Who's Driving

Who's Driving- Why You Shouldn’t Order the ‘Land, Air, and Sea’ Big Mac S3E4

Wesley Turner Season 3 Episode 4

Join Wesley and Steven for an entertaining ride as they navigate the ups and downs (Steven's gross sense of humor) of friendship and business. From sourdough bread-making to the realities of weight loss drugs, they share laughs and lessons learned along the way. 

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Speaker 1:

It's time I'm here. I had a little trouble getting it started, but I'm here. I'm here, I'm ready to go. It's time for another episode of who's Driving. Welcome to who's Driving. I'm Wesley Turner.

Speaker 2:

And I'm Stephen Merck. We're two best friends and entrepreneurs.

Speaker 1:

Who's Driving is an entertaining look into the behind the scenes of our lives, friendship and business.

Speaker 2:

These are the stories we share and topics we discuss, as two best friends would on a long road trip.

Speaker 1:

Along the way, we'll check in with friends and offer a wide range of informative topics centered around running small businesses, social media and all things home and garden.

Speaker 2:

Buckle up and enjoy the ride.

Speaker 1:

You never know who's driving or where we're headed. All we know is it's always a fun ride. Oh, we're back Another week.

Speaker 2:

I know, but I got here, Listen y'all. I got here over like an hour and a half ago, mm-hmm, and I got drug into a free design consult here. Okay, yeah, yeah, whatever I didn't mentally prepare for it, but I think we did good. We did do good. We were talking about a few things we did.

Speaker 1:

Some product development. Yes, I fed you some of my amazing sourdough bread.

Speaker 2:

I have to say that that is so good. I mean, it was good.

Speaker 1:

I'm thinking about doing a little like mini online workshop, because people make it really overcomplicated sometimes and I have a good, I feel like bread is.

Speaker 2:

you know, it's such a big thing right now. It is, it is, and then you know you're always looking online and you're seeing where somebody has taken, bought bread and kept it and watched how it doesn't grow mold.

Speaker 1:

I know it's kind of, and it is kind of crazy. I think you talked about it like a year ago or longer, like, oh, everyone's into bread again.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I feel like even now it's even more popular, but it is a skill that everyone should know how to do, like you should know how to make your own bread, because you never know when you might need it.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's a basic. Yeah, it's a very basic thing it is, but it's so easy. I mean, if I can do it, anybody can do it, it's true, and it's so good and I feel like it's better for you. I know bread is not health food by any means, but I think it's better than buying store-bought.

Speaker 1:

Right, right, yeah, for sure. I've gone through about five loaves in the last week, so I guess I'm going the wrong direction.

Speaker 2:

You know you always joke. I'm not going to call out the specific drugs, but you know you always talk about going on the shot, like all these other people, to lose your weight, like all the celebrities.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And I told you no, no, no, no, no. So now, so I'd had one friend. You know, and I consider a friend someone that's in my cell phone, their numbers in my cell phone. You know, and I consider a friend someone that's in my cell phone, their number's in my cell phone. You know that took one of those drugs and spent four months in ICU, almost died. And last week, unfortunately, my second friend, even closer friend, is still not out of the woods yet is in ICU in Greenville. Oh, took it for two days.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh it like, it's just not worth it to me.

Speaker 2:

But you know, if you are a type 2 diabetic and I'm not a doctor y'all, so this is just Stephen's opinion. But if I had type 2 diabetes and they thought it would help, I would take it. But knowing what I know now from two different friends, two different scenarios, I wouldn't risk it.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it's so hard. Okay, first of all, I think you have to look at how overweight you are. I joke about it and I know I'm not that overweight. I just need some fine-tuning.

Speaker 2:

You have to look at the health risk Right Benefits of it and the negatives.

Speaker 1:

There are huge benefits to those who really need it, you know, and that sort of thing. So I think that's where you know everything can be abused and shouldn't be it can If you. You know, like me, I just need to go to the gym for a few weeks and I'll be back If you're 20 pounds overweight don't do that Right. It's not worth the risk is what you're saying.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no.

Speaker 1:

I know, but I always joke about it. Let me suck in, because you can see my gut when I'm sitting here.

Speaker 2:

I didn't do much yesterday at all, but you know we have a trip coming up to South Beach, miami, in March. We're leaving on my birthday, on your birthday, on my birthday, will you be?

Speaker 1:

back before my birthday. Yes, okay, bring me something, okay.

Speaker 2:

And I was like, oh my gosh, we had not booked our flights. Yeah, and I'm going to be honest, I know, statistically it's very safe to fly, but you know there's been a lot of mishaps lately there have been, and it's you know. I think it's completely unrelated, different things Right, but it's just that it's all happened.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's also one of those things, if you ever notice when there's something like this, it's all happened it. Well, it's also one of those things, if you ever notice when there's something like this, it's a major event that it becomes hyper focused on by the media social media, I mean, I'm not blaming, it, just becomes more noticed. It's kind of like have you ever gotten a new car and then you notice everyone has that same car. You know you never noticed it before and then you get it. It's because it becomes a hyper focused thing. Well, I Googled.

Speaker 2:

I Googled, yeah, I Googled plane crashes.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

There's a lot more than people realize per year.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there are. I mean with general aviation, yeah.

Speaker 2:

People don't necessarily die Right, but there are numerous.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but it's one of those things that's not really reported on our news. I mean, it is when it's a commercial airline, but then it becomes, like I said, hyper focused of it, so then you hear a lot more of it.

Speaker 2:

But anyway, well, you know, I have a friend from high school. Ironically that works. I mean, this is so random, but we started talking about it at my last reunion. She works in federal aviation litigation, uh-huh, and I thought that was so interesting and I said aviation litigation, is it that big of a thing, like for you to like have work? And she was like oh my gosh.

Speaker 1:

Yes, Well, you know, people sue for everything, but it's mainly crashes.

Speaker 2:

But basically what you need to know is, statistically speaking, do not get on a helicopter in Alaska and do not get on a helicopter in Hawaii, and you're good. Oh, statistically speaking, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Because Alaska and Hawaii evidently have the most accidents, but to counteract that they probably have so much more in the way of helicopter flights and than anywhere else.

Speaker 2:

Exactly so of course they're going to have a higher level of I think you know we're Dylan and I are going to Kauai in um August and I haven't been in over 20 years. He's never been. I think we may do a helicopter tour because everyone is saying you know how great they are.

Speaker 1:

You are getting your wheel updated. I am I sign it Wednesday. Can you make sure I'm still in it? Yeah, you're good.

Speaker 2:

You were in the old and the new.

Speaker 1:

Okay, because here's the thing. I wouldn't have to have anybody do a podcast with it would throw you for a loop. Make fun of on Instagram.

Speaker 2:

Do live sales with You'd have to recruit somebody.

Speaker 1:

It's going to take me a while to get back on my feet, so I want to make sure I'm taken care of, gosh, isn't that?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I need to get a life insurance policy on you. We really do.

Speaker 2:

No, we need to do that, we do. But the funny thing, not funny, ha-ha, the ironic thing my very first trip. You know I've been hawaii many, many, many, many times because I was obsessed with it rub it in.

Speaker 2:

Still am a little bit, but you know I didn't go for 20 years but I, for many years, I went twice a year. Yeah, well, the very first trip was to kawaii and you know, my country ass wanted to get on a helicopter because, first of all, I've always loved flying and I'm not fearful of it. Right, and would you believe that very first trip I was there, very first time, like literally planning to do it, one of the damn things crashed, oh, my god, it was so bad because it was a whole family.

Speaker 2:

It was like like the grandparents and parents and kids and they had split up into two helicopters and one came back and one didn't, and that just ruins a damn trip for everybody. So I mean, I was like well, Guess I'll set this helicopter around. Kind of killed the mood. I mean, isn't that?

Speaker 1:

terrible. It is horrible, you know. I have to say, though, with this I'm getting back the bug to finish getting my private pilot license. Well, I need to get started on mine. I want to do it this like later spring summer. I think we're getting. I feel, business-wise, we're getting a little more in our groove after moving.

Speaker 2:

Everything's settling down.

Speaker 1:

You don't realize how long that takes to get back in the groove. You know we moved warehouses last March. That was like a year-long project, start to finish, and then you know and getting a new routine and all of that, but anyway, so now I'm like, okay, I'm going to make time to do it.

Speaker 2:

So I was last night, you know yeah back around too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I, you know, I'm all about the points.

Speaker 2:

Oh too, yeah, you know, I'm all about the points. Oh yeah, and I had, a couple years ago, had taken out a credit card for American Airlines because I've got Delta covered on one credit card. I've got Marriott covered on one credit card. I've got Amex points, but I didn't really have an American Airlines. So I said, well, we're going to get one and that's kind of our household credit card. You know Dylan loves to run that one up but, that's another story.

Speaker 2:

So I you know, but I really never used, I never booked. I don't think I've ever booked American in my life, yeah, other than through American Express travel, yeah. So that was a whole.

Speaker 1:

Whole nother thing. Mm, hmm, mm hmm.

Speaker 2:

So I went in and I booked us first class. Mm, hmm, I was like it's my birthday, yes, and I was like we're going first class. I said I got some points yeah, didn't cover nothing I was going, it was so expensive. Like I was going, it was going to take all of our points and I was going to have to pay like twelve hundred dollars more yeah for the two of us and I'm like, and it's such a short flight to florida and I was like this was, I was back on hawaii I was like this was to florida.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I was like so I booked it through points and it ended up costing us 22 and it only took like 40 000 points american airlines points on that credit card. What was going going?

Speaker 1:

to cost $1,200 if you just bought it outright.

Speaker 2:

No To fly first class. The difference I was going to have to pay.

Speaker 1:

So you booked it with points, but not first class.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I changed it so you're getting back there in the back with it.

Speaker 1:

We're in low class now Back there in the back where we're used to going.

Speaker 2:

Dylan was really happy and then I was like, oh, we're not first, we're low class. Now yeah, because I'm just not paying.

Speaker 1:

That like that's a lot you should have gone over to like spirit airlines and then you could have gotten the their first class. One of them is called like the big seat or something I can't remember what it's called um, and it's like it's like a first class seat. But there's the big seat or something I can't remember what it's called um, and it's like it's like a first class seat but there's no other perks or something honestly okay, you're only going to.

Speaker 2:

It's probably not even two hours east coast. I could care less like if it's a two less than a three hour flight. I really don Okay.

Speaker 1:

Do you have a direct flight? I couldn't do it.

Speaker 2:

I had to get up at the break of dawn for direct yeah.

Speaker 1:

So let me tell you a little tip that I have learned. This may not work for everyone, but if you're having a layover, like for us in Greenville, we typically have layovers either in Charlotte or Atlanta, because those are the two big hubs out of Greenville Charlotte or Atlanta, because those are the two big hubs out of Greenville. Well, usually when you go to check in or like you know on the app or however, like 24 hours in advance, it say you can upgrade to first class, but it will only be like from Greenville to Charlotte or Greenville to Atlanta. It's that first leg. Well, I mean, it's a tiny plane and there is no first class, but it'll only be like $25 or $30. But when you do that, it gets your bags checked for free because you're doing first class and it gets you priority on both legs.

Speaker 2:

So we still get to check in, so it's worth it to do that.

Speaker 1:

It's worth it to do it if it you know to cover the bags. If it's not, you know they do it different prices every time. But if it gives you the option and the price is going to offset the bag cost, it makes sense.

Speaker 2:

Well, back in the day, my ex the only good thing about, the only thing I miss about him is travel points. Oh, that's mean I shouldn't say that, but it's kind of true. I would be flying somewhere. I don't know if I ever would. I don't think it was with you. I know I took my friend Josh on a trip and I would get to the airport. Well, my ex's business was married to Delta Airlines, so we knew all of the like, the manager. We knew everybody in the airport.

Speaker 2:

Well, I would get there at the gate and, like the gate agent would know, would be like, oh my gosh, how are you? And I'm like good and talking. And she's like where are you headed? Oh, it was usually New York. And she was like oh, where are you sitting? I'm like, oh, I'm in coach. Yeah, she's like let me see what I can do. And she'd you know, get on there. And she'd say I got you in first class.

Speaker 1:

That's a nice, that's a nice perk. And the heifer retired. I've never gotten upgraded, like people say you can go ask or you know, or you know, smile and get upgraded.

Speaker 2:

I've never gotten upgraded. That's the only time I got ever.

Speaker 1:

One time I paid for it was my 40th birthday. I paid the high price for us to fly first class. We were going to Vegas, I think you and that damn water bottle.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, don't pick on that. That's good for my health.

Speaker 1:

Can you not just put no ice in it? It keeps it cold forever. We don't need to hear the ice rattling.

Speaker 2:

I just like my water cold and it burns more calories, don't worry about it.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, we got there and they had downgraded us after paying it. You were with me.

Speaker 2:

Y'all. She had a meltdown.

Speaker 1:

I was livid because I knew they had given it away to someone. You don't overbook first class. The funny thing is I think it was just me that got downgraded right Out of the four of us. Yeah, all four were supposed to be in first class and everyone else had their seat, except for me, the one.

Speaker 2:

Well, the funny thing is is it came out like one of us. Like it came out, one of us had lost yeah, our first class seat and we were all like, oh God, who is it? Yeah, and Wesley was at first. He was like, oh well, you know it'll be fine. And then it was him.

Speaker 1:

I was pissed, and then Dylan got it.

Speaker 2:

Then Dylan got bummed.

Speaker 1:

But then we all got into first class. Somehow they went on the plane and asked, I guess, people to volunteer.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we were like no, we paid. Yeah, so whoever didn't pay can move their ass out of that seat, because you know it wasn't an upgrade. It was a paid seat.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it wasn't an upgrade and it wasn't even points. I don't think at the time it was paid, yeah, so anyway so yeah, we, that's too funny.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean that's just, I would listen when I pay. I bet I better have it. I better have it any damn way.

Speaker 1:

So do you have any plans when you go to South beach?

Speaker 2:

No, I have not been. I have had a big X on South Beach for 25 years.

Speaker 1:

You mentioned that because you got food poisoning.

Speaker 2:

I think you mentioned that here on the podcast, so I have not wanted to go, but I was trying to think of a trip that we could do and not cold. Everything was cold, like in March. I there was, everything was booked up in February and then everything was cold weather, which I'm okay with, but Dylan not so much. So I was like, yeah, so you just, I'm just going to go and have a better attitude and you know, the only thing I really want to do is I want to go have either coffee and dessert or dinner or something at the Versace mansion dinner or something at the Versace mansion.

Speaker 1:

Well, there should be some good bougie shopping there, which I know you both will love. Yeah, and it's your first look. Yeah, I want you to do a on the podcast, since we now have the video version in our members only community. I want to show and tell when you get back from South Beach. We're going to have Dylan on, because he'll have some things to show and tell too.

Speaker 2:

Well, he got birthday money and Valentine's money for shopping, so he's got money put back.

Speaker 1:

He's got burn in a hole.

Speaker 2:

But here's the funny thing with him is he has started really he focuses on buying pre-loved, pre-owned luxury items just because it's so much cheaper.

Speaker 1:

I know he needs to start a little market.

Speaker 2:

Well, I think we're going to call it the Nested Fig Lux. I was thinking through this. I think it's going to be the Nested Fig Lux and I did some investigating like how we can get quality, great quality, authentic figs, luxury, luxury items you know, we're gonna start uh, you know first with, like bags and yeah and things like that.

Speaker 2:

A little pop-up get started and then we'll build it from there yeah, I don't want to get into um jewelry until much later yeah and and that's gonna require, like, some education, right, you know, because you've got to really go Well once you get in it and get discovered.

Speaker 1:

But I think that would be, I think you would be good.

Speaker 2:

A gemologist? Yeah, Because we looked into. We've looked into everything about it and it's amazing Like people think. So I had a friend reach out to me this past week and she said I bought a pre-loved Chanel bag and I think I got ripped off.

Speaker 2:

And I'm like, okay, tell me the story and let's work through this, because you probably didn't, but you may have. So we worked through it. It's fine. Okay, got dylan to authenticate. I was like you know, I was like I just I can't call this when, so I'm gonna have to pull dylan just to make sure, get him in here and see, because he's good at that.

Speaker 1:

He knows all the details of. I don't know how he has learned all that.

Speaker 2:

Everything. You know how I know when it's at the Gucci store or Chanel store. That's how I know, right, but it's just amazing to me. I think what boggles everybody's mind is that there are people out there that spend this gross amount of money, you know. I mean mean ten thousand dollars on some chanel handbags, yeah, and they're like I don't want it, and then they just get rid of it, sell it, sell it off for a fraction of the money yeah, and it's like the connection.

Speaker 1:

You need it.

Speaker 2:

It is then you can sell it, it is and what it. What it all comes down to is a lot of uh southeast asia and uh europe, different parts of europe, you know, mainly in other countries, just where there's extreme wealthy people. You can get just great bags, you know, and you can look at them and and see if they've ever been carried. I mean, you want to see something right, that's true. But you know, some of those bags are trimmed in 14 karat gold. So I mean, it's a, it's you way too bougie for me.

Speaker 1:

Well, you know, but you know to each their own, whatever you know. So we just got back from Florida, your.

Speaker 2:

Florida house. I know how's my house your house is still great.

Speaker 1:

We tidied up while we were there, so we had a great time. Though Daniel had started getting a little cold the last few days and I was like, oh please don't let it turn into like the flu or something, but he's fine. I think it was just sinuses. While we were there, all of their pollen started dropping and so I think he just got like a little sinus infection or something. But the house is good.

Speaker 2:

I looked in on the camera. It looked pretty.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you did the front yard. Did you see me out there?

Speaker 2:

No, I didn't see you out there.

Speaker 1:

We have a camera that shows the front yard. I like to look in. You can't see, like. If you're staying there you can't see anything except for like who walks up on the walkway or whatever. But I look in sometimes just to see the weather when it's sunny.

Speaker 2:

I do too, like you're, in storms. That's the value. The only time I look is mainly to see weather. Yeah, and I have seen, I think the whole time. I think I've seen one guest, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Just walking up from the car I look before too to make sure like the cleaning people have come, because I can see them come in and out. The reason why we got the camera well, it's fun to look in when we're here to see the palm trees and stuff. But I guess it was a year ago when I went in January. We went for like almost two weeks last January year, before this one, and then we went back in February for two weeks. Well, we only had like one person or two stay in between times and I knew things I had done and I was like it seems a little too, kind of not that anything was messed up, but it just seemed a little more used. I don't know how to explain it. We had an anonymous guest used.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how to explain it. We had an anonymous guest. Yes, things just seemed a little more not our normal. You know, we can go six months sometime. You know I won't go back until August and I'll know like, oh, there's been people here, but it's still. It just seemed a little ragged Off Off. Not ragged, but just something off. So I had to call and get a key report. Ragged but just something off. So I had to call and get a key report and, sure enough, they never admitted who or what. But they were like, yeah, we do see some excessive.

Speaker 2:

I think they said something we'll change the codes and take care of that. I was like well, I'm putting up the camera and I'm going to see.

Speaker 1:

So if there's any time, like off season, when there's long periods where there shouldn't be people coming in, then I try to like go back like every week I'll go and see, like because it only will record if it captures, you know, motion or something. So I'll just scan through real quick and be like who's, has anyone come up on the porch?

Speaker 2:

or something like that well, and it picks up like people walking their dogs, yeah some. And the only time I look at it on the regular is like during a hurricane.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I'm like, oh, I still have a house.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that's it. So if you're renting our house, we do not have cameras inside the house, we I have nightmares about what goes on in that house without seeing it live feed. So do not worry, there will never be cameras in that house, because I I don't want to see.

Speaker 1:

And first of all, I think it's crazy that you can, I guess, some places legally I don't know because, like I'm, like you, I don't care. You can in, like the common area, have cameras.

Speaker 2:

That is.

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't A never you can in like the common area, have cameras, that is. I would A never stay somewhere. That did that and B that is so weird.

Speaker 2:

Like why are you doing that? It's very weird.

Speaker 1:

And it's weird because it really doesn't, from the host standpoint, do like we know. If you damaged the house because it wasn't damaged, and it was damaged, so I don't know, I've had guests ask me about Hilton Head, Do you have cameras?

Speaker 2:

And I respond are you kidding me? I have nightmares without having cameras. I don't want to know what goes on there. It's true.

Speaker 1:

I really don't, and like our cleaning company at the Florida house, they do, they take pictures when they're done cleaning it and then you know, so you can see. So anyway, yeah, I don't.

Speaker 2:

I think it's people that do personally, I think the people that do that it's a little shady.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so we had a great time. Thanks for asking. Did you miss me?

Speaker 2:

Honestly, I didn't, but not in a bad way. I was busy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you were busy.

Speaker 2:

It was Valentine's week, yeah it was so out of the ordinary, you know, having Valentine's, and I usually do Valentine's without you. Yeah, because I started leaving town on Valentine's Day, which honestly, we don't need that many cooks in the kitchen, yeah, and so it just flew by.

Speaker 1:

You know, by the time I missed you, you were home and you took a little trip to atlanta and we were in contact. So it wasn't like you were. Yeah, whatever, but we got it all ready for the spring season. We touched up paint, we replaced fans, we hilton had booking up oh yours is yeah, I have to look at. I feel like I haven't gotten as many rentals. I have summer rentals. I don't have as many like spring rentals. I don't feel like I need to go down there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's, I need to go bad.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean it's renting nicely. I'm not going to complain. But I haven't noticed like Well notice like.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's not like an influx. The condo is not up to my standards right now, but it just will take me going down for five days. Yeah, and it will be. We need to do that scene.

Speaker 1:

I called the guy that you told me I want to get ours painted. I don't know why we're just sitting here talking about this, but whatever, um, I want to get ours painted. These are the things you have to do, you know, because we it's been since we've touched up, but it's been nine years since 2015, right Almost 10, almost 10 years that we had the whole thing painted.

Speaker 1:

So I'm ready to get the whole thing painted. I've called your guy that you told me twice with no response. So I guess I'm going to have to he's great. Well, he ain't great if he don't call you back, but he was so good.

Speaker 2:

Well, you saw what he did. I know my other condo Facebook friends with him. I'll reach out this week. You do that.

Speaker 1:

You do that and get it in for me. So while we were gone we had a couple of podcast posts, but I got the funniest remarks on the one I know this was like two weeks ago but where we were talking about the Christmas trees and your aunt and my step-mom.

Speaker 2:

What I got, a few I got a few comments too. And I was like, first I was confused, yeah, and. And then I was like, oh, I was like, well, we don't really care for them, yes, and. And then I was like, oh, I was like, well, we don't really care for them.

Speaker 1:

Yes, so okay. A lot of I would say 95% of the people were laughing and really got our humor. And then there were a few people that were like I can't believe you would talk about them like that or whatever, and I'm like, okay, okay you just don't know we won't go into the background, not on this episode, maybe we'll get in there one day.

Speaker 1:

But like someone said, like oh, you should. I don't know, I don't know what they said, but like talk nicer about them or something, and I was like like when you're a bitch, that is what I responded, I talk about you.

Speaker 2:

And I will say this I have you and I both have came a long way in, like there's total forgiveness, but just zero forgetting and zero use for them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and my stepmom's not my stepmom anymore. I mean, my dad died when I was 16.

Speaker 2:

Accidentally and I haven't, I'll leave it at that.

Speaker 1:

So that was almost 30. No, Would that be almost 30 years ago. I mean like 28 years ago oh my gosh, that's so crazy, but it's been that long anyway, so that that's why we could laugh about them. Yeah, and we will continue.

Speaker 2:

And basically both individuals, my aunt, his stepmom, both individuals were very confused. What was theirs and what was ours? But anyway, but you know, it is what it is, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I thought it was funny. But then I got people who was like, oh, I did that too or something. You know it was funny. It was a lot of funny comments there.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, we don't even care if they. It would kind of bring me joy if they listened it, would It'd be funny yeah, and I mean the fact that we can laugh about it too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, call us up, we'll laugh with you.

Speaker 2:

You want to join the podcast? We'll interview you. Yes, we have questions.

Speaker 1:

Lots of questions. It could be a two-part series.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, we have questions for you, ladies.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, I did want to say so. If you haven't listened in a while, you know we. If you haven't listened, we now have the video version of our podcast, and so you can now watch us. I know. Yay for everyone. We're naked.

Speaker 2:

So it's worth it.

Speaker 1:

That's what we should do, oh my gosh, we should do. We should do something funny in the video version, like come in dressed funny that listeners wouldn't even know, so like we could come in. We should come in as Ruby and Darlene and not say anything. Not say anything, but then the people watching have to watch us the whole time. But anyway, if you haven't joined our community, you can do so at whosedrivingpodcastcom and the video version. You pay a monthly fee and it's an online community and you can help support us there. It helps pay for the production costs and all the hosting and all that we talked about all that. But come join us there if you haven't yet.

Speaker 1:

But what I wanted to do was something a little special for those. This is episode four of our season three. So this is our fourth episode of doing the video version and we had so many people jump on and support us from the get go when they didn't even know what they were getting. I want to do a little something special for them. So if you are a paid member of the Members Only community, make sure on this episode, which is episode four I guess you'll be watching it, but look down in the comments I'm going to put a special discount code to our online store, the Nested Fig. That would cover your first month's little subscription fee yes.

Speaker 1:

If you decide to use it for something.

Speaker 2:

So, basically, if you shop, you're going to get your first month's free.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but it's for those and if you haven't signed up yet, go sign up and you can get it. But it'll only be good for like a week, the code, and it's only used one time per customer, but it's just a dollar amount off to cover the cost of the first month. So I thought that was a little something fun, because they just jumped right in. It was like, yeah, we want to do it and signed up.

Speaker 2:

And we like to give back. We love incentives and giving back.

Speaker 1:

Yes, makes it more fun. That's the way we roll.

Speaker 2:

So I have two new icks.

Speaker 1:

Oh, icks, I have lots of icks.

Speaker 2:

Um, and most of them are about you. These are going to be icks for you too, icks.

Speaker 1:

Let's talk about it.

Speaker 2:

And first of all I want to say I am, um, I'm not, you know, I'm not going to call anybody out specifically, but I kind of am. Because, listen, I am not judging how you get your coin, Because- listen, I'm going to get my coin any way I can. We're going to get our coin and I am not judging you getting your coin. All I'm saying is I can't look at it and you know you got your people, obviously everyone has something works for you. Oh, what is it?

Speaker 1:

How is someone getting their coin, and it may be something I want to try, so well, a lot of people.

Speaker 2:

You know a lot of influencers out there. Content creators are monetizing with food and listen y'all. Trapped inside of me is a big fat country woman. Me is a big fat country woman. I love smothered, covered, chunked.

Speaker 1:

Just biscuits and gravy and a whole loaf of bread and some jam.

Speaker 2:

I ain't judging nobody for it, but don't be nasty about it. There are people that do food and its entry. I'm like oh, that looks good. Oh, I might want to try that restaurant. Oh, I didn't know they had that at that restaurant.

Speaker 1:

And then there's gross yeah, so to clarify, you're saying not like making recipes, like these are people that are being paid to go review dishes at like a restaurant or something yes, this is sponsored to go like, yeah, this is, they monetize.

Speaker 2:

yeah, you know, there's different people that go to different restaurants and some of them are cute and funny and I'm like, oh, I didn't know they had that at sonic. Or yeah, I didn't know they had that at chili's, that that actually looks good. I haven't been there in 20 years. I should go. Yeah, yeah. And then there's nasty Okay.

Speaker 1:

And this you bring up the nastiest things to begin with. Okay, Well, I don't know what is in your algorithm.

Speaker 2:

And first of all I do not know where in this particular woman um, it's a woman, it ain't no lady. The positive I can say is she loves McDonald's. She frequents McDonald's. Shame on McDonald's. If you were out there, we used to have a copyright on those sandwiches and you shouldn't even be doing some of these. So did you know there's a Big Mac that's called the Land, land, air and Sea Big Mac? No, it's disgusting. It's got your hamburger meat, it's got a crispy chicken patty on it and it's got a fish patty on it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but here's the thing, because you're we talked about it in the last episode you're a little gullible when it comes to online things, so is this something? She went and ordered A chicken sandwich.

Speaker 2:

A hamburger? No, no, it's what they do with, like McDonald's and Starbucks, it's the TikTok people that make it, and then McDonald's starts making it when you order it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so it's like an off menu. It's a bike yeah, drive up. Now, if I go down the street here from our house, listen.

Speaker 2:

In this country ass place. They're not even going to know what Land, air and Sea is, I owned that one.

Speaker 1:

That's my point. Am I going to pull up down there? Because?

Speaker 2:

I'm not eating land, air or sea, but whatever. Those country-ass people don't even know. They don't know what TikTok is.

Speaker 1:

Yes, they do?

Speaker 2:

I owned that one. Trust me, they don't. So this lady goes to McDonald's here. You got to watch it with me. I'm going to put my readers on, just so I can.

Speaker 1:

Well, turn the volume down and I'll post it in. I'll post the video in the members.

Speaker 2:

Only I can't turn the volume down. You're going to miss Community. Yeah, well, you can put it on there, but you got to.

Speaker 1:

Well then, hold her up to the microphone.

Speaker 2:

You got to hear it too, but look, I can see her let's get it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, let's get it.

Speaker 2:

Oh, what's she eating? Land, air and sea big mac.

Speaker 1:

Oh, she got some sauce all over her. Oh, smacking. Uh-uh, get it, girl. That mac sauce is always going to make it slide. Oh, gross, what'd she say? That sauce Always going to make it slide? Uh-huh, the bun sliding around. Oh my gosh, is that even a thing? I don't know what they doing. Oh, oh, she is licking her fingers.

Speaker 2:

And it's all over her face.

Speaker 1:

Okay, Some of that good good, Some of that good good Girl you have. I don't know why you talked about her. That should be you right there. That is your. That is what you should be doing. That is your Instagram, right there.

Speaker 2:

That is your social media.

Speaker 1:

That is your influencing right there. You need to be smacking on some burgers and sauce Listen.

Speaker 2:

I might eat that way at home. I ain't going to do it on no camera. There's going to be no video evidence, I can promise you. I'm in my kitchen and I'm like damn this good, yeah, this good, and I got my sauces going, but I am not going to have that camera up in my face. You should, licking my fingers with a bandaid on.

Speaker 1:

You do it anyway, and listen, put it out there for the world to see. Here she's got. You're going to have to send me that so I can embed these. Oh, what is that?

Speaker 2:

It's like a three-layer triple filet-o-fish Look at that.

Speaker 1:

Oh lord, three layers of filet-o-fish, which is gross anyway, and just a smacking McDonald's got the best fish y'all we do at McDonald's.

Speaker 2:

Now there's another person like Dakota Wright in Charlotte, north Carolina. He does food reviews. I love watching him. He is hilarious. They're at restaurants. I'm like, oh, I didn't know they had that there. I think I would like to go try that, but not.

Speaker 1:

Okay, first of all, let's back up. Second, she is just sauce dripping and stuff that gross I won't and stuff that like I won't eat it. First of all, I don't eat the meat anymore, but if I used to, would get a burger from nut matter wherever and it was too saucy where it was dripping off I wouldn't eat it. Or I just had to take it home and I'd break it all off and then do it.

Speaker 1:

That's just too much for me. Who had the? Was it Burger King that had the advertisement about the burger and it would be like dripping down their arm and stuff.

Speaker 2:

Listen, I'm going to say something. You give me a burger that's got a little dripping on it. No, I'm good with it, but I don't want it down my arm no Gross sauce.

Speaker 1:

Speaking of sauces and stuff, daniel, hey, daniel, hey. Boo came in last night. I guess he had just listened to last week's episode where we were talking about all of his sauces and mixing snacks and he's like, have you been recording me in my snacks? I said not yet. And he said oh my gosh. And then he said y'all sure did just keep going on and on about it, didn't you? And he was laughing and I was laughing and I was like, was there anything that wasn't true? Would you like to come on the podcast tomorrow when we record and discuss it.

Speaker 1:

Discuss it. Was there anything that you would like to set?

Speaker 2:

straight Did we?

Speaker 1:

misrepresent. That's what I said. He's like no, it was all true, I was like that's right.

Speaker 2:

And again, you know, props to her for making her coin like that. Just could you not like? I mean, she's all with her mouth open and just licking around yeah that, okay. So this is a whole. This is a whole new gross.

Speaker 1:

Okay, this is a different one by the way, your um litter box one last week was fake talking about, was it? Yeah, I, I went back and then it wouldn't even let me bring up the video to embed it in the thing. Well, this is fake, okay, well, what?

Speaker 2:

you got now. I won't play it and you can watch.

Speaker 1:

What is this about? Oh my god, stop. Why are you bringing on? Stop what. We're not even discussing this.

Speaker 2:

No ma'am misinformation about fingernails. It's actually better to keep them in a jar instead of a bag. Every couple weeks I let my nails grow out, bite them off gross and then put them in the jar Gross.

Speaker 1:

Y'all please message Steven and tell him to stop presenting gross things on the podcast. Who does this? Who has that in their Instagram feed? That says something about you. That is because you watch gross things.

Speaker 2:

It was in there with her eating.

Speaker 1:

This food and it was Someone saving their fingernails. Yes, that is gross.

Speaker 2:

But why would you just not Throw it away?

Speaker 1:

What does he do with them? Well, he hasn't done anything. He's been saving them for six years. Is that what it says? No, turn it off with them. Well, he ain't done anything. He's been saving them for six years. Is that what it says? It's very white and clean. No, turn it off. I'm going to throw up. I got to get out of here.

Speaker 2:

We got an emergency landing. I don't know, but why would you?

Speaker 1:

Pull this baby over.

Speaker 2:

I think that's so weird, Like if I went into your house and you had a jar of fingernails.

Speaker 1:

I would be. Oh my gosh, I wish I could get a jar of fingernails and have them sitting on the counter when you came next time.

Speaker 2:

I just think it's so weird, like I just couldn't help but wonder like how just go? You know what I'm gonna save these? Yeah, I don't know, I don't know. I mean, don't you think that's like a mental, do you think? But you know you want, do you watch?

Speaker 1:

that border show? No, because that that's mental too I'm not watching that.

Speaker 2:

some of those, those people pee in bottles and say that, why do you bring?

Speaker 1:

up the worst of the worst. Why is this about you? Why do you do that?

Speaker 2:

I find it just. You don't find that just so weird, but why?

Speaker 1:

does your brain go to that part, when their whole house is just a big cluster, you know what, and they're hoarding other things and you've got to talk about that, like that's the one that fascinates you.

Speaker 2:

But why would you save it? I don't know. I mean, I can see being on a road trip and peeing in a bottle. Okay, I can see that we've all been there.

Speaker 1:

Well, I just had to get out and pee on the side of the road, but you throw it away?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you don't keep it.

Speaker 1:

Well, they're already hoarding, and hoarding is obviously a mental issue, that guy must be some kind of hoarder if he's saving fingernails, yeah. Like I would. I'm so disgusted.

Speaker 2:

Can someone?

Speaker 1:

else come host this with him.

Speaker 2:

If I went home one day and Dylan was saving fingernails in a bottle, I would throw him. I would. He would go flying out the window right after the bottle of nails.

Speaker 1:

That's too funny.

Speaker 2:

I mean, it's kind of just weird.

Speaker 1:

I got a riddle for you. I look down at this and it's just it caught me as a funny one so I have to read it to you. The answer is fingernail.

Speaker 2:

Okay, toenail fingernail. No, okay, toenail.

Speaker 1:

No, okay, okay. What can you hold in your right hand, but never in your left hand?

Speaker 2:

Your right elbow. Your right elbow.

Speaker 1:

Wait, what was the question? I got thrown off from the description. What can you hold in your right hand but never in your left hand? Oh, your left elbow, you can hold that in your right hand.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but you can never in your left.

Speaker 1:

But never in your left. Oh, you can't. The answer is your left hand. Yeah, but your elbow would have been made it better.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I had read that one and it was elbow on something else.

Speaker 1:

Oh well, there you go. You can't hold your elbow or your left hand, but anyway um, it just caught me off guard when I read it the first time, anyway, uh, anyway, it just caught me off guard when I read it the first time, anyway, all right, are you ready to wrap this baby up? Pull this baby over, or you got something else for me. You got another gross, oh God, no, nothing else gross, okay Nothing. What you got, big boy.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't. It is funny, though, what you got, big boy. No, I don't, it is funny, though the gross things do make me go. Why, yeah, I don't know, like I'm always like why, yeah, but I'm so particular, like when I ate some of your bread, which was delicious, I was like no, you you wash hands. That's what he first asked me I'm like didn't have a cat's butt scooting across the counter.

Speaker 1:

No, I said, you may have gotten a little island dust in there because I sanded the kitchen island.

Speaker 2:

And I said it's fine.

Speaker 1:

I breathe brick dust all the time I'm good, I'm good, and actually you wouldn't even got any of that, because I already sealed it up.

Speaker 2:

Dust wouldn't bother me yeah.

Speaker 1:

No, I washed my hands. I didn't put on rubber gloves, because I'm not going to do that, but I did wash my hands. That's great, we've talked about that that's worse, and it was the best bread you've had.

Speaker 2:

It was so good and what was impressive about it and you did this is a new starter with a little different twist. What I liked about it is there was no sour taste in it, and I like sourdough bread, so I like a little, but there's none.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't no.

Speaker 2:

It would be a great sweet bread.

Speaker 1:

Add a little sugar in it, it would be a great sweet bread. Add a little sugar in it. My other recipe, my other bread that I like to make, that my mom's always made, has sugar in it. It's a little bit sweeter. So I like this one because it was a little bit different. But, like I said, I think I'm going to get together a little online workshop for it because it's so good and simple.

Speaker 2:

I think we should do terrariums and instead of use pebbles.

Speaker 1:

We should have fingernails in the bottom, okay. Well, can we start collecting yours and we'll do that and you can design it.

Speaker 2:

You can sell it in a live sale have y'all seriously, if you know anybody that does has some kind of.

Speaker 1:

Or maybe you have some kind of weird something that you want to admit to us. Like you save Do you save hair out of your brush or what have I seen on those shows Like deodorant containers and just random stuff? Let us know, either A in our members-only community but you'll probably be a little too shy to put it in there or on our hotline. Our hotline number is 864-982-5029. Text or call and leave us a voicemail. Let us know what is your oddest thing that you're willing to admit. Like you know, I like to save my whatever.

Speaker 2:

And do you order anything weird at like a fast food chain restaurant?

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, do you have a secret like like, oh, I like to order this, or some kind of weird now I always joke when I do eat mcdonald's and it's.

Speaker 2:

I haven't eaten mcdonald's in gosh.

Speaker 1:

It's probably been a month, but I always got to bring up some damn mcdonald's I like.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's what I I know best. I like what I call surf and turf. You know you go normal. Surf and turf is. You know you might get a filet steak and a lobster tail and a baked potato.

Speaker 1:

Your McDonald's version is fries.

Speaker 2:

It's French fries, a double cheeseburger and a filet of fish. Surf and turf. There you go, but I don't mix it.

Speaker 1:

Who has some weird things. I know we got some weird listeners out there. Oh, if they're listening to this, if they're listening to us and you're our type of people. You've picked up on the weirdness. You got something about you, Something that you.

Speaker 2:

And if you save your toenails or fingernails clippings, I want to interview you. I just want to know why why? What are you doing? When did it?

Speaker 1:

start yeah, I don't know all the things, uh, this week, when you do listen, if you happen to listen early in the week, on tuesday, when it comes out wednesday we are doing a uh, spring fever spring fever extravaganza on the Nested Fig app this week. So we're going to be live a lot this week with some specials and some fun deals, new arrivals, stylings, everything to get you ready for spring. So we're going to start on Monday. Of course, this comes out Tuesday. So Tuesday we plan to do two live sales, if you listen, then, or you can go back and watch them. If you've missed it, you're not watching or listening until Friday. You can go back and watch them and still take advantage. Blooms, bunnies and birds oh yeah, all from the Nested Fig. This week's episode is sponsored by the Nested Fig Shop, the nestedfigcom, and use Big Ten for 10% off. Hell yeah, that's right. It's time to pull this baby over, though we have got to get over there.

Speaker 1:

Speaking of a live, sale we have a live sale, uh, in less than an hour and it takes us 30 minutes to get there. So I think we better pull this baby over and get in our car and head out.

Speaker 2:

We got to go make our coin, or I'm going to be recording myself eating a Big Mac in the car. That's right, that's right.

Speaker 1:

That's right. We got to go make some coins, remember, speaking of coins, give us some of yours and go over to whosedrivingpodcastcom and join our members only community there and you can watch us, you can participate in polls, you can I'll put the clips that Steven talks about in the notes and everything as well All on our all in our members only community. Come have fun with this there and remember, if you're already a member or you sign up this week, make sure you check the description under the video and you are getting a special coupon code that will more than cover your cost of the membership for the first month. Yeah, all right, we'll see you next week. Thanks, guys.

Speaker 2:

Bye y'all.