?
Speaker 2:you have no family photos in your house, yeah Well we have them on our.
Speaker 1:I mean, you just don't we have them on our skylight frame. They are a digital frame.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but that it's on me and.
Speaker 1:Daniel, no, there's some of my mom in his.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but that was just. You got that and promoted that. That's not something you were like oh, I want this so I can put my family photos on. Oh yeah, I didn't think of it.
Speaker 1:But once I got it I really loved it and we add photos to it all the time and I got Daniel's mom one.
Speaker 1:I put one at the. You hadn't even been there. I put one at the beach house of those frames. They're really good. I'm not promoting it, but I'm telling you Because I put in. When I go back in January I'm going to finish updating it. It came the last minute that I was there and it was a whole thing but on there at the beach house. So this is a really good idea. If you have an Airbnb, I put you know, I made a little picture slide of like the Wi-Fi and the Wi-Fi password and then I've made a list of all of our favorite restaurants so that those will come up like suggestions of places to eat and things to do and like that, and then you can also have the slide I haven't sent it to the frame yet Be able to scan the QR code and then you you can upload your pictures while you're there of you at our house or at the beach or whatever it uploads. I get to pre-screen them, oh Lord.
Speaker 2:I don't want those people up on there.
Speaker 1:We'll tie them down after they leave.
Speaker 2:No, yeah, I don't want them up in our house On there. Get you on place, put your pictures.
Speaker 1:But I really do like that. But, yes, I don't have any photo. I have boxes of family photos stashed, but I don't have.
Speaker 2:Well, that's just something I've always been about Like. I have a built-in in my office full of family photos built in in my office full of family photos, and then I have that one piece of furniture, that step-back cupboard, full of family photos. I don't have them strewn all over the house, I have them in two specific. I like them in my office and I like them in that one cabinet.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you like them grouped together, which is good.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I always have. But then you know, my mother's passed, so I like pictures of her. You know, it makes a difference when you, you know, start losing people. I think, right, I have my grandparents' photos and I just like seeing them.
Speaker 1:I have both of my grandparents' wedding photos yeah.
Speaker 1:I really do love the family photos. When I go back, usually at Christmas, one of my aunts or someone will have gone through some of the photos or whatever, because my grandmother's passed away and they'll either have copies or they'll divide them up and have a little like usually. You know, every so often I'll get a little batch of family photos and I really like that and I keep all those. So it is good. But I want to know what everyone else does with the Christmas cards. Am I the asshole? Am I heartless, for opening them up?
Speaker 2:and throwing it away.
Speaker 1:Yep, yep. 864-982-5029 is our hotline. Call or text us, let us know. Do you do the same thing? And again, I just want to stress it's not that I don't enjoy it, it really I do enjoy it and it makes me feel very special. And if you are one of those people I love the people who write their whole year in review, update what's happened I hate that. You hate that.
Speaker 2:Don't send that to me. Don't send it to me, I don't give a damn, I just Now you're the asshole. Well, I'm just telling you, nobody likes getting that, nobody does, I do. Fred got a promotion at work, sally's pregnant. No, I mean, if we that is funny if you know me well enough to be sending me a card, I I know most of this don't send me that. Do you know how many people talk about how they hate that, and it comes across as braggadocious sometimes too.
Speaker 1:I just like it as catching up.
Speaker 2:No, don't do that. Okay, I don't want that Save your energy.
Speaker 1:We have mixed reviews on the Christmas cards.
Speaker 2:I like the picture cards much better.
Speaker 1:I'm going to write your year in review for you. We should write each other's year in review.
Speaker 2:It would be like this year was kind of shitty. I threw out my back about twice. I shit my pants, yeah.
Speaker 1:I mean it would be like oh my gosh, that's what we need as writers to write it for. Like you write for me, I'll write for you, because it would be much better.
Speaker 2:Now, if it were a funny, if it were a funny sarcastic satire version, I would laugh. My, I would love that. Yeah, but the ones they send where they tell about every child and every grandchild and we I don't care, if I I care, if I care, I already know it.
Speaker 1:Oh my gosh, that is too funny.
Speaker 2:Or call me and let's catch up on the phone.
Speaker 1:But don't, so we could both be assholes in different aspects, I guess, because I literally want to know. So now we need to know what are your thoughts on the cards that come with the year in review. Do you like that or hate it? And what do you do with the card when you get it? Do you keep it or throw it away? I need to know.
Speaker 2:And if you do your year in review, why has anyone ever told you they don't like it? Hear and review, why, why, why has anyone ever told you they don't like it? Has anybody ever said just don't put that in my Christmas card.
Speaker 1:That's funny. We need to get a PO box and have people send us their cards. We should critique people's cards. People send us their cards. We should critique people's cards. Send us your card.
Speaker 2:Do we get to make fun of some of them?
Speaker 1:Yeah, we can critique like no, you should not have included this girl. Or the picture like yeah, look at that family photo. They're going to be divorced before next year.
Speaker 2:Oh, they all had on matching sweaters. They all had on matching sweaters.
Speaker 1:Oh my gosh, that would be hilarious. I would love to see everyone's. I guess we could have them send it to the warehouse. Well, they could send photos. Yeah, I'm saying no, you can send us. Well, they could send photos.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm saying.
Speaker 1:Oh, you can send us, oh, text us on our hotline. Take a picture of your card that you're sending.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we have this new thing called technology where they don't have to mail it.
Speaker 1:That's true. You could just take a photo of it, of what you're sending your card, and then send it to us, and that way we can easily delete it.
Speaker 2:We're not even having to waste your card, and we could let you know if it's wrong or right.
Speaker 1:Yes, like oh, sarah got her card right. Look, it's personal, but not too personal. It's very good, very well done, great photo. And then we'd be like oh, look at Shelly over here, you can tell there is problems there. And look at that.
Speaker 2:She zoomed in on that engagement ring.
Speaker 1:She had to show that off, didn't she? Oh my goodness that.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
Speaker 1:Oh my goodness, that would be funny.
Speaker 2:Okay, so I have a story here. So I have a friend that will remain nameless and I think she listens, so she's dying laughing. So she has well, I'll just leave it at this a crazy family member and I won't go any further with it than that, and they send out the wildest, craziest, most bizarre Christmas cards I have ever seen in my life, and it is bizarre. I may have shown you some of them over the years. They have a lot of money these people do so. They are able to spend an insane amount of money on this and it's pages I mean, it's pages of crazy insanity and it's always it's bizarre. I've never seen anything like it is themed. They're, they're always themed like you may get it, and it may be halloween theme. Oh it may be, uh it's. It is the most bizarre thing I have ever seen. Anyone do. I mean. Why they do not take that money and donate it to someone in need is beyond me.
Speaker 1:Well, it's their signature, it's what they're known for, I guess.
Speaker 2:Well, they are the most selfish, self-centered, ridiculous cards you would ever. I would never send it to anyone, and it is so. But are these people?
Speaker 1:It's just embarrassing. But are they doing it to be funny or is that their person? Are they all of those things too?
Speaker 2:No, no, they're, they're that out there. They're like look at're, look at me, Look at me.
Speaker 1:So it's not a like, let's just put on the most crazy card.
Speaker 2:No, they are serious about it, they are dead serious Well we need to find out about this year's card. Oh, I need to. I will text and find out. I did get Thanksgiving updates. I'll have to share those with you. That's funny. Yeah, I love that stuff. The weirder the better I love it. It makes me and my family seem so much more safe, just normal, insane.
Speaker 1:I think that's the part, that's the fun part of sharing like on instagram, like everyone else's tea, because then you're like well, mine wasn't that bad, we're not quite as bad, or it makes you go. Hmm, being alone on thanksgiving wasn't bad at all, could have been or, or it can go.
Speaker 2:Hmm, we're really messed up.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's true too yeah it works in all aspects. Goodness, it's time to pull this baby over. Both of our babies. We got to get out, you got to get busy.
Speaker 2:We got to work.
Speaker 1:I got to get busy. We got things to do, so we're out of time for this week, but I just want to recap and say, please, we need audience participation. Send us a text message or a voicemail with your best and worst gifts that you received Again, tangible things, not, you know, you found out you were pregnant on Christmas, or something. Not that Tangible things Best and worst gifts or maybe a surprise gift, like you thought it was going to be crap and it was ended up being really good. Tell us why, or whatever. And then we would also love all the participation on what you do with your cards. Am I the asshole, steven the asshole?
Speaker 1:You know, all of it. Send it to us on our hotline 864-982-5029. And it's down in the show notes. If you don't know, wherever you're listening to us, there's always a little caption. If you tap that under the podcast episode, it has all of that listed right there. And remember to leave us a review wherever you're listening as well. Those reviews help us get discovered, help our ranking. You know we're trying to make it into the top 5% this year. There's still time we can see what happens. But yeah, we're trying to make it into the top 5% this year. There's still time we can see what happens. But yeah, that's all we got for this week. We'll be back next week. Hope everyone has a great week and we'll see you next time. Thanks guys, Bye.
Speaker 2:Bye.