Who's Driving
Who's Driving with Wesley Turner & Steven Merck is all about the entertaining stories we share and brainstorming topics we discuss as two best friends would on a long road trip. Come along for the ride as we check in with friends & offer a wide range of informative topics centered around running small businesses, social media, and all things Home and Garden.
Who's Driving
Who's Driving - Hop In & Buckle Up S3E3
This episode dives into the hilarious and absurd moments of our lives, exploring themes of friendship, animals, and everyday quirks. From discussing National Fart Day to navigating travel and culinary oddities, Wesley and Steven entertain with their lighthearted storytelling.
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Come on, girl, get in. I'm here, do I?
Speaker 2:need to buckle up. You need to buckle up. I'm driving this bitch today.
Speaker 1:Let's go. It sounds like it's time for another episode of who's Driving. Welcome to who's Driving. I'm Wesley Turner.
Speaker 2:And I'm Stephen Merck. We're two best friends and entrepreneurs.
Speaker 1:Who's Driving is an entertaining look into the behind the scenes of our lives, friendship and business.
Speaker 2:These are the stories we share and topics we discuss, as two best friends would on a long road trip.
Speaker 1:Along the way, we'll check in with friends and offer a wide range of informative topics centered around running small businesses, social media and all things home and garden.
Speaker 2:Buckle up and enjoy the ride.
Speaker 1:You never know who's driving or where we're headed. All we know is it's always a fun ride. Episode three of a brand new year and we still have some catching up to do.
Speaker 1:We do, We've got a lot we do, we do, we do. So this is our third episode. If you missed it, the first two we now have our website for the podcast, whosedrivingpodcastcom, and you can go there now. Not only you can listen to any past episode there, you can find us on Spotify and all of that, and you can join our members only community and you can watch us as well. So we're now recording ourselves. There's a video version. There's an online community, which is a lot of fun. So you need to come join the community because I am posting like polls in there. You can leave comments.
Speaker 2:And you can get to everything us.
Speaker 1:Yeah, well, that's Rentals. Well, no, no, no, that's on. So we're talking about whosedrivingpodcastcom, but, yes, when you're there, you can get to our hub too. Yeah, everything, yeah, you're right. So, also, you know, I changed my name on Instagram to WesleyTurnerLiving. I'm waiting for your fa-. I see the smirk, and I love how you like to smirk about this, because he knows this was one of the things that I struggled with was does?
Speaker 2:it sound too much like Martha Stewart. I said that and you were like but Martha Stewart Living? And I was like it doesn't matter it's not like. Your name is Martin Stewart.
Speaker 1:That's true, and so you know. I changed my name to Wesley Turner Living, and now he likes to smirk about it.
Speaker 2:Well, you poo-pooed my. I suggested that you totally dismissed it. And then you pop up nine months later and you're like yeah, I'm thinking Wesley Turner Living.
Speaker 1:No, I just said I'm going to go with that one, yeah and anyway, so with that. I also have a website, WesleyTurnerLivingcom, which is like our hub, where you can get to everything, and actually the podcast and that website share the same Like you're going to end up in the same place for all of them, but it's a lot of fun. You can't get away from us.
Speaker 2:No, we're everywhere.
Speaker 1:But not only can you not get away from us, we want it to be easy for you to join us on everything.
Speaker 2:And.
Speaker 1:I am loving the members only community. Like I said, I'm posting like insert videos when we talk about something and polls and you can leave comments, but with the video version. So the first two episodes were pre-recorded on the same day. You know, sometimes we get together and we'll record two episodes at a time. So to kick off the new year we're like let's get ahead. And I was like there's going to be a learning curve on editing things and I had to bring back the mic stand so we hopefully don't sound as echoey. There's some tweaking to do. In general, there always is.
Speaker 1:Well, would you know the first two damn episodes we recorded? I had straw in my hair the whole time.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because I found it right after it ended.
Speaker 1:I was like you have straw in your hair and I was like maybe you can't see it. Oh no, right there front and center. I had fed the animals before you got here and straw a piece of straw right there.
Speaker 2:It's fine. You might as well have straw in your hair. You got chicken shit on your shoes, so why not have the straw in my hair? I?
Speaker 1:don't have chicken shit on my shoes, because we don't have any at the moment. Oh, you let them all die. I forgot. No it is not. That is not true. They totally, they slowly got pecked off, yeah, here and there. And I'm kind of nervous about I wanted to get. We got the chicken coop halfway redone last year, Didn't?
Speaker 2:you and I talk recently about going and getting some chickens Maybe.
Speaker 1:I love.
Speaker 2:I don't know. I love going to the jockey lot and getting chickens.
Speaker 1:Well, here's the thing I was going to get chickens. I was looking forward to doing that this year and then I also want some ducks and geese for our pond. You know it's a whole different whatever, but I'm worried about the bird flu. It's a real thing, you know, going around with flocks and in the wild. And what I'm most concerned about you know we have wild geese that will land on our pond. We have wild geese that will land on our pond and we got the two. They came back this week and they'll stay here for months Is something like that. Or having a flock of backyard chickens or whatever and them getting it. And what I'm most concerned about is the emus and I don't know how it affects them, but I know there's something that the emus. There's a virus that they're really susceptible to. I'll ask about that. You need to find out for me Because I don't want to bring anything here that would help spread it.
Speaker 1:We can't take our emus. I worry about those damn things so much. Just because they're so different they are different, but they're hardy animals.
Speaker 1:They are those things would kick your ass. I know I'm thinking because they are what. Are they three years this year? Would they be three years in March? So I think they're finally getting mature enough. You know you can't tell what's a male and what's a female. I think they're both male. No One of them started drumming. It's doing the oh, so it is Elvira, so we have. And one of them's not doing it yet, so it is Elmer. Yes, so we have. Elmer and Elvira, I do believe oh my gosh Because it was luck.
Speaker 2:I was like this one looks bigger. Yeah, I tried, to pick, but I just was like well there.
Speaker 1:I think it's opposite on them. I think the female's bigger.
Speaker 2:I just tried to pick one, two different looking, but you know, they were so little, yeah, and I was like I guess we got two gays, I don't know, but I'm so happy she's starting to drum yeah, and I've listened to it.
Speaker 1:It started off as a weird noise and it's getting deeper, like even today. I was like over the last like two months, so the end.
Speaker 2:So this winter we've got to start looking for eggs.
Speaker 1:Like the end of this year. Yeah, I can't wait. Hopefully they have some and hopefully they'll have some babies and hopefully nothing happens.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you will have to bring the egg in.
Speaker 1:Someone asked me like would you eat it? And that would be the grossest thing to me it's equivalent to like a dozen chicken eggs. Yeah, can you imagine dropping a dozen chicken eggs in a bowl at one time, or a pan that makes me want to puke.
Speaker 2:You know, I have my grandfather's homemade incubator for eggs.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, I used to love doing that as a kid. Oh, me too. We would incubate the eggs and every day I would come home from school. We did it at my grandma's house a lot and to see when they started cracking a little, you had marked down on the calendar Because it's like to the day or two you know. It's really cool, I need to do that.
Speaker 2:That would be a huge hit on Instagram. It would be fun.
Speaker 1:And I love doing it because you, you know I, they're so sweet to like that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, when you raise them.
Speaker 1:Especially ducks and geese, if you can raise them from babies like that and geese aren't near.
Speaker 2:when you raise them like that, they're not near as aggressive, I think.
Speaker 1:I'm going to do that. I'm going to Amazon an incubator because you can get those styrofoam ones. I did it. I used to do it not that many years ago, before this farm life and other ones, and I would order. This is what I've done before when I want like really cool, like chickens or whatever. I've ordered the eggs off eBay Just from like a, you know, a backyard farmer.
Speaker 1:And they'll send them to you all wrapped up, and then I've incubated them. I love it. That would be really fun for spring, but it takes like 27 or 21 days for chickens, I can't remember. Can't remember either. Well, if I did that, when I get back from the beach, that will be you know in the March Right for spring, right for yeah, right at Easter. Yeah, probably hatch when we're like at the spring Atlanta market or something. Daniel, I'd have to deal with them.
Speaker 2:And miss it.
Speaker 1:I know right, that's so exciting, I could start a whole little cam Follow the you know the chicken cam. Oh, okay, well, we'll talk this out, and then we'll do emu.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so funny, funny, you mention that talking about Instagram. So I follow this lady I don't know if I follow her or she just is in my algorithm and pop up and so she does these things and she's kind of a sophisticated lady, if you will but she does these fart walks in the evening. What. After you eat, you walk for like 15 or 20 minutes and you fart while you're walking. It's a thing. Okay, I have questions, that's not what this is about.
Speaker 1:We'll take a little side street. Then Does walking increase your gas? Does it or does it? What am I trying to say? Does it rush it Like? Does it produce it so it gets it out of your system? Does it encourage it? Let me, because I mean, I don't know when I'm going to be, and I have to tell you something I'm not a gassy person. You're not. I am really not a gassy Like I don't get gassy after meals. I'm really not. I mean everyone.
Speaker 1:I'm not typically, but every now and then I mean, I'll have one rip, but not no, I mean everyone does, but I'm just saying that doesn't make sense to me because I'm never that gassy. If you're that gassy, you might want to check into some. I don't know what is that? Probiotics.
Speaker 2:Yes, walking helps you fart. Walking after eating can help move gas through your digestive tract. I think fart's a bad word. Well, I looked up fart.
Speaker 1:Can we say pass?
Speaker 2:gas. That's what it is A toot.
Speaker 1:A little.
Speaker 2:A toot, a poot, oh Lord.
Speaker 1:You know, cutting the cheese. What do you call it?
Speaker 2:If you're part of our members only community.
Speaker 1:Go there and tell us what you call it In the comments, or you can text us and leave a voicemail on our hotline At 864-982-5029. That's always in the show notes, anyway.
Speaker 2:The reason I'm talking about farting Is because February 5th Is National Fart Day. Was National Fart Day Really? And you know I went down a huge rabbit hole on this. I'm like they have days for everything. It's a little irritating, but that one, how stupid is that.
Speaker 1:Very stupid and I have a question while you're looking it up, is that what you're doing?
Speaker 2:I mean, well, I'm pulling up all the national days.
Speaker 1:Well, where's my damn day?
Speaker 2:It's probably in here.
Speaker 1:Okay, good, I want it, I mean it is, and not my birthday, that doesn't count. I want it. I mean it is and not my birthday, that doesn't count. I want a national. We need a national who's driving day. How do we get it on the calendar?
Speaker 2:We should who comes up with these. May 1st is school principal's day, I mean there's May 2nd is national life insurance day. We need a day. I need a day. I mean there's May 2nd is National Life Insurance Day why we need a day.
Speaker 1:I need a day. How do we get a holiday declared? How do we get that? I'm going to Google that.
Speaker 2:First Friday in May is School Lunch Hero Day. What does that mean? May 3rd is National Textiles Day. I don't know what, but there's there's crossovers, so there's different some there's actually different. It's also a popover day. You know, popovers like you bake on the same.
Speaker 1:I want to bake some of those. I was looking up recipes the other day for popovers. Do you ever? Have you ever made those? I haven't.
Speaker 2:I've eaten popovers. Are they good? Oh yes, there's a kind of a well-known restaurant in New York City on 87th and Amsterdam. So if you're in New York and it's called Popovers, so that's a great place for like brunch on Sunday. But it happens to be right next to my favorite deli, which is Barney Greengrass Deli, right next door, and that's 87th and Amsterdam in New York City. I took you there, you did, and it was really good. You had never been to an authentic Jewish deli. It was so good we need to go back. And I was like you were like am I going to be able to eat anything? I'm like, yeah.
Speaker 1:It was so good. So evidently there are. I'm trying to Google it and carry on a conversation, which is not good for me. I think you can. There's services and you can register national days. Those are different from holidays, Right, but you? Can have multiple national days and I think you can register it. So we're going to check into national. We need a national fig day?
Speaker 2:Yes, we do, absolutely. We need a national fig day and a national who's driving day.
Speaker 1:Right, so we're going to have to do that.
Speaker 2:So it just amazed me how many different kinds of days there were out there. I'm like, because I saw that and I was like she was like it's national Fart Day or Farting Day, and I'm like I mean, that can't be. So I Googled it and it was so. Then, ironically, I was on Instagram actually this morning and I am going through and I found something even more disgusting.
Speaker 1:Oh good. We're going from farts to something else.
Speaker 2:Yes, or toots. It is a Mm-hmm. No, this gets worse. We're going to toots, to poops. So this is a young lady, that she lives in an apartment and she has three roommates.
Speaker 1:Okay, and they I don't even know where this is going they use a litter box, what Uh-huh All three of them.
Speaker 2:It gets better. Here it is Uh-huh. We need to put this. I will definitely.
Speaker 1:So it gets better.
Speaker 2:Okay, tell me, do tell. So they poop in this box. They all have their own box, their own litter box. If you will, why not do it?
Speaker 1:together. I mean, why stop at?
Speaker 2:the litter and they poop. They dig a hole. It's sand. They dig a hole, they poop in it. They put their toilet paper on there. They take black salt and sprinkle on it to keep the smell down, which made me gag a little. Then they cover it up and on the first event they write down what day and time they pooped in this hole. And then the first of every month they dig it up and put it in bags. It gets better and they put it.
Speaker 1:We just lost every listener we ever thought about having.
Speaker 2:They put it in biodegradable bags, and then they put it in pots and plant seeds and sell the flowers.
Speaker 1:You are lying to me, you are absolutely— you have the video. We'll turn down the volume. I'll add the video into if you're in the members only community and you'll be able to see it I mean look how much room it takes up. It's like a room of just. Okay, that is. They're doing that for stupid content. That cannot be true. We are not. People are not. No, that can it's.
Speaker 2:Listen, I cannot imagine living like that.
Speaker 1:But that is. They did that just to be like a funny. Surely, just look, they did it as a funny and that cannot be serious, but I'm going to put their I to put their video in our members-only community.
Speaker 2:They sell bags of their poop for $10.
Speaker 1:It's like fertilizer Uh-huh.
Speaker 2:Isn't that a biohazard? Definitely.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:I mean, you know how I am about this, can't be it just can't be real.
Speaker 1:I just can't. I can't even believe it. And it's no. That is so fake. It cannot be real. I'm not, but we'll let you, I'll have to. Steven is a little gullible sometimes with social media things and that sort of thing. He will show me things I'm like. This is fake. That is like for views.
Speaker 2:They're not really doing that, I'll be like no, I'm so sensitive, like to smells.
Speaker 1:That is horrid. I don't even know how to. Well, first of all, I hate Pull this car over.
Speaker 2:I'm out. I hate sand. Yeah On me. I can't imagine that mess in my home. V Listen, listen, oh my gosh, you be the judge. I'm just telling you I'm going to watch them and I'll be the judge.
Speaker 1:I have a few things for you. What Something I don't understand that I saw on Instagram and it's not a new thing. It's not a new thing. This just inspired me to think about it. And actually, tina, to Mimi's House we Go. She was talking about it. She was part of one Book clubs. So Tina, to Mimi's House we Go. I was watching her in, I guess, her neighborhood or friend somebody I don't know book clubs or nothing.
Speaker 1:Nothing is unusual about a book club. That's fine, I'm not talking about that. But she was on there and like, oh, I gotta get off I to read, we got book club on, you know, whatever day Like to me not saying anything about her, I would be stressed the hell out. That is like. First of all, I don't enjoy reading.
Speaker 2:I barely can do it If you're ADD.
Speaker 1:Reading is a chore and I guess that's the thing why I don't understand it. First of all, do you read a book Like we're reading this book and so you meet what once a week, and then you're on a certain chapter and you can talk about it.
Speaker 2:I don't know if they meet once a week. That's a lot of reading.
Speaker 1:I don't know.
Speaker 2:Maybe once a month.
Speaker 1:Is that it? And then you talk about the whole book, or do you talk about chapters at a time, because she was like I got to be at the certain point so I can talk about it. She's like, oh, I put it off, I got to read or whatever, and I was like that stresses me out. That's like taking. I could not wait to get out of school. We've talked about it.
Speaker 1:I couldn't wait to get out of college and that sort of thing. It just gave me anxiety listening to her talk about going to her book club. So do you enjoy? Are you part of a book club? And I know some people really I mean I guess I sound ignorant People really enjoy reading. It's not for me, some people do.
Speaker 2:But typically I will say this it is a trait because I'm ADD, you're ADD. Because I'm ADD, you're ADD. Typically, when you're ADD, it is very difficult to read and process everything Right, and I'm dyslexic, and then it's just a whole. Oh, I mean.
Speaker 1:It looks like a day You're just challenged. That page looks like a puzzle. What's the one where you crossword puzzle?
Speaker 2:Is that where you circle the?
Speaker 1:words. That's what that page looks like to me. It's just hard when you have Talking about ADD and that sort of thing, though from one thing to the next. So book clubs is one thing I don't understand If you're a part of it, let us know and what you do, do you really read the book or y'all just getting together to have drinks? Is it just a social thing? Do you actually talk about the book?
Speaker 2:No, I know people that do. They do talk about it, they're serious about it.
Speaker 1:I mean, that's what I guess I'm asking. Are you serious about it? Because I was stressed out Like girl, I ain't reading. No, she's like I've got to read so many chapters by like 24 hours and let us know if you use an indoor litter box.
Speaker 2:I would really love to interview you on our podcast if you use a litter box or know someone that does. If you use a litter, box.
Speaker 1:we will fly to you anywhere in the continental USA and we will interview you all about it and let you tell all of our listeners the benefits.
Speaker 2:We'll let you have the mic and we're going to bring you a gift basket to use while I'm there and it's going to be full of Tyler products and candles and linen sprays and room sprays and all kinds of things like that Back to ADD though, because I already skipped across it.
Speaker 1:You can really see it. I was telling Stephen before we started this episode now that we do the video version of the episode. If you watch it, I am all over the damn place. I'm over here. I'm over here.
Speaker 2:I'm very animated, unmedicated.
Speaker 1:Yes, I'm very animated with my hands and talking and Stephen is propped up like this and I think he started and ended the episode in the same spot both times and he said that's the difference between medicated and unmedicated. I'm like, well, you can see it right here, because you know I'm all like hands flopping and talking.
Speaker 2:And the funny thing is, if I go off my medication, he's like you've got to go on your medication. One of us has to be medicated and it's just got to be you. And I'm like, well, why doesn't it, why not you?
Speaker 1:Because you're used to it, you're adapted to it and you just ride it out. Just ride out the med. He tried to go off of it. He did for like three or four months or whatever. It was the worst thing and he thought he was normal. It was like you're not, you're not normal. And then when Dylan started saying you need to go back on the medication, I think it finally you went back on it slowly. It was a hot mess. It wasn't that bad Anyway. So that was just something about book clubs. You've never been part of a book club.
Speaker 2:I can tell there's a lot of things I won't not say never. On a lot of things I can honestly say I will never be part of a book club that does not interest me in the slightest Me either, not going to do it.
Speaker 1:If it doesn't have pretty pictures, I'm not even picking up the book. That's why you like coffee table books so much you can flip through and you're good to go.
Speaker 2:If there's not pictures I don't need it, right, and it's worked to me because of my ADD reading, not reading directions, or reading something I'm looking to do. I can read that very easily If I'm having to read how to do something or directions, or that's fine. But if like a book, a novel, no, I'm like I read it and then there's no comprehension. I'm like wait, sally went where Fred was where and they did like yeah.
Speaker 2:I'll get to the bottom of the page and I can't even tell you what just happened Because I'm so concentrating on trying to read and not we probably shouldn't be talking.
Speaker 1:This probably makes us sound really dumb, it doesn't matter.
Speaker 2:I mean, I'm not dumb, I know You're not dumb, I'm very smart.
Speaker 1:I guess we can't be perfect in all areas.
Speaker 2:We have the piece of papers, like everybody else. I don't know how the hell we got them, but we have them.
Speaker 1:I don't know how we got them either. I mean, I don't know how I got it Because I'm smart, Because I didn't have to read. I went to class and if it didn't register in class it wasn't going to register for me and I don't listen.
Speaker 2:I do not mind saying it because, listen, I know I'm smart and so my freshman classes at Clemson and pretty and pretty and sweet. So my freshman year at Clemson, you had, you know you had to read all these books.
Speaker 2:And I was like I was unmedicated as a freshman in college and I mean, that was like telling me to go fly a plane. I could have flown a plane easier than I could that. So back in the day I would go either to a bookstore Sometimes I would have to venture out to a different city that had them and I would buy the Cliff Notes. Do you remember those? Oh yeah, cliff's Notes, cliff's.
Speaker 1:Notes. I couldn't even read those. I didn't even that got me through college. Oh did it. I never bought those because I was like, I'm not even going to Some smartass I will never forget.
Speaker 2:This obviously was making me, you know, was implying I was stupid and that's okay because you know what, he's probably still working in that bookstore, not that there's anything wrong with that. But so I went in looking for Cliff's notes and I asked for them and he was like, yeah, we have one. I was like, oh, thank God, like I have this book, I have this book report tomorrow, you know, cause it would have been last minute.
Speaker 1:Oh, yeah, that's. It would have been last minute and he said when I was walking out.
Speaker 2:He said yeah, I hear the CliffiffsNotes got great reviews and I wanted to just smack him. I just was like good, yeah, when. I had to do those reports.
Speaker 1:I don't know how, but I really feel like when somehow I skirted around having to read all major books, like I don't remember reading any of them. We'll get dumber by the second.
Speaker 2:Well, I would like read the preface.
Speaker 1:No, I'm saying, I must have took?
Speaker 2:I don't know. You had to Like at Clemson. I don't know how it is now Hell, who knows how it is.
Speaker 1:I don't know.
Speaker 2:I ain't read none of that we had to like Clemson. You could not get around it. There wasn't AP classes back then. You had to take an English and read all these books.
Speaker 1:I don't remember doing that. I know I took an English 101, but I don't remember it being like reading.
Speaker 2:Well, it included reading books. I promise you, ours was like grammar and stuff like that. Oh yeah, I felt the hell out of that too. You cannot be Southern other than my mother. My mother was a grammar Nazi and, bless her heart till the day she died. She tried to fix me and it just didn't work.
Speaker 1:I'm just thinking I don't remember. Like, do you remember any of them from college? Because every course I hear about them I didn't read them. Do you remember the names? Do you remember any? No, Do you know some of those popular?
Speaker 2:I had some of them and I think I donated them. I had some of them. I was like, yeah, I was supposed to read that.
Speaker 1:I remember going and buying books for college and I was like what the hell am I going to do with these? I'm not going to read these. I should have never bought them Like I. Literally I didn't read the textbooks either. That's what I'm saying. None of them, I should have never. This is what Wesley did.
Speaker 2:My books were pristine. I got the top dollar when I sold them back.
Speaker 1:I loved selling them back because my parents, they didn't care. You kept that money yeah. They didn't care.
Speaker 2:I mean that was my Well see my part of the deal.
Speaker 1:I'd be like ooh, $700 or something.
Speaker 2:My part of the deal was I. I had to pay for my books. Yeah, that sucks for you.
Speaker 1:But what I tried to take care of.
Speaker 2:So after I made that one investment you could just keep rolling it in, rolling it over.
Speaker 1:So I went to class. This is what Wesley did. I went to class and I sat there and I listened and I would take notes, and that's when I learned. I retained that shit right there in that class and if I didn't, I didn't. Me too. If I did, I did, and then I'd take the test and I'd pass and I moved on and I never opened the books.
Speaker 2:I mean, I promise you, I will say this, I will say this, and I mean this sounds a little egotistical. I honestly think if I went back to school maybe not now, you're old, yeah, maybe if I had gone back at 30 or even went back and did school again and I actually applied myself and read the books, I think I could have been a doctor. I do. I have no doubt that if I had made my mind, up.
Speaker 1:Potential is there. Yeah, yeah, the potential is there. But I didn't want to be the care yeah, the give a damn isn't there. So that's the dedication. I didn't want to be the care yeah, the give a damn isn't there. Gone, so that's the dedication, that's what is not there.
Speaker 2:And here's the other thing about me.
Speaker 1:I mean I'm sure you could have been, I don't know a doctor at something I don't know what.
Speaker 2:Well, I say this Big. Macs yeah, I say this I'm like I think I would have lost interest because it takes so many years to become a doctor.
Speaker 1:That's what I'm saying.
Speaker 2:But then I think about it. I spent 19 years in McDonald's before I became an owner.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but you were acting in your brain. You are. I thought I was the CEO at 15.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you thought you were the owner. Oh, I did. Doing those fries I was like I run this whole company International. Yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you were planning out, you were making changes, you were taking names and kicking ass. Oh, yeah In your brain. Oh, totally. And see, it's not like that when you're studying it's a lot of just books.
Speaker 2:I know and I avoided all of that education and I just say I have a doctor, dr Merck. That's who I am. When Dylan gets sick, I'm like come on into Dr Merck's office and he tells me what's wrong and I make him better.
Speaker 1:90% of the time you're wrong. But that's okay, he's still living, he's still living and he's better. That's all. He's still living. He's still living and he's better. That's all I'm saying. My gosh, how did we get off on school Book club? I guess, I don't know. It gave me anxiety.
Speaker 2:Book club is wrong. If you're in a book club, I'm going to put this out there and you can prove me wrong. Do something different. If you're in a book club, I feel like you need to call me and I'll give you some ideas, but you need to do something more fun, like play bunco.
Speaker 1:Or like a crafting club where you take a little something.
Speaker 2:Or bring back ceramics. Remember when that was a thing in the 80s. Everybody did ceramics.
Speaker 1:I mean, what do you do after you read the book? You talk about it and you're like, oh, that was a good book.
Speaker 2:Yeah, she died.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you know they fell in love. Yeah, they got divorced.
Speaker 2:What a waste of time If it's a great book. They're going to make a movie out of it.
Speaker 1:That's true, and that's enough of a waste of time watching a movie. You can't get that time back either.
Speaker 2:But you can enjoy that and you can eat snacks. I guess they do that while they're reading. It amazes me when I go to the beach and listen. A lot of what I'm saying is truly out of jealousy, because I wish I had this ability. But you know I'll be at the beach or wherever, and then you see those people and they're all in this book.
Speaker 1:And.
Speaker 2:I have friends. I have friends and they're like went to the beach for a week, I read four books and I'm like you did what? And I felt bad for them. I was like, oh my gosh, I feel bad for you, but they loved it.
Speaker 1:No, Daniel, every time we go to the beach he packs, like I don't know, four or five flower books or whatever.
Speaker 2:Does he read?
Speaker 1:No, he doesn't read them. I'm like, why do you haul those down there every time?
Speaker 2:That's cute. I'm going to look at them this time. That is so cute.
Speaker 1:I know he hauls it's always flower books and something flower growing or whatever, and he might, for one day, crack it open. He said the other night we were talking about something. He's like, yeah, it's in that book that I've taken to the beach four times and I'm almost halfway through it, or something. And I'm like, yeah, he's not a.
Speaker 2:You know, even like if I'm buying a car or an appliance or anything. Dylan is a studier and a reader. He doesn't read books, but he reads a lot, like he learns anything that interests him. He learns everything about it. Like you can ask him anything about cars, nice cars luxury cars. He can tell so if.
Speaker 2:I want a car, I'm just like, I think I want this kind of car. So you want to let me know what we need to go get, yeah, and what the price is that going to be? And this is what I want to pay, and he comes back with it, right, and that works for me.
Speaker 1:I'm not a reader, but I have an innate ability when unpacking stuff, just to know how it's going to function or put it together. You do.
Speaker 2:Listen, you could get a space shuttle shipped here in parts. I'll put that bitch together and I think you could do it without looking at directions.
Speaker 1:I think so.
Speaker 2:Now it may explode after it gets halfway up, but you could get it off the ground. I wouldn't get on it and trust it not to completely burst into flames, but you would get it off the ground. I'll give you that it's true.
Speaker 1:I'll give you that. Speaking of well, space shuttle is a good way to lead into this next topic. Over the holidays I was flying. This is another. We're going to start doing little PSAs each week. You know we talked about throw your poinsettias away. I got funny messages about that. They had them, didn't they? They did, they did they had them. They were like I threw mine away today. Thanks for the reminder, remind away today.
Speaker 2:Thanks for the reminder. The next family or friend I go into their house and I see some damn leggy. I'm going over and just stomping on it. I'm going to go. I'm just doing you a favor. You'll thank me later.
Speaker 1:Throw your dead poinsettia away. It's got two leaves left. But anyway, back to over the holidays. I flew home to Tennessee, to my parents' house, and this is my little announcement If you haven't flown in a while. There's a couple of things we need to address that I've noticed. Well, I already said the last time First of all, sit your ass down when the plane lands until your row is exiting.
Speaker 2:Because there may be somebody that really needs to make their connecting flight. Sit your ass down.
Speaker 1:And nothing. This happened to me and you when we flew to Dallas. We were on the same row, you and I, and we were deboarding and he was trying to like step in front of us and not in a. Hey, I'm connecting my. You know, we did let one girl go.
Speaker 2:We let one girl go across our lap and we rushed her up because she was so close to missing her flight.
Speaker 1:No, this guy is just like wait 10 extra seconds.
Speaker 1:I don't need you up on me and you didn't look good enough to be up on me anyway, so first of all, sit down back up. But we're going to you up on me and you didn't look good enough to be up on me anyway, so first of all, sit down Back up, but we're going to back up. Before that, the next thing that you need to know if you're flying, just prepare yourself, because this is something. I noticed this four different times when I was flying, each leg that I had to go. So now what people are trying to do is not check luggage and do carry-ons drives me, which you know, you do, you.
Speaker 1:But do you, and if that's the way you want to prepare to fly, that is fine. But now what happens is when you get to the gate and you're boarding, they run out of space for overhead compartments. Be prepared if you already cheated the system and didn't pay the bag fee and you are taking your bag on the plane, be prepared for them to run out of space because everyone's doing the same thing that you're doing and they're going to put that little red tag on it and they're going to tell you we're going to have to take your bag and put it under the plane and it will check to your final destination.
Speaker 2:Okay, don't argue with them, that's part of the process and it slows down the whole thing.
Speaker 1:One time there was. I mean, they had to do a lot of people that way, but one time the person in front of me did that and they were like okay, three times they had to stand there and argue for like three minutes about getting their luggage. Okay, it's just part of the process. You already didn't pay the bag fee if that was your plan, and you can take a backpack or a purse on. So if you've got medications and that sort of thing, pack a backpack. Otherwise, be prepared to check your damn bag. Okay, so there's that one. Otherwise, be prepared to check your damn bag. Okay, so there's that one. Just if you're going on a trip sometime soon. And I would just save myself the trouble and check it at the front, like I always do, I check my bag every time I'm like I'm not hauling it through the airport, I'm not dealing with it.
Speaker 2:When.
Speaker 1:I get it there, they're going to tell me I have to check it anyway. So I don't carry on anything. No I do a backpack and we With one change of socks, panties.
Speaker 2:You do socks and panties and at least a sleep shirt or something in there, and any medication you need in case you're displaced Right, and there's other things we need to talk about. Now that you're talking about flying, I have more.
Speaker 1:Okay, go ahead.
Speaker 2:Another good thing to do is make sure you wear some deodorant.
Speaker 1:Oh.
Speaker 2:Because you're going, you know it's close quarters and you need to make sure your stank arms aren't stanking, Right. And the other little thing is they sell gum all over the airport. Get ya, Pac, Get ya.
Speaker 1:Get ya.
Speaker 2:Yeah, get ya. Get ya Pac.
Speaker 1:Get ya Pac.
Speaker 2:Okay, nobody wants to smell that either, that's true. And especially if you're flying a red eye overnight and you know you're going to be sleeping. We all wake up with that morning breath, so I always carry gum in my backpack I do that too, and I'm not a gum chewer. But I do because sometimes you eat something.
Speaker 1:You know they might have something that you eat, or you wanted a little doritos or something on the plane and you're you don't want that. But also going with flying, this is more of a well, it's kind of the same lines. I guess I'm on my soapbox. But flying in general is not a luxury anymore, it's a almost public transportation. At this point I honestly especially for flights that are two hours it still baffles me honestly that they serve snacks and drinks and that sort of thing, Because you get in the car and drive for two hours and you don't think anything about it. You know what I'm saying. You're fine, Pack you a little trail mix and some water. You're fine, but it's good they do. They still come through with their pretzels or their little cookies. I love those little cookies.
Speaker 2:Those Biscoff cookies.
Speaker 1:But don't make it complicated. You do not need a hot tea when you are flying.
Speaker 2:Oh my Lord, those people.
Speaker 1:It goes back to Chopstick Betty, I believe. I mean I watched this person on the last one. We may have been on this one together, I don't know.
Speaker 2:You were sitting here. I was in the middle seat. Yeah, hot Tea Betty was to my right and she had the personality of a doorknob, do you remember? Yes, we hadn't even talked about this. She was like she looked like she smelled shit the whole time. There's not a nice way to say it. She looked like the biggest prude I've ever, like I was normally. You know, I'm very friendly and I'm like hey, how's it going I? Looked at her and I was like I ain't even going to try, Mm-mm.
Speaker 1:Oh my gosh. Well then she wants a hot tea. A hot tea, and it takes like five trips for the flight attendant. She had to go get the hot tea, then she had to get this, then she had to pick out the tea. It was just a whole damn ordeal and no one's got time for that. We're already packed in like sardines. The person next to you wants their damn Diet Coke? Oh my gosh.
Speaker 2:This brings up the whole other thing from that flight. Oh my gosh, well, hold on, I don't remember.
Speaker 1:But why, for a two-hour flight, do you need a hot tea? You know what I'm saying Get a water or Coke, or Sprite or Pepsi, whatever they're serving. I just don't understand why you got to make it complicated.
Speaker 2:I get it. If you're on a red-eye and you're waking up and you get a coffee, yeah I get that. And, honestly, if you want to be that attended to get your ass in first class, that's right.
Speaker 1:I mean when we obviously were not.
Speaker 2:We were not. But if we fly West Coast, we're going to be in first class. If we fly to Hawaii or Europe, I'm going to be in first class, daniel and I flew, and it actually was not bad.
Speaker 1:We flew in just regular coach, did you. We may have been in the, like the middle, yeah, where it was a little more room than the back. Well, it depends on the.
Speaker 2:You know, some flights to Europe are a lot shorter than flying to Hawaii. Yeah, so it really just depends on the time. So the other thing I was going to bring up is remember when we were flying to Dallas, you were in the middle and I was on the end that time so I could see up the aisle, uh-huh, and this older lady was sitting up there and just I wasn't listen, I was bored. I don't know what this is. You see what people order, oh yeah.
Speaker 1:Listen I was bored.
Speaker 2:You see what people order. Oh yeah, and she got a tomato or a V8.
Speaker 1:Oh, you did, you meant to tell me. You said I got to tell you what this lady ordered, she got a V8. Uh-huh.
Speaker 2:And that always puzzles me, because I love, love, love tomato soup, but I do not like V8 and I do not like a Bloody Mary and everybody is always like, well, if you like tomato soup, you'll love that, and that's a lie. So it always interests me when people order that. So I was just kind of sitting there and then they offered her the Biscoff cookies.
Speaker 1:Oh, the cinnamony. I love those. She was dipping them in the V8.
Speaker 2:No what, yes what? And I thought I'm not seeing that correctly, so I stared to see if that I said. Well, you know, maybe she switched drinks or something.
Speaker 1:Yeah, no, no. So Biscoff cookies Dipped in.
Speaker 2:V8. Cold V8., cold V8. Have y'all ever heard of that?
Speaker 1:Is that something you've tried? We should try. Well, we don't? I'm not trying that, because I don't like V being Neither one of us is going to try that. We might get Daniel to try it, he'll eat anything.
Speaker 2:He's like Mikey He'll eat anything.
Speaker 1:I told him the other day. I said I think I should start doing reels, reproducing his snacks that he comes in and makes. You would not believe He'll laugh. You would not believe the snack combinations that he puts together.
Speaker 2:And he is not of French descent? I don't think at all. No, but he should be, because he I'm convinced this is true I think he could eat a piece of bark. He would dip it in hot sauce, some ranch sauce, some of this sauce, all at the same time. All at the same time, doesn't matter how messy it gets. Oh, no Just sauce and eat it? Yes, Absolutely. I've never seen, and I'm a sauce person too. I'm a sauce person.
Speaker 1:I'm not a sauce person. I mean, I like sauces, but not like that.
Speaker 2:Well, I don't know a soul on earth that eats like that.
Speaker 1:I mean he loves sauces I need to do a video and put it in the members only. I won't do it before this one, but one day I need to collectively do it over like three weeks or something. He will come in for lunch and he'll get the chip crumbs out of a chip bag and pour those in a bowl and then he will pour three types of sauces on there. Throw some cheese on it, it would tear my Sriracha Love. Sriracha, he is a huckster, you can go down.
Speaker 2:I can go down there in your refrigerator right now and I know there's at least six or seven different sauces.
Speaker 1:Oh, yes, he lives on sauces, it is. But the combinations that he does, oh, it doesn't matter, it's just you throw them all there and mmm, mmm and what he puts is I'm literally going to have to document.
Speaker 2:He'll eat it on crackers chips vegetables, bread, it doesn't matter it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter it. I've never seen anybody that loved and listen, I love me a sauce too. I just usually don't have like four different ones at a time yeah, and he'll go through it, he'll go through a bottle like oh yeah, I've brought home, like the dr pete's sauces.
Speaker 1:You know the um we had whatever the glaze and the mustard one, and we have them all on our website in the um. Captain rodney, I mean, a bottle it lasts like two days and gone. That's what we laugh about. He's like, well, that was like a thousand calories in sauce. I mean he knows that it's funny, it's just mind-boggling. But maybe she's one of those people.
Speaker 2:He has a stomach of steel too. I have never I mean I've known him over 15 years I have never known him to get an upset stomach from anything he's eaten. No, I've never known him to get food poisoning.
Speaker 1:Uh-uh.
Speaker 2:Nothing. Uh-uh, and I have seen him with my own eyes. I have seen like at night we would eat pizza Uh-huh, and I'm talking pizza with meats on it, uh-huh. It would sit out all night on the counter. You know, because that people listen, we all, we all do that from time to time. He would get up the next day at noon and it would just be sitting there. I would never eat that.
Speaker 1:Well, I'm not going to eat something if the container gets too messy.
Speaker 2:I'm one of those people. If food poisoning is in the vicinity, I get it. I won't eat it, he eats it and it's like oh yeah, that was great.
Speaker 1:He's like what, it's fine, it's fine.
Speaker 2:Does it bother him?
Speaker 1:No, not at all. I throw things away and he's like you are so wasteful, it is so fine, I'm like well, I'm not.
Speaker 2:He'll eat things out of date.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he's like you know what's the funny thing about him Out of all of this conversation that we had, and it is not exaggerated and he will come on here and tell you we're telling the truth.
Speaker 1:We'll come on here and tell you. We're telling the truth. You know what grosses him out is. You know, because he doesn't get grossed out by food or whatever is, we'll eat a lot of yogurt. In the water that develops on a yogurt, he's like that grosses me out and he pours it off instead of like stirring it back in there.
Speaker 2:You know how. It's just part of the yogurt, it's just.
Speaker 1:I'm like that's out of all the things that you eat and the combos and the.
Speaker 2:Kind of grosses me out too, but I just stir it up real quick. That's what I do. I mean, you don't, I don't eat it, I just stir it up. Yeah, because I'm like it's just the cold, it's just separated.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's what I do, or like sour cream or something. I just stir it up a bit. He pours it off in the sink and then stirs it up. Out of all the things, though.
Speaker 2:Nothing else bothers him. He's the kind of person and I mean I'm not knocking it at all, i'm- actually I'm jealous of it.
Speaker 1:He literally would be like oh, this chicken's been in here for like two weeks raw. You think it's fine? I think it's fine, I'm like I don't think so it's fine.
Speaker 2:And he never gets sick. He's the kind that would go to China and they would be like, oh, this is bird's nest soup, you know, made from a bird's nest. And he'd be like, yeah, I'll try it.
Speaker 1:And I would be like. I'll starve to death I will not eat and I would be like I'll starve to death.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I will not eat that. He would be like I'll try it. He'd probably like it. Yeah, I think he could go on Survivor or something. You know how they have to eat all that crazy. Oh yeah, he would be fine.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I would starve to death. I'm trying to think if he would get. I don't know.
Speaker 2:About bugs.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like if he would get grossed out by food. I don't know if he would or not let's start doing, but if he was forced to eat it it wouldn't make him sick.
Speaker 2:I know that part. Let's do some segments for Instagram. Seriously, what will Daniel eat? And we'll come up with stuff and be like here. We made this for you.
Speaker 1:Oh, he comes up with his own stuff. We can just say look what Daniel's eating. That's all it's got to be. It is bizarre the stuff that he will throw in a bowl. I mean, he's living, don't knock it until you try it If that's what makes you happy. But that goes back to that lady. Maybe she just likes, maybe she's a dipper that likes dipping stuff in her drinks. No, you know, it's like the people who dip their fries in their Frosty or in their milkshake. Were you one of those people?
Speaker 2:Mm-mm, mm-mm, I'm not mixing my food like that. I mean I would. I guess that grossed me out, but I don't. But you know, 30 years in McDonald's I've mixed a few things. Like my favorite thing on earth. If I get McDonald's fries I want mayonnaise and ketchup mixed together.
Speaker 1:Well, I don't think that's that, I don't know. I mean because they put mayonnaise and ketchup on burgers and stuff together.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's so good.
Speaker 1:I'm not a mayonnaise person, but that's not as odd. I mean, daniel would do mayonnaise ketchup and six other condiments. Well, I mean you know it is what it is. I guess you can say I guess, well, this might top the podcast for most random conversations of all.
Speaker 1:I mean, you really were driving around, I know we went from fart days to sauces and everything in between, including litter box pooping. But anyway, it's time to wrap up this episode of who's Driving. We'll be back next week for another episode. Remember to join our members only community. Don't miss out. You can join it at whosedrivingpodcastcom. You can also get to it by going to wesleyturnerlivingcom. Check out my new website. I'm doing blog posts there pretty much every day that I post a real. I'm doing a blog post there as well. That kind of expands on that. So that's a lot of a lot of fun as well. Remember, if you're listening to our podcast, you can leave us a review. It helps us so much and we definitely appreciate you being here and listening and helping us kick our third season off so well already and we're keeping it going, I know. And now videos and all kinds of fun.
Speaker 2:Before you know it, we're going to say and today's sponsor is, yeah, today's sponsor.
Speaker 1:We're going to have to start sponsoring ourselves. Today's sponsor is the Nested Fig. Visit thenestedfigcom for all your home decor and seasonal decor. Seriously, we'll see you next time. Thanks guys, bye y'all.