Who's Driving
Who's Driving with Wesley Turner & Steven Merck is all about the entertaining stories we share and brainstorming topics we discuss as two best friends would on a long road trip. Come along for the ride as we check in with friends & offer a wide range of informative topics centered around running small businesses, social media, and all things Home and Garden.
Who's Driving
Who's Driving -Reflections At Year End S2E45
Get ready to laugh as we recount some of the most unforgettable moments from our podcast's year. Producing 45 episodes and nearing our 100th milestone, we owe our success to listeners from over 60 countries.
As we bid farewell to 2024, we're eager to embrace the lessons learned and set our sights on a phenomenal 2025.
Plus, we chuckle through stories of the worst Christmas gifts ever, from moldy pajamas to duct tape, showing that love sometimes gets lost in translation. As we prepare to take a short holiday break, we promise a return with fresh, exciting content in late January 2025. Cheers to a merry end of 2024 and a bright, promising 2025!
We want to hear from you give our hotline a call or text at 864-982-5029. Happy listening! And remember to leave us a rating and review.
We mentioned The Nested Fig App in this episode. You can Tap Here to get our app and join our live sales on Sundays and Thursdays at 8pm est.
Follow Steven on Instagram at @Keepinupwithstevenand follow Wesley on Instagram at @Farmshenanigans. Shop our online store at TheNestedFig.Com Find The Nested Fig on Instagram at @TheNestedFig
Jingle bells, jingle all the way, the way. Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.
Speaker 2:Hey, hey, giddy up, it's time for another episode of who's Driving. Welcome to who's Driving. I'm Wesley Turner.
Speaker 1:And I'm Stephen Merck.
Speaker 2:We're two best friends and entrepreneurs who's Driving is an entertaining look into the behind the scenes of our lives, friendship and business.
Speaker 1:These are the stories we share and topics we discuss, as two best friends would on a long road trip.
Speaker 2:Along the way, we'll check in with friends and offer a wide range of informative topics centered around running small businesses, social media and all things home and garden.
Speaker 1:Buckle up and enjoy the ride.
Speaker 2:You never know who's driving or where we're headed. All we know is it's always a fun ride. So welcome to this week's episode. This is our last episode of 2024.
Speaker 1:I'm ready for 2025. I'm just going to tell you oh, are you? 2025 is going to be a good year. This wasn't a bad year, it was a challenging, I feel like it was a little bit.
Speaker 2:looking in review, it was a little bit hectic, I don't know why. Lots of little challenges. Yeah, little, this little that, but we had a great year. I mean, we got our first franchise door open.
Speaker 1:It was a good year, but it was a hard year. It was.
Speaker 2:We felt each and everything.
Speaker 1:I mean, it was a great holiday season, but it was a hard year work-wise.
Speaker 2:Well, work-wise, everything-wise. I feel like and I mean you know well, let's back up. I'm very thankful and it could have been much worse here. Nothing was horrible, no, but it was like you said, kind of just nothing was 100% smooth like it should have been, but it wasn't a bad year. So next year we're going to do it. It's going to be better and you know, like the political stuff that takes up a whole thing and then you know that gets on my damn nerves we forget stuff.
Speaker 2:We moved our warehouse. That was our first six months of the year and that was awful.
Speaker 1:That was awful.
Speaker 2:Because that took up a whole year by the time we were thinking about the planning finding the place. Are we going to get to move on time Getting there Financially? It was just.
Speaker 1:Set back up, I ain't moving.
Speaker 2:It was a lot. This year was just a lot, but it was good Speaking well, that's a good way to bring it up. You're in review. I got our podcast review, and I've been.
Speaker 1:I'm just going to tell you I have been a little anxious about it.
Speaker 2:And I literally could not have come at a better time because I just got it. So you want to hear about.
Speaker 1:I have been preparing myself mentally that we were going to slip. Why, I don't know.
Speaker 2:I don't know. You have no reason to see. You don't know any reporting, you don't listen to the podcast. Hell no I don't, I don't want to hear me. And I sure don't want to hear you.
Speaker 1:No, it's not that I think I don't want to hear you. No, it's not that I think I don't want to get disappointed. That is negative thinking.
Speaker 2:You got to okay going into 2025,. We're all going to work on this because I am a believer. You got to put out the vibes that you want. You got to think positively.
Speaker 1:Listen, I have lived by fake it till you make it, since, as long as I can remember, we have had a lot of things come.
Speaker 2:I feel like we have willed them to happen, like you got to think about it, you got to manifest it to happen.
Speaker 1:No, I've lived like that.
Speaker 2:I mean.
Speaker 1:I truly believe that. I know and I do believe that, but then in the back of my mind. So you can't let those slip in. Well, here's the thing. This is not a woe is me. I'm not going down that road, but as a kid I had a lot of little disappointments along the way. You know, my parents divorced.
Speaker 2:Oh God.
Speaker 1:Let go Shut up. I just said I'm not being that person, but I think even mommy and daddy do not love each other anymore.
Speaker 2:It has nothing to do with you. It is fine.
Speaker 1:The crazy thing is actually they did Right, but I, you know, I think, since I was a kid, because I did have some, you know, some little disappointments here and there, and that was my coping mechanism or how, that was how I, I think that's a lot of people's coping mechanism.
Speaker 2:Because it prepare yourself for disappointment.
Speaker 1:But no, I do not just think negative. I always and you know me in business, in my life, in everything, the way my brain works, I think worst case, best case and most probable, and that way I can mentally prepare all the areas, If I'm prepared.
Speaker 2:I'm kind of I go OK, it could be this, but no, it's going to be this. And you're like, oh, but I'm like no, it's not. I'm always trying to.
Speaker 1:I like to know that worst case and then, okay, if it's worst case, I've got it covered. Yeah, and then whatever else.
Speaker 2:Okay, here's the thing. I'm not going to give out any details or like any one situation, but if I present Steven with something, that's a problem. I have now learned after the last time I did this a few weeks ago it's not even a problem, it was just another pain in the butt situation. Then I need to do it at the end of the day when I am leaving, because he obsesses on, oh my.
Speaker 2:God, there's nothing we can do about this. Today it is Saturday, it is just something I needed to tell you, and it could be this way, it could be that way, and then the whole day is ruined because he thinks the worst case scenario.
Speaker 1:And then the next day.
Speaker 2:He's like oh no, it's fine.
Speaker 1:He's like I thought about it it's fine, I it it's fine.
Speaker 1:I got it and I was like, well, that's what I was telling you yesterday, it was fine I process you process it totally different than I process everything in my life, like I try to everything, like in mcdonald's, like buying mcdonald's, like every single thing. Now, once I process it, then you come back to the logic I'm good. And once I process it, like when I bought my last two McDonald's, it was funny because I had processed. Not only had I processed it, I ran the numbers on the best case, worst case, most probable.
Speaker 1:That's the way I live. And so when I talked to my CPA, which I adore and have a lot of confidence in, at the end of the conversation, you know, my question was do I buy these restaurants or not? What is your professional opinion, since you have worked the numbers? And she said I have worked the numbers and my professional advice is you should not buy these restaurants. And I said thank you very much, I appreciate your work. And then there was a pause and she started laughing. She said but you're buying the restaurants and I said hell yeah, right, challenge accepted. I said I, she. And she said, at the end of the day, only you know what you're going to do.
Speaker 2:Well, you, you knew what the margin of improvement is and you're like okay, well, I, yes, based on these current numbers, I shouldn't, but I know I can put in the work and raise it and everything will be fine. Okay, back to our podcast and our rating. Now that everyone's hanging on edge. Okay, so we ended up right back in the top 10% which is amazing, but it's better than that.
Speaker 1:It's better, it's amazing. We're in the top, top 10, but we're almost in the top.
Speaker 2:We were very close to the top five where we have moved up from where we were last year, closer to the five. There's no, they don't do it in the middle like a top seven or, you know, a six or whatever and I don't want that any damn way.
Speaker 1:You know, I want to be in the top five.
Speaker 2:So the top five. Here's the thing. So I found out or figured out or read. I read the fine print this time they rank it on how your podcast performs your episode average. They average it out across the year in the first seven days Of the release of that episode. Right. So from the time a podcast episode is released, they measure it based on how many downloads it gets in the first seven days.
Speaker 1:So, for us, tuesday through the following Monday is our measurement period. Right Through the following Monday is our measurement period Right. So what we need our listeners to do is you get Stay current. All of you get one person to download and listen to our podcast every week, that would be good and we would solidify being in the top five Right. So if we were to do this, on their measurements.
Speaker 2:If we had done this on the first 14 days, we would have been in the top five. So we're right there, so we get the listenership for the top five. But it's not measured that way Because you know, and a lot of our, which I understand, if you're listening, don't feel bad for putting us in the top 10 instead of top five A lot of people will bulk listen, like they'll save up and like oh. I'm going on a trip and I listened to three episodes.
Speaker 1:And I would do that too.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I don't have time to listen each week, but they catch, we have.
Speaker 1:So anyway there we are. Well, that's fine, you don't have to, but you have to find somebody to download.
Speaker 2:Here's the thing Now that we are two years in, this is two years. The thing is, I really do and our listeners really want us to do a video version, and I want to figure that out. We got to do it. But when we do that, then that's going to take downloads away from people who are now going to watch us and not listen, because it'd be on a different platform. So we're going to have to let go of the chart the challenge.
Speaker 1:I don't know if I can do that. I know Because that is motivation. I mean, I'm just so thankful for the people that listen.
Speaker 2:I can't believe anybody listens. Are we sure people even listen? Did you send me this? Did you make this up and send?
Speaker 1:it. I mean, I'm not a podcast listener, I'm just not, you just hadn't gotten into it.
Speaker 2:You're a little bit different generation, but we have people.
Speaker 1:We have, yeah, different generation, but we have. We have, yeah, but if I were, if I were in a different, if I were in like a sales job or something where I was driving, or, like daniel's, out in the flower field, he listens to podcasts all day long, um, I think I would enjoy that. Yeah, but my, my problem is is I love music so much I can't let go of the music to listen.
Speaker 2:Well, would I enjoy listening to us? Maybe, I don't know. Here's some other fun facts from our year in review from the podcast. So we had 45 episodes. I guess that doesn't include this week's I don't know what date they cut this off on 45 episodes. So coming up in 2025, that means some point. We are going to hit our 100th episode.
Speaker 1:I think we had like 38 episodes last year because we started no, we won't hit our 100th, because there's only 52 weeks in a year.
Speaker 2:No, total 100th episode.
Speaker 1:Oh total, yes, yeah, total. That's a lot, no total. 100th episode oh total, yes, yeah, yeah, total.
Speaker 2:Which that's a lot. You know, when a sitcom hits their 100th episode, they're like ooh, our 100th episode, yeah, anyway, so we had 45 this year. I guess this is 46. Mm-hmm, we our top cities. I found this interesting. The top five cities were Charlotte, north Carolina.
Speaker 1:Charlotte has good taste.
Speaker 2:They do.
Speaker 1:Greenville, south Carolina which is where we are, so that kind of makes sense.
Speaker 2:Atlanta, georgia, houston, texas and Chicago, illinois. I like all of those cities. Those were our top five, most popular cities. We were in over 60 countries. Listen to us, crazy. The top five are, of course, the US, second was Canada, third was Australia, fourth was United Kingdom and the fifth was Germany.
Speaker 1:Some of my long lost relatives over there.
Speaker 2:So there you go. So that's our fun fact from there.
Speaker 1:I still want to know if you're listening to us in a different country other than the United States. How did you and like Canada, I can understand. It's just amazing. We have a lot of people that follow us, shop with us, listen from Australia. I find that very interesting.
Speaker 2:Well, I'm going to tell you how that happened. I know how the Australia one happened, really, because when I started Instagram and was on Instagram a lot back in the day, when nothing mattered and you could just post chronologically, or when you posted and it showed up chronologically, I would post late at night.
Speaker 1:So it was their time, it was their daytime.
Speaker 2:So that way it was getting fed to people in Australia.
Speaker 1:I mean listen wherever you're listening, because I have a lot of Instagram Australians. I mean wherever you're at it's awesome.
Speaker 2:I know it's just crazy, though how did it all come together?
Speaker 1:They listened to our country asses all the way here.
Speaker 2:Do you think they just listened for the accent?
Speaker 1:I would. I would listen to make fun of us. I mean, I don't blame them, I'm not offended by it. So I have to reach out. I saw something on Instagram that I really am a little obsessed about. You know I love Christmas Vacation and I watch it at least five to ten times every Christmas season. It's one of my favorite movies of all time. So I am flipping. No, I wasn't, dylan was flipping through. Instagram sent this to me and it's a family, like just a random family, and for their Christmas every year they reenact the Christmas vacation and they were all dressed up like the character you showed me this.
Speaker 2:Uncle Eddie. Oh good, we were both like oh, we wish we had families like that. Clark.
Speaker 1:Griswold.
Speaker 2:I mean I just, I mean my family's pretty much like that. Clark Griswold, I mean I just, I mean my family's pretty much like that, without dressing up.
Speaker 1:If you're listening the same Shanina again, if you're listening out there and you dress up like this they did a whole reenactment. It was amazing.
Speaker 2:Everyone dressed up as a character and they had the table set the same way. The decoration. It was amazing.
Speaker 1:They made the green jello. I mean, everything was the same. If you're out there, please tell us If you have done this, if you've ever done this, if you're that fun, let us know. Our hotline number is 864-982-5029. And if you do this, if this is a tradition for you, I humbly ask to at least drop in for like an hour. We'll come visit you. Could I kick in your windows like the police?
Speaker 2:do in the movie to give it a.
Speaker 1:You could be a policeman yes, yes, or I could be todd from next door and wesley could be margo I don't know, whatever it is yes whatever it is, I need to be a part of it. I'll be the squirrel that jumps on your back. I don't know, I don't care, but I would be a great Cousin Eddie, though In costume. Shitters full. I mean, we all have a Cousin Eddie anyway, we do.
Speaker 2:Some of us more than one Mm-hmm.
Speaker 1:And if you have a cousin eddie anyway, we do, some of us more than one you don't have a cousin eddie. Does that mean you are the cousin and you are?
Speaker 2:cousin eddie.
Speaker 1:Oh my gosh, that's funny, that's awkward, that is awkward somebody just said oh my god, when they heard that you're your cousin eddie yeah even if you're the female version they're like oh my gosh um wait, what was eddie's wife's name? Um, um, what was her?
Speaker 2:name. I cannot remember her name cousin eddie.
Speaker 1:Um, I'll think of it before we end it yeah, you, you weren't gonna bringing that up.
Speaker 2:You're going to have to Google that. What was Catherine? Catherine, or was that the wife?
Speaker 1:No Catherine.
Speaker 2:What was the wife's name?
Speaker 1:Clark is his name.
Speaker 2:How do I not know this? You watch it five times a year. How do you not know this, oh my gosh, but her name was Catherine, I'm pretty sure.
Speaker 1:Yes, what is her name? I'm trying to think. See, you shouldn't have made me think on that.
Speaker 2:Catherine Johnson. So there you go.
Speaker 1:So I have a new. Dylan and I were driving and this just irritated me. We were driving the other night and we were coming through downtown and we took a side street.
Speaker 2:Can I interrupt without talking over you? Yeah, her name was Ellen.
Speaker 1:Ellen Clark and Ellen Griswold. Yes, there you go, so we take a side street, and this was a business, so it's even worse. So if you're out there and you do this, stop it.
Speaker 2:Oh, I have a business complaint too.
Speaker 1:Stop it. But this was a decor, a Christmas decor, so they had picture this, the building, and they had five evergreen trees across the front of the building, so they're going to put lights on them.
Speaker 2:Good idea, like it, fun and festive. Yeah, merry and bright.
Speaker 1:They ran at the top a row of lights and ran it down. They didn't stop it.
Speaker 2:Oh no, you can't do that anywhere. You cannot see the light stream.
Speaker 1:No, and all you had to do is so.
Speaker 2:You're saying like they went up a tree and then crossed over to the next tree. Yeah, hell, no.
Speaker 1:You take a drop cord and put it on the ground and then continue, and then you start your next one. It just may.
Speaker 2:I want everyone to look at their lights outside right now. If you wrapped your bushes in lights and you can see where you know the one that drives me the craziest, where you can see the plug going from the porch to the first bush and it's lit up. Get a damn extension cord, or don't do it, don't be lazy. Don't be lazy at your decorations. Mom, I'm coming home. You better have your lights done right, rhonda.
Speaker 1:They better not be done like that. She don't do that, it drives me crazy.
Speaker 2:We have cords everywhere. That's fine. Wrap them in saran wrap to make them watertight.
Speaker 1:That is fine, but at least at night you can't see all that.
Speaker 2:No, you put it down on the ground. I hate when you can see it going from like Tree to tree, like that is tacky.
Speaker 1:It literally made me mad when I saw it. I just wanted to pull over and cut it. How many people you think?
Speaker 2:are looking outside like shit. I gotta go fix that right now. I know someone out there we're helping you out.
Speaker 1:It's a public service announcement. I mean it is helping, it's just wrong.
Speaker 2:Honey get up. Wesley and Steven said we gotta fix our lights.
Speaker 1:I wish we could drive around to some of our listeners and tell them we drove by your house and we noticed this.
Speaker 2:Okay, the thing we have to do in 2025 is bring back the microphone. We have got to take it to the streets more we do.
Speaker 1:That was last January when you did that at.
Speaker 2:Market. We're going to do it at Market again.
Speaker 1:Let's do it in January this year, when we go to Market and one of my interviewing questions is going to be how often do you bathe? Okay, we need to write down a list. That's a good one. That is a good one. How often do you bathe? Yeah, we need to have a list of questions, and maybe do you have a bidet at home.
Speaker 2:Mm, mm-hmm, maybe, so Okay, I have a small business complaint, okay, or I don't know what you want to call it. I just need to get on my soapbox for a second, okay. So if you have followed me on Instagram, we're going to do a little backstory and then we're going to talk about how I got to this place I was complaining about. I don't even know. I think I complained to you about this. You know Stephen doesn't watch my Instagram either. He doesn't halfway know what goes on anywhere half the time.
Speaker 1:There's so much going on in my head.
Speaker 2:I have to catch him up and y'all up. So we all on the same page. But I was complaining on Instagram, or just bringing it up, that I had been going to Starbucks, which you know I don't go that often. But then I kind of got on a, you know, holiday season arrived this was just a couple of months ago or in the last like two months and my cup was coming up like half full every time and I was asking if this had been a thing, because you know we got the new Starbucks here right up the road by your old McDonald's and that's where I had been going. So I literally started saying when I got to the window please make sure I've been here several times, please make sure my cup is full. And I'm not talking because, michelle, if you're listening, michelle, you know in New York who's in our lives.
Speaker 2:She used to work at Starbucks, dylan used to work at Starbucks. Dylan used to work at Starbucks and was saying, oh, you know, they leave room so that it doesn't spill out, or whatever. And I understand like proper filling the cup and there being like maybe even you know, like an inch Is that? You know like that from the top, or whatever. No, I'm talking like. The reason I noticed it is because when they handed me my cup, it was so light. I opened it up and was like what's the? What the hell's?
Speaker 1:in here. It was like they gave you someone else's drink. They'd been drinking yeah.
Speaker 2:And so I brought this up on Instagram and since then, several people Well, a lot of people said they stopped going to Starbucks because this was happening to them too. And then a lot of people said, well, order it with no foam or something like that, you know light foams, because they're making it too foamy. But I'm talking this is not a mismeasurement. This was like a rip off, like I did not want to go there because there was nothing in my cup really. So, and a lot of people said they had the same problems, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And since then people sent me pictures. Like you're right, I opened my cup because I noticed the same thing and it was like half empty. So when I did that, a lot of people were like you should go to a local coffee shop. And I'm like, well, we don't really have local coffee shops, especially on my. We do downtown Greenfield.
Speaker 1:Not convenient.
Speaker 2:There are local, great local coffee shops in Greenfield. There are, but I live out in the country. I take a toll road to the warehouse and then I'm right off by our warehouse and in that area there's not any, or I didn't think there were any.
Speaker 1:Oh, you did find I know this story now. Yes, I've caught up, you, or?
Speaker 2:I didn't think there were any. Oh, you did find I know this story now, yes, I've caught up, you caught up, and it's a good yes. And I love this place? Yes, because you started going down too.
Speaker 2:So on the way I noticed in this little strip mall there is a coffee shop Not far from the warehouse Very convenient, and I want to patronize local business Me too. So when I noticed that this place was here, that I had not noticed, I was like I'm going to try them out. So I went in one day and I got my drink and a little scone and it was so good.
Speaker 1:I was like this is the best damn scone I've ever had. I'm going to stand by it. I mean, it was delicious, it was delicious, delish.
Speaker 2:So a few days later, stephen and I this was like a week last week, I guess it was I was like I found the best coffee shop and we were doing a bunch of live sales. I was like I'll run get us a coffee and a little treat. Now we're up to my complaint. So I was just telling them how I got to this coffee shop, because I do want to support local. So y'all, I went to this coffee shop and you know I'd been there once before. So I was like their coffee's good. And now I'm going to get the scones, because they were amazing. This was like 2.30 in the afternoon because we were having our little afternoon. Pick me up. I go in there, I order a coffee and I was like, oh, let's get some scones. Well, their case of pastries was very low. They had maybe five options of things and each thing only had like three or less pieces left. Does that make sense? Except for they had cinnamon rolls, they probably still had like two dozen of those left.
Speaker 1:Those ain't that good. We had those.
Speaker 2:No, we didn't have the cinnamon oh we got the cinnamon muffin you got the cinnamon muffin. I missed that, but anyway. So I order the scones that I wanted, which were like were they orange, cranberry?
Speaker 1:I can't remember that day they were so then I was like hmm.
Speaker 2:And I looked down and they had spinach gouda scones. So then big girl over here was like, hmm, maybe we want savory and something sweet. So I ordered two coffees espresso drinks. I ordered the two cranberry orange scones, whatever those were, and then I go oh, and I'll also take two of the spinach gouda scones.
Speaker 2:And the girl said to me we're running low on our whatever she called it pastries or whatever, I'm going to have to limit you to two, so you have to pick one or the other. Now, first of all, I don't know what was with her that day, because shit like that will make me have a complete meltdown, like that's the thing that will send me over the edge. But I am still flabbergasted. She wouldn't sell me the other two, so I couldn't get four scones. It's ridiculous, because they were, but it was like 2.30 in the afternoon. What does it matter who you sell it to, if you sell it to me or whoever. Three hours from now, I still don't understand Steve. I told Steven he was like, oh my gosh.
Speaker 1:I would be like if somebody went into the garden store today and they told a customer well, we only have like 10 poinsettias. I want to have to limit you to two. I think I would fire them, like why would you not? I'll sell all of them.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'll sell this story. I'll sell everything and we'll close down for the rest of the season. What does it matter? Yeah, what does it? This story?
Speaker 1:I'll sell everything and we'll close down for the rest of the season. What do you want? What does it?
Speaker 2:matter. Yeah, what does it matter who the sale went to? I don't, I still can't get it. I was just flabbergasted. So, anyway, I don't even know how we got it. Oh, your business complaint got me on my business complaint. Have you ever had this happen to you? I mean, I have you ever had this happen to you? And they're so sweet there. I get why you didn't say something bitchy. The girl was very sweet so I just said, oh, okay, and I took it. But normally that's the kind of thing that would make me come unglued Like I don't really come unglued about things, but something like that does. Which reminds me I started giggling. Remember my story with the crate and barrel. That was during the holiday season and that's a similar situation. So one time when I lived in Atlanta I'll tell this really quickly, but it's pretty funny.
Speaker 1:You drag these stories out a little long.
Speaker 2:Oh well, you know they're lists and they ain't got shit to do. One time when I was in Atlanta I went to Crate and Barrel and I was buying Christmas gifts, shopping around busy holiday season. I didn't intend to buy as much as I did, but you know how you go. You're walking through and all of a sudden your hands are full. I had like metal, a walk and all these things in my hands. So I go over to the counter to check out Inside the store. Inside the store, you know, crate and barrel sales anything from accessories to furniture, you know.
Speaker 1:Well, you and I were there one time and it happened to me and you said let me tell you this story. Let me tell you the story.
Speaker 2:So I went there to the register. And you know it's like an apartment store, like, say, macy's, where there's registers throughout the store.
Speaker 2:It's not like, or it was at the time. I haven't been to one in forever, but at the time there were register stations throughout the store. So I went up to the register and there was someone in front of me and I waited an obsessive long time no, it was like five minutes for them to finish up or whatever. And I get to the register and the person is like oh, I'm sorry, we're only doing furniture and accessories at this register. You're going to have to go to the other side of the store.
Speaker 1:It wasn't like we can't take cash here because we only have a credit card store.
Speaker 2:I'm not going to check you out because I'm in this side of the building. You're going to have to go all the way across to the other side of the business and you know their register systems all tied together, it's the same store.
Speaker 2:I mean, I'm not stupid. So speaking of things that send me over the edge. So I took my hands, y'all I had literally I was like bear hugging the walk. My hands were full, like arms held together, crossed over, piled up, and I just opened my arms and I let everything in my arms just fall on the floor and I just said, okay, well, you can keep it. And I walked out and when I tell you that walk hit the floor, that metal pan and spun around about 10 times and everybody in there looked at you. I'm sure I was pissed. I was like, well, you can just keep it, and I just left. So anyway, that's how I roll.
Speaker 1:I guess you didn't go back there.
Speaker 2:No, I did not go back there.
Speaker 1:Was it the one at?
Speaker 2:Lenox? No, no, this was the one out in Alpharetta. Oh okay, I'm pissed off now. Yeah, thinking about it, I'm going to Crate and Barrel today Still pisses. I'm pissed off now.
Speaker 1:Yeah, thinking about it.
Speaker 2:I'm going to Crate and Barrel today.
Speaker 1:Well, I mean, it's little things like that, that, just like you know, like I told you the local place here that I went to and they have the little piece of paper stuck in your face and said, oh, you're going to have to pay $3. And I mean three and a half% more if you use credit card.
Speaker 2:Yeah, which we talked about that with our tipping situation, but you ran into this just last two weeks ago or so.
Speaker 1:And I addressed it very nicely. So Dylan was with me, and it's a place I have been shopping for 30 years and it was literally—.
Speaker 2:A local store.
Speaker 1:It was a local store, small business that I patronize, and it was lit it. It was a local store. It was a local store, small business that I patronized and it was right in my face like I couldn't avoid looking at it and she was like well, what caught my attention? She was like are you using credit or debit? And it was really well and aggressive. It was like very specific, I need to know direct. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I was like very specific, I need to know Direct, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:And I was like well, and those of y'all don't know I'm old school, steven, don't use debit Wesley did make me get a debit card for the business and it was the first debit card I'd ever had. It's the only one I have. So I said credit. And then I saw that and it ran all over me. I was not ugly, because the people that work there are super sweet. And I said, ma'am, this is not directed at you whatsoever. I love your store. I've been shopping here for 30 years. I will continue to shop here, but I'm just going to tell you how awful this is, and I know it's not. You don't make these decisions, but you need to tell whoever does. That is just bad business. Raise your prices on everything a nickel and do away with that, because it's such a negative turnoff that your customer that's your customer's last experience of your store.
Speaker 2:You're charging them an extra 3% because they use their credit card. I still you know we've talked about this, not to hash it out again, but I don't understand why you do this. It's part of doing business. That's like saying we're going to charge you 1% because we turned the lights on while you were here.
Speaker 1:Yeah, or the bank charges us a fee for running checks. So if you pay us with a check, there's going to be a $2 handling fee on that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, what Like it's in the cost. So if your business is not covering the cost of that, then you need to increase your prices, and that's the price of doing business, that's what your price has to be for your product. It's not like you're raising prices just to gouge someone. No, you're covering the cost of your business.
Speaker 1:And if you're not?
Speaker 2:increase it. Right, that's what I'm saying. If you're not covering your costs, then you need to increase it.
Speaker 1:It just made me want to knock the windows out of that store.
Speaker 2:Well, you know there's vendors that will do that to us and we don't shop with them, we quit. Yeah. If there's a vendor that does that to us and we can get the stuff somewhere else, we just stop shopping with them. And we can get the stuff somewhere else, we just stop shopping, yeah.
Speaker 1:And if there was an alternative for this store here in Greenville, I would go somewhere else just because of that, from a principal standpoint. So I said that and I could not have been nicer.
Speaker 2:I was not mad.
Speaker 1:I was talking very calm and she was like I totally agree with you, you're right, I have nothing to do with it. And I was like I promise you I'm not trying to be ugly. And she said I know you're not, so we're walking out. And Dylan said, well, that was embarrassing. And I'm like, well, I was just pointing out. And he said, well, not everybody runs their business the way you do. And I'm like, no, and some run them better, but that is something as a consumer, right, you know how you manage. It is one thing. But as a consumer, I have an opinion, right, and I was sincerely trying to help them because I like their business.
Speaker 2:Yeah I mean I was being nice. Yeah, Dylan and Daniel are like they get embarrassed if you do something.
Speaker 1:And that wasn't even me being bitchy. I mean, I can be.
Speaker 2:Both of us can be very bitchy when situations like that, like the scone, that girl it was her day that I was not bitchy with her, Because normally I would have been not bitchy with her Because normally I would have been very bitchy with her.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you're not going to sell me that, yeah.
Speaker 2:I would have argued with her and I would have made a point. Same thing, but anyway, which reminds me, I think, did I tell you the story? I think that's when you told me that story about Daniel and I went to our local Mexican restaurant Just right down it's like right down the street. We go there regularly. Well, we hadn't been there in a while and we went. This was a couple of weeks ago.
Speaker 2:Well, they've put up cameras in their restaurant and when they detect motion they chirp, like I don't even know the sound, but it was loud chirping. And so we went and we were like the it was quiet in there because we were. There was only like three tables at the time that we went and we sat down and our booth was in the view of the camera. So every time we would move, the camera would start chirping or beeping, like loudly chirping, not like a fire alarm when the batteries or smoke detector, when the batteries going dead, like loud, loud, not just whatever. And so I was like, oh my gosh.
Speaker 2:So we moved tables and then it made it a little better, but then anytime the server would walk by or someone else would come in and then it started going off again or whatever. So then we went to pay and I was about to say, oh my gosh, y'all have to, you know whatever. But then daniel was standing right there beside me and I was like, okay, I'm not gonna embarrass daniel tonight I would have said you're gonna shut that shit off or I've got to leave.
Speaker 1:Well, that's what I?
Speaker 2:Not in an ugly way Like if you can't make that, stop, I can't be here, right, and so we left and Daniel's like I just knew you were going to say something and I was like you're right, I was going to, but I decided at the last minute not to embarrass you Because him and Dylan are the same and that was my point. They'll get embarrassed if you say something. Oh, he was like oh my gosh. He's like I can't go with you anywhere, anywhere at all. Okay, so let's get into. I asked on Instagram and our hotline, so I have a little duel of these about worst gifts received for Christmas and I think this is. Some of them are so funny I have to pull them up on my phone.
Speaker 1:I can honestly say I've been racking my brain on this.
Speaker 2:I don't think I've ever gotten a bad gift, I'm sure I've gotten gifts that I wasn't that interested in, like yeah, but nothing, but nothing that sticks out yeah, and nothing that sent me like, oh my god, I can't believe they got me this sort of thing. You know what I'm saying like your ex because your ex was cheap. I don't remember. I mean, I don't remember anything that stuck out.
Speaker 1:He probably just didn't get me anything. I hope he listens to us. That would be funny. That would be funny. Well, you've just told me you know what a mooch.
Speaker 2:Yeah, exactly, I don't remember anything being bad.
Speaker 1:He would have probably used your money.
Speaker 2:Probably. Oh my gosh, that's too funny. Probably so, but you didn't have any. Your ex no. He probably just took the card and bought yourself something.
Speaker 1:He, you know my ex. In those years I was extremely frugal, and you know for me to say extremely frugal, I was like I saved every freaking penny. I didn't buy anything and he was a spender. Well, you didn't have to spend anything.
Speaker 2:Well, I had to save every spend, anything I got.
Speaker 1:He was Well, I had to save every. I had a whole. He said I hoarded money and I had to because he would have spent it all, and so he got real. I got really nice. Oh well, that's good.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I got nice stuff.
Speaker 2:So I never had that. Oh, I've never really had anything that stands out, but anyway, let's go through some of these. I'm gonna start with my Instagram ones, and I will. I want to point out I want you to because I read through some of these Before we go through them. I want you to notice how many of them are either their in-laws we talked about that on last week's when we were trying to save Christmas, got them something that was horrible or it's their ex. So you know, I think this gift-giving thing can be, you know, a telltale sign of what's happening, because they'll be like my ex got me da-da-da-da-da.
Speaker 1:Every one of them.
Speaker 2:My ex, my ex or my mother-in-law?
Speaker 1:Yeah Well, they hate their mother-in-law.
Speaker 2:Oh, here first one up. My mother-in-law gave me see vaseline and duct tape like why is what the person said?
Speaker 1:I. I don't even know what to say on that. I mean, there's many, there's so many ways I could go with that.
Speaker 2:I don't know, I can't figure that one out. Another one was once got plastic hangers from a new husband. Plastic hangers from a new husband. He wasn't a husband for long, so don't be getting plastic hangers. Um Worst gift, they didn't say from who a very ugly seashell necklace my ex gave me. See, here you go again. My ex gave me a wheelbarrow and a rake for Christmas. That's a no for me, is what they said. But see, it was from their ex. It's always the ex. This one's interesting Worst gift was wrapped old moldy pajamas. Moldy pajamas, LuLaRoe, LuLaRoe.
Speaker 1:That was LuLaRoe back in the day.
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh, that is too funny.
Speaker 1:Oh, here is, I've got one. What is it? Worst gift was this is weird Winnie the Pooh slippers from her in-laws and that was the main gift from them. But were you, are you a Winnie the Pooh person or they just girl? They got that on sale at Walmart.
Speaker 2:We forgot about so-and-so. Throw this in a bag.
Speaker 1:Oh, here's one, my mother-in-law. Uh-huh, my mother-in-law gave me dog biscuits for my birthday one year.
Speaker 2:Dog biscuits.
Speaker 1:What about? Okay, so a friend of mine, a friend of mine and Dylan a friend of mine. Her birthday is end of November. Dylan's birthday is in January. Do you guys do that to people like this is for birthday and for Christmas.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, if you have. When you hate for your birthday to be in December, you're just screwed, you're just.
Speaker 1:And I did that one year to Dylan. I went, you and I went to Vegas. He had to work and he could not go. We were there for like three days so I bought him a really nice watch from Cartier I mean, that was a lot of money in my defense or Cartier, cartier I mean that was a lot of money in my defense, or Cartier, cartier.
Speaker 1:And I might have said, now, this is birthday and Christmas, this is Christmas and birthday. Yeah, because his birthday's in January. And he just looked at me and said, okay, but then you know, I thought about it and I was like well, well, damn, if his birthday was in july, I wouldn't say this is for christmas and your birthday. So I now I jokingly say that I'm like, now, this is for christmas and your birthday. But you know, I, we have a friend, we, you and I have a friend, and I know she listens, so I'm going to call it out Uh-oh, carla Bushy. I think Carla's birthday is Christmas Eve, I think. Oh, is it? I think it is Carla. If you're out there, text me and let me know. I'm sure you'll text me and let me know, because she'll say something like yes, it is, and I expect you to remember it this year. So Carla specifically said you better not combine her Christmas and birthday.
Speaker 1:And Rich cannot even use Christmas paper on her. Like she is very serious about it and I know people, but you know they have gone so many years hearing well, since your birthday is so close to Christmas.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they've gone their whole. We're just Well. The family will all be together on Christmas and we'll just have something for your birthday and then it doesn't even feel special or anything.
Speaker 1:Well, we didn't. We wasn't going to do a birthday cake, we just got you this red velvet because it was Christmassy. Uh-huh, uh-huh, god, that would suck, that would suck.
Speaker 2:My now ex-husband gave me a vacuum for Christmas. I think we'd only been married a couple of years. See, they do not want a vacuum or anything to do with cleaning. They want something for themselves for Christmas, which I understand for sure. On that, this one says my husband bought me a meat grinder. What the hell? I don't even like meat that much. That's funny. Oh my goodness, father-in-law gave my husband, his son, a pocket knife every single year. I guess he didn't have a shortage of knives. Oh gosh, here's somebody.
Speaker 1:They opened up pocket knife every single year. I guess he didn't have a shortage of knives. Oh gosh, here's somebody. They opened up their present and it was a cell phone box. So they were excited that it was a cell phone, but it was a small statue of an elephant in the box. Oh, I'd be pissed, can you? Imagine.
Speaker 2:Worst ever. A can of bug spray. Now, that's something. I mean, maybe you're a camper or something. I guess not if it was the worst ever.
Speaker 1:Maybe it was a perfume, you know, we found those, the perfume sprays this is worse.
Speaker 2:The perfume sprays this is worse. A box of wine we don't drink wine, and it was from my sister-in-law. I think she's trying to tell you something. I think she's trying to tell you you need to drink some wine. You need to drink some wine and loosen up.
Speaker 1:Loosen the elastic in those panties.
Speaker 2:Honey is what she's trying to say I think that's definitely what she's trying to say I think that's.
Speaker 1:yeah, that's definitely what she's trying to say. You're uptight.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm, have some wine. This might be the year this one says I got a hot dog toaster that makes two hot dogs.
Speaker 1:I mean, that's not Okay. I'm going to say this. It might be sexist, mm-hmm. Okay, I'm going to say this, it might be sexist. Listen, if somebody out there wants to send me a Dyson vacuum cleaner for Christmas, I would be happy, but maybe I think women get a little sensitive about that. But I would be if you got me a hot dog maker thing. I would be like oh, I love me some hot dogs.
Speaker 2:Right, I mean I guess. But who wants another dang appliance like that? So you know Cheeto Cheeto from our live show. I'm going to call her out. I love Cheeto. She's in here. Chelsea, jo, this is on.
Speaker 1:Instagram oh.
Speaker 2:Cheeto, yes, she said not the worst, but weird Underwear from my father-in-law. They are comfy though, that's you know. So I'm going to tell you what happened. Well, maybe, maybe not, but I'm thinking the mother-in-law was wrapping up and dividing up gifts. You know what I'm saying? I hope, and just stuck his name on there?
Speaker 1:I hope. If not, it's weird. It's weird and we need to hear more about it. We need to hear more about it. And what kind of relationship do you have with him? Yeah, because we need to delve into that. You think we could look?
Speaker 2:up Chelsea Jo's phone number in our database from Vine Well.
Speaker 1:Chelsea, as I call her. I call her Cheeto. Yeah, cheeto. Cheeto is cute. She's really cute. Her husband's cute, her kids are cute and I'm sure the whole damn family's cute. They're kind of sickening cute. But I bet you they're so cute I can't imagine father-in-law being a creeper. I bet you it is exactly. Mother-in-law was just splitting up gifts and didn't realize, because nobody's going to give that. When you're at a family gift exchange, you know what I'm saying. If he brought them to her job and gave them creepy, that's obviously not what happened.
Speaker 1:Oh, my gosh, gosh, I hope not hope your father-in-law doesn't listen to his cheeto I doubt it.
Speaker 2:I know we called her out by name but she, well, you did I did sorry, cheeto. Um, I have some others too over here, but keep going.
Speaker 1:Well, I don't know, One year my dad gave his sister a meme gift.
Speaker 2:It was a guy.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but it was funny. So my aunt was a little overweight, not a lot, a little overweight and very conscientious about it. You know she never embraced it right. And my dad bought her panties that were like this big, like, like huge like sheet, the size of a, of a twin yes, twin bed sheet, yes, uh-huh, wrapped them up and gave them to her. So we was the whole family at a gift exchange and she opens them up and you can't tell what it is. So you're like pulling it out and looking and it was just these panties that were like an elephant could go in them. That is mean. It was mean.
Speaker 2:Was she embarrassed, or how did she laugh it off, or how did?
Speaker 1:she laugh it off. But hell, the whole family was like rolling, laughing. All the men especially that is mean. That was bad. I need to bring that up to him. I'm going to call him when I get in the car and scold him about it Do you remember when you blah, blah, blah?
Speaker 2:Here's one from the hotline. My ex was saying for six months he was paying on my Christmas present. Well, christmas again, notice it says ex. Well, Christmas morning it was a portable ironing board and an Apple wall clock from Fred's dollar store. He had the nerve to call me unappreciative.
Speaker 1:I would have left him right then. I mean, well, he lied about it too. It wasn't like, oh, that's all he could afford. It was thoughtful. No, In a damn Apple clock.
Speaker 2:Right, mm-mm, no, mm-mm From Fred's. No, in a damn Apple clock. Right, mm-mm, no, mm-mm From Fred's God.
Speaker 1:I didn't know Fred's. I thought Fred's was like a South Carolina thing.
Speaker 2:Oh, we had Fred's dollar store.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they sucked, it was really Well. The only one I know of is in Pickens, South Carolina, and it was just super shitty.
Speaker 2:We had Fred's, like that's the only I don't think we had like Dollar General or Family Dollar. I mean maybe we had one of those or whatever, but I remember going to Fred's, fred's Dollar Store, right, yeah, fred's Dollar Store. Yeah, I can still see that we got feedback on our cards. I'm just looking through these are going to be random because I'm looking through the hotline here. We got some feedback. You know, I said when you send Christmas cards, which you know struck a nerve and got some, mixed emotions on the.
Speaker 2:Christmas cards. I'm getting knocked off of people's list. However, Daniel has put a few on the refrigerator.
Speaker 1:Well, you've already said it. Now. I mean, you can't go back, quit trying, I'm not going back. Quit trying to go back to get.
Speaker 2:Christmas cards. I'm not going back, don't send them.
Speaker 1:They go in the trash.
Speaker 2:They do. I open them up and they go in the trash. I appreciate them and they go in the trash. I appreciate them and they go in the trash. Now we do have a few like. If you're family, like you know Daniel's parents, because I'm in the car and I'm just kidding His brother and sister-in-law you know we kept those. They're on the refrigerator.
Speaker 1:Actually his brother and sister-in-law's from last year is still on the side of our refrigerator. I was like we need to throw this away, I know, but you said I guess we have to keep these.
Speaker 2:No, I didn't. No, I looked and it was one. I was like, wait, is this their card from this year? And then I was like this is last year's card and I was like it's time for this way past this one, to go in the trash.
Speaker 1:You need to do like a keepsake box. I'm not saying that. If they're photo cards, why I save them all, all my photo card? I'm not doing that like well, people spend their hard-earned money and there's their pictures well, I appreciate it.
Speaker 2:I was like oh, this is you, though. I appreciate the thought and that they send it to us and the compost appreciates the recycling. But what I will say is some people talked about different ways, like this person said that they put theirs on, either put them in a basket on the island or display some on the island or display some. But a few people said at the end of the year they will save them and they will recycle them. Now you have to be a real crafter, diy, but they will recycle them into something. I recycle the rest for crafts and to decorate plain paper lunch bags for our annual children's holiday store. So they'll recycle the cards, cut out the scenes or whatever.
Speaker 1:Well, I mean, that is super nice and thrifty and I love it, but hell, who has the time for that?
Speaker 2:Well, evidently a few people do. Someone said they make them into name tags like gift. That's a great idea For gifts the next year, like I guess. I don't know.
Speaker 1:That's a great idea.
Speaker 2:Gift cards idea for for gifts the next year, like I guess I don't know, that's a great idea. Gift cards, um for that? Well, oh, here's a funny gift story. I had an aunt who sent me a check for birthday or christmas that wasn't signed. Apparently my bank didn't notice and deposited the check. My aunt had not signed the check on purpose because I wasn't good at sending thank you notes, mmm.
Speaker 1:So the aunt, the aunt's, a little passive-aggressive.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so she sent her the check but didn't sign it, I guess thinking the bank wouldn't cash it.
Speaker 1:Aunt's a little bit of a biatch. Mmm, she felt a little bit of a biatch.
Speaker 2:She felt a little unappreciated. So which side is it?
Speaker 1:She said I'm going to teach her.
Speaker 2:Let's see Some people keep all their cards. Oh my God, I love sending and receiving Christmas cards. I have card holders I put up with my decorations that I hang the cards from and then put them all in a box each year and keep them all. I wish I could go through them, throw them away. Your kids or your family is going to throw that is more crap they got to clean out of the attic.
Speaker 1:Throw that shit away. It is true.
Speaker 2:It's very true. You probably got roaches crawling up in there.
Speaker 1:Now, that's just mean, Well, that you took it to a new level.
Speaker 2:No, now you know, those cards are just sitting somewhere collecting dust in some cabinet or an attic, just traction.
Speaker 1:Now I will say this Certain things you put your children in a bad spot for, so like I'm an only child, everybody knows that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we can tell, shut up.
Speaker 1:So my mother saved everything like of mine. She saved my artwork, my teeth, my baby teeth, my outfits, my blankets. I mean I can get saving some of that, my cast, everything you can possibly, my hair, everything you can imagine. My mother saved and I used to tell her I was like now you know, when you are gone, I am throwing this shit away, I am not keeping this stuff. Well, and unfortunately, my mother when she passed, I was like. Even then I was like that's me, that's my stuff, I am throwing that out. Even as I was starting to clean out the house, I was like when I get to that, that's going in the dumpster.
Speaker 2:And I got there and I couldn't do it, so now you got a pile of shit somewhere.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean, I just was like my mother is looking down on me and I just picture her saying you better not throw that away. So, seriously, when you save stuff, do think about that.
Speaker 2:What I think you should do we're not parents, but what I think you should do is maybe start a one or two totes bins per kid and pick the most important stuff and like separate it, but these are that.
Speaker 1:Christmas cards really aren't even about kids, that's just everybody sending.
Speaker 2:No, no one should say that. That is why no one should say the Christmas card. That was my point.
Speaker 1:I saved the photo once, though y'all I do. I have a box and I saved the photos because I do go back and look at those sometimes.
Speaker 2:Okay, this is getting off subject, but I just have to ask you this. I don't know if I've ever asked you this. What so? When you were cleaning out your mom's house.
Speaker 1:Okay, don't make me sad. No, no, no, no, no.
Speaker 2:This could be funny. Did you find anything, like you know, inappropriate?
Speaker 1:Not really inappropriate? No, gross, don't even go there.
Speaker 2:Well, I mean, you don't know, I mean she was a single lady.
Speaker 1:No, she was probably visited at Adam and Eve. I did find I found I thought about that was a fear. No, but one thing I did find I was like, oh my God, what are these? And it was all of these panties that looked. I was like, are these like naughty panties? I was like I don't even know how I feel about this. So I had to ask a friend. I was like, what are these panties? Are these like naughty? And they were like no, those are called no show panties everyone wears them.
Speaker 1:If you're a lady, you have. I was like, okay, that's all I needed to know, so there wasn't anything.
Speaker 2:I can't even believe you asked me that well, I just wonder when people pass away like I mean, you know, if you know what? She wasn't that old. Your mom was not that, she was a single lady, you know.
Speaker 1:Mm-mm.
Speaker 2:No, mm-mm, maybe she has that friend. That's like hey, when something happens to me, you know where the key is. Yeah, I hope Take care of this.
Speaker 1:I hope. Okay, well, I have friends. I've had many friends over the years that are like okay, if something happens, come in break in this place. Wherever you have to go, there's a suitcase under the van Right.
Speaker 2:Well, you've told me similar, but now you have Dylan, yeah, or whatever, but in the past you're like, but I mean, Listen, if something happens to me and you find it, none, of that does a thing for me.
Speaker 2:Okay, back to. That was just a little side note. This person said I don't send cards anymore. I'm with Wesley. I open, read it. Throw it away the cards I'm receiving. People aren't writing notes anymore, they just sign their name. The first card I receive every year is a photo card of someone's grandkids. They're not even in the picture. Yeah, don't send me that shit either, if you're all in it. Do you want to see someone? Do you want to see Sally's grandkids? And Sally's not even in the photo.
Speaker 1:I mean, I mean maybe, oh, I might like sally, I might know her appearance might be. I might. I'm always interested. I'll always enjoy the picture parts.
Speaker 2:Rude, you are so rude I'm not rude, I'm not rude. Okay, we got a lot of feedback a few episodes ago I don't even know when it was you talked about wearing gloves to handle for food prep, and it's wrong, and it's wrong. And we got people saying oh, I started using them because of blah, blah blah. They had to justify themselves.
Speaker 1:Well, and here's what I'll say to you If you're using them in your own personal kitchen, if you see gloves being used in a restaurant, be concerned, because what is happening, unfortunately, is there's less hand washing. So that's always my concern. It's a false sense of security, it is. But if you're using them at home, just make sure you are taking them off and throwing them away. Washing your hands often, I don't think there's anything wrong with using them at home, but just you know, cross-contamination.
Speaker 2:Well, I got a text message here and I'm so I don't know if I have the lady's name. I don't. She didn't put her name, so that's the funny thing. When you text our hotline, put your name at the bottom.
Speaker 1:So she said, my gift card watched him reach into a cabinet to get the lady a muffin and take her money while wearing the same gloves. Exactly, ma'am, I agree, no glove change.
Speaker 2:No, wipes, nothing. I mean gloves are annoying to change and would be a pain in the butt to change between each operation. But, come on, there was no protection or germ spreading prevention there. So she said now I'm assuming this is a lack of education and training, which is what I'm. Blah, blah, blah blah. But that was your point, was it's? When you are the person wearing them, it's the false sense of security. Oh, I got gloves on, I'm doing something right. I think it's a mental like you just feel secure.
Speaker 1:And in the restaurants it's also. I don't want to change these damn gloves another time, right, so it takes so much time, you know and so it's just mm-hmm, Mm-hmm.
Speaker 2:Mm just so, there you go.
Speaker 1:Let's see what else I mean, if you're going to use gloves, to say I'm putting on gloves, I'm going to clean the bathroom, throw the gloves away and then wash my hands Makes sense, hands makes sense. But if you like, I go into, not to call out anybody, but I'll go into Subway and I'll see somebody wearing gloves. I'm like, oh Lord, how long have they been wearing those gloves and what have they done? Because, see, when you handle icky things, you you're like oh, most people, oh, I want to wash my hands with those gloves on you removes that.
Speaker 2:yeah, you know they scratch in their ass and do whatever else we got um a card in our text line oh and they. It looks very good, it's a whole family, one.
Speaker 1:All right, let me evaluate here.
Speaker 2:you can zoom in on it and read who it's from at the bottom, or I think I have it in the next screen too. I can't remember. Cute kids.
Speaker 1:That's what I'm looking at now. Really cute kids, nice-looking family, very nice Wholesome-looking family they look very nice.
Speaker 2:You know they all got in a fight on the day they had to take that picture. You know it was all got in a fight on the day they had to take that picture. Uh-huh, you know it was a shit show.
Speaker 1:This card is from Jake Max, katie Bernadette, virginia, ethan, tori, janet and Eddie. Well, thanks for the card. Yeah, and it's a pretty card. See, this is the card that I would keep.
Speaker 2:This is the card I go. Oh, they look so cute. Let me throw it away and toss it in the trash. You cannot convince me. You If it's my family or my friends.
Speaker 1:I keep it.
Speaker 2:But okay, I do agree that you keep it. We're on the page there, I don't.
Speaker 1:You do.
Speaker 2:But you don't go back and look at it and go oh look at that.
Speaker 1:I promise, I do. You go back and go, oh look at that Every now and then. Well, you know, I have a massive amount of photos and every now and then I will sort photos you? No, I'm not.
Speaker 2:When's the last time you sorted? It's been a few years. What's a few years Like when you moved? No, eight years ago.
Speaker 1:Probably five years ago was the last time I sorted. But yeah, I do, I have sorting containers. But you have to be into that.
Speaker 2:I mean, I like photos, but not.
Speaker 1:You don't even have a picture of your own mother in your house. You do not. Even I have them on my phone. You do not have a photo of your own mother. You don't have a photo of your grandmothers. What kind of animal are you?
Speaker 2:I do have the Skylight digital frame and there's one of my mother on there.
Speaker 1:Well, you ain't had that but a few months, no, since last Christmas.
Speaker 2:Before then, Okay, we're getting ready to wrap up this. I love how you dodged out of that. This episode, but before we do, we have one more topic to discuss. This is the way we're going to end. This is how we're ending 2024. Just a reminder before we do sign off, and I'll say it again don't forget about us. We're going to be back with the podcast. We will not be back until towards the end of January. I think it's going to be a five-week break. It'll be the last week in January.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we've got holiday. We got to see our families and then we're going to market and we're going to take a little break.
Speaker 2:Yep, Well, actually there's no break in there.
Speaker 1:There's not, there's not, but it's a break for us.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so this one's coming out. The next week is Christmas week, which I'm going to be out of town. The next week is New Year's week. So, we will be out of town. Daniel and I are going to Florida, then we get back and you and I immediately go to Atlanta Market. And then when we get back, we get back on a Tuesday, when a podcast would normally come out, or maybe a Monday night, so we wouldn't have time, so it'd be the next week. So there really is no break in there.
Speaker 1:No, I'm saying we'll have a break, we're going to go somewhere, we're not going to go down to the Florida house but we're going to go somewhere locally. But I'm going to get a lot of stuff. I've got a lot of stuff to do.
Speaker 2:I know I need to get some stuff done around the house too. But okay, so don't forget about us. Be ready for 2025, and we'll be back Maybe with some new things going on by then. But I think we should go out talking about back several episodes ago. We should call Carolyn. Carolyn put her name here. She said, hey, wesley and Steven. I won't read the whole thing because she talks about how much she loves us and all of that.
Speaker 1:We love you, Carolyn.
Speaker 2:But she said this is in reference to where we were talking about the loofahs in the retirement communities. Getting a little freaky freaky with your loofahs. I live in a 55 plus active adult community, active adult community.
Speaker 1:Get it, Carolyn.
Speaker 2:They're active in more ways than one In Charleston, south Carolina. You would not believe the stuff that goes on here, specifically with regard to sexy stuff, to use Wesley's term. Oh, I could do a whole podcast on the shenanigans here. To the loofahs people hang the appropriate colored loofah on their antenna or tie them to the roof racks on each side of their car so they are easily visible. When I first learned about this, I was flabbergasted to think there's actually a code that defines the different color loofahs O-M-G. But then, knowing what else goes on here, I shouldn't be surprised. When I told my daughter, she said she will never look at a loofah again the same again. I guess there's a reason why the villages in Florida has the highest STD rate in the country.
Speaker 1:So, carolyn, I guess my first question comment is is what color leifas do you have?
Speaker 2:Carolyn she does know awfully a lot about them.
Speaker 1:She doesn't say if she has loofahs or not.
Speaker 2:Carolyn. Come on, girl, Tell us what your loofah color is. We're not judging.
Speaker 1:but we're curious, we listen and we don't judge.
Speaker 2:We're going to change ours. You know that's been on social media we listen and we don't judge. We're going to change ours till we talk and we don't judge.
Speaker 1:No, we don't judge. We're going to change ours to we talk and we don't judge. No, I think it should be we discuss and we judge.
Speaker 2:We repeat and we're definitely going to judge yeah, I think, except for you, carolyn. What's your loofah color? So she confirmed. It is a thing, it's a thing, it is a thing.
Speaker 1:So your aunt just moved in a 55-year-old she hasn't moved yet.
Speaker 2:She hasn't moved, she's moving, she is moving Her house. The final walkthrough is like right now, like today she was messaging me about something this week is the final walkthrough.
Speaker 1:I think we should send her a box of loofahs.
Speaker 2:We are going to. I mean, you know, a gal shouldn't have to go out and get her own loofah.
Speaker 1:We need to make it convenient.
Speaker 2:We need to make it convenient.
Speaker 1:We need to tell her what color she needs to put?
Speaker 2:Well see, I was thinking that. But I don't think we should box her in. I think we should get her an assortment of colors and let her decide which loofah she wants to put on her antenna or mailbox or wherever you want to put it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean, it could be different rules there.
Speaker 2:You never know. You know, I guess that you've heard the saying let your freak flag fly. So I guess it's the loofah.
Speaker 1:I am looking at the. So I have sold homes. You know I have a real estate business. I have sold homes in some 55 and older neighborhood and I'm really going to look at them way different when I'm in those neighborhoods from now on.
Speaker 2:I know I think I should drive to one Do we have a big one here.
Speaker 1:Yes, there's right down the road.
Speaker 2:I'm going to drive through and see if I spot any lufas.
Speaker 1:The problem is, most of them are gated.
Speaker 2:But even here, because we don't have a lot of gated community, they don't allow new gated.
Speaker 1:Not in Greenville, not in Greensville, but yes, there are a few. Oh, I've got one really close to me. I need to ride through there and do a little video.
Speaker 2:And surely you could just find a house for sale in the neighborhood if we need access. Oh yeah, you could say we got a.
Speaker 1:I'm always looking at homes previewing and you are I love to look at homes. Wait, you're not over 55 yet, though you're getting close, but you could no I mean if I all I have to do is preview homes, but I mean if I see lufa's hanging on golf carts or cars, it's gonna. You know, I'm gonna have to have a conversation and I expect a photo I won't be like what's up.
Speaker 2:You're gonna be like hold up, let me pull out this chart. Now your color says on this chart is that accurate? They're gonna be like yeah, that's, that's.
Speaker 1:And you know what I'm gonna say. This, I mean, I would be devastated if my grandparent, if I went to visit my grandmother and saw that, would you? Well, I would. But you know, if they make it to 80 years old and whatever, 70, whatever, and they're like you know, I'll say you do you, you do you, boo.
Speaker 2:And the neighbor, I mean, I mean, you know, I just don't, I say let their freak flag fly. Well, we want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday.
Speaker 1:And Happy.
Speaker 2:New Year, happy New Year's. We want to tell you thank you, thank you, thank you for listening to our crazy podcast.
Speaker 1:It still amazes me.
Speaker 2:For following on social media. We so appreciate you For shopping with us at the Nested Fig. We so appreciate you. You have made our year a great year, even though it was a hectic year on certain ways Without you. It would have been a hell of a year. It would have been much harder.
Speaker 1:Yes, without you it would have been a hell of a year, it would have been a, it would have been much harder. Yes, so we appreciate and we make it harder on ourselves. Let's be clear.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we always coming up with some new idea. What was it? Yesterday I was like this would you started it? I don't know what it was and you know I'm always the one that would be yes, that will be so easy. And then I stopped myself and I was like, oh no, we ain't doing nothing, no. I can't remember what we were oh, I remember, I remember well, don't remind me, but anyway, we are great about wreath workshops, oh, but I do think we should do that. It'll be so easy.
Speaker 1:And we do need to bring them back.
Speaker 2:Need to bring them back. Okay, we're going to sign off here. We hope everyone has great holidays and a brand new, fresh start to the new year and it starts off right. We'll be back. Surely there'll be a lot of things to catch up on.
Speaker 1:There's going to be a lot and we'll have interviews.
Speaker 2:You've got to keep up with notes between now and then of things that happen. We've got to keep notes because we're going to need a recap when it comes to what all happened over our break. All kind of stuff, yes.
Speaker 2:That's right, remember to listen, remember to listen, remember to listen to us in the future, but remember to leave us a review is what I was going to say. Wherever you're listening to your podcast, we greatly appreciate that. And over the holidays, when you're sitting next to someone at the family table, say have you listened to who's Driving? And introduce us to some family.
Speaker 1:Put us in the top five. We're almost there.
Speaker 2:And unless we've talked about your family, you can pass.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah.
Speaker 2:There's plenty of other people. Yeah, all right, we'll see you in January.
Speaker 1:Happy holidays, merry Christmas.
Speaker 2:Bye y'all.